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1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. broadcast        B. estimates          C. involves          D. performing
E. barriers        F. themes        G. amateur        H. hire
I. boost          J. demanding       K. proving        

“MEN ARE adorable,” begins Yang Li in a sketch first aired last year. “But mysterious...After all, they can look so average and yet be so full of confidence.” It seemed a gentle dig by the newly crowned “punchline queen” of “Rock and Roast”, a television show starring     1     comics. But as Ms Yang’s fans spread the joke, male netizens threw a tantrum. Last month a group of them reported the 28-year-old to the     2     regulator for “sexism”.

Long the stars of Chinese joke-making, men are unhappy about being the butt (笑柄) of it. Chizi, a popular male contestant on “Rock and Roast” with a special liking for boorish jokes, sniffed that Ms Yang was “not     3     comedy”. Guo Degang, a master of xiangsheng, recently said he would not     4     women for his troupe (剧团) (“out of respect”, he said).

Western-style stand-up comedy has taken off since it appeared in China a decade ago. It is     5     to be a more accessible art form for female comics. With stand-up, says Evangeline Z, a 27-year-old comedian in Shanghai, “there are no     6     to joining as long as you can talk.” Moreover, women bring new     7     to the stage.

The show, which began in 2017, has been a(n)     8     for Chinese stand-up and female participation in it. Evangeline Z says the form of comedy is “huge” in Shanghai. And she     9     up to half of the city’s 50-odd weekly performances are by women. But male and female comics alike warn spectators that what they are about to say could be offensive and they should not take offence. Xiao Ju, a 22-year-old part-time comedian, also in Shanghai, says that showgoers expect to come in for “a bit of easy laughter”, so are angry when the joke reveals something about themselves.

Ms Yang has used the backlash against her gag to create a new one. It     10     an exchange with a male colleague who approvingly notes her testing of men’s limits. Her mock-incredulous riposte: “Do men have limits?”

2022-01-15更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市大同中学2020-2021学年高一下学期3月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-六选四(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Money Survey

A recent survey has investigated the way American teenagers aged 16-18 relate to money — what they do with it, how they are affected by the recent financial problems in the world and what they expect in the future. The results make interesting reading.

Of those surveyed, almost all have a mobile phone and more than three-quarters have iPod or MP3 player. 66% own a computer, 46% own a TV and 27% own a car.     1     Three out of four teens reported that they have bought new clothes in the past three months, and for girls this figure was much higher (86%). If they were given the choice, 63% said they would choose a new pair of jeans rather than tickets to a concert, and 75% would choose a new pair of shoes rather than 50 new MP3 downloads.

Over two-thirds of these young people do some form of work in order to earn money. The average earnings are $1,630 per year, with boys earning more than girls.     2     Only 21% of teens are not saving at all. However, if they were given $500, over half of those surveyed said they would spend the money rather than saving it.

    3     Most of them are finding that they have less to spend and therefore they are shopping more carefully. 55% wait for items to go on sale at reduced prices and 42% do research to compare prices and choose the best deals. Sales of tech gadgets to teens remain strong, but spending on expensive clothing has dropped. More teens are shopping in cheaper stores and looking for second-hand bargains, while some are starting to make their own clothes.

Many teenagers are worried about rising university costs and the difficulty of finding jobs.     4     At the same time, 65% expect that their choice of career will be based on their passion for the job, while only 15% think it will depend on how much money they can earn.

A.However, 59% still believe they will be in a better financial position than their parents in the future.
B.Most teens also save money - they are usually saving up for clothes, a piece of technology, future university expenses or a car.
C.Nevertheless, many of them still reported asking parents for money to buy clothes.
D.The world has been hit hard by financial problems lately and 93% of the teens said that this had affected them and their family.
E.However, most of their own money is spent on clothes.
F.They also talk about what matters most in terms of their choice of career.
2022-01-13更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期英语12月考试试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If we look at education in our own society, we see two sharply different factors. First of all, there is the overwhelming majority of teachers, principals, curriculum planners, school superintendents, who are devoted to passing on the knowledge that children need in order to live in our industrialized society. Their chief concern is with efficiency, that is, with implanting the greatest number of facts into the greatest possible number of children, with a minimum of time, expense, and effort. Children in the usual classroom learn very quickly that creativity is not rewarded, while repeating a memorized response is, and then concentrate on what the teacher wants them to say, rather than understanding the problem.

