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阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Due to the heavy academic pressure and safety issues, our children’s movements are limited by a lack of extra-curricular activities, which usually ensure that they meet the daily recommended level of physical activity.

For those children attending a high school, my own included, the morning and afternoon walk could be the only chance that they get to spend time outside. This is a golden opportunity to add sports into their day, without taking part in group sports or going to a closed indoor gym(健身房).

For walking to school, there are also many other benefits, such as improving school performance, reducing anxiety, improving spirits, better sleep, a sense of independence,opportunities to meet friends or think alone, paying attention to small details and being amazed by the surrounding environment.

However, parents still have fears. Parents fear cars, injury, extreme weather and even wild animals. These fears, many of which are almost impossible to happen, prevent parents from allowing their children to do something that’s actually beneficial to them. “Removing an opportunity to be active leads to an increase in childhood obesity(肥胖), which can have a greater negative impact on a child’s life than the risk of being injured due to being active,” saidDr. Mariana Brussoni, a professor who researches children’s outdoor and risky play.

When it comes to changing the culture around parents driving children to school, much work still needs to be done. Therefore, parents should try to let go slowly and give up the idea that driving their children to school is convenient. Brussoni said, “We hope to shift parents from focusing on protecting their children to trusting their independent abilities.Schools can also play a role in encouraging children to walk to school.”

1. Who is the text most probably written to?
2. What is parents’ worry about children’s walking to school?
A.Children’s school performance.B.Children’s physical health.
C.Children’s men tal health.D.Children’s safety.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards driving children to school?
4. What’s the main idea of this text?
A.Walking to school is beneficial to students.
B.Children prefer to go to school on foot.
C.Parents worry about their children ‘s obesity.
D.It’s too dangerous for children to walk to school.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Games are the world’s largest sporting event and almost 10 million tickets are set to go on sale for the 2024 Olympics, with 2.8 million for the Paralympics. Spectators will experience the 2024 Games alongside the greatest sporting champions in a unique atmosphere―celebrating with the whole world.

A number of different options for attending the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be available, but they will all be sold via a single site. For the first time in the history of the Games, ticket sales will be online only and accessible worldwide.

Tickets for the Olympic Games are now available without any draw(抽签). Tickets for various sessions may go on sale at anytime up until the Olympic Games, so stay tuned! For the Paralympic Games, single tickets and day passes for several Paralympic sports are on sale.

The Summer 2024 Olympic Games will take place from 26 July to 11 August 2024 and the Summer 2024 Paralympic Games will take place from 28 August to 8 September 2024.

Please note that Paris 2024 reserves the right to modify or adapt its sales policy for tickets and hospitality at anytime. By buying tickets or hospitality packages (贵宾套票) outside the official channels, the buyer runs the risk that tickets or packages are not delivered to them or the access will be denied by the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee in accordance with the terms and conditions, In addition, all buyers are informed that unauthorized sale or resale of tickets outside the official channels, constitutes(构成) an offense under French law.

1. What is special about the ticket sales of the 2024 Games?
A.Draw-based tickets.B.Online-only sales.
C.In-person sales only.D.Unlimited tickets.
2. When can a sports fan attend the 2024 Games?
A.26 June to 11 July 2024.B.28 July to 12 August 2024.
C.11 August to 28 August 2024.D.30 August to 8 September 2024.
3. What may a person risk when buying tickets outside the official channels?
A.Access denial.B.Guaranteed delivery.C.Higher prices.D.Special privileges.
2023-12-14更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市N20名校联合体2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Maggie had always been keen on singing, but she never believed in herself enough to enter a competition. That all changed when her friend, who had heard her sing and believed she had a talent, advised her to try out for the campus singing competition. Maggie was hesitant at first, but she decided to give it a shot.

The competition was only a few weeks away, and Maggie spent every spare moment practicing. She sang in the shower, in her car, and even in the library when she thought no one was listening. Her roommate, who was also her biggest cheerleader, helped her pick out the perfect outfit for the competition.

