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Cedar Point was an amusement park in Ohio I had been expecting to visit as a child. We lived close to the park, so I often heard the screams of people on the roller coaster, saw the tired kids with their parents when they left. Sometimes, I looked wistfully at the lights through my window at night.

When I was nine, my grandmother managed to save a little bit of money here and there and took me there one day that summer. I yelled, excitement bubbling inside me. As we arrived at the park for the first time, kids were everywhere, eating popcorn (爆米花) and blowing bubbles. My eyes widened in delight at the scene. I wanted to do all those things, but deep down, I knew we didn’t have enough money. We could only afford to buy a ticket only for one ride for fifteen minutes. I pulled my grandmother toward the ticket window to buy a ticket for the carousel (旋转木马).

It was exactly as I had imagined, straight out of a movie. My grandmother smiled fondly and leaned down, giving the ticket to the ride operator, Mr Salas. Letting go, I rushed to the ride, stopping only to pick which horse to sit on. They were all so beautiful, coming in different colors with’ different expressions ‘on their plastic faces. To me, it felt like the decision of a lifetime.

“Come on, sweetie! The ride is going to start!” my grandmother called out, laughing at my indecision. Seeing that, Mr Salas also smiled warmly. Finally, I picked the horse with the pink hair and blue saddle. In the following minutes, I was absorbed in enjoying the ride, forgetting my family was struggling. My grandmother waved each time the ride passed her by. Mr Salas watched me from a distance.

Sadly, the carousel ride ended much too quickly. My grandmother was waiting and took my hand. I got down from the horse unwillingly, feeling bittersweet.

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At that moment, Mr Salas approached us with a warm smile on his face.
After a while, Mr Salas returned, with an all-inclusive ticket for Cedar Point for the entire day.
7日内更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省辽阳市高三下学期二模英语试卷(含听力)
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Kim’s family moved frequently from one place to another due to his father’s profession. Kim had to start a new school every few years. Therefore, Kim’s school life was terrible. He didn’t have any best friends.

One day, Kim went to his classmate Rocky’s home. As soon as they entered the house, Rocky’s pet jumped on Rocky and started licking his face. Rocky said, “My doggy loves me very much. Animals can’t speak, but they have feelings, too.” His words were so touchy that Kim thought about keeping a pet.

Kim talked with his mother. She was afraid of dogs. She said that if Kim kept a dog at home, then it would be entirely his responsibility. The real task for Kim was his father. They were pure vegetarian. His father knew that animal needs meat for growth, which he never bought in the market. Therefore, he said a clear no to Kim’s demand.

One day, Kim saw a puppy in the park, who was in pain because of an injured ear. The puppy was weeping. Kim couldn’t stop himself and took it home. He took good care of it and decided to keep it permanently at home. When his father saw the dog, he scolded Kim, the little pup sitting in the corner and listening to them. Since Kim requested him a lot, finally, he agreed unwillingly.

Kim named that cute puppy Dooner. He trained Dooner and took care of his food, water, and cleanliness. Dooner and Kim became good friends. Everyone loved Dooner except Kim’s father. Every time his father got home, Dooner would hide somewhere in the house.

Then the day came when the results of the examination were declared. Kim failed in one subject, which made Kim’s father disappointed. He scolded Kim and even blamed Dooner for Kim’s failure.

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Dooner hid himself in the corner, listening to everything.


Although Dooner had left the house for several days, he decided to pick up Kim’s father’s wallet on the ground of the market and returned it.

2024-04-19更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月份联合考试英语试题
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Jennifer, a middle school student, was in Mr Green’s class. After only a month at school, she began to be home on a regular basis asking for plenty of crayons, paper, etc. At first, her mother, Sophia, just dutifully provided whatever she needed, never questioning her.

After ongoing requests for the items for several weeks, Sophia became concerned and asked her, “Jennifer, what are you doing with your stationery (文具)?” However, Jennifer would always respond with an answer that satisfied Sophia.