The difference between the intrinsic (内在的) and the extrinsic aspects of a college education is illustrated by the following story about Upton Sinclair. When Sinclair was a young man, he found that he was unable to raise the tuition money needed to attend college. Upon careful reading of the college catalogue, however, he found that if a student failed a course, he received no credit for the course, but was obliged to take another course in its place. The college did not charge the student for the second course, reasoning that he had already paid once for his credit. Sinclair took advantage of this policy and not a free education by deliberately failing all his courses.

In the ideal college, there would be no credits, no degrees, and no required courses. A person would learn what he wanted to learn. A friend and I attempted to put this ideal into action by starting a serials of seminars at Brandeis called “Freshman Seminars Introduction to the Intellectual Life.” In the ideal college, intrinsic education would be available to anyone who just wanted it, and that should be enough — since anyone can improve and learn. The student body might include creative, intelligent children as well as adults; morons as well as geniuses(for even morons can learn emotionally and spiritually). The college would be ubiquitous — that is, not restricted to particular buildings at particular times, and teachers would be any human beings who had something that they wanted to share with others. The college would be lifelong, for learning can take place all through life. Even dying can be a philosophically illuminating, highly educative experience.

The ideal college would be a kind of education retreat in which you could try to find yourself; find out what you like and want; what you are and are not good at. The chief goals of the ideal college, in other words, would be the discovery of identity, and with it, the discovery of vocation.

1. In the author’s opinion, the majority of education workers________.
A.emphasize independent thought rather than well-memorized responses
B.tend to reward children with better understanding rather than with a goal for credits
C.implant children with a lot of facts at the expense of understanding the problem
D.are imaginative, creative and efficient in keeping up with our industrialized society
2. An extrinsically oriented education is one that________.
A.focuses on oriented educationB.lays emphases on earning a degree
C.takes students’need into accountD.emphasizes learning through discussion
3. To enter the author’s ideal college, a student________.
A.will enjoy learning all though his lifeB.should be very intelligent and diligent
C.needn’t worry about the admission testD.can be best stimulated for creative work
4. The author’s purpose of writing the article is________.
A.to publicize his viewsB.to criticize college students
C.to stress self-teaching attitudeD.to advocate technological education
2022-01-13更新 | 142次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
完形填空(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Adolescents are generally more likely to lean into risk and uncertainty than children or adults — and that’s a good thing.

Recent research ________ adolescent risk taking helps us understand why we’re more likely to ________ things that feel uncertain or scary during these years, and why these risks are so important to learning and development. It also provides insights into how this desire for exciting experiences can promote healthy versions of risk taking that adults can support.

Adolescence is particularly filled with uncertainty, as young people figure out who they are in the ________ of shifting social landscapes, new responsibilities, and more challenging schoolwork.

Research has shown that adolescents are more willing than adults to enjoy uncertainty and explore situations in which there is a potential for a reward(in whatever form), but the outcome is not assured. This ________ for uncertain outcomes is essential to learning and development during adolescence.

Meanwhile, our brains ________ significant changes during adolescence, adding new connections and strengthening frequently used pathways in response to experience. One of the ways the brain responds to experiences that matter is through dopamine. Dopamine is involved in how the brain processes ________ , but it’s not just a “feel good” chemical. Every time we do something with an uncertain outcome — taking a “risk” — increased dopamine is released. This release   ________ other parts of the brain that the activity or situation is new and deserves attention. This is a kind of amplified learning that’s actively shaping the connections between neural systems in our brains.

Because adolescent brains release more dopamine compared to children or adults, adolescents are more sensitive to the rewards and their reward system is more ________ by risks which tends to make young people more interested in exploring.

