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1 . How to Help Your Teenager Decide on a Career

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It used to be a cute question. But now that your child is a teen, they’re either sick of hearing it or frightened because they don’t have an answer. As a parent, helping your teenager choose a career is highly important.    1    

Take the pressure off

Students leaving school often experience anxiety as they struggle to decide on a life plan. Some teens worry that they’ll disappoint their parents if they don’t take a direct path to a perfect job.    2    And it’s your job to remind them of that. Career exploration for teens should be encouraged, without the pressure of upcoming expectations.

Lead by example

    3    Take some time to think about how your own work might be setting an example. Teenagers are very perceptive (有感知力的) and will observe your relationship with your own work. If they see you enjoying your work, they’ll know it’s possible to find something they enjoy too.

Help them identify their strengths

A key step in helping your teenager choose a career is aiding them to understand themselves.    4    You’ll be able to help by reminding them what circumstances they work best in and what their skills and preferences are. All this information will help guide your teen through their choices.

If your teenager doesn’t have an idea of what they want to do after high school, it’s important to keep an open dialogue and gently encourage them.    5    By encouraging them to think deep, they will hopefully start to plan their future life.

A.It may be beneficial to visit a career advisor.
B.That’s why we’ve put together this practical guide here.
C.But the weight of the world doesn’t rest on their shoulders.
D.Make it your responsibility to be a safe space for your teen.
E.You’re the first and most important role model in your teen’s life.
F.A great way to promote this is asking questions about their future.
G.As their parent, you naturally know your teen and what areas they are good at.
2024-03-08更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

2 . A comment from Zadie Smith caught my attention this week. Asked whether she had ever considered recording an album, the novelist responded, “I have a dream of having a Café Carlyle residency in New York in my 80s.” Here she is at the height of her success dreaming of a career Plan B just like the rest of us!

Weird Plan Bs fascinate me because for years I had one of my own. Despite being perfectly happy in my chosen profession, I had long harboured the fantasy of becoming a photographer and I took a lockdown leap and applied to art school to acquire some actual skills.

Has it brought me fame and riches? Not as yet. Like many people who dream of having a go at something different, I was focusing on creative fulfilment rather than my future finances. By the time I graduated in 2022, my dream of running a portrait photography business was looking a lot less practicable—in part thanks to AI head-shot generators.

If only I had had a little more Fobo, also known as the fear of becoming out-of-date. This workplace trend is an updated version of Fomo—the fear of missing out, which now feels like a poignant (辛酸的) throwback to more optimistic times. 22% of workers are worried that technology will put them out of a job. And who can blame them?

There is another reason that nurturing an alterative career might be risky. Research indicates that having a back-up plan can work against you. Having a Plan B as a safety net can cause people to make less effort at their day job and — unhelpfully — run a greater risk of losing it.

So, do I regret pursuing my Plan B? Not at all — hopefully I’ve got a few years before robot photographers take over the world, and I currently spend a day a week on photography. My only sorrow is something unexpected. For so many years. I had the fantasy of trying something new. My “someday” ambition sustained me through dull and boring days. But now I’m actually spending some of my week doing it, which has caused empty space in my life. It made me realize that having an alternative career to dream about is in itself sustaining and comforting. You might never do it, and that might not even matter. So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and start working on my Plan C...

1. Why did Zadie Smith want to have a Cafe Carlyle residency?
A.She was not satisfied with her writing career.
B.She was eager to take up a second career.
C.She was depressed by recording an album.
D.She was unable to reach the height of success.
2. What do you know about the author’s plan B?
A.She was a skilled photographer who graduated from an art school.
B.She gave up her chosen occupation because of lockdown.
C.She gained a sense of creative satisfaction instead of income.
D.She ran a photography business with the assistance of AI.
3. Why did the author mention the concepts of Fobo and Fomo in paragraph 4?
A.To explain why workers are eager to do plan
B.To introduce one of the disadvantages to do plan B.
C.To advocate the society’s acceptance of plan B.
D.To display the future of trend of the workforce.
4. What’s the author’s “only sorrow” according to the last paragraph?
A.She will be replaced by robot photographer in the future.
B.She can’t spare time to do photography professionally.
C.She hates the dull and boring days in doing photography.
D.She lost something new to excite some enthusiasm for life.
2023-11-22更新 | 252次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 原文填空

One of the most effective ways     1     on a possible career path is to complete a “career aptitude test”. The results of the test will tell you about your     2     and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to.

2022-12-28更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福建师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Career planning is not something that you do once and then forget. It’s an activity you should do at least once a year.     1    

Make career planning a regular event.

Find a day or weekend at least once a year and schedule time to truly focus on what you want out of your career.


