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1 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。

Spring is here, and it is time to enjoy West Lake Longjing tea. Usually, we think of workers picking tea leaves by hand. But now, some Longjing tea is being picked by smart tea-picking robots!

In a Hangzhou tea garden, a smart tea-picking robot developed by Zhejiang SciTech University begin to work for the first time. “We took thousands of pictures of new tea buds (芽) and put them into the robot for it to learn. The robot uses an AI model to recognize (识别) the buds it needs to pick,”said Professor Chen Jianneng, Party branch secretary (党支部书记) of the research team. This lets the robot find the right tea buds about 90% of the time.

The robot’s arm pulls and sucks (吸) up the tea buds. These buds are quickly moved into a special box. After the robot collects all the buds from the area it’s working at, it moves the buds from the box to a main box.

The robot was made because there are not enough people to pick tea leaves. In Zhejiang, about 400,000 more pickers are needed now. “Picking is the biggest challenge for the development of the tea industry,” said Professor Wu Chuanyu, who leads the research team.

“Tea-picking robots are a trend (趋势) of the future,” said Wu. About five years from now, the robots will do the job of picking West Lake Longjing tea instead of people, Wu added.

1. Spring is a time to enjoy West Lake Longjing tea.
2. In a Lincang tea garden, some Longjing tea is being picked by robots.
3. The robot uses an AI model to find out the right tea buds it needs to pick.
4. In Zhejiang province, about 40,000 more pickers are needed now.
5. The text mainly talks about robots are created to help pick tea leaves.
2024-05-20更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年云南省昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县联考中考二模英语试题

2 . There once lived a young man who thought himself to be poor. One day he went to a wise man to ask how to become rich. The wise man said, “Young man, you are already rich now.” “But where is my wealth?” the young man asked. “I am always looking for it.”

“It is with you. Your eyes are your wealth. You use them to see this world. You use them to see all the beautiful things in this world. Your feet are your wealth. You can go to any place. Your mouth is your wealth. You can eat all kinds of delicious food…” the wise man said. “You call these wealth? But everyone has them,” the young man said.

“These are wealth. What you have now is not what someone else can luckily have. Are you willing (愿意的) to give your eyes to me? I’m willing to give you a lot of money to exchange for them,” the wise man said.

“No. I’m not going to do so! My eyes are important to me!” the young man said.

Everyone is rich. We should treasure our wealth, and take care of it. We should not overuse (过度使用) it because once it is gone, it is gone forever. Remember it is our wealth that we do not want to lose.

1. The young man always thought he was rich.
2. The wise man thought wealth was with the young man.
3. The young man wanted to exchange his eyes for money.
4. The young man got a lot of wealth from the wise man.
5. The passage tells us that we should treasure what we have.
3 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。

A slow train in Southwest China with its own study room has drawn much attention. The train No. 5609/5610 runs between Chongqing and Xiushan county.

It is a public-welfare (公益的) “slow train”. In some carriages (车厢), some desks and chairs next to the windows take the place of seats in order to turn the carriage into a “study carriage” for passengers in need.

The train No. 5609/5610 is not the only one of this kind. Other “slow trains” have become “study carriages”, too, including No. 5619/5620 and 5633/5634. They run along the Chengdu-Kunming Railway. Students from nearby schools often take the trains between school and home. The trains are their “school buses” and they often use their travel time to finish homework. Many passengers also use their travel time to complete work.

On the train No. Z150, running between Guiyang and Beijing, a “book bar” carriage has been popular with college students. There are nearly 400 universities and colleges in the cities along the line, making the train the top choice for most students from those schools. Since 2015, the train’s dining car has been open for free at night. It provides students with a lending library, free tea and other services. It’s a relaxing place for the students to continue their studies.

1. The main passengers of the “slow train” are those who are busy with work.
2. The seats on No. 5609/5610 are changed into desks and chairs to provide space for learning.
3. No. 5619/5620 connects Chengdu with Chongqing.
4. Students need to pay to study in the dining car of No. Z150 at night.
5. The text mainly talks about special “study trains”.
2024-05-17更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年云南省楚雄彝族自治州楚雄市中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”),并将答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。

Tree-planting Day is the day when some countries widely advertise (宣传) the helpful effects of forests, and encourage people to plant trees. In this way, people can be inspired to plant and love forests, and the environment will be improved. Many countries in the world have set their Tree-planting Day based on their own real situations.

