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1 . Some students get so nervous before a test. They do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock, a professor at the University of Chicago in Illinois, has studied these highly anxious test-takers. The students start worrying about the results. And when they worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources (资源).

Professor Beilock and another researcher, Gerardo Ramirez, have developed a possible solution. Just before an exam, highly anxious test-takers spend ten minutes writing about their worries about the test.

The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short maths tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the upcoming second test.

Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of 12% worse on the second test. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of 5%. Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the test. Professor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not.

“What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who’d done our writing intervention (干预), all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance. They were performing just as well as their classmates who don’t normally get nervous in these tests.”

But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance.

1. What may the students start worrying about before an exam?
A.Whether they can pass the exams.
B.What other students do during the test.
C.Whether they have remembered the materials.
D.What kind of problems they will meet on the test paper.
2. What is the solution developed by the two researchers?
A.Asking the students to think nothing of the test.
B.Asking the students to focus on the test.
C.Asking the students to sit quietly before the test.
D.Asking the students to write about their worries before the test.
3. According to Professor Beilock, those who thought about things unrelated to the test_____.
A.became less nervous before the test.
B.were better at controlling their feelings.
C.did worse than those who wrote about their feelings.
D.did better than those who took two tests.
4. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.Writing about worries before an exam can work a bit.
B.Studying in the library can improve students’ performance.
C.Students can only write about worries right before an exam.
D.It doesn’t matter where to write about worries before an exam.
2023-05-11更新 | 63次组卷 | 20卷引用:山东师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一10月月考英语试题
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2 . Elephant Transit Home

In both Africa and Asia elephants are being threatened by changes in their natural habitats (栖息地). People are moving into the elephants’ habitats and endangering their survival. In the country of Sri Lanka, there is one place where elephants are not only protected but also respected. It is called the Elephant Transit Home (ETH).

Set up in 1995, the ETH aims to protect and nurture baby elephants that are found injured or living without their mothers in the wild. Every year about 30 baby elephants in Sri Lanka need help. As many as possible are brought to the ETH. There they are given food, shelter, and medical care. Most importantly, they are given the chance to be with other elephants and become part of a herd (象群).

A day at the ETH begins early in the morning when the baby elephants are given their first feeding of milk. During the day, each baby will drink an average of 13 gallons of milk. Older elephants are fed mostly coconut leaves and other native plants. Then the elephants are allowed to walk around, eating the grass and forming a herd. The cost of caring for the baby elephants is high. The ETH spends about $125,000 each year on powdered milk for the baby elephants.

At the ETH, workers try to reduce human connection with the elephants. They also try to increase bonds (联系) between the elephants. It usually takes three years for a baby elephant to be set free into its natural habitat. The elephants are sent back to the wild together with other orphans with whom they have bonded. This program helps them return to the wild as members of a herd that will communicate with each other and take care of each other.

The ETH is considered one of the best animal protection sites in the world. Not only are the elephants cared for, they are treated with respect. Most importantly, they go back to live in the wild, where they belong.

1. What does the underlined word “nurture” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Set free.B.Relate to.C.Focus on.D.Care for.
2. What do we know about the ETH?
A.It changes elephants’ habitats for the better.
B.It receives about $125,000 each year.
C.It helps to keep baby elephants safe.
D.It protects 30 elephants every year.
3. Why do the workers reduce human connection with the elephants?
A.To study them better in a natural environment.
B.To help them make it in the wild as a herd.
C.To provide them with more living space.
D.To train them to stay away from hunters.
4. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce an animal protection site.
B.To show the ways of wildlife protection.
C.To explain the threat baby elephants face.
D.To persuade the readers to protect elephants.
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3 . Before uploading a photo of ourselves to social media, chances are that we’ll use an app to smooth our skin, make our eyes look bigger, and lips fuller. With a couple of taps on our mobile phone, we can get a quick fix and present the “best” version of ourselves to the world. However, the problem is, when we simply edit our imperfections away, we’re also changing the way we look at ourselves.

Last month, researchers published the article Selfies—Living in the Era of Filtered (过滤的) Photographs. The article analysed photo editing apps’ bad influences on people’s self-respect and their possibility to cause appearance anxieties. The researchers also warned that such apps make it difficult to tell the difference between reality and fantasy. “These apps allow one to change his or her appearance in minutes and follow an unrealistic standard of beauty,” the article reads.