Risk taking doesn’t take place in a vacuum. Research has shown that when ________ are in the room, or if adolescents even think they may be observed from another room or online, they are more likely to take risks, and the reward response from risk-taking behavior become stronger. It’s not so much that friends ________ each other to do things risky, but that the rewarding feelings are more ________ when their friends are present.

Adults often ________ peers with more dangerous risk-taking behavior. ________ , peers can also motivate youth to take positive risks, engaging in environmental campaigns, or standing up for the ________ that they are devoted to happen in peer contexts. Adults should know that adolescents can benefit from healthy social opportunities to try new things, without knowing for sure how they will ________ .

A.looking atB.looking upC.looking fromD.looking over
A.go throughB.go overC.go in forD.go after
A.By comparisonB.In other wordsC.On the contraryD.Worse still
A.turn outB.put outC.give outD.bring out
2022-01-13更新 | 159次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. expedition          B. evidently          C. developed          D. facility                  E. accommodation
F. isolated             G. enhanced            H. hardly             I. practically               J. honor
K. housed

Americans have occupied the geographic South Pole continuously since November 1956. The station stands at an elevation of 2,835 meters on Antarctica’s nearly featureless ice sheet, which is about 2,700 meters thick at that location and recorded temperature varies between-13.6℃and-82. 8℃.

The station’s name is in     1     of Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott, who reached the South Pole in 1911 and 1912.

The original Amundsen-Scott Station, built to support the scientific goals of the International Geophysical Year, was begun in November 1956. As interest in polar research increased, a new design and a larger station was     2     necessary.

Before November 1956, there was no permanent artificial structure at the pole, and     3     no human presence in the interior of Antarctica. The few scientific stations in Antarctica were near its coast.

In 1975 the central area of the station was rebuilt. Detached buildings     4     instruments for monitoring the upper and lower atmosphere and for numerous projects in astronomy. In 1997, a redevelopment plan to upgrade the station began. The new station, which was dedicated in 2008, is one elevated and connected     5     . To cater to changes in population from winter to summer, certain areas can be closed. Remote science facilities are being     6       and are located away from the main station to minimize interference between necessary operations and science.

As part of the elevated station, the existing arch(拱顶)was used for fuel storage and waste management. New arches provide     7     for the power plant and garage shops. The benefits of elevated structures include reduced snow drifting, increased building life, smaller environmental impact,       8     safety, and more cost-effective construction.

Some 50 scientists and support personnel winter at the station, and up to 150 people work there during the summer. The station’s winter personnel are     9     between mid-February and late October.

The station has collected the longest continuous set of meteorological data from Antarctica’s vast interior ice area, and it is well located for     10     and research. Astronomy and astrophysics have flourished in recent years, taking advantage of excellent properties of the atmosphere. Other areas of interest include glaciology, ocean and climate systems, astrophysics, astronomy, and biology.

2022-01-13更新 | 135次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. historical          B. rationing          C. original          D. regulated                 E. reflected
F. refuge               G. stored             H. removal          I. typical                    J. character
K. restored

The 1940s House

The house is at 17 Braemar Gardens, West Wickham, Kent, now a suburb of Greater London. Series art director Lia Kramer, who had helped create The 1900 House, identified the property and oversaw its restoration. The     1     house was built in 1932 by Bradfield Bros & Murphy, and was retrofitted(翻新)so that the technology and fashions of a middle-class English home of the late 1930s were     2     . It is a three-bedroomed home, with a boiler fueled by coke providing hot water, and there was no telephone or refrigerator. The retrofit included the     3     of central heating, the custom-fitted kitchen cabinets and appliances, and the carpeting as well. The carpeting had been used to cover the original checkerboard floor tiles. Fireplaces were     4     to working condition, and the original French doors which led outside were reinstalled. The existing beds were replaced by iron bedsteads, including twin beds for Michael and Lyn. When neighbours learned of the project, many donated period home furnishings for free. The garden was changed to be     5     of a victory garden, which was also called war garden or food garden for defense.