One day, after supplying the same things to Jennifer, Sophia seriously asked her once again, “Jennifer! What is exactly going on with your stationery?” Knowing her excuses would no longer work, Jennifer bent her head and kept silence. With her mind filled with confusion, Sophia lifted her daughter’s chin and looked into her eyes, asking, “What is wrong? Are you making money by reselling school supplies?” Sophia waited for what seemed like a long time for Jennifer to answer.

“Mom,” Jennifer said, “I’ve known a boy, called Jack, who is a student in the nearby school sponsored by a charity. He is an immigrant and has two brothers. He doesn’t have enough stationery to do his work. He only has two crayons to color with, and his art paper is messy. I have been putting the new stationery you bought me in his desk before the others came in, so he still doesn’t know I gave it to him. Our teacher, Mr Green, always told us to be an honest person. I knew I didn’t do it. Mom, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to tell you a lie, but I didn’t want anyone to know it was me.”

Sophia stood there in disbelief. Jennifer had took on the role of an adult and tried to hide her good intentions. Sophia hugged Jennifer tightly, saying, “Baby, I will never get mad at you for wanting to help someone, but why didn’t you just come and tell me?” This time, Sophia did not have to wait for her quick answer, but decided to act.


The next day, Sophia told Mr Green what Jennifer had said, and invited him to visit Jack’s family together.


The acts of Sophia and Mr Green unexpectedly set off a wave of donations in Jennifer’s school.

2024-04-19更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市黑山县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试卷
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Michael saw the trouble coming. There standing in the hallway was Frank, the boy who enjoyed making fun of anyone at any given moment. Frank was tall and strong, so few of his victims stood up to him. Michael hated the idea that Frank always got away with his wrongdoing. Yet like most kids who were picked on, he just took it quietly and waited for the unpleasant to pass.

Frank walked up, his eyes locked on the books in Michael’s arms. When they met, Frank stopped unexpectedly, “Hey, let me see those books!” Some students watched as Michael held out the books he was carrying, trying not to give away his nervousness.

Frank took a book, looked inside for a second, and then threw the book at Michael, who dropped all the other books. “Hey, those are school property,” Frank barked, “Be careful!” Then he walked away, laughing loudly.

Michael, his cheeks turning red, half kicked the fallen books. Suddenly a hand picked up one book. “You look like you could use a p ally (盟友),” a friendly voice said. It was Ramon, the most athletic boy in the high school. Michael couldn’t believe Ramon was stopping to help him as they barely spoke.

“Thanks,” Michael sighed with relief. “It’s confusing. I don’t know what his problems is.”

“Well, as I see it,” Ramon said, “you need to find a way to end this.” Michael nodded, stuck for what to say. Ramon continued, “You know my grandmother used to tell me whenever I had a problem with someone. She’d say, ‘You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar (醋).’”

Looking puzzled, Michael asked, “What does that mean?”

“It means kindness may be more effective than anger,” Ramon explained.

“Can you just tell Frank to stop picking on me?” Michael suggested.

“That’s vinegar,” Ramon laughed as he walked away. “Try honey instead.”

Ramon’s words left Michael thinking.

The next school day brought Michael’s usual pain. There stood Frank, and Michael knew it would be just seconds before he had to face him in the middle of the hall. Frank came nearer.


Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened.


Michael bent down and quickly picked up Frank’s books on the floor.

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A young man named Monty Roberts who was the son of an itinerant (巡回的) horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch (大农场) to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continuously interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the truck. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 40000 square-foot house that would sit on the 200-acre dream ranch.

“He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, “See me after class.”

The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?”

The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.”

Paragraph 1:

The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.


Paragraph 2:

Many years later, the same school teacher brought 30 kids to camp on a horse ranch owned by Monty Roberts.

2024-04-17更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省高三下学期高考扣题卷(一)英语试题
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Every Sunday, June, a six-year-old girl, tied her sports shoes and walked to Grandpa’s house. Grandpa lived around the block(街区), and June was allowed to walk there by herself. Grandpa often told her stories. They also ate ice cream together while they talked. Sunday was June’s favorite day.

This Sunday, June got dressed. She put on one sports shoe, but she could not find the other shoe. “Mommy, where’s my shoe?”

