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1 . “The Worthington Christian defeated the Westerville North by 2—1 in an Ohio boys’ soccer game on Saturday.” That’s according to a story that appeared last month in The Columbus Dispatch. That lead was written not by a sportswriter, but by an artificial intelligence (AI) tool.

Many news organizations are now examining how AI might be used in their work. But if they begin their “experimenting” with high school sports because they are less momentous than war, peace, climate change and politics, they may miss something crucial. Nothing may be more important to the students who play high school sports, and to their families, neighborhoods, and sometimes, the whole town. That next game is what the students train for, work toward, and dream about. Someday, almost all student athletes will go on to have jobs in front of screens, in office parks, at schools, in hospitals or on construction sites. They may suffer blows and setbacks. But the high school games they played and watched, as well as their hopes and cheers, will stay vivid in their memories.

I have a small idea. If newspapers will no longer send staff reporters to cover high school games, why not hire high school student journalists? News organizations can pay students an hourly wage to cover high school games. The young reporters might learn how to be fair to all sides, write vividly, and attract readers. That’s what some celebrities in sports did, and do.

And think of the great writers who were inspired by sports: Hemingway on fishing, Bernard Malamud and Marianne Moore on baseball, Chen Zhongshi on football, and CLR James on cricket, who said, “There can be raw pain and bleeding where so many thousands see the inevitable (不可避免的) ups and downs of only a game.” A good high school writer, unlike a robot, could tell readers not just the score, but the stories of the game.

1. Why is the lead mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce an original idea.B.To show AI’s wide application.
C.To bring in the opinion about AI.D.To stress AI’s importance to news.
2. What does the author think of high school games?
3. What is good sports news like according to the author?
A.Rich in contents.B.Fair in comments.
C.Centered on results.D.Targeted on readers.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.News Organizations Are Abusing AIB.High Schoolers Can Do What AI Can’t
C.Great Writers Are Crazy About SportsD.AI Ruins High School Students’ Memory
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Rushing down the path, the traceur (跑酷者) is on the lookout for his next obstacles such as fire escapes, walls, or fences. As soon as he realizes a massive brick wall stands between him and where he wants to be, he unintentionally grabs on the wall with his hands and lifts himself to stand on top of it. His next move is a jump that lands him back on solid ground; however, noticing that he is unstable, he rolls to avoid injury.

Traceurs are athletes who perform remarkable gymnastics actions in urban environments. Serious traceurs are fascinated not just by the physical challenges of Parkour, but by its philosophy. Those who learn to excel at Parkour claim to develop not just physical fitness, but increased self-confidence and critical thinking skills, as they train themselves to find ways around every obstacle in their paths.

Because of these philosophical foundations, Parkour is often described by traceurs as more of a lifestyle or an art form than a sport. Passionate traceurs are determined to keep Parkour from becoming a competitive attempt. Competition, they argue, devalues the philosophical theory behind Parkour. People who practice Parkour should be more concerned with their relationship to the environment than with a ticking clock, a score, or a cheering crowd. Furthermore, traceurs should work with each other to improve confidence, awareness, and unity. Competition, they argue, only brings about feelings of conflict and disharmony.

While Parkour purists suggest that the philosophy behind Parkour helps to limit injuries, they must remember that not everyone who tries to leap over a mailbox is an experienced traceur trying to get in touch with his or her environment. Adolescents attempting to carry out these acrobatic (杂技的) skills could severely injure themselves. So while newcomers to Parkour might be eager to investigate this art of movement, it would be wise for them to remember the physicality behind the philosophy. After all, philosophy is not much good to a broken leg.

1. Why does the author describe a traceur at the beginning?
A.To illustrate what Parkour is like.B.To teach ways of avoiding injuries.
C.To explain different Parkour moves.D.To highlight the popularity of sports.
2. How can Parkour enhance a traceur’s self-confidence?
A.By strengthening physical fitness.B.By winning Parkour competitions.
C.By building faith in conquering barriers.D.By grasping some philosophical theories.
3. What do we know about serious and pure traceurs?
A.They are aware of how to treat injuries.
B.They suggest individual efforts in the sport.
C.They stress the relationship to the environment.
D.They are more concerned with remarkable actions.
4. What does the author advise newcomers to do?
A.Face physical challenges boldly.B.Learn from experienced traceurs.
C.Start from leaping over a mailbox.D.Consider the risk of severe harm.
2024-04-16更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高三第二次“三诊一模”英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As a journalist, I have had the chance to meet some remarkable people in different fields, but no one has impressed me more than Austin Riley.

Austin Riley is a race car driver. He has been attracting crowds to the race track for years. But his claim to fame isn’t just being fast on the speedway. He is overcoming difficulties on the track for those with disabilities. Riley has autism (自闭症). Simple tasks like tying his shoes are extremely complicated for him, but when put in a race car—a complex, delicate piece of machine —he will take you by surprise.

