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1 . Unhealthy health care bills, long emergency-room waits and inability to find a primary care   physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.

Primary care should be the backbone of any health care system. Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and costs. The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialists rather than the primary care physician.

A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare Beneficiaries(老年医保受惠人). The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctors --- two primary care physicians and five specialists --- in a given year. Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care of you don't guarantee better care. Actually increasing breakup of care results in a corresponding rise in costs and medical errors.

How did we let primary care slip so far? The key is how doctors are paid. Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service. The more a physician does, regardless of quality or outcome, the better he's reimbursed( 返还费用). Moreover, the amount of a physician receives leans heavily toward medical or surgical procedures. A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease. Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.

Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care.

Medical students are not blind to this scenario. They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care. The recent numbers show that since 1997, newly graduated U.S. medical students who choose primary care as a career have declined by 50%. This trend results in emergency rooms being overwhelmed with patients without regular doctors.

How do we fix this problem?

It starts with reforming the physician reimbursement system. Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour, and reward them for optimally managing their diseases and practicing evidence-based medicine. Make primary care more attractive food to medical students by forgiving students loans for those who choose primary care as a career and harmonizing the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.

We’re at the point where primary care is needed more than ever. Within a few years, the first wave of 76 million Baby Boomers will become qualified for Medicare. Patients older than 85, who need chronic care most, will rise by 50% this decade.

Who will be there to treat   them?

1. The author’s chief concern about the current U.S. health care system is_____.
A.the inadequate training of physiciansB.the declining number of doctors
C.the ever-rising health care costsD.the shrinking primary care resources
2. We learn from the passage that people tend to believe that     .
A.the more costly the medicine, the more effective the cure
B.seeing more doctors may result in more diagnostic errors
C.visiting doctors on a regular basis ensures good health
D.the more doctors taking care of a patient, the better
3. Why do many new medical graduates refuse to choose primary care as their career?
A.They find the need for primary care declining.
B.The current system works against primary care.
C.Primary care physicians command less respect.
D.They think working in an emergency room tedious.
4. What suggestions does the author give in order to provide better health care?
A.Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians.
B.Extend primary care to patients with chronic diseases.
C.Recruit more medical students by offering them loans.
D.Reduce the tuition of students who choose primary care as their major.

2 . Last week I had to attend an event that required me to look better than my regular self (having left "effortless beauty" behind somewhere in my 20s), so I did what any self-respecting woman would do, which was to go for a blowout at a nearby Drybar. After the visit, my hair looked much better - so much better, in fact, that I was feeling almost effortlessly beautiful until I got back to my desk to find an email from Drybar, asking if I would rate my experience.

Life is so complicated now. In order to buy, visit or do anything, you need to follow this six-step process:

1. Decide and plan to do the thing

2. Do the thing

3. Take a photo of yourself doing the thing

4. Post the photo of you doing the thing on social media

5. Repeatedly check how many likes the post of you doing the thing got

6. Rate the thing

However, sensible ones like me would usually like to stop after step 2.

As I see it, there are two problems with our rate-everything way of living. First, the mystery-of-life issue. By my completely unscientific estimation, every time a new social-media platform is introduced, before long we will all know everything about everybody, and most of it will be things you don't want to know in the first place. Though some people may argue that expressing ourselves through ratings can help businesses perfect themselves. I dare say there can be more power in keeping your opinions to yourself than in giving a business a terrible review. I once worked for a legendarily scary woman whose power was all about her inscrutability. Every day her staff is doing anxious tea-leaf reading. " Did she like that thing you showed her?" "I don't know, she hasn't responded." "Where did she go all afternoon?" "I don't know, she didn't tell anybody." She was strict, changeable, reserved, and above all, mysterious, which both explained her attraction and enabled her to keep us firmly within her control.

Second problem: the time-suck factor. No, Drybar, I do not want to be in a committed, dynamic relationship with you. I don't want to fill out a survey, and while I appreciate the email from user-support associate Katie, I feel upset for the time I spent reading it. Katie, if I need more help, I will reach out. Am I just a bad-tempered middle-aged lady who left effortless beauty behind in her 20s and now mostly wants to be left alone? Perhaps yes!

In summary, and to businesses everywhere: I just want you to provide me with something that I pay for, and then I want no contact with you until the next time I need you. Isn't it enough that I gave you my credit-card number? If time is indeed money, then by taking my money and afterword making me rate the experience of your taking my money, you're essentially double-billing me. And I'm pretty sure that's illegal, as least in most states.

