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阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . What’s a good friend like? One may have different answers to this question at different ages.

When he is very young, he may think a good friend must be together with him all day. And they can share everything together. If his friend doesn’t give him food to eat once, he doesn’t think they are good friends any more. But they will play together happily again very soon.

When he grows older and studies in a middle school, his idea about a good friend changes. He thinks a good friend should be helpful and honest. A good friend should always help him with his lessons. A good friend should come to him when he is sad. And he is always ready to tell everything to his friend. If his friend tells others about his secrets, he may hate the friend.

When he grows up, he may not think it’s necessary for a good friend to be always honest. Everyone has his secrets. If the truth (真相) may hurt the friend, it’s better to keep it secret from him than tell him about it. And he may think a good friend can give him some good advice when he has problems. He comes to understand that he shouldn’t just ask friends for help and that he should also learn to do something for his friends.

1. The writer thinks when a person is very young, ____________.
A.he doesn’t have any friends
B.he has a poor memory
C.he usually likes generous friends
D.he doesn’t want others to share his food
2. We should keep it secrets from our friend when ________.
A.he is very youngB.he grows up
C.he is unhappyD.the truth may hurt him
3. What does a person want to get from his friends when he is in trouble?
4. The passage mainly tells us _____________.
A.what a good friend means for a person at different ages
B.how to keep secrets for our friends
C.how to make friends
D.how important it is to be an honest friend

2 . More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!

Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.

Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers.

Health Benefits of Bicycling:

It helps to prevent heart diseases.

Bicycling helps to control your weight.

A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.

Bicycling can improve your mood (心情).

Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.

Bicycling is healthier than driving.

1. When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may ________.
A.pollute the environment around
B.find something you didn’t notice
C.go everywhere and use a little oil
D.get off your bike and begin to work
2. If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and ________.
A.get out of the carB.take it onto a train
C.put it in your purseD.go on airline websites
3. One of the benefits from bicycling is that ________.
A.you can fold the bicycle
B.you will be friendly to others
C.you will be more relaxed
D.you may get fatter and fatter
4. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.
B.Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes.
C.Riding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood.
D.Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . More and more people around the world are joining in dangerous sports. Some people climbed the highest mountains; some traveled into unknown parts of the world; some sailed small boats across the largest sea. Now some people begin to look for new excitement.
Bungee jumping (蹦极) and motorcycle racing (摩托车赛) are quite dangerous sports. Bungee jumping only lasts for a few minutes or even seconds. You jump from a high place, about 200 meters above the ground, and there is a rubber band (橡胶带子) tied to your legs. When you jump down, the rubber band pulls you up. About 2,000,000 people around the world have tried bungee jumping.
Why do people join in these dangerous sports? Some scientists say that it is because modern life has become safe and it is not interesting. In the past, people lived in danger. They had to go out and look for food, and life was like a fight but was interesting.
Many people think that there is little excitement in life. They live and work in safe places, buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill.
1. People like to join in dangerous sports because _______.
A.they have a lot of free time
B.they can go to the hospital if they are hurt
C.they need excitement
D.they don’t need to look for food
2. _______ is not a dangerous sport.
A.Climbing the highest mountains
B.Playing table tennis
C.Traveling into unknown parts of the world
D.Sailing small boats across the largest sea
3. In bungee jumping, you _______.
A.jump up as high as you can
B.jump down with a rubber band tied to your legs
C.jump down without a rubber band
D.jump to the ground
4. In the past, people lived in danger because _______.
A.the living condition (生存条件) was poor
B.there was no doctor or hospital
C.there were many dangerous animals
D.all of above
5. Which is NOT true?
A.Everyone’s life is interesting.
B.Many people live and work in safe places.
C.Many people buy food in shops.
D.People can go to see the doctors when they become ill.
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .         Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide guests with things like disposable (一次性的) toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don’t have to bring their own. But, if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. They want to ask people to use less disposable things.
        Many disposable things are made of plastic. People throw them away after only using them once. It is a waste of natural resources and is very bad for the environment. Do you know, one Chinese person makes as much as 400kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things. In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down. So the less plastic we throw out, the better the environment will be. So, wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again.
        Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place. Try to do these things in your daily life: Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones. After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again. Do not use paper cups. At your school canteen(食堂), use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.
1. Why do many hotels provide guests with some disposable things?
A.Let their guests be convenient during their travelling.
B.Hope their guests use less disposable things.
C.Wish their guests to save money.
D.Want their guests to use more disposable things.
2. Some Beijing hotels will no longer provide guests with _______.
A.cheap food and drinkB.disposable things
C.good serviceD.free TV programmes
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Many disposable things are made of plastic.
B.Throwing disposable things away is a waste of natural resources.
C.Plastic is very bad for the environment.
D.Plastic breaks down easily.
4. What can we do to make our world a better place at home and school?
A.Use shopping bags made of plastic.
B.Do not throw away paper cups.
C.Use disposable plates, bowls and chopsticks.
D.Do not forget to reuse daily necessities(日用品).
5. We can tell from the story that _________.
A.people don’t like disposable things at all
B.we can’t use paper or plastic bowls at school
C.we should use less plastic things and protect our environment
D.hotels won’t provide disposable things because they want to save money
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . I arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English. So far I have already made a few friends and had some traditional English food there. But after having three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes, I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food, especially my favorite —huo guo. You can't imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students. On the way to the canteen, I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.
To my surprise, when I stepped into the room, I didn't see any sign of huo guo. Where was it?
With many questions in my head, I sat down to have the free meal. After talking with an English girl, I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot. Chinese huo guo is written in two words-hot pot; and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.
Hotpot is made from mutton and onion. On the top are pieces of potatoes. People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat. It takes very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because it's easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.
Hotpot doesn't taste bad. However, I still miss huo guo-hot pot, two words!
1. The writer felt excited when she learnt she would _______.
A.learn English in the UK
B.meet some new friends
C.have hamburgers and potatoes
D.have her favorite food
2. The underlined word "canteen" means a place for people to _______.
A.play sports
B.have parties
C.have food and drink
D.buy books and magazines
3. Hotpot is often prepared for parties because it is_______.
A.very p opularB.quite expensive
C.easy to prepareD.good for health
4. After the free meal, the writer learnt that_______.
A."hotpot" wasn't "hot pot"
B.hotpot took little time to cook
C.hotpot wasn't traditional in the UK
D.the English girl knew little about hotpot
2016-06-29更新 | 168次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016年初中毕业升学考试(山东济宁卷)英语

