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1 . 假定你是李华,你校科学俱乐部将放映一部科幻电影。请你用英语给交换生Chris写一封邮件,邀请他一起观看。内容包括:1. 电影简介;2. 放映时间、地点。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Dear Chris,

Best regards,

Li Hua

完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Every year I’d read over 2,000 college applications from students all over the world. It is quite _______ to choose whom to admit. _______, in the chaos of SAT scores and recommendations, one _______ is always irresistible in a candidate: kindness.

The most surprising _______ of kindness I’ve ever _______ came from a student who had excellent scores and a supportive recommendation from his college counselor (顾问). Even with these qualifications, he might not have _______. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school security _______. Letters of recommendation are typically written by people like former presidents, celebrities, and Olympic athletes.

The security guard wrote that he supported this student’s admission because of his _______. This young man was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the guard staff. He turned off lights in empty rooms, consistently _______ the hallway monitor each morning and tidied up the classroom after his peers left school ________ nobody was watching. This student, the security guard wrote, had a(n) ________ respect for every person at the school, regardless of position, popularity or power.

It gave us a ________ onto a student’s life in the moments when nothing “counted”. That student was admitted by unanimous (一致的) vote of the admissions committee.

Next year there might be a flood of security guard recommendations ________ this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much ________ to the people who clean their classrooms as they do to their principals and teachers, I’m happy to help start that ________.

A.come outB.picked upC.come acrossD.brought up
A.stood upB.stood outC.given upD.given out
A.as ifB.now thatC.even ifD.so that
A.due toB.in need ofC.except forD.along with

3 . One day, Tim came home from school. His face was filled with sadness and _______ . His classmate had said hurtful things to him, _______ Tim to feel upset and discouraged. Listening to Tim, the grandfather, John, sat him down and listened to his _______ . Then he told Tim a story.

“Once, in a dense forest, there lived an oak tree,” said John. “One day, a fierce storm _______ in the forest. The winds blew, the rain _______ , and the whole forest shook with fear. Despite the chaos, the oak tree stayed solid. _______ about the oak tree’s resilience (适应力), a tiny reed in the nearby wetland _______ and asked, “How do you manage to stand firm during the storm? ” The oak tree _______ gently, “Dear reed, I sway (摇摆)with the wind instead of resisting it. I _______ that storms are a part of life, just as __________ and misunderstandings are a part of growing up.”

Tim asked his grandfather, “What does this story mean?”

John smiled and said, “In life, we face difficulties and __________ . Stay strong and overcome them with a positive attitude. Don’t let hurtful words bring you down. They are __________ , like storms. Focus on your strength and keep moving forward.”

Tim understood and faced __________ at school with bravery. With his grandfather’s guidance, Tim __________ to be a caring and resilient person who inspired others like his grandfather.

The wise grandfather taught his grandson the __________ of resilience, empathy and the ability to overcome difficulties.

A.grew upB.showed upC.came inD.set off
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4 . Personalized medicine changes conventional medicine which typically offers blanket recommendations and offers treatments designed to help more people than they bam but that might not work for you. The approach recognizes that we each possess unique characteristics, and they have an out size impact on our health.

Around the world, researchers are creating precision tools unimaginable just a decade ago: superfast DNA sequencing(排序); tissue engineering, cell reprogramming, gene editing, and more. The science and technology soon will make it possible to predict your risk of cancer, heart disease, and countless other illnesses years before you get sick. The work also offers prospects for changing genes in removing some diseases.

Last spring, researchers at the National Cancer Institute reported the dramatic recovery of a woman with breast cancer, Judy Perkins. The team, led by Steven Rosenberg, an immune(免疫的) treatment pioneer, had sequenced her cancer cells’ DNA to analyze the sudden change. The team also removed a sampling of immune cells and tested them to see which ones recognized her cancer cells' genetic faults. The scientists reproduced the winning immune cells by the billions and put them into Perkins to attack her cancer cells. More than two y cars later. Perkins, a retired engineer from Florida, shows no signs of cancer.

Thirty years ago, scientists thought that it would be impossible to understand our genetic rules and sequence the 3.2 billion pairs of different elements in our DNA. “It was like you were talking fairytales,” Kurzrock said. “The conventional wisdom was that it would never happen. Never And then in 2003, never was over.”