1. Which is NOT true about Drybar?
A.Women gain self-respect there.B.It is near the author's place.
C.It's a place making women look good.D.It collect customer's reviews.
2. The example of a legendarily scary woman is used to illustrate ________.
A.we can know everything about everybody
B.we actually didn't want to know all the things
C.ratings can help business leaders in perfection
D.there's more power in keeping opinions to oneself
3. The woman's inscrutability indicates that she ________.
A.wants others to solve her mysteries
B.is reluctant to answer questions
C.doesn't like to reveal her feelings
D.likes to stay and act alone
4. What would the author probably say to Drybar in response to the email she received?
A.I am very satisfied because of your wonderful service.
B.Spending time reading it and rating really disturbs me.
C.I feel upset because you make me lose my beauty.
D.Do I need to worry about leaving you my credit-card number?
2020-10-11更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市交通大学附属中学2021届高三9月开学考试英语试题
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3 .


Who pays?

The local education authority (LEA) for the area in which the student is living.

Who can get this money?

Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course, although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not. Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years, which can exclude some students from overseas.

If a student has worked before going to college?

A student who is 26 or more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money – £155 a year if 26, increasing to a maximum of £615 at 29 or more.

If a student is handicapped?

LEAs will give up to £500 to help meet extra expenses – such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student, extra heating or special food.


Most of the big banks offer special services to students who open accounts (in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials). A student won’t usually have to pay bank charges as long as the account stays in credit. Some banks allow students to overdraw by £100 or so, and still don’t make charges (though they do charge interest).

1. The phrase “a grant” in the first line most probably means _____.
A.bank interestB.a credit card
C.an education feeD.financial aid
2. A student from Japan who has been studying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a few months will _____.
A.be unable to get money from any LEA
B.get money if taking a first degree course
C.get money from LEA when finishing his course
D.have to open a bank account before getting money
3. A 31-year-old nurse wishes to qualify as a doctor at a university. She has worked since she was 25. How much extra money will she get a year?
2020-08-04更新 | 139次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届上海市行知中学高三三模英语试题
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4 . This booklet, prepared by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), provides an overview on depression. It will help you learn the things that everyone should know about depression.

This booklet is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a guide for making medical decisions. For more information on depression, please visit the NIMH website at www.nimh.nih.gov.

1. Depression is a real illness.

Sadness is something we all experience. It is a normal reaction to difficult times in life and usually passes with a little time. When a person has depression, however, it interferes with daily life and normal functioning. Doctors call this condition “depressive disorder.” It is a real illness. Many factors may play a role in depression.

Causes of Depression

(1) Genetics, brain biology and chemistry

(2) Life events such as trauma, loss of a loved one

(3) A difficult relationship

(4) Early childhood experience

(5) Chronic illness, drug and alcohol abuse

(6) Any stressful situation

2. Depression affects people in different ways.

Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience only a few symptoms; others have many. The seriousness and frequency of symptoms, and how long they last, vary depending on the individual and the stage of the illness.

Symptoms of Depression

(1) Feelings of guilt, sadness, worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness

(2) Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities

(3) Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions

(4) Persistent aches or pains

(5) Insomnia

(6) Appetite and/ or weight changes

(7) Consistent fatigue and decreased energy

(8) Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts

3. Depression is treatable.

Depression, even the most serious cases, can be treated. The earlier treatment begins, the more effective it will be.

Dealing With Depression

Reach out and stay connected: Make real-life communication a priority! Spend time with other people and confide in a trusted friend or relative. Let them help you.

Try to be active and exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This does not have to be all at once. A ten-minute walk can improve your mood for two hours.

Eat a healthy and mood-boosting diet: Reduce foods that contain caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, and foods with high levels of chemical preservatives as well as sugars.

Get a daily dose of sunlight: Sunlight can help improve your mood. Whenever possible, get outside during daylight hours and expose yourself to the sun.

Challenge negative thinking: Nothing is as bad as it seems at first. Try to move your focus away from concentrating on what is bad in your life.

Find professional help: If none of the above tips help, do not wait for the symptoms to disappear. Seek professional help.

4. You are not alone.

In addition to your treatment, you could also join a support group. At the meetings, people share experiences, feelings, information, and coping strategies for living with depression.

Depression Around the World

Nearly seven percent of American teens and adults are currently living with depression.

About 300 million people around the world are suffering from depression.