In the past, people may have compared their looks to those of famous people. But for today’s young people, beauty standards are most likely set by what they see on social media. “From birth, they are born into an age of social platforms where their feelings of self-worth can be based purely on the number of likes and followers that they have, which is linked to how good they look,” British cosmetic doctor Tijion Esho told The Independent. This is why many young people suffer an identity trouble when it comes to appearance.

“Now you’ve got this daily comparison of your real self to this fake self that you present on social media,” Renee Engeln, a professor of psychology, told the HuffPost website. Engeln further pointed out that when people spend too much time making such comparisons, they may become “beauty sick” and find it difficult to accept what they actually look like. “Because between you and the world is a mirror. It’s a mirror that travels with you everywhere. You can’t seem to put it down,” she told The Washington Post. So when we look in a real mirror, we shouldn’t think to ourselves, “Do I look as good as myself in the filtered photos?” Instead, we should think, “I feel good; I have my health.”

1. Before uploading a photo to social media, we will probably _________.
A.have an operating to make our eyes look bigger
B.use some cream to smooth our skin
C.use an app to fix our photo
D.edit our perfections away
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.In many ways, photo editing apps are beneficial to people.
B.Photo editing apps are likely to cause people’s anxieties about their appearance.
C.Photo editing apps can make people more beautiful.
D.Photo editing apps help people judge realistic beauty.
3. When it comes to appearance, why do many young people suffer an identity trouble?
A.Because they compare their looks to those of famous people.
B.Because beauty standards are set by social media.
C.Because their feelings of self-worth depend on their own likes and dislikes.
D.Because their feelings of self-worth depend on their appearance.
4. According to Engeln, what should we do?
A.We should feel good about what we actually look like.
B.We should spend more time making comparison of our real self to fake self.
C.We should take a mirror with us everywhere.
D.We should try to look as good as ourselves in the filtered photos.
2023-04-06更新 | 46次组卷 | 5卷引用:江西省南昌市第二中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期中英语试题
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4 . My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?”

Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what the teacher might have found out. She seldom became angry, but she was this time.

“Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a naughty throw of a baseball. If I admitted guilt, I would be in a lot of trouble. How would I be able to pay for a big window like that? I didn’t even get an allowance. “My father is going to have a fit as a result of it,” I thought. I didn’t want to raise my hand, but some force much stronger than I was pulled it skyward (朝向天空). I told the truth, “I did it.” It was hard enough to say what I had done.

My teacher took down a book from one of our library shelves and I had never known my teacher to strike a student, but I feared she was going to start with me.

“I know how much you like birds,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is the field guide about birds that you are constantly checking out. It is yours now. It’s time we got a new one for the school anyway. You will not be punished, but remember that I am not rewarding you for your misdeed (恶行), but I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.”

I couldn’t believe it! I wasn’t being punished and I was getting my own bird field guide — the very one that I had been saving up money to buy.

The lesson my teacher taught me stays with me every day, and it will echo forever.

1. From the story, we can learn that the boy             .
A.didn’t break the window on purpose
B.lacked the courage to admit his guilt
C.tried to think about what he had done
D.didn’t know what the teacher had found out
2. If the boy admitted guilt, he thought he would NOT           .
A.be punished by the teacher
B.make his father angry
C.pay for the broken window
D.get a bird field guide
3. Which of the following best describes the changes in the boy’s feelings?
4. What is the lesson the boy’s teacher taught him?
A.Every coin has two sides.
B.Honesty is always valued.
C.Bad luck never comes alone.
D.You can’t be too careful.
2023-03-31更新 | 33次组卷 | 26卷引用:北京市北京四中2019-2020学年高一学期期中英语试题
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5 . Sharon, Aged 22

The most important thing to keep in mind when going into high school is to be yourself. Besides, I don’t know what your middle school was like, but high school teachers will not care about things such as how much homework you already have for one night. It’s best to just learn to deal with things and manage your time wisely so you can achieve everything you need to do.

David, Aged 19

I’m not going to lie. The first day is kind of frightening. But you’ll get used to it. Don’t be afraid of anyone; Just take it easy. Making some friends and staying with them will greatly help you get used to high school quickly. After the first week it’s really not bad at all. Don’t worry.

Frank, Aged 21

I think almost every kid feels both anxious and excited before their first day. You will probably love it. I know I did. You should join in some sports or activities that will make your high school experience more enjoyable. Good luck!

Eddie, Aged 20

When I started high school I was really nervous and worried too, especially since I had been home schooled all through middle school and didn’t really know anyone. I suppose the best advice would be to just relax. The first couple of days can be a little bit hard, but things will become easier before you know it.