It took the Human Gene Project 13 years, roughly one billion dollars, and scientists from six countries to sequence one gene complex. Today sequencing costs about a thousand dollars. The latest machines can produce the results in a day. The technology, combined with advanced cell analysis, clarifies the astonishing biochemical variations that make every human body unique.

1. What can we know about personalized medicine?
A.It has emerged a decade before.
B.It offers blanket recommendations.
C.It uses genetic information to help patients.
D.It administers treatment intended for most people.
2. Which best describes those precision tools?
A.Promising.B.Highly risky.C.Fruitless.D.Strictly confidential.
3. What happened in the process of treating Judy Perkins' breast cancer?
A.Sequencing her immune cells.
B.Reprogramming her cancer cells
C.Analysis of her life style changes.
D.Identification of cancer-fighting cells.
4. What's the last paragraph mainly talking about concerning sequencing?
A.Its wide applications.B.Its recent advances.
C.Its major disadvantages.D.Its attractive prospects.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The idea that the standard human body temperature is about 98.6℉ (37℃) was first presented by the German physician Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich in 1851. Since then, it’s become so widely accepted that it serves as a touchstone for health—a diagnostic tool used by physicians and parents as a basic indicator if someone is sick or well.

However, it turns out that this well-established fact isn’t, in fact, correct—or, to put it more accurately, human beings have been getting cooler over the years.

Recent studies have shown that temperature records of groups of people have tended to run low compared to the accepted norm (标准), so the Stanford team, led by Julie Parsonnet, MD, professor of medicine and of health research and policy, decided to do a more in-depth study to compare modern measurements with historical records to try to identify body temperature trends and, perhaps, uncover the reason why this cooling is happening.

For their research, the Stanford team looked at three distinct datasets (数据集) from three historical periods. One was military service records, medical records, and pension records from Union Army veterans of the American Civil War that were compiled from 1862 to 1930. The second was from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Ⅰ collected between 1971 and 1975, and the third from adult patients visiting Stanford Health Care from 2007 to 2017.

In all, the team went through 677,423 temperature measurements, making sure that temperatures recorded were accurate rather than the result of poorly designed thermometers (温度计). They did this by looking at the change in temperature inside each group over time to ensure that the curves (曲线) showing a decrease were consistent between the datasets.

At the end of the day, the team found that men born in the 21st century had an average body temperature of 0.59℃ lower than those born in the early 19th century, while modern women showed an average decrease of 0.32℃ compared to those born in the 1890s. Together, this means that human body temperatures have fallen by 0.03℃ per decade.

1. What is Wunderlich’s achievement?
A.He was the inventor of the thermometer.
B.He set up a standard for normal body temperature.
C.He discovered humans’ body temperature trends.
D.He put forward the theory of normal human body temperature.
2. How did the Stanford team get their findings on body temperature?
A.By having interviews.B.By conducting field research.
C.By analyzing historical records.D.By doing experiments in the lab.
3. What could affect the accuracy of Parsonnet’s study according to the text?
A.The quality of thermometers.B.The backgrounds of the subjects.
C.The sorting of the collected datasets.D.The number of adult patients involved.
4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Modern women’s body temperatures have risen over the past century.
B.The 19th century saw the greatest increase in men’s body temperatures.
C.The 21st century saw the greatest decrease in men’s body temperatures.
D.Men’s body temperatures have fallen faster than women’s over the years.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In most cases, people pick the easy way out: the path of least resistance. Yet it’s the hard choice—the path of most resistance—that is more beneficial and provides most success in the long run.

How do these paths differ? What are the dangers of an easy life? What are the rewards of a hard life? How do you start taking the path of most resistance? Let’s cover all these questions.

Taking the path of least resistance means choosing the easiest available option, with little regard for its long-term consequences. For example, you eat whatever you like, whenever you like, and in whatever amount you like. This is often combined with avoiding physical activity because it’s too exhausting and uncomfortable. It may feel nice at first but all that indulgence has a very high price. In that case, it’s guaranteed being fat. Most people in the modern world follow this path, and this is why so many people struggle with a lack of self-discipline, good habits, etc.

