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1 . Cole Doss, 31, used his time on the microphone to make an announcement (广播) before the flight to honor his mom, a flight attendant for over 40 years.

“She’s been one of my biggest supporters in my life and in my career (职业) becoming a pilot, ever since my very first flight lesson,” Doss told passengers, later adding, “To my mom, I love you, and without you, I wouldn’t have chosen such a great job.”

Doss said the flight last month from Washington, D. C. to Madrid was not only the first time he and his mom had worked on a flight together, but also the first time his mom had been on a flight that he piloted.

“That was the first time I had been able to fly my mom ever,” he said. “In flight school, she was a little nervous about the small planes, so I was never able to fly with her there.” Doss said his mom typically works on Asia-bound flights, but when she learned he was piloting a flight to Spain, she switched (调班) schedules with a fellow flight attendant so she could be on the same flight.

On the day of the flight, Doss, having been a United Airlines pilot since February 2022, and his mom also worked on the return flight back to Washington, D. C. together. “I wanted to do something special to pay back my mom and let everyone know that this was a really cool event for both of us,” he said.

“She was really proud of me so I’m sure she probably told most of the passengers that her son was flying up front,” Doss said. In addition to his mom’s role as a flight attendant for the United Airlines, Doss’ dad and sister are flight attendants for the American Airlines.

1. Why did Doss make the announcement on board?
A.To read out some new rules.B.To express thanks to his mother.
C.To tell passengers about safety.D.To help an old lady stay calm.
2. What is special about the flight for Doss?
A.It was his first time flying with his mother.
B.It took more than 24 hours to reach Madrid.
C.He celebrated his birthday with passengers.
D.There was only one attendant on the flight.
3. How did Doss’ mother feel about him?
4. What can we learn about Doss from the text?
A.His sister also works for the United Airlines.
B.He used to be nervous about small planes.
C.His family has positively influenced him.
D.He always chats with his friends online.
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2 . The story about horses in North America told in several written histories is in need of an update, according to a new study. After examining ancient remains of horses, researchers suggest indigenous(土著的) peoples had spread the animals through the American West by the first half of the 1600s—before they met Europeans.

The findings line up with oral histories from indigenous groups, which tell of interactions with horses before settlers arrived in their homelands. Meanwhile, written European texts from the 1700s and 1800s stated that horses only spread through the area after 1680.

Horses originated in the Americas around four million years ago, but by about 10,000 years ago, they had mostly disappeared from the record. Spanish settlers likely first brought horses back to the Americas in 1519. According to the new study, indigenous peoples then transported horses north along trade networks.

To find when the animals spread, researchers examined the remains of more than twenty horses discovered across the Western U.S. Rather than simply walking around the countryside on their own, the horses appear to have been part of Native American culture. Signs of teeth problems on one horse and growths on the bones of the head of another suggested people had put bridles(缰绳) on the animals. Certain chemical elements in the animals’ teeth suggested they ate maize, an indigenous plant. And another horse had a previously broken facial bone that had fully recovered, meaning it might have received medical treatment.

Researchers compared the ancient horses’ DNA with that of modern horses and found that the centuries-old horses had largely Spanish origins. Together, the findings suggest horses spread “from Spanish settlements in the American Southwest to the northern Rockies and central Great Plains by the first half of the 17th century.”

The findings also highlight the importance of indigenous oral traditions in understanding history. “Our cultures have been so misunderstood for so long,” says co-author Yvette Collin. “Too often history has been told around us, without us.”

1. What needs to be updated according to the new study?
A.When horses showed up in the Americas.B.Who introduced horses to North America.
C.When Native Americans first met Europeans.D.Who spread horses through the American West.
2. What did researchers find out about ancient horses from the remains?
A.They played a role in natives’ life.B.They were born with tooth disease.
C.They were badly treated by natives.D.They had hardly any Spanish origins.
3. What does Collin think of oral histories?
A.They spread easily.B.They are of great significance.
C.They pass down traditions.D.They unite indigenous groups.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Written texts explain human-horse interactions.
B.Oral histories help us understand Indigenous cultures.
C.New research rewrites the history of American horses.
D.Archaeological remains are the key to learning about the past.
2023-11-09更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月阶段测试英语试题
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3 . Like many people, Stimpson, who is nearly 80, has noticed an alarming loss of wildlife in his lifetime. The clouds of swifts(雨燕) of his childhood have disappeared.