1. According to the article, depression is NOT something that ______.
① makes a person feel a little bit sad
② always has a clear cause
③ a person can get rid of
④ happens to a small group of people
2. According to the article, who might be suffering from depression?
A.A teenager who frequently complained of stomachaches before going to school and preferred to stay in her room alone.
B.A firefighter who had a sleepless night after a tough task.
C.A mother who felt really exhausted after helping her child with her homework.
D.An old man who had no appetite for his favorite food and decided to try a new diet.
3. If you had a friend who was living with depression, you should probably suggest he ______.
A.make an overseas trip all by himself
B.stay at the gym and work out day and night
C.concentrate on the negative feelings and try to overcome them
D.take professional advice and accept medical intervention
2020-06-20更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市进才中学2020届高三4月月考英语试题

5 . Guaranteed! The fastest way to learn a language.

Finally, we have a different approach that has millions of people impressed. Using the award-winning Dynamic Immersion method, our interactive software teaches without translation, memorization or grammar drills. Combining thousands of real-life images and the voices of native speakers in a step-by-step immersion process, our programs successfully copy the experience of learning your first language. Guaranteed to teach faster and easier than any other language product or your money back. No questions asked.















1. Which of the following is the advantage of the Dynamic Immersion method?
A.It encourages active memorization of words.
B.It provides extensive drills on grammar items.
C.It allows the user to acquire a language in a shorter time.
D.It teaches by translating the foreign language into your native language.
2. In order to know one’s progress, one has to _______.
A.call 1800-6310-1389 to consult the teacher
B.get feedback from the automated tutorials
C.complete all the 20 activities in each lesson
D.compare one’s voice with the native speaker’s
3. Which of the following skills in the program has more to do with the learner’s life experience?
2020-06-18更新 | 282次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届上海市浦东复旦附中分校高三3月月考英语试题
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6 . These are pages pasted on a college bulletin board. It lists part-time job vacancies on campus this semester.

Bilingual Secretary Wanted

Our International Exchange Department requires one part-time bilingual secretary for our office. He / She must be native Mandarin with excellent English competence (better with Japanese). We   ask   for   8   hours   a week   (from Monday   to   Saturday),   and working schedule is

negotiable. However,   English   corners   are arranged on Thursdays,   and therefore we need   you to be on site from 3pm to 5pm. Attractive salary and good benefits package, including chances to exchange to foreign countries, are offered to junior and senior year students with excellent secretarial skills, the ability to communicate, an outgoing personality and a strong sense of responsibility.

Please hand in applications with photo, and email to uniied@gmail.com, or call 400-800-100 during office hours to get further information.

International Exchange Department

Advanced Math Teaching Assistants in Need

The Mathematics Department is looking for two Advanced Math teaching assistants. The job is mainly to help freshmen students to deal with math assignments and projects, as well as prepare them for final exams in Week 16.

We hope those applying for the position could meet the following requirements. First, it’s necessary for the applicants to be skilled at math. Second, he/she should have at least 2 As in math-related courses with GPA no less than 4.0. Third, the job asks for excellence in both professional skills and patience.

For those who are interested in the position, please send your résumé to unimd@gmail.com before September 15th.

Part-time Job Recruitment

Dr. Jessica Smith Mathematics Department

Technology Support Department lacks several assistants to work at its help desk.

Contents: A customer service job — answering questions, helping people solve their computer problems, providing basic teaching to new users, etc.

Requirement: the Advanced Computer Test certificate; good interpersonal skills; enthusiasm.

Work hours: from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.

             early mornings (6 a.m.-9 a.m.): 2 persons mornings (9 a.m.- 12 a.m.): 1 person
             afternoons (12 p.m.- 6 p.m.): (full)
            evenings (6 p.m. - 11 p.m.): (full)
             late nights: (11 p.m.-2 a.m.): 2 persons weekends: 3 persons

If you are interested, please come to Luking Library 2F (East Side) Room 213 and fill the forms. An interview will be arranged afterwards. New position for the next semester will be released in December.