6 . The human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information than most computers. However, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers don’t forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we don’t usually have to. But everyone can improve their memory if they want to. Here are some suggestions.

◆Try to use new information immediately. For example, if you meet someone who says “Hi! I’m Carlos,” don’t just say “Hello.” Repeat the person’s name. Say “_________”

◆Break a big number into smaller parts. For example, it’s hard to memorize (记忆) 109244153. But if you break it into three parts--109/244/153—it becomes easier.

◆Write out what you need to remember over and over again. This will help you keep it in mind longer, especially for memorizing formulas (公式) or facts.

◆Always review information. If you bring what you’ve learned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. For example, before you go to sleep, it’s a good idea to review the new things you learned that day.

◆Discuss with a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. You can have a discussion about what’s right and what’s wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.

◆Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory. And everyone’s memory gets better if they use it often enough.

All of the suggestions are helpful. If you follow them, you are certain to improve your memory.

1. How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?
2. Which should be put in the blank (空格) in Paragraph 2?
A.Hello, Carlos.B.How do you do?
C.Hello, I am Sophia.D.Glad to meet you!
3. What can help memorize a big number more easily according to the passage?
A.To store it in a computer.
B.To break it into smaller parts.
C.To discuss it with a friend.
D.To review it before you sleep.
4. What does the sentence "Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory” mean?
A.You should tell others about your bad memory.
B.You should believe in other people all the time.
C.You should ask others to improve their memory.
D.You should be confident in your memory ability.
7 . I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. But English is very easy for me. I’m good at it. I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study English.
First, I think an interest in English is very important. When I learned English first, it was fresh for me. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!
Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking whenever I have a question. I must make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand!
Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. They help me understand a lot of things. So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well. And I also write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.
1. Why do some students often “have a headache”?
A.Because they are easy to catch a cold.
B.Because it’s often very cold
C.Because they think English is easy.
D.Because they don’t think English is easy.
2. The writer tells us that we should be ________ in English if we want to learn it well.
3. The sentence “I got a very good mark” means ________.
A.I got a good wayB.I had a good idea
C.I did badly in the examD.I did well in the exam
4. Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?
A.Speaking bravely.B.Writing to foreign friends.
C.Reading aloud.D.Writing English diaries.
2014-11-12更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:2015届山东济宁梁山韶华中学九年级9月月考英语试卷
8 . How often do you use your car? Can you use your car less often? Do you know the following facts in the UK?
—About 50% of all car journeys are just for fun.
—Over 80% people go to work by car.
—25% car journeys are under two miles.
—70% car journeys are under five miles.