A loss of nesting sites is driving the decline of swifts in the UK, whose numbers are believed to have dropped by about 57% in 22 years. These birds—which are now on the UK’s red list—are site-specific, meaning each spring they come back to the same spot after flying thousands of miles from Africa. The problem is that lots of old barns and houses have been upgraded and repaired so that nesting sites have disappeared.

Thirteen years ago, no one was making swift boxes, so Stimpson started. “I’m not a carpenter, I’m a salesman, but I thought I’d certainly give it a go,” he says. When he started, he could make three a day, and now on a really good day he can make 30. “The government and big wildlife organizations don’t end up doing much to stop wildlife loss. We seem to have too many pen-pushers and not enough workers,” he says. “We could do an awful lot more than we’re doing.”

He believes local action groups are much more effective and has been working with a number of them. “The number of swift groups that have started up in the last five to eight years is quite staggering. And they seem to go from strength to strength,” he says.

“Swifts are the one thing where an individual can make a significant difference,” says Dick Newell, from Action for Swifts, who has 66 pairs of nesting swifts in his village of Landbeach in Cambridgeshire, 20 of them nesting on his house.

Newell says developers should put a swift brick in every new building, and he has been working with housebuilding company Taylor Wimpey to make this happen. Exeter city council has started incorporating them into new buildings, as well as the Duchy of Cornwall, and local councils are getting on board. Others are working on bee bricks and hedgehog(刺猬) holes in new developments.

1. What leads to the swifts’ decrease in the UK?
A.A lack of nesting sites.B.The construction of more buildings.
C.Their being removed from the red list.D.Their deaths during their long journey.
2. What is Stimpson’s attitude to the practice of the government and big wildlife organizations?
3. What does the underlined word “staggering” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What does Newell advise developers to do?
A.Reduce houses made of bricks.B.Build fewer buildings in rural areas.
C.Include a swift brick in new buildings.D.Give special attention to bees and hedgehogs.
2023-11-09更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月阶段测试英语试题
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4 . Welcome to Mounts Botanical Garden!

Discover our 80-thousand-square-meter tropical oasis(绿洲), where you’ll find more than 7,000 species among our collection of tropical and sub-tropical plants.

Garden walkways provide easy access for all. Whether you’re planning an outing with family and friends, or just need a space for yourself, Mounts Botanical Garden is here to inspire, educate and surprise you with the wonders of nature.

Garden Hours
●9:00 am—3:00 pm (June—October, last entry at 2:00)
●9:00 am—4:00 pm (November—May, last entry at 3:00)

Closed on Mondays and all Palm Beach County holidays. (2023 Holidays: February 20, May 29, June 19, July 4, September 4, October 9, November 23—24, and December 25—26)

Garden Admission
●Adults: $15
●Seniors (65+): $12
●College students with ID: $12
●Children (6—17): $7
●Children (under 6): Free
Make the Most of Your Garden Visit
●For admission and shop purchases: bank cards only; no cash.
●We suggest wearing sunscreen, bringing plenty of water and an umbrella to protect you from both the sun and rain.
●Smoking is not allowed in the Garden.
●Children must be closely watched at all times.
●Dogs are welcome to join their humans on the 2nd Sunday of each month—except during events and plant sales.
●Sensory bags, including tools to help children and adults calm down, are sold at the Welcome Center & Gift Shop for visitors with sensory sensitivities, which are designed to help families feel more prepared and confident to take part during their visit to the Garden.

A parking lot is located at the front of Mounts Botanical Garden. There is no charge for parking.