Mr. Luke Johnson Technology

Support Department


1. If you get the position as a secretary, you ________.
A.have to assist in English corner
B.have a tight schedule during the week
C.have the chance to be an exchange student in foreign universities anytime during university
D.must be a native English speaker who can speak fluent Chinese
2. Why are there so many job vacancies in Technology Support Department?
A.Because the interview is challenging.
B.Because applicants have to fill in complicated forms.
C.Because applicants have to work irregular hours.
D.Because the Advanced Computer Test certificate is too difficult to obtain.
3. Which of the following statements is correct according to the advertisements?
A.The advertisements can be found on the school website.
B.Call for further information of math teaching assistants before September 15th.
C.More job vacancies in the Mathematics Department will be available in December.
D.The International Exchange Department needs a communicative and responsible secretary.
2020-06-18更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届上海市静安区高三二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 .  Suddenly Uncle Henry stood up. “There’s a cyclone coming, Em,” he called to his wife. “I’ll go look after the stock.” Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.

Aunt Em dropped her work and came to the door. One glance told her of the danger close at hand. “Quick, Dorothy!” she screamed. “Run for the cellar!” Toto jumped out of Dorothy’s arms and hid under the bed, and the girl started to get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door in the floor and climbed down the ladder into the small, dark hole. Dorothy caught Toto at last and started to follow her aunt. When she was halfway across the room there came a great roar from the wind, and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly upon the floor.

Then a strange thing happened. The house circled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon. It was very dark, and the wind blew horribly around her, but Dorothy found she was riding quite easily. After the first few twists and turns, and one other time when the house tipped badly, she felt as if she were being rocked gently, like a baby in a cradle (摇篮). Toto did not like it. He ran about the room, now here, now there, barking loudly; but Dorothy sat quite still on the floor and waited to see what would happen.

At last she crawled over the swinging floor to her bed, and lay down upon it; and Toto followed and lay down beside her. In spite of the swinging of the house and the crying of the wind, Dorothy soon closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

1. What does the underlined word “cyclone” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. Why did Aunt Em go into the hole in the floor when the cyclone approached?
A.To find the puppy Toto.B.To find shelter from the cyclone.
C.To protect their fortune.D.To get tools to help Henry.
3. Which of the following is True about Dorothy?
A.She managed to control the house.B.She found herself flying in a balloon.
C.She turned baby crying loudly.D.She remained undisturbed with Toto.
4. Which words can be used to describe Dorothy in the emergency?
A.Afraid and brave.B.Curious and tired.
C.Flexible and calm.D.Excited and thrilled.
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8 . Parcel Post Rates


Weight 1 pound and no exceeding(pounds)local1&2345
Up to 150 miles150 to 300 miles300 to 600 miles600 to 1400 miles

1. What is the cost of mailing a 10-pound package a distance of 286 miles ?
A.93 centsB.$ 1.20C.$1.35D.$1.55
2. The exception noted at the bottom of the table means _______________________
A.large packages weighing less than 10 pounds cost the same as a 10- pound package
B.large packages weighing more than 10 pounds cost more than small packages weighing more than 10 pounds
C.large packages measuring over 100 inches cannot be mailed by parcel cost
D.large packages weighing 10 pounds cost less to mail than small packages weighing 10 pounds
3. Which of the following best summarizes all the information on the table ?
A.The table indicates that heavy packages cost more to mail than light-weight packages
B.The table shows five zones that cover the distance from one mils to 600 miles
C.The cost of mailing a package is dependent on the weight of the package and the distance of it being mailed
D.Rates for local mailing are the lowest
2020-05-27更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届上海市高考最后冲刺卷一英语试题

9 . Changing the Game

On a warm September evening in London, The Arch climbing wall, just south of the River Thames, is packed. Scores of people wander around on the thick crash pads, chatting, waiting their turn and offering the odd shout of encouragement to those clinging on to the colourful climbing walls.

Rock climbing was once classified as an “extreme sport”. But indoor centres like The Arch, which offer climbing without the need for rocks, are bringing it into the mainstream. The British Mountaineering Council estimates there are at least 248 public climbing walls in Britain, a number that has risen by 30% since 2010. In 2020 the sport’s governing bodies are hoping to see an even bigger increase in interest. Along with skateboarding, surfing and karate(空手道), rock climbing will be making its first appearance as an Olympic sport at the summer games in Tokyo.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is frank about the ambition to appeal to a younger crowd who may be less familiar with longer-standing sports such as athletics and weightlifting. The crowd at the Arch is exactly what the IOC has in mind: mostly young professional letting off steam after work, who see climbing as a more engaging ans sociable alternative to jogging on running machines or pumping iron in a gym. Between them, the new sports will mean another 18 events and 474 athletes at the Tokyo games.