I first met Riley and his father Jason in 2014, in Uxbridge, Ontario, at the local go-cart track. I still remember how excited Riley was to have me and my cameraman there filming his every move. He was a go-cart racer then. He could barely talk to me, let alone look at me. No matter how quiet and shy he was, I knew this kid was going to be something big.

The go-cart track is where Riley’s racing career began. His dad, Jason, just wanted to give him something to focus his energy on. Riley has always loved cars. He has been crazy about them since he was a very young child. He also loves speed. The minute he hit the gas, his mind began to move fast and everything felt in sync(同步).

Riley’s journey on the track soon took him from fast go-carts to really fast cars. He became the first person with autism in Canada to get his race car licence. It opened up the track for Riley to drive in the big leagues — the Radical Motorsports circuit. Riley is now racing across North America, putting him on the podium(领奖台) almost every time.


However, behind every success for Riley and his family is a story of hardship.


Riley has also made a difference off the track.

2024-04-15更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期3+3+3高考备考诊断性联考(二)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The Maasai people are the most easily identifiable in Kenya with their very colorful clothing and ornaments on the body. They live a nomadic life, raising and hunting animals near some of Kenya’s most visited wildlife parks.     1    

It is a tradition for a young Maasai man, called a moran in the Maasai language, to kill a lion alone with a spear to show that he is a man. With the kill, a moran would be able to win a “lion name” and admiration among young women.     2     Instead, the young Maasai will take part in a javelin (标枪) throwing competition at an event called the Maasai Olympics.

Mingati Samanya, at the age of 69, is one of the Maasai elders. During his youth, Samanya killed two lions to show he was a man.     3     Samanya is now among the elders who are trying to push the young Maasai to do something different to prove themselves, which includes participating in javelin throwing, jumping and other activities in the community Olympics.

    4     In the past, they killed lions and didn’t get any benefit from it. Right now, when the morans throw a javelin, run or jump, they get not just medals, but also some money.     5     Thanks to the Maasai Olympics and its appealing practice in particular, the lion population in parts of the Kimana Sanctuary (保护区) near Mount Kilimanjaro has increased 10 times over the last 20 years.

A.It can help provide for their families.
B.Quite often women also join in the events.
C.That is how he had the “lion name” Mingati.
D.Here comes how they protect the rights of the Maasai.
E.But the Maasai seem to be ending the tradition.
F.However, their hunting has often been taken as a threat to the lions.
G.On a Saturday, the morans near Kimana will compete for rewards.
2024-04-15更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期3+3+3高考备考诊断性联考(二)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

13-year-old twin brother and sister Zhao Ziqian and Zhao Qinman are from Dongguan, Guangdong Province. They enter the water’s off Xinbu Island in Haikou     1     (participate) in a swimming challenge across the Qiongzhou Strait (海峡),     2     lies between the island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong.

On Aug.21,2023, the twins     3     (successful) swam across the country’s Qiongzhou Strait, becoming the first set of twins to achieve the swimming feat (功绩). They were also     4     first among the 84th batch (批) of challengers to reach the shore in the attempt to swim across the Qiongzhou Strait, which is about 20 kilometers at its     5     (narrow) point. A total of six challengers from Dongguan took part     6     the activity. They entered the waters off Xinbu Island, beginning their challenge at 4: 34 a. m. on Aug. 21 under the     7       (guide) of local teams.

According to Zhao Ziqian, the older brother, challengers could fuel their body with bottled water, bananas, chocolate and other food     8     (throw) down to them from protecting ships every 40-60 minutes.

The twins’ parents     9     (stay) with them and cheered them on throughout the journey. Their father, a former soldier, said he sent his children to swimming classes to help them build toughness     10     that he would continue to strengthen their physical fitness.

2024-04-10更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省三校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers doing?
A.Doing some exercise.
B.Making a training plan.
C.Attending a sports meeting.
2. How long will the first period of the exercise last?
A.Two weeks.B.Four weeks.C.Six weeks.
3. Which sport does the man plan to practice on Wednesday?
4. How does the man find the second period of the exercise?
2024-04-07更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市水富市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Playing sports at school makes people “grittier” and harder working, boosts the chances of achieving long-term goals, and having successful careers, say scientists. The Ohio State University team analyzed National Sports and Society Survey data on almost 4, 000 men and women across the US and asked study participants to rate themselves on a scale of 1-5on eight statements. They included “I am diligent. I never give up.” And “I am a hard worker”. None of the statements was directly related to sports. 34% of those who did sports as a youngster scored high on the grit scale, compared to 23% of peers who gave up. One in four of those who never played sports ranked low, compared to just 17% of those who did. Lead author Dr. Emily Nothnagle said practicing drills on the field can improve pupils’ lives for decades, adding “The grit they develop from playing sports can help them for the rest of their lives”.