Address: 531 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415
Phone: (561) 233-1757
1. How much should a couple in their forties pay if they take their 17-year-old son to the Garden?
2. Which of the following can visitors do in the Garden?
A.Have a smoke.B.Enjoy tropical plants.
C.Buy gifts with paper money.D.Make sensory bags with families.
3. What do we know about the Garden?
A.Free parking is provided.B.It welcomes dogs every Sunday.
C.It is open for half a day on Mondays.D.Visitors can enter at 10 am on Christmas Day.
2023-11-09更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月阶段测试英语试题
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5 . Many wildlife populations around the world are falling in size. The speed and scale of these losses have scientists worried. In less than 50 years, the number of wild animals has dropped by about two-thirds. That’s the finding of a new report.

To get the size of these populations can be hard. Yet scientists need such numbers to know how the Earth’s species (物种) has been changing and understand how people may be influencing the number of animals.

A group of scientists recently set out to get those numbers. To do that, they worked with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) based in Switzerland, and the Zoological Society of London in England. The team studied more than 38,000 populations of animals. These included more than 5,000 species. The new study looked for changes in the population size of all groups between 1970 and 2018.

The study found that the population has dropped by 69 percent. “It tells us that we need to do something about falling populations around the world,” says Rebecca Shaw, a scientist at the WWF’s office in New York City. The team published (发布) its finding in October. Its numbers were part of WWF’s Living Planet Report.

WWF and the Zoological Society of London work to protect animals and nature. Every two years they publish a Living Planet Report on the influences that people are having on wildlife. Scientists from the two groups collected data on animal populations. They studied how the size of each population changed over time.

“Looking at changes in population size can show us species that are likely to face extinction (灭绝),” explains Brian McGill, an author of the new report. “The species in this study haven’t gone extinct—at least, not yet. So, there is still time for humans to take action and turn things around.”

1. Why did the scientists do the research?
A.To know the changes in the number of wildlife.
B.To. offer wild animals better living conditions.
C.To tell people to stop raising animals at the zoo.
D.To find ways to get over difficulties humans face.
2. What does the author want to do in paragraph 5?
A.Introduce an international group.
B.Add some background information.
C.Come up with new ideas about wildlife.
D.Praise the researchers for their courage.
3. What can we infer from Brian McGill’s words?
A.We can’t get control of wildlife populations.
B.We can’t stop the species going extinct.
C.It’s not easy to make a big difference.
D.It’s not too late to save wildlife.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.A Study Finds Big Drop in Animal Populations
B.A Report Shows the Exact Number of Wildlife
C.WWF Plays a Key Role in Protecting Animals
D.Many Living Species Will Die out Forever
2023-11-09更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省阜新市细河区阜新市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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文章大意:本文是夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了Garret Morgan的故事,他本想上大学获得学士学位,但最终成为了一名铁匠。文章指出铁匠的需求越来越大,但过多的高中生追求学士学位,忽视了一些不需要大学学位的高薪工作。文章提出了给学生提供更早的职业指导的建议。

6 . Like most other American high school students, Garret Morgan imagined his life repeatedly: Go to college and get a bachelor’s (学士) degree. However, Morgan made a big decision in 2018. He started training as an ironworker, which was what he was doing on a weekday morning in an industrial park.

Back then, the demand (需求) for ironworkers was rising and it still is. Ironworkers get about $27.48 per hour. At 20, Morgan got $28.36 an hour. Five years later, he’s on the job full time, working for 10 hours a day, six days a week. “I’m loving it every day,” he said. “It was the right choice.”

While a shortage of workers pushes pay higher in the skilled trades, the financial return from a bachelor’s degree is softening. But high school graduates have been so effectively encouraged to get a bachelor’s degree that high-paid jobs requiring shorter and less expensive training are going unfilled.

The Washington State Auditor (WSA) found in 2017 that good jobs in the skilled trades were going begging because most high school students go for bachelor’s degrees. It’s still true in Washington State and around the country. Among other things, the WSA suggested that career guidance (就业指导), including choices that require less than four years in college, start as early as the seventh grade.

Some 30 million jobs in the United States that pay around $55,000 per year don’t require bachelor’s degrees, according to the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce.

