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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Will Allen的篮球天赋、离开农场后的农业经历、他在城市农业方面的建议以及他对食物和农业的使命感。

1 . At 6 feet, 7 inches, Will Allen was a natural at basketball. He received scholarship offers from more than a hundred colleges. He finally chose the University of Miami.

Going away to college meant leaving the family farm. He remembered how hard that life on the farm had been. Now that his life was full of possibilities, he swore he would never go back to farming.

After college, Allen began a pro-basketball career in Belgium, where, ironically (讽刺地), he rediscovered farming. He found the farmers there farmed the way his parents had back home, caring for the land without using chemicals and fertilizers.

Allen and his family moved back to the United States in 1977 after he retired from basketball. They settled in Milwaukee, where his wife’s family owned a farm. In 1993, Allen bought the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee, where he began his career as an urban farmer. Later he formed his own organization Growing Power, one of the world’s top urban agricultural organizations.

Allen also travelled across the United States, Africa, and Central Asia to help people grow food more efficiently in ways that fit in with their own culture. “Food is in short supply all over the world right now,” he says. “A lot of people are hungry. We need to grow food everywhere we can—in backyards and side yards, on rooftops, and even in buildings.”

He has spoken about urban agriculture around the world and is currently designing a vertical farm which is a new way to help feed more people in cities. “My main mission is to bring food into people’s lives and train people how to grow food. That continues to be important to me. ” said Allen. He said so, and he did so.

“Growing food is powerful,” Allen says. “It can change the world!”

1. What do we know about Will Allen?
A.He wished to get away from his family.B.He had a talent for playing basketball.
C.He got used to the hard life on the farm.D.He was admitted to only several universities.
2. What is Allen’s suggestion on farming in the city according to Paragraph 5?
A.Grow what is right.B.Everyone should take action.
C.Focus on environment.D.Plant wherever possible.
3. Which of the following best describes Will Allen?
4. What can be the best title of this text?
A.Childhood Dream Leads to Future CareerB.Urban Agriculture Holds Great Promise
C.Give up Basketball and Take up FarmingD.Return to Farming and Grow Food in the City
2024-02-14更新 | 110次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语试卷
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2 . A few days before New Year 1944, Patricia Krueger received a telegram from the U. S. Army. She hoped it would contain a belated birthday greeting from her husband, an army flight engineer, Charles Krueger, whom she had not heard from for 2 weeks. Instead, the message said he wasn’t coming home: His B-29 had been lost and he was later declared MIA (missing in action). Their son, John Krueger from Middleton, Wisconsin, is still in tears when he recounts this story.

Decades later, the military continues to work to bring back the remains of soldiers like Charles Krueger. The job of finding them falls to DPAA (Defense POW/ MIA Accounting Agency), created in 2015 after critics charged that the previous MIA search process was slow, and behind on innovations in science and technology. Between 1973 and 2014, the remains of only 1,849 missing service member s were returned to their families; in 2021, the agency accounted for the remains of 141 MIAs; according to DPAA figures.

To accelerate the work, Congress gave DPAA the authority to develop public-private partnerships with scientists and groups outside the government. “Teaming up with academic scientists introduces new ways of thinking,” says military historian Michael Dolski. “Working with partners allows us to tap into their technologies and capabilities in ways that we just can’t maintain.”

For scientists, the work is more than technically satisfying. “It’s the most rewarding aspect of my career,” says Mires, a scientist working with the agency. “In other archaeology sites I’ve worked on, the history is remote,” he says. “Here, you’re doing something not for a thing, but for a person, and all the people they touched.”