As the competition day approached, Maggie’s nerves started to get the best of her. She had never performed in front of such a large audience before, and the thought of being judged made her nervous. However, Maggie knew that she had to push herself out of her comfort zone if she wanted to pursue her passion. She reminded herself that she was doing this to prove to herself that she could do it and that she was good enough.

On the day of the competition, Maggie woke up with a sense of determination. She spent the morning rehearsing (排练) and getting into the right mindset. She arrived at the venue (会场) early and was surprised to see so many people had shown up to watch the competition.

As she waited for her turn to perform, Maggie observed the other contestants (参赛选手). She was amazed at the level of talent on display and wondered if she had what it took to win. However, she didn’t let her doubts get the better of her. She focused on her own performance and was determined to give it her all.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When it was Maggie’s turn to perform, she took a deep breath before walking onto the stage.
Finally, the judges announced the winner — Maggie won the first prize.
2023-12-03更新 | 185次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省石家庄市第二十三中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Some Winter Activities

Winter activities are underestimated (低估). The days may be shorter, but the list of fun activities isn’t. Don’t let the winter blues take over.     1    

Finding your favourite.     2     Nobody likes cardio (有氧运动) for a long time, but signing up for an adult sports team, or taking a yoga class on the weekend can be a fun way to break up the boredom of going to the gym. Recreational (娱乐的) sports are also a great way to meet new people.

Walking on snow.     3     Walking with snowshoes is friendly to beginners, and suitable for kids and seniors alike. You can buy a set for under $100 or rent some for the afternoon. Take a friend or walk alone to enjoy the peacefulness of the outdoors in winter.

Skiing. Those that love it really love it. Hitting the ski hills is an old wintertime tradition. It gets you outside, boosts your mood, and serves as a core workout. You don’t need the latest gear (设备) to be able to have fun.     4     If you’re feeling tired of too much indoor time, get your heart pumping at a nearby ski hill.

    5     Taking an online class, or picking up an instrument for the first time, can be incredibly rewarding. Expanding your professional skill can do wonders for your future job prospects. It may take a little planning, but consider learning something new this season.

A.Go to the gym.
B.Learning something.
C.Most ski fields rent gear too.
D.Be active and try these winter activities.
E.The following are things you can do at home.
F.You needn’t be an athlete to enjoy this seasonal activity.
G.The key to keeping healthy is finding what you enjoy doing.

5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was six, I played my first soccer game. It was a real game, complete with coaches, uniforms, and parents cheering from the sidelines.

Our two teams, Team One and Team Two, seemed pretty evenly matched, at least in the beginning. The first period ended without a single goal scored by either side. We were all still learning how to play the game properly, and our inexperience ran through this part. We stumbled over the ball, tripped over our own feet, and often completely missed our kicks. But what mattered most was that we were having fun, pure and simple.

The second quarter brought a significant change in the game. Our coach decided to pull out most of our starting players and put in the substitutes (替补), except for me—I was left guarding the goal. On the other side, Team Two’s coach decided to keep their best players on the field, which made things even more challenging for us. It seemed that winning suddenly become essential, even for us six-year-olds.

Team Two started to rule the game, and I found myself surrounded by their players whenever they came near our goal. I was determined to do my best, but it was tough. I couldn’t match the skills of three or four other really good players. Team Two began to score, one goal after another. I threw myself in front of the ball with all the energy I could gather, trying desperately to stop them but in vain.

The pressure was mounting, and I could feel my frustration building with every goal that slipped past me. I shouted, I ran, and I dove, but they kept scoring. I gave it everything I had, but it seemed useless.

My parents were there on the sidelines, and I could see them in the crowd. As the game progressed, I could see the change in my father’s expression. He had been urging me to try harder, yelling advice and encouragement from the sidelines, but now he seemed different. I could see the pain in his eyes, the pain he felt seeing me struggle. It made me want to cry.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Team Two scored their fourth goal, and it was half-time break.


In that moment, what my father said meant the world to me.


完形填空(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . American runner Isaiah Jewett took a deep breath. Entering the final stage of the men’s 800-meter semifinal race. Jewett _________ to finish in the top two and make it to the finals. And he was in the best possible position to achieve his aim.