The path of most resistance is about choosing the option that will lead to more personal growth, even if it means suffering in the early stages of the process. For example, it may cost you a lot to quit watching TV for hours on end. But over the long term, you’ll free up a lot of time that will lead to a more satisfying life than that of a couch potato.

At first sight, this approach is unappealing. It requires effort, loss of pleasure, and leads to potential suffering. Yet, on the other side of all that lies a world of more confidence, self-discipline and mental recovery. In the end, they do more than just making up for the fleeting superficial pleasures.

We’re lazy by nature. If we can do something more easily and comfortably, we’ll always choose that path over the one that’s harder. This tendency is an extremely powerful force, even when scientific research makes it clear that it’s bad for us.

1. What is the purpose of the questions in paragraph 2?
A.To introduce the content.
B.To explain a phenomenon.
C.To share the issues related.
D.To comment on the easy-path choice.
2. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “indulgence” in paragraph 3?
A.A serious weakness of humans.
B.A decision without full information.
C.A habit of acting to pleasures.
D.A choice made with careful thinking.
3. According to the author, what leads to people’s being fat?
A.Their lack of exercise.
B.Their low level of self-discipline.
C.The consumption of too much fat and sugar.
D.The abnormal development of society.
4. Which of the following represents the path of most resistance?
A.Oversleeping on weekends.
B.Taking your favourite sport regularly.
C.Quitting a well-paid job and taking a low-paid one.
D.Eating something you dislike to balance your diet.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Argentinians aren’t known for helping strangers, but young people are leading the way in tough times.

There are thousands of people living on the streets across the capital, and 43% of the country’s population lives in poverty. It’s a reflection of the terrible economic crisis and sky- high inflation (通货膨胀) that’s enveloping the country. Some 600 volunteers are working to fill the void(空白) where government services and the labor market are falling short. These volunteers may not be well off, but they offer whatever they can to lift their neighbors up: a hand, a meal, or simply some of their time.

Generosity of time and affection is generally reserved for family and close friends in Argentina. But there are significant increases in volunteering in times of the greatest crisis.

Study found a correlation between volunteering and general satisfaction. Some 23% of respondents who said they volunteered last year indicated Argentina as the best place for them to live, compared to only 14% of non-volunteers.

Carmela Pavesi, an organizer in her mid-20s said, “You don’t need a lot of money or a lot of things,” she said. “With the people you have nearby, wherever you are, you can do something with what you have.”

“Today there are more people living on the streets, more people in need, more people begging for money or help,” said Eduardo Donza, a researcher with the Social Debt Observatory at the Universidad Católica de Argentina. “If we don’t generate more wealth, if we can’t create more good jobs, we’re never going to come out of this.”

The crisis itself pushes people together, uniting in empathy (共鸣). “Volunteering can’t solve these wider issues on its own. But it seems to me like solidarity has increased. That willingness to help matters,” he added.

1. What do we know about the Argentinians mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.They are unwilling to help the poor.B.They are applying to be volunteers.
C.They are going through hardships.D.They are leaving their hometown.
2. What can be learnt about volunteering from the respondents?
A.It mainly involves the students.B.It brings about life satisfaction.
C.It makes people wealthier.D.It costs a great deal.
3. What does the underlined word “solidarity” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Helping neighbors in hard timesB.Getting rid of poverty together
C.Showing sympathy for the poorD.No longer living on the streets
2023-10-13更新 | 56次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省洛阳市等三地名校2023-2024学年高三上学期开学联考英语语试题

8 . As Norwood drove through St. Petersburg, Florida, the laughter from the four teenage girls inside her car suddenly gave way to _________. They were hit by another car and _________ into a tree.

Then smoke _________ from the car. A bystander shouted, “It’s about to _________! Get out!” Norwood immediately crawled out. Along with two of her friends, who’d also managed to _________ themselves, she ran for her _________.

But halfway down the street, she realized that her best friend, Simmons, wasn’t with them. Norwood ran back and found Simmons stuck in the back _________. “She wasn’t _________,” Norwood told Inside Edition. She _________ open the back door and pulled her friend out. She dragged Simmons a few feet to __________ and laid her on the ground. “I checked her pulse and put my __________ against her chest.” No sign of life. “That’s when I started CPR (心肺复苏术).”