1. What was the telegram about in paragraph 1?
A.A New Year dinner.B.Krueger’s disappearance.
C.A birthday greeting.D.John Krueger’s memory.
2. Why did people criticize the previous MIA search process?
A.Because DPAA wants to continue the search.
B.Because it took long and lacked creativeness.
C.Because the work was stopped by the military.
D.Because 141 MIAs’ remains were found in 2021.
3. What is Michael Dolski’s attitude to the cooperation with scientists and groups?
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.A long search for MIAs.B.Achievements of DPAA.
C.Assistance from science.D.Consequences of wars.
2024-01-28更新 | 114次组卷 | 8卷引用:江西省上饶市余干县蓝天中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语试卷
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3 . Favored by many internet influencers, the city of Zibo, once a sleepy industrial city, has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms. The topic Zibo “barbecue” on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, was played 4.96 billion times since the city stormed the Internet for over a month. On 29 April, Zibo Railway Station saw a record 87,000 train trips to and from the station, according to Chinese news website Caixin.

Local authorities in Zibo have been quick to respond to the sudden flow of visitors. A barbecue zone that can accommodate 10,000 people, featuring live band performances, was built overnight. Volunteers have been dispatched to the railway station to offer advice and recommendations to tourists. Designated (指定的) buses and trains bring tourists to and from the hottest barbecue spots. The government has even threatened to punish profiteering hotels who raise prices by more than 50% .

What makes Zibo barbecue so special is that it does offer a distinctive (独特的) dining experience. The skewers (烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, offering an immersive dining experience.

Zibo’s low prices are also appealing. Many college students in Shandong have made concrete plans to enjoy Zibo barbecue at the least cost, and traveling back and forth by train for only 200 yuan ($29.1). So what better way to attract adventurous, hungry college students with a tight budget other than “tasty barbecue that makes you full for only 50 yuan!”

The locals seem happy enough about the arrival of visitors and shy away from hot spots to make space for outsiders, saying they are proud that their hometown has gained nationwide fame.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of Zibo.
B.The influence of social media.
C.The newfound popularity of Zibo.
D.The crowdedness of Zibo Railway Station.
2. What makes Zibo barbecue attractive to college students?
A.Unique dining experience.B.Convenient transportation.
C.Wonderful performances.D.Affordable prices.
3. What is the local people’s attitude to the arrival of tourists?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To promote an industrial city.
B.To introduce barbecue in Zibo.
C.To explain how to attract tourists.
D.To show the popularity of barbecue.
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4 . For lots of kids, toddlerhood (幼儿期) is an important time for friendship. Studies show that the earlier kids learn to form positive relationships, the better they are at relating to others as teenagers and adults. Playing together also helps these kids practice social behaviors, such as kindness, sharing, and cooperation.

Even so, how quickly your child develops into a social creature may also depend on his temperament(性格). Some toddler s are very social, but others are shy. In addition, the way that toddlers demonstrate that they like other children is markedly different from what adults think of as expressions of friendship. Research at Ohio State University in Columbus found that a toddler’s way of saying “I like you” during play is likely to come in the form of copying a friend’s behavior.

This seemingly unusual way of demonstrating fondness can result in unpleasant behavior. Regardless of how much they like a playmate, they may still grab his toys, refuse to share, and get bossy. But experts say that this is a normal and necessary part of friendship for kids this age. Through play experiences, toddlers learn social rules. That’s why it’s so important to take an active role in your toddler’s social encounters by setting limits and offering frequent reminders of what they are. When you establish these guidelines, explain the reasons behind them.

Begin by helping your child learn sympathy (“Ben is crying. What’s making him so sad?”), then suggest how he could resolve the problem (“Maybe he would feel better if you let him play the ball.”). When your child shares or shows empathy(同理心) toward a friend, praise him (“Ben stopped crying! You made him feel better.”).

Another way to encourage healthy social interaction is by encouraging kids to use words- not fists-to express how they feel. It’s also important to be mindful of how your child’s personality affects playtime. Kids are easy to get angry when they’re sleepy or hungry, so schedule playtime when they’re refreshed.

