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1 . Cliff Young was a 61-year-old farmer. He had no_________experience as an athlete and was laughed at when first participating in an Australian ultramarathon (超马拉松赛) in 1983.

He had no professional equipment to complete the race,_________win it, and was quickly left behind. He even wasn’t _________that the race included scheduled stops for participants to_________, and while others took breaks, Cliff moved on into the right.

Things went on just as what happened in The Tortoise and the Hare (龟兔赛跑).

Cliff_________took over the athletes and won. He entered the race as a_________and finished it a national hero. Actually, he had been used to the lengthy running the ultramarathon_________, as he had to stay out for days fetching sheep at his farm. He just took the race as another day running after_________before the storm, which enabled him to complete the race without any_________.

Australia was so impressed by the achievement that a race was__________for him, the Cliff Young Australian Six-Day Race. In the race in 2000, he even set the world__________record. No player was older. Now he still__________athletes.

The tortoise and hare story aims to tell children the importance of steadiness over__________, though growing up makes one realize that speed does make a__________in the competitive world. Cliff__________that steadiness might actually win in some grown-up cases as well.

A.rather thanB.had betterC.let aloneD.would rather
2022-05-20更新 | 222次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河北省唐山市高三下学期三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It was another day of class. As the students practiced parkour (跑酷), a mother and her child walked past. “What are they doing, mum?” the child asked. “They are putting themselves in danger and it is something I will never want you to do,” the mother replied.

I drew back with worry and painful acceptance. What has happened to the natural love of movement in humans, and what will happen to the future generations when technology and convenience are controlling our daily lives?

We recently had a Parkour for Everyone workshop at Bishan. I remember very clearly when Fagan was giving instructions to a group, a young child ran up to a tall pillar (柱子) and started to climb it till a high height with a 2-metre drop. Of course, Fagan called him back due to safety concerns. But deep down, I knew a lot of us were smiling within. Such natural bravery is admired and in my opinion, is a must for achieving success in life.

Parkour is starting to get popular, but many parents do not understand it. Even I hesitate when I tell them I am a parkour coach. I can see their wonder, fear, or dislike. I get tired of explaining its life-changing benefits. Actually, there is a deeper meaning behind why parkour is practised. There is a huge surge of physical and emotional freedom that comes along with its practice.

Fortunately, times are changing. If the parents who do not like this art are positively changed by it, there will be no more doubt in the power that parkour can bring to man. My hope is that the day will come when it is common for parents to put aside electronic products and spend time moving and playing with their children in the open field. Children will grow in imagination and confidence, learning more about the spirit of play.

1. What does the author worry about?
A.Mothers’ pain.B.Outdoor dangers.
C.Children’s growth.D.Technology development.
2. What made us smile within?
A.Fangan’s responsibility.B.The show of expected courage.
C.The child’s funny performance.D.The big success of the workshop.
3. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text?
A.To inspire students.B.To describe parkour.
C.To express the concern.D.To help parents change.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Although a gym membership can be nice, you don't have to have one to get into great shape! All you need is a little bit of time and space at home for yourself.     1    

Spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up before every workout.     2     Try jumping jacks, leg or arm circles, or even dancing. Just get your blood pumping. Do a progressive aerobic activity that uses the same muscles you want to work out. For instance, slowly jog if you are going for a longer run.

    3     Strength training, also called resistance training, makes you stronger and builds endurance. Try to do exercises that work a lot of muscles and add weight to increase your resistance. This helps you do a harder workout every time you exercise.

    4    You might be eager to just stop your workout when you've finished your last set of activity, but take a few minutes to do low-intensity exercises that lower your heartrate. You might drop your run into a walk or slow down your cycling, for instance.

Set achievable goals that you can break into smaller tasks. It's one thing to say you want to get fit, but that means something different for everyone.     5     It should be specific, realistic, and meaningful. Then, break down each goal into small, actionable steps so it feels like you're making progress regularly.

A.Not sure what to do?
B.Want to build muscle without buying equipment?
C.Do strength training twice a week to build muscle.
D.If you're struggling to fit in workout time, don't worry.
E.Spend five to ten minutes cooling down after each workout.
F.Figure out what you plan to achieve and make that your goal.
G.But before everything, you need to create an at-home fitness routine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了名叫Caribou Math Competition的数学竞赛的详细信息。

4 . Caribou Math Competition

Participants: 2nd graders~high school students

Cash Prizes: Yes

The Caribou Math Competition is the only worldwide math competition that is held totally online. This contest is held six times throughout the school year, and students that complete all six tests can compete for the Caribou Cup. Each contest engages students in 60 minutes of math puzzles, interactive questions, and a wide variety of problem-solving activities.