“I’m sure it’s in your room. Look carefully until you find it. You can’t go until you have both shoes on,” June’s mother said.

June sat on her bed and looked around. Her room was quite messy. There were clothes on the floor and papers on the desk. She wasn’t sure where to start.

Then June remembered a story Grandpa told her. When he was little, he lost a coin that he planned to use to buy his mother a candy. He walked back over every place he had been to that day until he found it. He had to go in order so he wouldn’t miss anything.

June stood up. “I’ll start in the corner and go around the room in order,” she thought. “That way I won’t miss anything.”


June began in the corner where her desk was.


June quickly put on her shoe and ran out of the door to Grandpa’s house.

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“Keep this a secret,” Jessica whispered to me, “and the money is yours, Raelyn.” After saying that, she looked me in the eye with a stare that was intense. It looked like it was saying, “Do not betray (背叛) my trust.” Then, she gathered her books from her locker and walked off.

I quickly came to my senses after I agreed to Jessica’s strange request. Why did I agree? Just for money? I knew it was wrong for her to lie to her parents, telling them that she was going to meet me for a school project. In truth, she wanted to go to East Coast Park to meet her online friend. It was not safe and I knew this, but I did not want to ruin our friendship, neither did I want to betray her trust.

A few hours later, I received a phone call. It was from Jessica’s mom. Cold sweat started dropping down my forehead. What should I do? Multiple questions flooded my mind. My trembling fingers were forced to pick up the call. “Hello, Aunt May.” I greeted her with some nervousness in my voice.

“Hello,” she said. “How is your project going? I need to tell Jessica something as she doesn’t seem to be picking up the phone. Can I trouble you to pass the phone to her?”

My eyes widened. I quickly thought of an excuse. “She’s in the toilet now. I think she’s having a stomach ache.” Then, many more thoughts rushed through my mind. After a big struggle and debating in my mind, I decided to tell the truth.

Before Aunt May could reply. I said directly. “Aunt May, I’m sorry I lied to you just now. Well...you see. Jessica isn’t at my place doing our project. She went to East Coast Park to meet her online friend. She asked me to keep it a secret, but I had to betray her. This is for her own good if her online friend is a bad person.” I paused and then added, “I think you and Uncle Ron should look for her now before it’s too late.”

“Thank you so much, Raelyn, ”Aunt May replied and I could sense the worry in her voice.
I rushed towards Jessica as fast as my legs could carry me.
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Saving the Carnations

Dawn broke. Regina aged 14 opened her sleepy eyes and looked out of the window at the foggy field below. “NO!” she cried, now fully awake. Buttermilk, the cow was in Mama’s carnation (康乃馨) garden.

“I must have forgotten to close the gate last night,” Regina thought as she pulled a sweatshirt over her head. Mama was planning to sell the carnations at the fair next week. But Buttermilk was eating the flowers. Regina hurried outside and grabbed the lead rope on the wall.

“Why can’t you stay in the field?” she called to Buttermilk as she headed across the yard to the carnation garden. Buttermilk still stood there chewing the tender flowers.

“When I grow up, I’ll be an artist and paint pictures all day,” annoyed Regina thought. “I’ll not own a cow. Too much trouble.” Regina was fond of painting since the day she had memory. She would like to not only help with family but see birds and flowers alive under her brush.

Just as Regina was about to throw the lead rope onto Buttermilk’s collar, the family dog Blue, rounded the corner of the house, barking loudly and furiously. Buttermilk couldn’t stand it and took off, tearing through the carnations. It finally ran through the open gate and into the field outside. “Thank goodness!” Regina said as she closed the gate and secured the lock. But, as she turned to look at the flower garden, most of the carnations were either eaten or trampled (踩踏).

Mama and Dad came out of the house. “What’s going on?” Mama asked. She looked sadly at her garden. “I forgot to close the gate,” Regina said. “I’m so sorry.” “I know you are.” Mama sighed and gave Regina a hug.