1. What does it indicate when toddlers copy their playmates’ behavior?
A.They are interested in acting.B.They are shy with the strangers.
C.They are fond of their playmates.D.They are tired of playing games.
2. What does the author suggest parents do for their kids?
A.Design games for them.B.Find them suitable playmates.
C.Play together with them.D.Help them understand social rules.
3. What is the function of the quoted statements in paragraph 4?
A.Giving examples.B.Explaining concepts.
C.Providing evidence.D.Making comparisons.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.How Children Adapt to ChangesB.How to Be a Role Model for Children
C.How Your Baby Learns to LoveD.How to Communicate with Your Kid
2024-01-20更新 | 1436次组卷 | 21卷引用:江西省上饶市私立新知学校2023-2024学年高三上学期1月考试英语月考卷
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . What no one ever tells college students is how little they’ll be prepared for the real world. Many graduates will not get the _________ they wanted and the one they do get will be different from what they dreamed about.

After graduating, I packed my bags and headed _________ to the big city for a well paying job with good potential (潜力). I hoped this would be my _________ to expand my professional experience and figure out what I was supposed to do with my life.

But I was _________ . Before I knew it, I was swept into the entry level job world: long hours before a_________, service calls from rude customers and repetitive work I wasn’t _________in. Having studied Psychology, English, and Sociology, I was supposed to be working in a job that _________ me to use my passion, not to _________ it. This was not at all what I had_________. So I decided to hand in my __________ .

Two weeks later I __________again and moved back to my college town. I found a full time job working with kids with special needs and began a part time __________ career. And I found out special needs kids are the greatest and that writing is__________and easy.

The key to __________ may very well be doing what you love. What you need to do is just to follow your heart and make a __________ to bring back your joy.

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文章大意:这是一篇议论文。文章讨论了口语能力的重要性, 呼吁英国工党改革学校课程以加强口语能力的教学。

6 . As you read this, pause to reflect on your recent interactions. As a politician, husband, and father, I encounter various spoken language styles: analytical or chatty, formal or informal, pointed or gentle, cooperative or decisive. Talk is the currency of politics. It is our way of negotiating, debating, and persuading. Talk is also the currency of learning-how we develop our ideas, deepen our thinking and share our feelings.

That’s why I want speaking skills, sometimes called “oracy”, to play an important part in Labor’s plans for a reformed school curriculum (课程).

Employers value speaking skills equally with reading and writing. The ability to speak well and express yourself should be something every child should master. But the curriculum doesn’t allow us to provide this. This is short-sighted. An inability to express your thoughts fluently is a key barrier to getting on and doing well in life.

Oracy is in part about good public speaking and debating skills, but in reality, it’s about teaching young people to make strong arguments, choose wise words, understand their audience, form meaningful social connections, and use facial expressions and body language to convey their message. Above all else it’s about finding your voice. To work out who you are and what you believe. If reading opens up a world of imagination and possibility, then speaking and listening opens up a lifetime of empowerment-a chance for those who feel invisible in their own country to be heard. It is about the confidence to speak out, to call out injustice or harm.

And the other side of speaking is listening, which can also be taught. Listening, truly listening, develops tolerance and understanding. And as parents we can play our part. We’ve all been there, at mealtimes, silent as we all stare at our devices. Our job, all of ours, is to get off our screens and give young people, and adults, the gift of listening.

So, oracy―speaking and listening―needs to be placed firmly at the heart of school life.

1. How does talk help a politician?
A.It deepens his wishful thinking.
B.It enhances his analytical skills.
C.It strengthens persuasive power.
D.It provides emotional support.
2. Why does the author suggest a reform in the British school curriculum?
A.Employers underestimate the value of speaking.
B.Academic pressure makes students poor-sighted.
C.Spoken language is regarded as least important.
D.Oracy should deserve more attention at school.
3. How does the author illustrate his argument in paragraph 4?
A.By sharing different opinions.
B.By clarifying the definition.
C.By describing personal experiences.
D.By employing the concept.
4. What are parents advised to do?
A.Set a good example for their children.
B.Balance screen time and mealtime.
C.Have oral face-to-face communication.
D.Disconnect from the virtual world.
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Bella, a 14-year-old cat from Huntingdon, UK, has claimed the Guinness Record for the world’s loudest purr (猫叫声) by a domestic cat, with a noisy purr______at 54.59 decibels (分贝).