1. What can we infer from Sharon’s words about high school?
A.Teachers are quite strict.
B.Students often stay up at night.
C.Teachers provide little care for students.
D.Students should make good use of their time.
2. Who mentions the importance of friends?
3. How did Eddie feel on his first day of high school?
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6 . There is an old Chinese proverb that states “One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade,” and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and a daughter is sometimes confusing. The relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include a hierarchy (等级) of responsibilities and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughters from being best friends.

Marina, 27 years old, said, “I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn’t consider her my best friend. Best friends don’t pay for your wedding. Best friends don’t remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friend: don’t tell you how wise they are because they have been alive at least 20 years longer than you.” This doesn’t mean that the mother and daughter relationship can’t be very close and satisfying.

While some adult relationships are still troubled, many find them to be extremely rewarding. This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common, which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughters have always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of the workforce and technology, which may bring them even closer together.

Best friends may or may not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse, the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren’t speaking. The mother and child relationship is closer than any other. There is not an equal relationship. Daughters should not feel responsible for their mother’s emotional well-being. It isn’t that they don’t care deeply about their mothers. It’s just that they shouldn’t be burdened with their mother’s well-being.

The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers never stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. Mothers always “trump (胜过)” friends.

1. What does the underlined word “preclude” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What do we know from the text?
A.The mother and daughter relationship can be replaced by a best friend.
B.A mother’s love brings her and her daughter a close friendship.
C.The mother and daughter relationship goes beyond best friends’ friendship.
D.Marina has a troubled relationship with her mother.
3. How does the author mainly prove his statements?
A.By listing data.B.By giving explanations.
C.By quoting sayings.D.By giving examples.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Be a Good Mother and Daughter?B.Who Is a Mother’s Best Friend?
C.Mothers or Friends?D.Can a Mother Be a Daughter’s Best Friend?
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7 . Regardless of how far we’d like to believe gender (性别) equality in the workplace has come, there’s still a yawning gap between male and female leaders in the professional world. A 2018 statistic shows that women nowadays hold just 5.8 percent of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst.

While it’s not a huge shock that women are somewhat underrepresented in leadership positions, what is surprising though, is the fact that females may actually be better suited to lead in almost every area, at least according to new findings from the BI Norwegian Business School.

In their research, Professor Martinsen and Professor Lars Glas surveyed 2,900 managers with a special focus on personality types. The results were clear: Women scored higher than men in four of the five major leadership-centric categories.

While some people believe that men inherently make better leaders—probably because they picture a leader with a commanding voice, which is more typical of men than women—this piece of research suggests that women are better at methodical management and goal-setting, openness, sociability and supportiveness, as well as ability to communicate clearly.

There was one area in which men scored higher than women, though, and that was on emotional stability and ability to face job-related pressure and stress. The results suggest that women are more sensitive to the effects of high-pressure or highly emotional situations.

Obviously, its important to consider individual differences.Anyone, regardless of gender may be an inspiring leader and a competent boss. But next time you're hiring for a management position, you just might want to give the resumes(简历)from female candidates a harder look.

1. What makes us shocked much at leadership positions?
A.Women are worse than men.
B.Men take almost all high positions.
C.There is a huge gap between genders.
D.Women might behave better in nearly every field.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “inherently” in Paragraph 4?
3. Which of the following may be the best title of this text?
A.Why Women Make Better Leaders
B.Why Women Are Better Than Men
C.How We Can Figure Out The Boss
D.How We Can Tell Gender Difference
4. Who might have special interest in this article?
A.Job hunters.B.Employers.C.Employees.D.Male bosses.
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8 . It can be tough to pull kids away from their computers and mobile devices these days. While they’re playing games, wouldn’t it be great if they could be learning at the same time? Good educational apps offer fun challenges that teach specific grade-level skills. Here are four that combine fun and learning.

Understanding Math($3.99; iOS)

Understanding Math goes beyond basic comprehension to gain a deeper understanding of the whys and hows of math. The app tracks your child’s progress to determine strengths and weaknesses in different skill areas, and you can customize(订制)your child’s learning experience to suit the needs.

Word Creativity Kit($2.99; iOS)

Word Creativity Kit aims not only to make creative writing fun but also build up grammar rules. The app presents a series of words from seven categories, such as space or fantasy. Kids add their own words to finish the complete thoughts that these words have inspired.