Our likes and dislikes change over time, so it’s always a good idea to reflect on what you feel strongly about in your life and career. Make a list of what you like and dislike about your job. Hopefully you still enjoy a lot of your work activities, but if that’s not the case, it might be time to start considering a new job or career.

Set career goals.

While you can be successful in your career without setting goals, you can be even more successful after setting them. What are your short-term (within a year) and long-term (within five to 10 years) career goals? You probably already know about SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. Always write them down and share the list with someone.     3    

Another big part of career planning is reviewing and adjusting these goals on a regular basis and developing new goals once you accomplish (实现) your previous ones.     4    

Explore new education or training opportunities.

Never miss a chance to learn and grow more as an employee and individual. Part of career planning is finding training opportunities that will help you further your career.     5    This is free money and can be valuable in reaching your goals.

A.Research further career advancement opportunities.
B.This will help you to create a sense of accountability.
C.Here are four steps you can take to develop a career plan.
D.Reflect on what you like, dislike, need, and want from work.
E.A fun part of career planning is picturing your career in the future.
F.If your company offers professional development opportunities, take advantage of them.
G.So, each time you sit down to do some career planning, break out this list and review it.
2022-10-29更新 | 294次组卷 | 3卷引用:福建省福州高级中学2022-2023学年高三10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . If you are seeking a new career opportunity rather than just a job, you are not alone. So how can you make sure your job is the right fit for you?     1     Luckily, you are in the right place to get some tips on landing the career you are looking for after graduation.

    2     It may sound simple, but many recent graduates struggle with the big picture. Often, we see career seekers fall into the workforce without a true understanding of what they truly want to do. It is important to understand what you want to accomplish in your career. Find out what you like to do by completing a self-evaluation.

Understand your salary requirements.     3     This is common; however, you can find yourself in an unsatisfying field if satisfying your salary requirements is impossible in that field. That is a problem. It will make your job much less fulfilling.

Set your work-life balance needs. This is important for finding the career that best suits you. In selecting a career, you often have to take various factors into account. Understand how much time you need for the other aspects of life.     4    

Reach out to the place where you want to work. You may have understood the career you want to pursue, but the only problem is that the company isn’t offering that position. Don’t let that discourage you.     5     You may be surprised that the company may be able to offer you a similar job or the ideal position in the future.

A.Know what you want to pursue in life.
B.Show off your competence properly.
C.It’s a tough question without a simple answer.
D.Contact the hiring manager at that company to express your interest.
E.Then find a job that will allow you enough time away from the office.
F.A lot of recent graduates struggle to find a job from which they can get adequate pay.
G.Keep yourself well informed of the latest information about the labor market.
2022-10-11更新 | 147次组卷 | 4卷引用:福建省漳州市东山第二中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If you’re going travelling after university or as a career break, an extended period of time of unemployment can leave a gaping hole in your CV.     1     As long as you plan your trip carefully and think about what you can do, travelling can actually boost your CV and career.

Recharge you batteries

If you’ve just spent three or four years at university, or working without a break, then you’ll need to recharge your batteries. If you take time out to travel you’ll have the opportunity to think about what’s important in your life and refocus on your career.     2    

Learn a new skill

If you’re going on a round-the-world trip then you could be travelling from anywhere between a month to a year, why don’t you learn a new skill while you’re on the road?     3     All businesses and companies need candidates with a broad skill set, so look at learning another language or getting further qualifications to boost your CV.

Make contacts

When you’re backpacking and travelling, try to make contacts with people who might be useful for your career. With the rise of social media, making contacts is as simple as saying “just tweet me” or “I’ll add you on Facebook”. The contacts you make while travelling could be your avenue into a new career.     4    


    5     Not only will you make a difference to the community and society, but it’ll look great on your CV. With volunteering you’ll learn what it means to live and work in another country, and employers are actively encouraging it. In a survey, 63% of HR professionals said that those who have taken a constructive gap year of volunteering or working abroad had an application that stood out from the rest.

A.But don’t worry.
B.Consider the simplest way you can meet their needs.
C.It’s important to network wherever you are in the world.
D.More often than not, you’ll come home feeling refreshed and energetic.
E.Think about what employers are looking for in your industry and cater to that.
F.One of the hardest things to overcome when applying for a job is work experience.
G.Volunteering is one of the most popular activities for gap years and round-the-world trips.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Google made waves recently by announcing its new program, “Google Career Certificates,” a collection of courses designed to help participants get qualifications in high-paying, high-growth job fields without attending university. The courses take about six months to complete and will cost much less, compared to a traditional college education.

The response was huge. The article has been shared thousands of times and has caused thousands of comments. Most of the feedback has been extremely positive. Those who commented included professionals, employers and especially students who were happy to see an alternative to what many consider a broken educational system — one leaving many burdened with student debt for years while unprepared for the real world. With less time, the program can better equip graduates for the jobs they are seeking with practical and necessary skills.