The Spink family has had Bella for almost 15 years, and they’ve always______that she might have the world’s loudest purr. Friends and family would always ______her loud purring, and Nicole Spink’s late husband would ______that she was louder than the TV.

One day, they decided to put Bella’s purring to the test―they ______a smartphone app to measure the cat’s purr and were blown away by the______. She was louder than the Guinness World record for the loudest purr by a domestic cat, so they applied for an official record______.

Measuring sound with a smartphone app and having it measured by a sound engineer can bring about totally______ results, but in this case, the Spinks were lucky to have their measurements______. After feasting on a bowl of her favorite food, Bella got to enjoy some much-needed petting by her owner and she produced some ______loud purring.

The standardized class-1 sound meter recorded Bella’s ______pur at 54.59 decibels. That was more than enough to beat the 50-decibel requirement to______the Guinness Record.

It’s important to note that while Bella has ______the record for the loudest purr by a living domestic cat, she doesn’t have the loudest purr in history. That ______belongs to the late Smokey and Merlin, two cats who purred at the ______noise level of 67.8 dB, a full 13.21 louder than Bella.

A.account forB.wonder atC.agree withD.work out
2024-01-17更新 | 201次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶市私立新知学校2023-2024学年高三上学期1月考试英语月考卷
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8 . Is It Worth Buying Organic Food?

Organic food, grown without artificial chemicals, is increasingly popular nowadays. Consumers have been willing to pay up to twice as much for goods with organic labels (标签). However, if you think paying a little more for organic food gets you a more nutritious (有营养的) and safer product, you might want to save your money. A study led by researchers at Stanford University says that organic products aren’t necessarily more nutritious, and they’re no less likely to suffer from disease-causing bacteria, either.

The latest results, published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine, suggest that buyers may be wasting their money. “We did not find strong evidence that organic food is more nutritious or healthier,” says Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler from Stanford. “So consumers shouldn’t assume that one type of food has a lower risk or is safer.”

For their new study, Smith-Spangler and her colleagues conducted a review of two categories of research, including 17 studies that compared health outcomes between consumers of organic against traditional food products, and 223 studies that analyzed the nutritional content of the foods, including key vitamins, minerals and fats.

While the researchers found little difference in nutritional content, they did find that organic fruit and vegetables were 20% less likely to have chemicals remaining on the surfaces. Neither organic nor traditional foods showed levels of chemicals high enough to go beyond food safety standards. And both organic and traditional meats, such as chicken and pork, were equally likely to be harmed by bacteria at very low rates. The researchers did find that organic milk and chicken contained higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat also found in fish that can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, these nutritional differences were too small, and the researchers were unwilling to make much of them until further studies confirm the trends.

Organic food is produced with fewer chemicals and more natural-growing practices, but that doesn’t always translate into a more nutritious or healthier product. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that “Whether you buy organic or not, finding the freshest foods available may have the biggest effect on taste.” Fresh food is at least as good as anything marketed as organic.

1. The new research questions whether organic food ________.
A.should replace traditional food
B.has been overpriced by farmers
C.is grown with less harmful chemicals
D.is really more nutritious and healthier
2. Smith Spangler and her colleagues found that ________.
A.organic food could reduce the risk of heart disease
B.traditional food was grown with more natural methods
C.both organic and traditional food they examined were safe
D.there was not a presence of any forms of bacteria in organic food
3. Which of the following is relatively healthier according to the passage?
A.Organic chicken and pork.
B.Organic milk and chicken.
C.Traditional chicken and pork.
D.Traditional fruit and vegetables.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward organic food?
2024-01-16更新 | 127次组卷 | 23卷引用:江西省赣州市南康中学2019-2020学年高一下学期第二次大考英语试题
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9 . Many Silicon Valley parents are becoming more concerned about preventing their children from using screens. Some parents think that even a little screen time can be extremely addictive, so it is better if their children avoid using or seeing these devices completely. However, it is difficult for working adults in the 21st century to give up using a phone at home. So, it’s simpler to employ someone to do this.