Tree-planting Day is on March 12 every year in China. There are two reasons for it. One is the sunshine, because spring is very warm and good for trees to grow. The other is to memorize SunYat-sen, who is considered the “Father of Modern China” for his role in the events that led to the end of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China. Sun Yat-sen passed away on March 12, 1925. When he was alive, he paid much attention to forests. China takes the death day of Sun Yat-sen as Chinese Tree-planting Day to memorize him. March 12, 2024 is China’s 46th Tree planting Day.

In America, Tree-planting Day is a state festival, so there is no nationwide date, but America will organize tree-planting activities in April or May every year, and even take a day off in some states. The first Tree-planting Day was held on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. People planted over one million trees on that day.

Every year, Cambodia celebrates Tree-planting Day (also called Arbor Day) in each of the twenty-five provinces of the country on July 9, with a tree-planting ceremony attended by the king of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

1. The first paragraph tells of the advantages of forests.
2. March 12 is the date when Sun Yat-sen passed away.
3. Americans planted more than one million trees in April every year.
4. The king of the Kingdom of Cambodia takes Arbor Day seriously.
5. The passage is mainly about Tree-planting Day in different countries.
2024-05-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年云南省曲靖市中考二模英语试题

5 . One day, Tony walked into a restaurant and asked the waiter to offer him a light meal for dinner. Thirty minutes later, a group of three people came in.

To his surprise, the group took their food first. They laughed at Tony because Tony had to wait so long. Tony was unhappy and decided to leave. He told the waiter he didn’t want his food any more, but the waiter said, “The boss (老板) is preparing something special for you by himself. It’ll take more time.”

In fact, the boss was Tony’s old friend. They had long time no see. The boss wanted to give him a surprise, so the boss changed his light meal to a five-star meal for free. The three people were shocked (震惊的) and felt sorry for what they did before.

Some people may laugh at you and talk about how they’re better than you. Don’t worry! You have to wait patiently (耐心地) because yours must be special.

1. Tony waited for his dinner over half an hour.
2. Tony wasn’t surprised the group got food faster.
3. The boss and Tony have known each other before.
4. The three people got the same meal as Tony’s at last.
5. The passage tells us it’s important to be patient in our life.

6 . A spider (蜘蛛) was looking for a place to make his web (网). He wanted to live there eating, drinking and relaxing with pleasure.

Soon, he found a corner of a house and started making his web there. A cat passing by started laughing loudly after seeing him. When the spider saw the cat laughing, he asked, “Why are you laughing?” The cat replied, “Can’t you see how clean this place is? No insects will come here. Who will fall in your web?”

After listening to the cat, the spider stopped and started looking for another place. Then he saw a window and started making his web by it. Then a bird came, and started making fun of him, saying, “How silly of you! A strong wind will blow your web away.”

Hearing the bird’s words, the spider started searching for another place. But the whole day passed quickly. He was tired and hungry.

A dog saw all this and said, “I have been watching you since morning. You just listened to the advice of others and didn’t think on your own, so you didn’t finish your web.” Hearing the dog, the spider realized his problem.

根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的在答题卡上将 “T” 涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将 “F” 涂黑。
1. At first, the spider started making a web at a dirty corner of a house.
2. The bird didn’t think a strong wind would blow away the web.
3. The spider stopped making a web by the window after hearing the bird’s words.
4. There were three animals talking to the spider in the story.
5. This story wants to tell us that we should think by ourselves.
2024-05-16更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西壮族自治区来宾市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
7 . 根据短文内容,判断正误 (正确“T”,错误“F”),并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。

Many scientists find that colors can change people’s feelings. It’s very interesting. Some colors can make people feel relaxed, and some colors can make people feel nervous.

Now, this kind of knowledge (知识) is being used in many places. For example, school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed. It is also good for the students’ eyes. Some books are also green or light blue for the same reason. Restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food, but also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific (科学的) studies. The colour red makes people hungry. Many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls. Soft colors like pink and light blue make people feel relaxed, so they spend more time eating. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to leave. Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat faster.