Officially, all four sports are delighted with their new status. But with the exception of karate, all of them have counter-cultural, anti-establishment roots. Some stars have wondered whether accepting the Olympic torch means going against their beliefs. Owen Wright, a famous surfer, has said that surfing is more art form than sport, and therefore not suitable for the games - though he has since gone back on his word, and hopes to represent Australia in Tokyo.

Adam Ondra, a Czech who is one of the world’s climbers, said he might steer clear of the games because of the format. The eventual Olympic champion will have to master all the three disciplines including bouldering (climbing without a rope, low to the ground, with a focus on hard, gymnastic moves), lead climbing (roped climbing up a tall wall of increasing difficulty) and speed climbing. Bouldering and lead climbing feature new routes in each stage of a competition, in an effort to imitate the variety of real rock. But speed climbing takes place on a standard, unvarying course. Because of this, said Mr. Ondra, “speed is a kind of artificial discipline ... and this is against the soul of climbing.”

Skateboarders, also notably rebellious, can be strikingly young. Sky Brown is set to become Britain’s youngest Olympian and has settled down to training. By the time of the Tokyo games, she will have turned 12.

1. Which of the following statements is true about rock climbing?
A.It originated in The Arch, a sports centre on the River Thames.
B.It has evolved from a mainstream sport into an extreme sport.
C.Spectator’s encouragement contributes to its rapid expansion.
D.The increase in climbing walls reflects a growing interest in it.
2. IOC introduced rock climbing into the Olympics in order to _________
A.familiarize the global population with the new sport
B.attract young people who lack interest in traditional sports
C.enable the young to let off their energy after work
D.challenge the dominant status of traditional sports
3. What can you infer from the star athletes’ responses according to the passage?
A.Surfers are expected to strike a balance between art and sport in the Olympics.
B.Rock climbers must be self-disciplined if they are to win the championship.
C.Adam believes that the soul of climbing consists in its harmony with nature.
D.Strikingly young skateboarders have an advantage over other opponents.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.With the addition of new Olympics sports, stars are divided on whether to participate.
B.Rock climbing, skateboard, surfing and karate are accepted as Olympics sports.
C.Extreme sports athletes rebel against traditions while training for the Olympics.
D.The appeal of a new sport event consists is changing for format of this game.
2020-05-24更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届上海市浦东新区高三二模(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Have you ever heard of Nollywood? Nollywood is the name of the Nigerian (尼日利亚的) film industry. Nigeria is one of the largest film industries in the world based on the quantity of films produced, placing them right below India’s Bollywood and above USA’s Hollwood!

Born in around 1992. Nollywood is the youngest compared with the other two “woods”, and uses new forms of financing and production. Now it’s in adulthood. and bigger productions have become more regular. However, this was not always the case. Although movie theaters were rare in Nigeria during earlier period, original stories were not. Despite lack of funds and experience, self-made directors began to use commercial video cameras to shoot their movies and sold them for home viewing. Even though this resulted in movies with low production value, the original stories instantly made them a hit. Today, the film industry is the largest employer after agriculture and makes up 5% of Nigeria’s GDP.

Nigeria is a big player in the industry and it is constantly improving its craft, taking on new challenges. Nollywood is known mainly for its comedies and dramas, but we are increasingly seeing horror movies and musicals.

Although sometimes heavily criticized for low production values. Nollywood continues to grow fans worldwide. Nigerian movies now make up 11% of Nigeria’s non-oil exports! The average movie is produced in 7-10 days on a budget between £7,000-12,000 (Hollywood’s average is around £60 million per movie with one year production time).This is changing, however, as more filmmakers are receiving proper training and are aiming to make films up to the international standard.

1. What is the advantage of Nollywood?
A.Commercial support.B.Original stories.
C.Dominant comedies.D.Fast production.
2. Which of the following statements about “woods” is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Bollywood produces more films than the other two “woods”.
B.Nollywood is known as the youngest among the three “woods”.
C.Hollywood’ s budget for an average movie is much less than Nollywood’s.
D.It takes much less time to produce a Nollywood film than a Hollywood one.
3. We can infer from the passage that _________.
A.Nollywood’s contribution to Nigera’s GDP is second only to agriculture
B.Nollywood makes fewer comedies and dramas than horror movies and musicals
C.movies made by Nollywood occupy more than 11% of Nigeria’ s export industry
D.more filmmakers in Nollywood are attempting to improve the quality of its films
4. The passage mainly talks about _______.
A.films worth enjoying in Nigeria.
B.major differences among the “woods”.
C.promising future of Nollywood.
D.features and changes of Nollywood.
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