“Silicon Valley nanny (保姆)”, who takes children back to a time without screens every day is widely needed. From Cupertino to San Francisco, it’s widely agreed that screen time is harmful to youngsters. Therefore, parents are requesting nannies to keep phones, tablets and computers in a hidden place. Others even offer no-phone agreements.

Research shows that spending too much time on technology can harm young minds. For example, teenagers who use social media frequently are more likely to feel depressed and anxious. Insomnia (失眠) rates have also increased amongst this age group, and an increasing number of children display the signs that they can’t focus attention. These seemingly minor (轻微的) problems could become significant challenges for future generations.

“Many parents come back home and focus on their smartphones, ignoring whatever their children are trying to say,” said Shannon Zimmerman, who works as a nanny in San Jose for families that forbid screen time. “As a nanny, I also call on more parents to spend more time with their kids.”

1. Why are the Silicon Valley nannies greatly needed according to the text?
A.To help parents and children balance work and life.
B.To teach children how to use technology responsibly.
C.To keep children away from screens.
D.To encourage children to exercise.
2. What is the result of spending too much time on screens for teenagers?
A.Feeling confused.B.Feeling anxious.C.Feeling bored.D.Feeling nervous.
3. What does Shannon suggest parents do?
A.Encourage their children more.B.Play games with their children.
C.Stop using smartphones at home.D.Spend more time with their children.
4. What is the text about?
A.Parents concern about screen time for children.B.Children are addicted to screen time.
C.All parents limit children to phones.D.Science has no effects on young minds.
2024-01-15更新 | 66次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省上饶市私立新知学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语月考卷
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10 .

Chile (智利) is famous for its many attractions, including Torres del Paine National Park and Easter Island . If you’re planning a visit, be sure to add “Mano del Desierto” or “Hand of the Desert”to your must-see list.

Standing 11 meters tall and made of iron and cement (混凝土), this sculpture (雕像) of a hand emerges (出现) from the sand in the Atacama Desert , which is known as the driest desert in the world outside of polar regions. The sculpture was created by Mario Irarr á zabal in the early 1980s and was financed by a local nonprofit organization called Corporaci ó n Pro Antofagasta. The sculpture is not only famous for its size and design but also for the message it expresses. Many people believe that the hand represents the weakness and helplessness of human beings, as well as their strength and determination to overcome hardships.

If you’re interested in visiting the Hand of the Desert, take Route 26 or 28 from Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The sculpture is located between mile markers 1309 and 1310. The desert’s flatness (平坦) makes it easy to spot the sculpture from far away. But some people mistake it for a mirage (海市蜃楼) caused by tiredness from driving a long way to the sculpture.

Visitors should take precautions (预防措施) before leaving , such as filling their gas tanks , taking plenty of water, and wearing sunscreen. They should also avoid driving too quickly, as many car accidents happen in the desert each year.

For those who are worried about driving alone, working with an agency (机构) like Plan South America is a good option. The founder of the agency, Harry Hastings, said that he always tries to join a visit to the sculpture with guests traveling to the desert.

1. What makes the Hand of the Desert a famous attraction?
A.Its material.B.Its location.C.Its designer.D.Its size and design.
2. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.The sculpture attracts millions of visitors every year.
B.Tired travelers often see mirages in the desert.
C.The sculpture can be reached very easily.
D.The sculpture can be seen from far away.
3. What can we know about Harry Hastings from the passage?
A.He built the sculpture “Hand of the Desert”.
B.He gave the financial support to the sculpture.
C.His agency can help lonely travelers travel to the desert.
D.He can avoid driving accidents in the desert.
4. Which column does this passage belong to in a newspaper?
共计 平均难度:一般