“I was like ‘Okay, there’s a _________ to do this. Let’s do this,’” Jewett said.

That is when something unexpected _________. When Jewett got to the turn, Botswana runner Nijel Amos tripped (绊倒) him from behind.

“It was _________. I didn’t even believe it was me even though I was on the ground,” Jewett said. “I felt so _________.”

For Jewett though, showing good sportsmanship was more _________ than winning a medal. Growing up, he was exposed (使接触) to the world of anime (动画), which taught him valuable _________ such as never giving up and always finishing a race.

That is exactly what Jewett did with Amos.

“I just _________ that he was sad, and I shut off how I was feeling. I knew I couldn’t help him in any way but I _________ to do the best I could.” Jewett said.

After the __________, Jewett got up and helped Amos to his feet. Amos apologized for his __________, and Jewett put his arm around his competitor.

“Hey man, let’s __________ this race together; we’re not done yet,” Jewett told Amos. __________ , they crossed the finish line.

“It’s okay to compete but it’s also important to show that you’re a __________. That’s the way you show your heroism by __________ each other along the way and finishing the race together,” Jewett said.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Soccer, basketball, baseball, and the like are popular all around the world, However, do you look for something a bit different? There may be some new sports that you want to try out!

One of the new sports is regball. It is a Russian sport adding basketball, wrestling (摔跤) and rugby. As in basketball, the players have a ball that they try to shoot through a hoop (篮筐) . But nobody will be calling “that’s a travel” while watching this sport, because there is no need to dribble (运球) . Players also wrestle with each other during the game.

Another kind of sport you don’t see every day is soapbox racing. Handmade vehicles are pushed down a hill, and competitors have to drive their vehicles through a course with different kinds of things in their way. Not all competitors are engineers, so the vehicles are easy to break apart. Competitors are judged for their soapbox’s creativity. Therefore, speed is not everything, and creativity plays the most important role. Competitors often design their vehicles based on themes from pop culture or history. Of course, the competitors dress up to play the role, too.

Cheese rolling race is not seen very often, but it is exciting. This is a game that is extremely funny for audience, but painful for competitors. During the game, competitors race down a very steep (陡峭的) hill, chasing after a round of Double Gloucester cheese that can weigh up to nine pounds and can travel some 70 miles per hour. Whoever gets to the bottom first wins the cheese.

1. What can we know about regball?
A.It mixes three kinds of sports.
B.Its competitors race down a hill.
C.Wrestling is not allowed during the game.
D.Its rules are exactly the same as basketball.
2. What does the underlined word “course” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.A lesson.B.A track.C.An action.D.A period of time.
3. What is valued most about competitors in soapbox racing?
A.Their speed.B.Their clothes.
C.Their creativity.D.Their driving experiences.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A new study about sports.
B.A presentation of sports skills.
C.An introduction to three new sports.
D.The difference between traditional and new sports.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A small study out of Skidmore College examined the advantages of morning vs, evening exercise for both women and men. Paul, professor for health at Skidmore, led the study.

“We had the groups divided into evening and morning groups,” he says. “We found women and men answered differently to different types of exercise depending on the time of the day, which surprised us.”

The study showed that for women who want to lower blood pressure (血压), the risk of heart disease or reduce fat, morning exercise works best. Those women hoping for upper body muscle (肌肉) gains or mood (心情) improvement should consider evening exercise. For the men, the findings were somewhat different: Evening exercise lowers blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, and feelings of tiredness. But similar to women, they burn more fat with morning exercise.

“For many people, the best time to exercise will depend on their chronotype,” says Heisz, author of Move the Body, Heal the Mind.

“Chronotype is your body’s natural habit to sleep at a certain time—it’s what decides whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. For the 25% of the population that considers themselves a night owl, getting both enough sleep and enough exercise can be difficult,” adds Heisz.

He continues, “Sleep—which provides your body the necessary time to recover (恢复) and make gains from exercise—should always be the first choice. When it comes to exercise, regardless of research on the advantages of certain exercises at particular times of the day, your results will not be good if it doesn’t allow enough time for sleep.”