Regina’s heart was heavy as she went back into the house. Mama had prepared much for the fair but now half of her efforts were in vain. Regina decided to think of a way to make it up to her mother. The problem tasked Regina’s mind. Could she plant other flowers in a week? Not enough time. Could she make use of the carnations in pieces? Not enough magic. Regina found no way out.

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All of a sudden, a flower painting on the wall caught Regina’s eye.


A week later, the fair day, when her parents were loading the car, Regina brought her vivid paintings downstairs.

2024-04-03更新 | 178次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省大连市第二十四中学、大连育明高级中学、大连八中三校高三下学期3月模拟考试英语试卷
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My name is Fauna, but Mom and Dad sometimes call me Magpie, since I talk a lot. They call me “animal magnet,” too; because animals like me. I don’t mind at all because I like them, too. In fact, what I really, really want is a pet of my own. My dad has a pet fish, and I like it a lot — but I would still like a pet that’s all mine.

“Please? I asked my parents.“Pretty please, with cherries and chocolate and whipped cream on top?”

“We’ll see!”

“I’ll walk it and feed it and brush it.... well, unless it has scales or something. Then I’ll polish them real nice.”

“We’ll see.”

Finally, though, “we’ll see” was upgraded to “soon.”

“Let’s do some research,” said Dad, “and see what kind of pet is best for you.”

“And keep your eyes peeled,” said Mom. “You never know when an opportunity will come along.”

One did come along.

I was on my way home from school when I saw a unicorn (独角兽) standing in back of Baker Trembly’s shop. He was nibbling stale biscuits out of the trash can. I thought he might be a wild unicorn come into town, but he trotted (小跑) right up to me when I held out the apple I had in my backpack, left over from lunch.

“It followed me home!” I told my parents, after I managed to lead the unicorn to our front gate. “Can I keep it?”

“I hope you were careful,” said my dad with a frown. “Unicorns can be dangerous.”

“Not this one! He’s very sweet. And he’s just what I want!. I can keep him. in the garden.”

“He does look sweet,” said my mom. “Let’s check his tags (标牌).”

Tags? I hadn’t even noticed his thin silver collar, I’d been so excited.

There was a little tag on it, with a phone number.
“I’ve had him since he was little,” Sari said. “We’ve never been apart.”
2024-04-02更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省鞍山市高三下学期第二次质量监测英语试题
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It was a sun-kissed spring afternoon along the beautiful Maryland coast, and Jonathan Bauer, a 51-year-old former firefighter, was enjoying a rare moment with his 13-year-old daughter, Ava. The two of them were heading home across the Route 90 bridge, over the waters of Assawoman Bay.

However, the peace of their drive was suddenly disturbed by the noise of tires and a horrible crash just ahead of them. A black truck was out of control, running into a concrete barrier, and finally coming to rest over the bridge’s railing(栏杆).

In that heart-stopping moment, Bauer hit the brakes in time to avoid the vehicles in his path, narrowly avoiding a crash with the truck ahead. But his heart sank as he saw a red car sliding backward towards him. He turned left, but too late——the car ultimately crashed into the trunk of his car.

Bauer stopped the car. “Ava, are you OK?” he asked. Thankfully, Ava emerged from the chaos, but otherwise unhurt. Bauer, however, couldn’t stand by. Rushing to the red car, he checked on its driver. “Are you OK?” he asked the driver. She nodded, too shocked to speak.

Then, suddenly, a scream of “HELP” cut through the air, coming from the overturned truck. As the truck driver climbed out and pointed toward the water, Bauer raced to his side. In the shallow bay waters below, he spotted a car seat and a terrified two-year-old girl, dressed in a pink dress.

Without hesitation, Bauer instructed Ava to call the ambulance as he removed his shoes. He knew the situation was urgent, and he had to act swiftly to save the baby. He climbed onto the bridge’s railing, preparing to make a jump of faith into the water. He was not sure about his chances jumping from this height into such shallow water. And were there rocks this close to the concrete pillar(柱子) of the bridge?

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Bauer jumped into the water.
As the ambulance left, Ava anxiously turned to her father.
2024-04-02更新 | 119次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届辽宁省实验中学高三下学期二模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般