Barefoot World Atlas($4.99; iOS)

Barefoot World Atlas helps kids learn about geography and world cultures with a touch of the screen. Each region features a set of sub-topics, from wildlife and natural features to native people, landmarks, and architecture. These facts and illustrations are delivered in photographs, sounds, and hundreds of mini videos.

My Grades & Homework($0.99; iOS)

A combination of grades and homework tracker, My Grades & Homework can help your child stay organized and on top of the progress in school. A convenient calendar and course list format and offer a glance at your child’s assignment schedule that he or she might not normally get from standard homework planners.

1. Which app is beneficial to children’s writing skills?
A.Understanding Math.B.Word Creativity Kit.
C.Barefoot World Atlas.D.My Grades & Homework.
2. What is the common part of the four apps?
A.They need purchasing when downloaded.
B.They help children improve their grades.
C.They make studies fun because of mini videos.
D.They inform parents of their children’s progress.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To wish readers to bring in more similar apps for children.
B.To encourage parents to allow their students to play apps.
C.To design the educational apps to combine fun and learning.
D.To introduce four educational apps for readers to buy and use.
2022-12-15更新 | 194次组卷 | 27卷引用:江西省南昌市第十中学2020-2021学年高一上学期第一次月考(含听力)英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . As a young boy my family was very poor. I would often help do something for the neighbors to ________ a little pocket money.

One day I ________ on the door of an elderly woman and asked ________ she needed me to clean the yard. She asked why I was not in ________ and I showed her my worn ________, which no longer kept me warm. She ________ me to work in the yard. When I finished, she looked at me and said, “I suppose you want to be ________ now.” She then ________ a jar filled with dollar bills and said, “I’m glad you’ve done a ________ job today but that is not something you should be doing again. I want you to ________ new clothes and get back to school. I also want you to come back to ________ me with your report card and I will ________ you when I see you have worked hard and have some good ________. Now reach our your little hands and take out as much ________ as you can.”

I put my hands in the jar and ________ so much money that it was ________ for me to buy what I badly needed. Later, I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she ________. She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time I ________ her that I had an “A”.

I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighbourhood. I will never forget the huge ________ this wonderful lady made over my life with her ________. This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again.

A.set upB.took outC.talked aboutD.put away
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10 . As is known to us all, the stories we share with one another are significant, which shows our wisdom, providing our inspiration and attaching importance to our development. But occasionally people choose not to tell.

Consider the negative effects of not sharing a story in the news: People are wondering if public health officials are holding back too much information about the recent outbreak of Ebola.

There is a danger in holding back stories that ought to be told. Bobette Buster said it was like this, “The fact is, history has shown us that stories not told can become like a dangerous genie (妖怪) left in a bottle. When they are finally uncorked, their power to destroy is set free.”

There are a number of reasons why we hide parts of our story: they often show our weaknesses or expose our disadvantages; they require courage and strength to share, and of course, there are some stories that should be kept secret—especially those that embarrass someone else.

Most of us have two selves: the one we display on the outside and the one we actually are on the inside. And the better we get at hiding the stories that show our true selves, the more damage we may be causing to ourselves and to others.

Honesty and openness is important. It proves we are trustworthy. It displays we are human. We are not perfect or better. It highlights the importance of hard work and personal development. Hard work may not allow us to overcome our disadvantages completely. But with hard work, we do not have to be restricted to our mistakes.

Does this mean we admit every weakness, every disadvantage, and every secret regret to everybody we meet? No, of course not. There is a time and a place and a certain level of relationship necessary for some stories to be told in an appropriate manner.

1. What’s the function of the example in Paragraph 2?
A.It reflects that people are concerned about the spread of Ebola.
B.It concludes that one should share a story at a proper time.
C.It shows the bad effect caused by sharing a story.
D.It proves not sharing a story can cause trouble.
2. Which is close in meaning to the underlined word “uncorked” in Paragraph 3?
3. What is one of the reasons why people are unwilling to share experiences?
A.People sometimes have no courage to share their stories.
B.Story-sharing highlights the importance of hard work.
C.People are used to exposing their weaknesses.
D.Some stories make people feel sad.
4. The writer aims to convince us to ________.
A.share stories appropriately for the good of others and ourselves
B.realize the importance of being honest when making friends
C.remove the dangers that can be caused by untold stories
D.be open to people close to you by sharing some secrets
2022-11-26更新 | 80次组卷 | 26卷引用:江西省南昌市第二中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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