1. Few scientist find that colors can change people’s feelings.
2. The colour green is good for the students’ eyes.
3. The colour red makes most people feel worried.
4. Loud music is nice because it always makes people want to stay.
5. The passage is mainly about using colors to change feelings.
2024-05-16更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市绥江县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
8 . 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T” ,错误“F”)。

The British Museum is the biggest one in the world. It was built nearly 300 years ago by a doctor, Sir Hans Sloane. The man liked to collect things such as books, drawings, clothes and so on. He also hoped that his children and grandchildren kept his things well and so people would visit them after his death. His wish came true, and the museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died. Later, more antiques (古董) arrived at the museum and more people wanted to visit it.

The museum had a famous round Reading Room. There was something unusual in the room. Cool air came up through small holes in the tables. Hot air flowing under the floor kept readers’ feet warm. Since its opening, many famous people wrote and studied there.

It is open every day of the year, except two holidays (New Year’s Day and Christmas). Entrance (入场) is free. There are lots of special exhibitions and every day there are different films and talks, some of them for children. Small machines tell you about the museum as you walk around it.

So if you are one of the British Museum’s two million tourists this year, don’t try to see it all too quickly. There is a lifetime of looking in the British Museum.

1. People built the British Museum to remember Sir Hans Sloane.
2. The doctor Sir Hans Sloane died in the year of 1753.
3. Tourists can visit the museum on New Year’s Day and Christmas Day.
4. The British Museum is worth spending much time visiting.
5. The text mainly talks about the Reading Room in the British Museum.
2024-05-16更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年云南省昆明市盘龙区中考二模英语试题

9 . Buddy is a 3-year-old foster (收养的) child and his best friend is a cute dog called Reagan. These days they are planning to publish a book to support a foster parent organization.

They do almost everything together, whether it’s taking a bath, enjoying food at the table, sleeping in bed, or playing on swings. Sandi Swiridoff, the little boy’s foster grandmother, told Daily Mail that the true story of Buddy and Reagan needed to be told.

“Here are some wonderful photos of them which show their close relationship. Their story is strong and sweet, and includes a few surprises,” she said.

Swiridoff’s daughter adopted 8-week-old Reagan to help deal with the pain she felt after having to give up her first two foster children. As for Buddy, he was adopted when he was an 11-month-old baby and has lived with Reagan ever since. “Reagan is good with kids and other dogs. He hasn’t met another dog or person that he doesn’t like. Adopting Reagan was one of the best decisions we had ever made. He has added so much joy to our life, and to the life of many other people,” Mrs. Swiridoff added.

1. Buddy and Reagan have finished writing a book about themselves.
2. There is a deep friendship between Buddy and Reagan.
3. Swiridoff’s daughter was the first one to keep Reagan at her home.
4. Reagan made Swiridoff’s family full of trouble.
5. The main idea of the article is that the foster family is full of love and surprises.
2024-05-15更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六十九中学校2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题

10 . A young man went for a job interview (面试) in a big company. The boss found that the young man’s college grades were excellent. Then he asked the young man who paid for his education. The young man told the boss that his parents did and they worked as laundry (洗衣店) workers.

The boss noticed that the young man’s hands were smooth and perfect. He asked, “Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes?”

“No. My parents always make me study. Besides, they wash clothes faster than I do.”

The boss asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents’ hands. When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands. His parents felt surprised but happy. Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly.

He was in tears. He found his parents’ hands were so rough (粗糙的) and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries (伤口) in their hands. After washing their parents’ hands, the young man quietly washed the rest of the clothes.

The next morning, the young man went to the company again. The boss noticed the young man’s pale hands. He said to the young man, “Welcome to join us!”

根据短文内容判断正误。(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂 “A”,错误的涂 “B”)
1. The boss was satisfied with the young man’s grades.
2. The young man’s hands were the same as his parents’.
3. The young man was deeply moved and washed the rest of the clothes.
4. The young man wasn’t accepted by the company because of his hands.
5. From the passage, we know we should be thankful for what our parents have done for us.
2024-05-14更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年黑龙江省哈尔滨市平房区中考二模英语试题
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