What Google is offering isn’t exactly new. In some ways, the alternative resembles other traditional types of training like professional education or apprenticeship (学徒制) programs. The difference since Google is a household name, its certificate can be easily recognized and accepted across companies and industries - much like a degree from a major university.

Not all the feedback I received was in praise of Google’s initiative. Many readers expressed concern that not enough employers would value Google’s certificate program. One even described it as money racket (敲诈). So to ensure other companies to follow its lead, Google has established an association for employers to tap into the program and is currently inviting more to join. But still some readers leveled the criticism that there are certain lessons taught in higher education that you simply can’t get in other places.

In the end, I don’t think Google’s program will completely replace college education. But I do think it’s a step in the right direction — a separate path for students who are looking for something different than traditional higher education.

1. Who is the new Google program intended for?
A.Career trainers.B.Job seekers.
C.Business managers.D.College professors.
2. Which words can best describe the Google program?
A.Well-equipped and risk-free.B.Time-consuming and well-rounded.
C.Cost-effective and widely-recognized.D.Time-honored and highly-valued.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Praises on Google’s purpose.B.Arguments against the Google program.
C.Solutions to Google’s problems.D.Advantages of Google training courses.
4. What is the author’s attitude to the Google program?
2022-05-15更新 | 123次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量检测(五)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . At the start of your career, it can feel like a Catch-22 situation: You can’t get hired without experience, but you can’t get experience without being hired.     1     Luck certainly plays a part and personal connections can be hugely valuable, but what else can you do?

Target realistic roles. If you don't have relevant experience in your chosen field, you’ll have to apply for roles right at the bottom of the ladder and work your way up—     2     They can both be character building and a great way to develop a knowledge of the role. That will give you a head start as you work your way up through the organization.

Emphasize the skills you do have. Don't get hung up on the experience you don’t have.     3     Soft skills such as communication, and team working are highly valued by all sorts of employers. If you lack experience in your chosen field, then it’s important to acknowledge that, but use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your passion for the role and your motivation to learn.

    4     Some industries are so competitive that, even to get an entry-level position, you might have to consider working for free. Volunteering and internships (实习) are excellent opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge of a job and build useful contacts that could lead to a paid position.

Stay busy and resilient (有韧性的) . Trying to find a job with little or no experience isn't easy, and yet it’s something everyone has gone through.     5     However, by volunteering, participating in community activities, being social and getting out in the world, opportunities will present themselves and you will find the right role for you.

A.Look for work experience.
B.Seek jobs with no experience needed.
C.How does an employer decide on whom to interview?
D.So, what is the key to getting jobs with no experience?
E.It’s all too easy to take the rejection personally and quit.
F.There’s certainly no shame in targeting entry-level and junior roles.
G.Instead, focus your application on the skills that make you a great fit for the role.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Career coaches provide a series of services, from helping you figure out what you want to do to exploring chances for career growth.     1     To make it all worthwhile, some helpful tips are offered here to help you choose a right coach.

Know what type of professional you need to hire.     2     In other words, they help you explore your future career possibilities and figure out what is stopping you from advancing in your development.

    3     Go into your coaching relationship with an idea of what you think you need from them, but be willing to think about their guidance on what other measures may make you more successful- for example, Business Value training to make sure you’ll be satisfied in a new job.

Try sample lessons to find the right one. Most coaches offer free sample lessons, which help you get to know their styles clearly. You may need a coach with career experiences, or you may need one who offers life advice. If you aren’t sure what you want, ask questions.     4    

Consider cost, and make contact. Coaching fees are not the same. Some coaches charge more for polishing resumes, while others include that in the overall price.     5     Once you’re clear about it, you can make your decision and communicate with the chosen coach.

A.Make sure you have a well-designed resume.
B.You need to understand what you’re receiving for the expense.
C.Career coaches also provide services for your personal training.
D.Thus, you can assess whether the coach understands your needs.
E.Engaging with a career coach requires an investment of time and money.
F.Know which services you need and be open to services you don't know you need.
G.Career coaches can help you decide how to make full use of your professional potential.
书信写作-告知信 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定你叫李华,是你校英语俱乐部的主席。你们邀请了一家外企人事部经理Thomas来你校做职业规划讲座,请你用英语写一则通知,内容包括:
1. 时间和地点; 2. 讲座内容; 3. 邀请参加。
1. 词数80左右; 2. 题目已为你写好。
参考词汇:人事部门the HR department;职业规划career planning



The English Club

2021-12-22更新 | 301次组卷 | 3卷引用:福建省连城县第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般