Not only is the Caribou Math Competition open to international participants, it also offers contests to elementary (小学) through high school students. The high school level Caribou Math Contests are divided into two age-based categories. Grades 9 and 10 participate in the same contests, and grades 11 and 12 participate in the same contests.

Cash prizes are given out to the top performing students and schools in the Caribou Cup after the final contest each year, which is held in May. Students are ranked based on the total of their top scores in five out of the six contests. A student's cash prize amount is determined based on their percentage score multiplied by a set dollar amount based on their ranking. Here's how that is calculated (计算):

• 1st place student: $ 100 X percentage score

• 2nd place student: $75 × percentage score

• 3rd place student: $ 50 × percentage score

• 4th and on: $ 30 X percentage score

1. Who can join in the competition?
A.University students.B.High school students.
C.Everyone around the world.D.All elementary school students.
2. What is unique about the competition?
A.It has seven tests.
B.It lasts sixty minutes.
C.It is held six times every year.
D.It's the only worldwide online math competition.
3. How will students be ranked?
A.By their top five contest scores.
B.By the rankings of their schools.
C.By the best score of their six contests.
D.By their scores in the contest for the Caribou Cup.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Deng Yaping,       1     was a well-known table tennis player, was born in 1973, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. She started playing ping-pang at the age of 5 and     2     (show)her great gift. Four years later, she won her provincial junior championship. At the age of 13, she won her first     3     (nation)championship and beat many other competitors in all kinds of competitions in the following years. She had won 18 championships     4     the time she retired(退役)from sports at the age of 24. Deng Yaping is regarded as one of the greatest     5     (player)in the history of sport.

However,       6     (compare)with other athletes, she made more efforts to achieve her dream. At first, Deng Yaping     7     (refuse)by the Henan Provincial Team just because she wasn't tall enough. Her path to success was filled with many other difficulties, but none of     8     stopped her. She practised even     9     (hard)and finally made it to the top. Her great determination and mental strength have inspired thousands of people. Now, she     10     (become) a living legend in the sports field at home and abroad.

2022-01-13更新 | 203次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Tai chi is a gentle Kongfu art that started in China. It uses slow and safe movements to create and balance inner energy (called Chi).     1    . It’s believed to have received more and more attention since the 19th century.

Tai chi is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. It puts very little harmful stress on muscles(肌肉) and joints(关节), making it generally safe. It’s an exercise that can be easily done for less able people.     2    .

A 2019 review of studies suggested that tai chi might reduce the risk of falls in older people.     3    . Sideways and backwards movements can help to strengthen muscles required for good stability(稳定). It also improves people’s sense of space.

Tai chi is good for people’s body. Research shows that practising tai chi is usually good for knee health.     4    . So people will sit or stand a little comfortably. What’s more, although Tai chi is so slow and smooth, it can improve both upper body strength and lower-body strength when practised day by day.

    5    . Research has shown that the brain has the ability to change through your life, growing new cells(细胞), making new connections, and even increasing in size. Tai chi does good things in these changes. Besides, Tai chi reduces people’s stress and worry, and increases confidence.

A.It can also reduce back pain.
B.It requires focus of mind and body.
C.Even those in wheelchairs can try it.
D.Certainly, the main point is on balance.
E.There are many reasons for you to practice tai chi.
F.Tai chi can improve people’s mind in older people.
G.You will find a tai chi class that matches your fitness level.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Kite surfing is a sport that takes place on the surface of the water, on top of boards that are similar in design to wakeboards (尾波滑水板), with the surfer pulled by a kite. The popularity of kite surfing has grown, although it is rather difficult to master. Kite surfing uses the same equipment as kite boarding, but is generally given more to riding on top of waves, rather than on smaller lakes or other calm bodies of water.

Early experiments in kite transportation took place through the 19th century, and at the dawn of the 20th century Samuel Cody crossed the English Channel using kites and a small boat. Kite surfing itself, however, wasn’t really born until the late 1970s. Beginning in that decade, more people became involved in using kites for personal transport and sport. Kite technology itself advanced enormously during the 1970s, with kites becoming much more controllable.

The early kite surfing was rather accidental, but innovators continued to develop the technology to make it easier to control and safer. By the late 1990s, kite surfing was becoming popular off the coast of Maui, France and throughout the world. In 1997, a special kite system was built specifically for kite surfing, which helped kite surfing into the mainstream.