Instead of using the car for short journeys, why not walk or ride a bicycle? Walking is the most popular form of exercise—it’s healthy and it can save money. If you work nearby, try walking or cycling instead of driving. Walking your children to school gives them valuable road experience.


Bus companies are using new buses: some run on new fuels which produce less pollution; some have easier access(通路)for disabled and old people. There are special traffic lanes (行车道)to make bus journeys easier. So do something to help solve the pollution problem—let the bus take you to work and your children to school.


All car journeys, long or short, can be hard work. For some trips, it is wiser to take the train. Leave your car at home and walk, cycle or take a bus to and from the station. Train travel is fast, safe and comfortable. Train tickets are not always expensive.

1. How many of car journeys are just for fun in the UK?
A.25%.B.About 50%.
C.70%.D.Over 80%.
2. The writer believes that ________ can give children valuable road experience.
A.walking to schoolB.traveling by train
C.taking new fuel busesD.having car journeys for fun
3. What does the writer think of traveling by train?
9 . Always forgetting your long passwords(密码)? Worried about being hacked(被攻击)?All these worries will soon become history. Scientists have found that upper-casing(大写)your password can help you reduce the chance being hacked.
Usually passwords are six letters or more.However,50 percent of people choose a common word or simple key combination for their password. The most used passwords are 123456, abcdef and abc123. In fact, if your passwords are in lower-case(小写),it will be easily hacked by a hacker. According to a study, it only takes a hacker ten minutes to hack a six-letter password which is in lower-case, but if you make the letter in upper-case, it can take up to ten hours. So if you want to make your account much safer, you should make your password upper-case. Of course, you can also add numbers or symbols to your password. Most of the time a hacker’s computer has to work for 18 days to break a password, but if you choose a nine-letter password that includes numbers and symbols, it can take a hacher’s computer 44,530 years to break it.
1. Scientists have found that your password is much safer for
your account.
2. According to the passage,______is not one of the most used
3. It takes a hacker___to hack a six-letter password which is in
A.10 minutesB.10 hours
C.18 daysD.44,530 years
4. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word is       
A.数字B.符号C.色彩       调料
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.What passwords are.
B.How a password is hacked.
C.How to make your password much safer.
D.Why hackers hack your password.
2012-09-03更新 | 731次组卷 | 1卷引用:2012届山东省邹城市北宿中学初三3月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill.When the doctor see them, they usually ask about their troubles and soon give them a prescription(处方)for some medicine.
Usually, when people feel ill, they go to see their doctors.But when they only have a cold, they don't go to see their doctors.They usually go to the medicine shop to buy some medicine.Only when they are terribly ill, the doctor will go to their houses.In an emergency(紧急), people can call 999 for an ambulance.The ambulance can take them to the hospital very soon.When they are in hospital, their friends or families can go to see them at a certain time, but they can't stay long.
Usually people have to pay for the doctors' prescriptions.And the price is the same for any kind of medicine.But when children, students, old people or people without jobs go to see their doctors, they don't have to pay for their prescription.
1. When people are ill in England, they’ll _________.
A.go to see the doctor nearbyB.go to the medicine shop
C.ask the doctor to their housesD.call 999 for an ambulance
2. If people have a cold, they usually ___________.
A.go to see a doctorB.buy some medicine themselves
C.ask to be in hospitalD.go to the hospital at a certain time
3. What does the underlined words "ambulance" in the second paragraph mean?
4. When people without jobs go to the doctors, they
A.get free (免费的) medical care at home
B.get free prescriptions
C.get free medicine in the hospital
D.get free medicine in the medicine shop
5. Which of the following is not true?
A.If people lost their jobs, they'll get free prescriptions.
B.In an emergency, people can call 999 for help.
C.People can see friends in the hospital at a certain time.
D.All the medicine has the same price in England.
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