Yet the march to bachelor’s degrees continues. “There’s a belief that the bachelor’s degree is the American dream,” said Kate Kreamer, an expert in career and technical education. “The challenge is that sometimes the degree might keep students from getting jobs. Students are going to college without a plan, without a career in mind, because the mindset in high school is just ‘Go to college’.”

1. How does Garret Morgan feel about his decision made in 2018?
2. Why is there a shortage of skilled workers in the US according to the text?
A.High school graduates prefer to attend college.
B.It’s difficult for them to ask for a pay raise.
C.It takes a long time to go on training courses.
D.Well-paid jobs ask for a high degree of skill.
3. What do the underlined words “going begging” mean in the fourth paragraph?
4. What does Kate Kreamer suggest high school students do?
A.Develop new skills they need to be successful.
B.Keep an open mind about high school education.
C.Make plans for their career before going to college.
D.Go for their American dreams as early as possible.
2023-11-09更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省阜新市细河区阜新市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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7 . Even though it’s been more than 30 years, Brendan Slocumb still feels the heartbreak of his stolen violin.

In his senior year of high school, Slocumb’s family found their home ransacked (洗劫) after a trip abroad. Slocumb, who had been playing the violin since he was nine, went immediately to the hiding spot under his bed. “I looked. My instrument was gone. I looked again. It was gone,” he said.

The stolen violin is one of many life experiences Slocumb drew upon to write his book, The Violin Conspiracy. It tells the story of Ray McMillan, a gifted violinist whose family violin is stolen just before one of the world-class music competitions.

Born in California, Slocumb was raised in Fayetteville, N.C., and began playing the violin through a public school music program. For both Slocumb and his character Ray, the violin was a means to get away from a difficult childhood and a ticket to college and a promising job. After graduating from college with a degree in music education, Slocumb has taught music to students from primary through high school for more than 20 years.

Writing the book was a chance to celebrate Slocumb’s success and honor the people who helped him along the way. In the book, Ray’s Grandma Nora—his first supporter—is named after Slocumb’s grandmother. And Ray’s mentor (导师) Janice is based on Dr. Rachel Vetter Huang, Slocumb’s college teacher, whom he calls “a life-saving force”.

The Violin Conspiracy has been praised for its lively descriptions. After it came on the market in 2022, thank-yous poured in. Slocumb heard from many Black musicians who said “This is a story that I’ve been carrying along as well. I experienced the exact same things Ray has gone through in the story, and noon would believe me. Now it’s out there in the world to see.”

1. Why was Slocumb heartbroken about his stolen violin?
A.The violin cost too much.B.He got the violin on his birthday.
C.The violin mattered to him.D.He bought the violin from abroad.
2. What can we know about Dr. Rachel Vetter Huang?
A.She gave Slocumb much support.B.She wrote books in her spare time.
C.She had saved Slocumb’s life.D.She taught music in a high school.
3. What message did these Black musicians want to express?
A.They placed their orders in a hurry.
B.They faced an impossible situation.
C.They were worried about the coming life.
D.They were thankful for Slocumb’s work.
4. What is the text?
A.A children’s story.B.A news report.
C.A book review.D.A lesson plan.
2023-11-09更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省阜新市细河区阜新市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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8 . Volunteer by supporting a local animal rescue center in Costa Rica!

If you like animals and are also interested in preserving the environment, you will be perfect for this program. You will be helping out in and supporting a local animal shelter. Not only does this shelter take in homeless animals, but also wild animals which are in bad condition.

In addition to the caretaking of the animals, volunteers help us welcome visitors at the entrance and answer any questions that visitors may have about the shelter or its animals. As volunteers spend more days in the shelter, knowledge about wildlife management will grow.


*You need to be at least 15 years old on the program start date at the high school level or above.

*Speaking English is a basic requirement.

*No restrictions on nationality. Helping hands both in Costa Rica and beyond are welcome.

*Your helping hand will be required from 09:00 to 15:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Program fees

*Booking payments (15%): The booking payment is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payment is made by PayPal. You can also pay using a credit card.

*Final payments (85%): Your final payment will be agreed with Volunteer Now Costa Rica during the application process.