Because of the high speeds and the dangers, it is generally recommended that would-be kite surfers take at least a few basic classes to learn the fundamentals. The main attraction of kite surfing is the potential for amazing tricks. The kite allows the surfer to experience enormous jumps, flying through the air for large distances before hitting the water in a controlled fashion. Like skateboarding, kite surfing makes use of a number of board grabs, with complex tricks possible due to the long period of time the surfer can remain in the air.

1. What does the author mainly intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?
A.What is kite surfing.B.Where to go kite surfing.
C.How to enjoy kite surfing.D.Why people like kite surfing.
2. In the 19th century, people intended to use kite for ________.
3. What can we know from the third paragraph?
A.Kite surfing often leads to accidents.
B.Maui is home to kite surfing.
C.Kite control is the key to kite surfing.
D.Kite surfing came into being in the 1990s.
4. What is most charming for people surfing?
A.Its potential for tricks.B.Its long time in the air.
C.Its speed across the water.D.Its big distance over the water.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . The CT COLT (康州语言教师协会) Poetry Competition Committee is happy to announce the opening of registration for the 2022 St. Louis COLT Poetry Competition, taking place on Friday, July 21, 2022, from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. The Poetry Recitation Competition is an annual event open to students whose teachers are members of CT COLT. As you know, last year we sadly lost our long time board member and treasurer, Paul M. St. Louis. In honor of his years of commitment to the COLT board and poetry competition, the competition is being renamed.


All registration materials are now online.

●School Registration/Member Rate

Registration is free for members, and an additional $9 per student will be added.

●School Registration/Non-Member Rate/Includes Membership — $30

This rate includes membership for the person in charge and an additional $9 per student will be added.

Please note registration closes on June 30, 2022


CT COLT is pleased to recognize and reward the excellence and achievement of deserving students. Winners:

●will receive a paper certificate

●will receive a collection of poems.

●will have their names published on the CT COLT website.

●will have a special letter of recognition sent to their headteacher.

●will receive a well designed pen.

We hope that you and your students will be able to participate in the competition this year.

1. Why is the competition being renamed?
A.To honor a person.B.To focus on the topic better
C.To attract more participants.D.To serve a commercial purpose.
2. How much is it for a non-member teacher bringing 3 students to the competition?
3. What will the headteacher of the winner receive?
A.A recognition letter.B.A paper certificate.
C.A collection of poems.D.A well designed pen.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了“Teach ME”全国学生创新大赛的相关事宜。

9 . Teach ME National Students’ Innovation Competition was started in 2016 for primary and secondary school students in Trinidad and Tobago. It seeks to recognise and reward student creators for their application of scientific knowledge and technological solutions.

For 2022, the competition will be hosted on the virtual (虚拟) platform Roblox, a game creation system that allows users to design and build their own games. This competition will expose participants to coding, game development and game design.

Participant Qualifications

● All participants must be natives of Trinidad and Tobago between the ages of 8 and 17.

● Individuals or teams of up to five persons can enter the competition.

● Multiple entries are allowed but should be done on separate entry forms.

● Members of the organising committee and their families are not allowed to enter this competition.

● All participants must complete video tutoring classes sent by email as a guide to using the gaming platform.

Competition Instructions

Participants would be required to:

● Create Roblox user account at www.roblox.com.

● Download and apply the game building software Roblox Studio at roblox.com/create.

● Using Roblox, create a solution to a threat or problem in your community.

● Present your idea and your virtual original model to the judges.

Teams must complete a Project Design Packet to document their journey throughout the competition (one design packet per team). Design packets should detail the project concept, design process and development, trials and errors, and any other records. Design packets must include weekly progress notes.

Competition Timeline

Registration Deadline October 10th, 2022

Submission November 10th, 2022

Final Judging November 25th, 2022

1. What’s the purpose of the competition?
A.To team up with Roblox.B.To improve a game system.
C.To inspire students’ creativity.D.To build a virtual community.
2. What do we know about the participants?
A.They will be guided to use Roblox.B.They can submit entries on one form.
C.They are more likely to win as a team.D.They are of any age between 7 and 18.
3. What is specially required of teams?
A.The user account.B.Registration deadline.
C.The building software.D.A Project Design Packet.
2022-04-30更新 | 158次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河北省唐山市高考二模英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 你在英语课上要介绍一下自己喜爱的奥运会项目。请你根据下列提示写一篇以“My Favorite Olympic Game”为题的短文。
2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
共计 平均难度:一般