1. What can women get by doing evening exercise according to the study?
A.A fat loss.
B.A good mood.
C.A lower blood pressure.
D.A smaller risk of heart disease.
2. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 5?
A.Give an example.B.Tell the difference.
C.Do an experiment.D.Explain a term.
3. What does Heisz think is important to achieve good results of exercise?
A.Enough sleep.B.Low-fat food.
C.Plenty of water.D.Lots of exercise.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A Night Owl or An Early Bird
B.Why Fitness Plan Being Important
C.How to Change Your Exercise Time
D.The Best Time of a Day to Exercise
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Antoine Craig, a blind athlete, has been blind since 2010. He gradually lost his sight due to a genetic disease. Working through difficulties, Craig says, he has found his value. “Once I lost my eyesight, I began the process of rediscovering myself.” he says.

Craig, now 40, heard from a friend about people running at the school’s gym with their hands linked by shoestrings (鞋带). Craig decided to give it a try. “In the beginning, it was pure coping (应对).” he says. “It allowed me to do something I could be proud of. More importantly, here people became my friends, who were always ready to help me. These people became my family.”

In 2017, he won a silver medal in the 200-meter race at the 2017 US Paralympic Nationals. In 2019 he competed at the Parapan American Games in Lima, Peru. In 2021, running for a chance to compete in the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo — delayed for a year, he finished second in the 100.

Learning a US national team was forming for blind soccer, he went for it. Last fall. Craig was named to the team, which will play in the Los Angeles Paralympics in 2028. On March 19 and 20, 2023, the team hosted its first two “international friendly” games against Canada in Chula Vista, California. Craig couldn’t play as planned due to a concussion (脑震荡) in practice before the games. He spoke with his teammates before both games and, on his Facebook page, asked friends and supporters to lend support. When asked how the team performed, Craig answered cheerfully, “You know, we won!”

Craig finished a psychology degree from VCU in 2016 and completed his master’s degree in mental health counseling (咨询) in December 2022. Now he has his own business, LegendaryU Counseling. focusing on athletes with disabilities. He also regularly posts videos to his Instagram, hoping to inspire others.

1. Why did Craig want to try running at first?
A.To meet friends.B.To help others in need.
C.To find himself.D.To escape from his family.
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.It is important to run.B.Craig was running well.
C.Running is easy for Craig.D.Craig succeeded in Tokyo.
3. What can we learn about Craig from paragraph 4?
A.He had a positive attitude.B.He performed well in the game.
C.His team played in Canada.D.His supporters were disappointed.
4. Why does Craig start his company?
A.To make improvements to himself academically.
B.To help people see beyond their challenges.
C.To win more medals in the competitions.
D.To post videos to the disabled people.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Dave had loved basketball for as long as he could remember and he had never had a day without playing it. At primary school and junior high school he joined basketball clubs, attended training programs and watched basketball games, from which he learned the moves of the star players, wishing to play in a professional team like them and shine on the court.

Now as a senior high school student, however, his dream of becoming a professional player was dimming (变暗) because he was only of average height. He had to give up the hope of joining the school team. The guys on the school team were all tall boys who played matches and won honors for the school. They were like heroes. Dave watched them play and cheered them but he knew he would never be one of them.

Dave felt it a pity not to be tall enough, but this didn’t stop him from pouring his passion into basketball. He just played for the love of the sport. He played in the school gym with other boys or by himself every day, even during holidays and weekends, when it was open for two hours in the morning. He enjoyed every minute on the court making every effort to play better.

It was one Saturday morning. Dave was playing in the gym by himself, as all the other boys were busy with other weekend affairs. Then he noticed a tall boy approaching. It was Lankas. Everybody knows him as captain of the school basketball team. “Hi, Lankas,” Dave greeted him. “My name is Dave.” “Hi, Dave,” Lankas replied as he got closer. “Nice to see you here. Do you need an opponent to play against?” Dave was shocked, frozen right there, unable to believe his ears but somehow, he answered, “Why not?”

So, a game of two players began.
The next Saturday, when Dave was playing in the gym, Lankas appeared shouting, “Dave, I have good news for you.”
共计 平均难度:一般