Kneeling on the lawn and looking down at her __________ friend, Norwood started pumping Simmons’s chest. She breathed into her friend’s mouth in __________ of filling her lungs with the kiss of life. Fortunately, Simmons began coughing and breathing for __________.

Soon, paramedics (医务人员) arrived and rushed Simmons to hospital. When she heard how Norwood had saved her life, “I wasn’t __________,” Simmons said. “She always backs me up.”

A.speed upB.run outC.wear outD.blow up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . As a child, Liu Wenwen didn’t like the suona, a “loud” traditional Chinese musical instrument, also an ancestral treasure of her family that was to become her career.

Liu says she felt ashamed. In the 1990s, people admired things that were modern and international. The suona was considered out of date. Her father’s family has performed with the suona for seven generations, while the tradition on her mother’s side of the family can be traced back to the early Qing Dynasty. Despite her unwillingness, she followed her parents to play the suona as early as 3 years old. Besides it, Liu has also learned traditional Chinese vocal music and dancing — skills that have improved her oral muscles and sense of rhyme, helping equip her to be a professional musician.

It wasn’t until 2008 that she first found suona music beautiful. That was when she entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to learn the instrument more systematically from Liu Ying, a professor and top player. “The music played by the professor is just amazing, and different from what I had heard before,” she says.

She loves exchanging ideas about suona playing techniques with her students. “It’s wonderful to see the younger generation carrying on this cultural tradition.” Liu Wenwen said she is pleased to see the suona regain popularity among young people, sometimes combined with jazz, opera and other art forms. This has stopped its decline in the 1990s. Her name, when mentioned on China’s social media platforms, often is followed by a video of her live performance at a concert in Sydney, Australia. Westerners were amazed by the loud, unfamiliar instrument and its colorful music. “I felt my hard work had paid off. I trained for over 20 years, probably just to win cheers and applause for traditional Chinese music on the international stage.”

1. What urged Liu Wenwen to learn to play the suona?
A.Career pressure.B.Social trend.
C.Family tradition.D.Her professor’s performance.
2. What has helped her become a professional musician?
A.Her early passion for suona.B.Her exposure to vocal music and dance.
C.Her learning knowledge of rhyme.D.Her performing experiences with family.
3. How did Liu begin to find suona music beautiful?
A.By learning from the famous professor Liu.
B.By visiting Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
C.By combining suona with other music forms.
D.By watching her family performing with suona.
4. What is implied in the last paragraph?
A.She is now working as a professor overseas.
B.She appreciates the value of her performance.
C.She has made a fortune after 20 years’ devotion.
D.She has amazed Westerners with her hard work.

10 . “When I first started learning calligraphy, I just copied the teacher’s strokes (笔画), and my work was ugly.” said Aryan from Afghanistan. He is currently a graduate student in Beijing, ________ in International Education of the Chinese language.

During his six-year stay in China, he discovered the ________ of Chinese culture. He also realized that Chinese is steadily becoming a(n) ________ language, and more people around the world want to communicate smoothly with Chinese.

To his surprise, the curriculum for foreign students in China ________ the classroom. The school organizes extracurricular ________ to help them learn and experience ________ and culture. After closer and deeper ________ with Chinese culture, Aryan found his hobby: calligraphy.

“Initially, I didn’t know much Chinese and thought calligraphy would be difficult,” Aryan said.” Later on, I found out that calligraphy can help me ________ my Chinese language skills and my understanding of Chinese culture.

He used to ________ the idea that writing Chinese characters was all about writing them neatly. But he later found out that this view is ________.Calligraphy helps him to understand both each stroke and the Chinese ________ toward life. The horizontal, vertical (垂直的) and left and right falling stokes on the paper ________ Chinese people’s unique symbols and memories. They are also the hidden ________ to better understanding Chinese culture.

Not only did Aryan gain a deeper ________ of Chinese characters, but also developed a more mature personality along the way. Calligraphy gives him strength when he feels ________ and lost, finding his inner peace.

A.goes againstB.takes upC.takes overD.goes beyond
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