The findings, published in the journal Leisure Sciences,were supported by more sophisticated (复杂的) statistical analyses that accounted for respondents’ demographic (人口的) characteristics. But it appears only children who keep at it-and play continually—get the benefit, say the researchers. Some may just be born with the grit to help them succeed at sports as a young person and then continue to benefit from that trait as an adult. “Quitting could reflect a lack of perseverance, which is a crucial component of grit,” said a researcher. “It could also make quitting an activity, and not persevering, easier the next time.”

Adults who played sports as kids generally perceived the experience helped improve their work ethic, and that perception was linked to their grit scores as adults even though the researchers said people can gain or lose grit throughout life.

1. What does the underlined word “grittier” mean in the 1st paragraph?
A.More hopeful.B.More pessimistic.
C.More aggressive.D.More determined.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.The survey included a total of 15 statements.
B.The survey centered on sports and lifestyle.
C.People who did sports at a young age tended to score high on the grit scale.
D.The survey was conducted and analyzed by Dr. Emily alone.
3. How were the findings presented in the journal Leisure Sciences?
A.By providing experiments.
B.By offering some examples.
C.By showing differences.
D.By analyzing characteristics.
4. Where is the passage most likely to be taken from?
A.A biological textbook.B.A science magazine.
C.A travel brochure.D.An economic paper.
2024-04-01更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期教学测评月考卷(五)英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |

8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was in high school a few years ago, I was an energetic and brave teenager. I loved smiling, writing, and doing sports, especially football.

One day, my football teammates and I took part in an important football game. After the game began, the ball was soon kicked in my direction. I received the ball and crossed it twenty feet toward the goal, just in time for my teammate to meet it and hit it right into the net. “Good shot!” everyone shouted. The game started well.

Later, the game became more and more challenging as the other team tied with our team. And in the second half of the game, the score was still one to one until I received the ball with one minute left. I needed to hit the ball into the net, and I had a successful try, making the final score two to one. But in the meantime, a bad thing happened.

In an attempt to block my shot, one player from the other team challenged me in midair. But instead of hitting the ball, his body happened to hit mine, while my teammates shouted cries of victory and horror at the same time.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by my family members, friends and teammates, with a great pain in my right leg. There were also doctors around me, who told me how serious my injuries were. To my surprise, I would have to undergo a very rare operation that had only been performed a limited number of times in the United States, and the success rate is only 50 percent.

After considering for a long time and getting the support of people around me, I decided to have the operation because I knew that no matter which way I chose, there would be many challenges waiting for me. Would I be able to return to school? What effect would it have on my social life, hobby or future? These questions took over my mind. However, only time would provide answers.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

A few days later, I underwent the operation.


Paragraph 2:

I decided to bravely face my bad luck that I lost control of my right leg.


2024-03-30更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省大理州民族中学2023-2024学年高二下学期见面考英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who is the main audience for the announcement?
A.Soccer players.B.Parents of soccer players.C.The youngest soccer players.
2. What do we know about the youngest group?
A.They are too young to play.
B.The transportation will be arranged by the speaker.
C.There aren’t enough players to make teams.
3. What is required to join the weekend camps?
A.Some insurance.B.Some reservations.C.Some paperwork.
4. What can we learn about the speaker?
A.His name is Steve.B.His child plays soccer.C.He is a soccer coach.
2024-03-13更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省下关第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The Best Ways to Get Good at Any Sport

If sports are something that interests you, it stands to reason that you would want to be good at them. Succeeding in a sport takes skills, and skills take patience and determination.     1     Skills alone may take you far, but you’ll never go all the way unless you have the right attitude and team spirit to back it up.

Join a sports team.

If you want to become a sports superstar, joining a team is a good way to start. Even if your skills are currently low, joining an amateur league will sharpen up your skills. Sports teams are everywhere, and most of them are free to join. If you go to school, you should go for team tryouts when they’re happening.     2    

Practice until your skills become second nature.

If you’re wondering at what point a skill becomes mastered, it is when you’re able to do it automatically and without thinking. This is called the autonomous stage, and it’s where you want to be at if you want to play sports competitively.     3     When you’re in the fight of a game, you won’t have time to think everything through, so practice until it’s all automatic, so you’ll know you’re ready.

Set ambitious but realistic goals for yourself.

    4     Instead, you should take a look at what you are, and figure out where you think you would like to be. Give yourself a suitable amount of time to achieve that goal, and break it down into smaller parts if the goal is especially big.


One of the biggest reasons people join sports teams in the first place is to make friends with new people. Chances are you’ll develop friendships with at least some of them. Making these friendships a priority is a good move if you want to become great at sports. You can practice together on your own time. The morale (士气) boost of playing with friends helps as well.

A.Set your sights wide.
B.Promote friendships with other players.
C.Recreation centers are often host to sports teams as well.
D.This doesn’t mean saying you’ll be professional within a year.
E.But if the desire is intense enough, you will do anything to realize your dreams.
F.Given enough time and repetition, a skill will eventually fall under this category.
G.However, you need to think about other things if you want to be a good sports player.
2024-03-10更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省红河州高中毕业生第二次复习统一检测英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般