The family's work in the show was demanding. The family had to act like a typical family of the time, which included the sewing of curtains, building an air-raid shelter, and facing wartime food     6    . Air raids were like real during the show, forcing the family to take     7     in its air-raid shelter. The near-nightly sound of the air-raid siren(fixed in a hallway in the home)left the family upset, even after they returned to their regular lives. The family had to stay in     8     all the time, including when the boys went to school. Even minor aspects of life, such as the depth of water in the bath tub, which could be no deeper than five inches, were     9     .

Filming began on 15 April 2000, and lasted nine weeks. Unlike other     10     reality television shows, the Hymers were not isolated. Their neighbours helped them dig their air-raid shelter, the family also visited a retirement home. Nonetheless, Lyn Hymers later said that the family did feel isolated, and seldom got the sense of community spirit that people living in the 1940s would have felt.

2022-01-13更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . There is no such thing as a perfect woman, and Nothing but Thirty screenwriter Zhang Yingji wanted to convey this message in telling the stories of three different women, who have found very different ways to climb their own mountains.

Wang Manni is a woman who will climb any mountain as long as she finds it challenging. Zhong Xiaoqin is one who will only climb if she has someone to go along with her. She will not overexert herself, and she will definitely stop once she has reached a comfortable place. Gu Jia, on the other hand, has already started to think about reaching the peak before she even starts the climb, regardless of whether she is alone or has company.

In a sense, the scriptwriter purposely created Gu Jia as the perfect woman of thirty. She is married, with a successful husband and a young son. She is living the dream, but Gu Jia does not feel complete. She feels lost. She is flawed. She has episodes of succumbing to her own greed and disregard to those around her.

“She is someone who chases alter perfection.” said Tong Yao (who portrays Gu Jia). “Obviously, this is stressful for those around her. She hides things. She isn’t perfect, but in front of others, she has to stay perfect.”

Her chase for perfection and her stubbornness to maintain this image has effected many of the relationships in her life. She chases after what she believes is right for others. Because of this, she and her husband start to see and value things differently, which puts a strain on their relationship.

Gu Jia’s personal struggles give life to the character. Many viewers are able to relate to her, and, through her character, find a shadow of themselves. There’s still a lot left that we can learn from the women of Nothing but Thirty, but maybe like them, we too can find the courage in ourselves to walk on that road which is truly meant for us.

1. According to the article, which of the following best describes Zhong Xiaoqin’s personality?
A.Ambitious and goal-drivenB.Moderate and content
C.Aimless and impulsiveD.Visionary and independent
2. According to Paragraph 3, what is not true about Gu Jia’s life?
A.She has her own worries and insecurities.
B.She leads a seemingly perfect and enviable life.
C.She can be greedy and insensitive to others’ feelings.
D.She is discontented with life because of her husband.
3. According to the passage, audiences have a preference for Gu Jia mainly because she ________.
A.is a perfectionistB.stands up to her husband
C.balances her work and life wellD.displays some identifiable traits
4. What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To call attention to the rise of feminism.
B.To introduce the plot of Nothing but Thirty.
C.To contrast the main characters of Nothing but Thirty.
D.To encourage viewers to find inspiration in Nothing but Thirty.
语法填空-短文语填(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank

A birthday is a time when someone celebrates the anniversary of his/her birth. It is the expression of thanking God for your birth and still keeping alive. Birthdays     1     (celebrate)often with parties and gifts and in most parts of the world, it is celebrated in the same ways. But in China, it is completely     2     different and interesting thing.

In Chinese culture, newborn babies are considered to be one year old. A Chinese child’s first birthday party takes place    3     he or she turns two. Parents may surround a child with symbolic items in an attempt     4     (predict) the future.     5     a baby reaches for money, he is believed to be rich as an adult. And a child who grabs a toy airplane may often travel when he/she grows up.

More and more Western-style birthday cakes     6     (make) their way into Chinese birthday celebrations, but the birthday girl or boy traditionally slurps(出声地吃) longevity noodles, which symbolize a long life. An unbroken longevity noodle should fill an entire bowl and    7     (eat) in one continuous line. Family members and close friends    8     cannot attend the party often eat long noodles in honor of the birthday     9     (bring) longevity to the person celebrating. A birthday banquet     10     also include hard-boiled eggs dyed(染色)red to symbolize happiness and dumplings for good fortune.