1. What can a volunteer do in the rescue center?
A.Communicate with visitors.B.Get trained to place animals.
C.Give lectures about animals.D.Search for homeless animals.
2. Who can volunteer in the program?
A.A French-speaking adult.B.A primary schoolchild.
C.A college student from America.D.A local person free on Fridays.
3. How much should a volunteer pay at least to make a reservation?
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9 . Debinha means “little Debs” in Portuguese (葡萄牙语) and she’s 1.57 metres tall. But she has no intention of getting too big for her football shoes. “Never go above someone else.” is her philosophy (人生哲学). Instead, she says, it’s better to be a mirror for someone else, and to always be learning from your teammates in whatever you choose to do. After all, she says, “I didn’t get here alone.”

From street football in a provincial town in southeast Brazil to one of the stars of the US National Women’s Soccer League and a mainstay of the Brazilian women’s team, Debinha, 31, has come a long way. She has appeared for her country more than 130 times and in 2022 was shortlisted for the Best FIFA Women’s Player award, the only South American to be nominated (提名). In addition to Brazilian clubs, she has played for teams in Norway and China, and is now with the Kansas City Current in the US. The greatest moment of her career so far has been standing for Brazil in the 2016 Olympic Games, when they were held in her home nation. This summer she was working hard for her second World Cup.

“I always liked to play ball,” says Debinha, who first started playing it at eight in the square outside the candy factory where her mother worked in their home town of Brasópolis. If she wasn’t playing in the street, she was taking extra physical, education classes after school. Her mother always supported her. “Today, as always, my mother is my number one fan. Seeing my family cheering for me on the field, and seeing my family experiencing that along with me, you couldn’t put a price on it,” she said.

1. What can we know about Debinha in paragraph 1?
A.She always wants to beat others.B.She is open-minded and likes to learn
C.She is very proud and goes above others.D.She has too big football shoes on matches
2. How is the text developed about Debinha’s success?
A.By space.B.By giving examples.
C.By comparing.D.By listing reasons.
3. What made Debinha a football player?
A.Her strong interest in ball.B.Her family’s suggestions.
C.Her strong wish to win.D.Her love to her motherland.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The difficulty Debinha met.B.Support from a player’s mother.
C.A short introduction of Debinha.D.The secret to success.
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10 . Tenerife might seem like a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, but you will be surprised by how diverse and beautiful it is. There are lots of unique places in Tenerife, so be ready to explore!

Mount Teide

Mount Teide, a famous volcano, is the tallest peak (峰) in Spain and a UNESCO world heritage site. Several routes can lead one to the peak of Mount Teide. While permits are required to hike the mountain, you can have an easier choice—an eight-minute cable car (缆车) that takes you far enough up the top for appreciating views. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and a jacket as it can get cold.

Siam Park

The famous Siam Park was named as the best water park in the world for the second year in a row. You can visit the park at any time of the year, as the pools are heated to a comfortable 24 Celsius. Be sure to choose a sunny day for your visit if you’re heading over in winter.

Casa de Los Balcones

A visit to the Casa de Los Balcones might be a great idea if you’re looking for a first class cultural adventure. It’s a 17th century house with fine carved wooden balconies. The inside has a typical patio (露台) that shows the islands’ handmade traditions.

Playa de Benijo

Playa de Benijo is one of the fascinating beaches in Tenerife. The surface is a large area of black sand with rocky areas mixed in between. The volcanic sand covering the beach, as well as the rocks and the cliffs (悬崖), makes Playa de Benijo a destination for landscape photographers. If you have the chance—go there!

1. What do we know about the Mount Teide?
A.It has a warm climate.
B.There is only one way to climb it.
C.Free equipment is offered for sightseeing.
D.Permits are needed to climb to the top.
2. In which place can you experience handmade traditions?
A.Mount Teide.B.Siam Park.
C.Casa de Los Balcones.D.Playa de Benijo.
3. Who prefers to visit Playa de Benijo probably?
A.A middle-aged man who loves taking pictures.
B.A traveler who wants to buy some local souveniors.
C.A retired elderly couple who plan to go mountain-climbing.
D.A 6-year-old boy who likes playing on snow-white beaches.
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