2022-01-04更新 | 136次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市嘉定区2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Like many schools worldwide, the pandemic forced Safe Passage to address an issue it’s been debating for years: how to best integrate (使……完整,使……整体) online or remote learning into its education plans.     1     But the area’s lack of internet access, as well as security concerns like theft, make distributing technology for students to learn at home a daunting (令人怯步的) task.

Holland says students will be at a disadvantage in today’s workplace if they don’t have access to digital tools.     2    

“Blended learning is a combination between technology and face-to-face classroom learning,” says Holland. “It’s not a bolt-on solution. If you see technology as this cool thing you just bolt on to an existing curriculum, you are in big trouble.”

Jean-Francois agrees.

“A lot of grants will include purchasing laptops or tablets. But education is a lot more complex,” she says. “    3     We can’t just assume that if we give them a tablet and instructions, they are going to know how to use it, and we shouldn’t expect they are going to know how to effectively teach children with it.”

    4     But Johnson, the Rotarian who helps clubs design education grants, cautions against moving too quickly to “reinvent education.”

“We need to figure it out, but figure it out one step at a time,” says Johnson. “You have to know what people are able to accept and use — cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Determine that, then move forward.”

A.Most remote learning involves technology like tablets.
B.The Rotary clubs raise money to buy tablets and pack the items for delivery.
C.With the unpredictability of the pandemic, many schools will be making the same kind of decisions in the coming year.
D.At the same time, students benefit most when technology is integrated into the entire curriculum, not just provided through a mass distribution of laptops.
E.We need to use this time and lean into developing teachers in new ways we haven’t thought of before.
F.Students have formed small groups to share smartphones with others who don’t have one.
2022-01-04更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市曹杨第二中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s novel Anne of Green Gables, previously filmed in 1934, was afforded a TV-movie treatment in 1985. Anne Shirley is an orphan girl sent to live with a foster family on Canada’s Prince Edward Island. Though she has great difficulty controlling her temper and vivid imagination, Anne eventually wins over her new guardians, bossy Marilla Cuthbert and Mailla’s shy brother Mathew. Anne’s journey is a happy one, but starts out difficult like those of many children adopted at an older age.

Martian Child (2007)

Martian Child tells the story of a widower, David, and his continuation of the adoption process he had started before his wife’s death. His new son, Dennis, believes that he is a Martian. David must contend with this belief and gain access into Dennis’s world. Both characters are born outsiders and they recognize their common sense of loss. Martian Child is a wonderful story for any adopted child, especially those who have created their own origin story to cope with the absence of their birth family.

Despicable Me (2010)

Despicable Me is championed for showing kids how much their presence impacts the lives of their adoptive parents. Gru is a super-bad guy until he meets orphans Margo, Edith and Agnes. They overturned his life and his evil plans as they work to warm his heart and home. Despicable Me is a funny kid movie on the surface, but truly has a lot to say about the love of a child and the effect of that love on their new parents and home.

Annie (2014)

In this remake of one of the most-beloved adoption stories, Annie’s positive attitude shines in the midst of incompetent social workers and greedy foster parents. The songs are cheerful and catchy and the film is happy. While this film could be very challenging for children who have experienced destructive placements, it is generally family-friendly. It also gets points for allowing Annie to exemplify several of the strengths of foster kids: hopeful, brave, tough and smart.

1. The films all deal with the theme of________.
A.family conflictB.parentingC.adoptionD.child care
2. Which films are successful remakes of the originals?
A.Annie & Despicable MeB.Annie & Anne of Green Gables
C.Martian Child & Anne of Green GablesD.Despicable Me & Martian Child
3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the films mentioned in the passage?
A.Optimism sees Annie through her bad times.
B.David tries hard to help Dennis cope with his new life.
C.The films all have happy endings despite early difficulties.
D.Despicable Me illustrates the power of love in a serious way.
2022-01-04更新 | 85次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市曹杨第二中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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