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1 . Air pollution remains a critical health risk in the European Union, claiming over 500,000 lives in 2021, with findings suggesting nearly half of these could have been prevented if pollution were reduced to levels recommended by health experts. Data from the European Environment Agency (EEA) show that of these deaths, 253,000 were linked to exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) going beyond the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guideline limit of 5 micrograms per cubic meter. These particles are especially dangerous as they can pass into the bloodstream and affect various organs. Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also contributed to the mortality (死亡频率) statistics, associated with 52,000 and 22,000 deaths respectively. The EU’s environment commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevicius, underlined that air pollution poses the top environmental health risk in the EU. Nevertheless, there is evidence of improvement, with deaths from PM2.5 decreasing by 41% between 2005 and 2021, and the EU targets a reduction of 55% by 2030.

In response to these concerns, the WHO, which updated its air quality guidelines in 2021, warns that no level of air pollution can be considered safe but has set upper limits for certain pollutants. The European Parliament vote to bring the EU’s air quality standards in line with the WHO but decided to delay doing so until 2035.

Sinkevicius said that air quality is indeed improving due to effective clean air policies. Beyond death counts, the EEA also assessed air pollution’s broader impact on diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes, stressing not only mortality but the quality of life impacts. EEA researcher Alberto Gonzalez Ortiz pointed to severe disability states caused by these conditions, worsened by air pollution.

The EEA’s comprehensive approach shows that while the fight against air pollution has seen progress, immediate action is still critical to reduce pollution and reduce its widespread effects on public health.

1. Why does the author mention specific figures in Paragraph 1?
A.To stress the risk of PM2.5 in the EU.B.To illustrate the impact of air pollution.
C.To prove the improvement in air pollution.D.To show the guidelines of EEA lose control.
2. What did the WHO do for the concerns?
A.It adjusted air quality standards accordingly.
B.It didn’t perform the new limits until 2035.
C.It claimed current pollution levels were relatively safe.
D.It decided to change the guidelines completely.
3. How did Sinkevicius feel about the air quality in the text?
A.Concerned about its policies.B.Indifferent due to its level.
C.Uncertain about its impact.D.Optimistic about its progress.
4. What is the main focus of the passage?
A.The impact of wise decisions on air pollution in the EU.
B.The specific health conditions worsened by air pollution.
C.The progress and challenges in dealing with air pollution.
D.The role of the WHO in establishing global health policies.
2024-03-15更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省德阳市高中2023-2024学年高三下学期质量监测考试(二)英语试题
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the man go to the Philippines?
A.For a trip.B.For further studies.C.For volunteer work.
2. Who helped the man with the project?
A.The local students.
B.The local government.
C.The local businessmen.
3. What’s the aim of the project?
A.To explore an island.
B.To help the poor students.
C.To protect the environment.
2024-03-12更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵竹中学2022-2023学年高三上学期12月考试暨德阳一诊模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

While there is growing consumer     1     (realize) of the environmental impact of fast fashion, can the same be said about fast furniture? The chairs and tables that fill many of our homes and everyday spaces are manufactured on a mass scale, and the cheaper items often end up     2     landfills.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2020 over 12 million tons of furniture     3     (throw) out in America and some into the forest illegally. Buying furniture can be     4     (incredible) expensive. Many of us switch over to cheaper, instant brands like IKEA,     5     manufacturers use materials harder to recycle, which is likely to damage the environment.

With growing calls for sustainability, many brands are announcing to change though it remains     6     (see) whether they will keep these promises. In     7     (it) current sustainability strategy, IKEA commits itself to using only recyclable materials in all its products in an effort to practice “circular” design and cut emissions to net-zero. The concept of circular design     8     (win) increasing concern up to now. In     9     circular system, furniture products would be designed to last longer and be fully recyclable, thus forming a     10    (close) loop (环).

阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Researchers have discovered the oldest black hole ever observed, dating from the dawn of the universe, and found that it is “eating” its host galaxy to death.

The international team, led by the University of Cambridge, used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to detect the black hole, which dates from 400 million years after the big bang. The results, which lead author Professor Roberto Maiolino says are “a giant leap forward”, are reported in the journal Nature.

This surprisingly massive black hole even exists so early in the universe challenges our assumptions about how black holes form and grow. The size of this newly-discovered black hole suggests that they might form in other ways: they might be ‘born big’ or they can eat matter at a rate that’s five times higher than had been thought possible. Like all black holes, this young black hole devours material from its host galaxy to fuel its growth.

According to standard models, supermassive black holes form from the remains of dead stars, which collapse and may form a black hole about a hundred times the mass of the Sun. If it grew in an expected way, this newly-detected black hole would take about a billion years to grow to its observed size. However, the universe was not yet a billion years old when this black hole was detected.

The young host galaxy, called GN-z11, is a compact galaxy, about one hundred times smaller than the Milky Way, but the black hole is likely harming its development. When black holes consume too much gas, it pushes the gas away like an ultra-fast wind. This “wind” could stop the process of star formation, slowly killing the galaxy, but it will also kill the black hole itself, as it would cut off the black hole’s source of “food”.

Maiolino says that the gigantic leap forward provided by JWST makes this the most exciting time in his career. “It’s a new era: the giant leap is like upgrading from Galileo’s telescope to a modern telescope overnight,” he said. “The universe has been quite generous in what it’s showing us, and this is just the beginning.”

1. What does the underlined word “devours” mean in Paragraph 3?
2. According to Paragraph 5, why is GN-z11 likely to be harmed?
A.Because the host galaxy is too small.
B.Because the black hole is killing itself.
C.Because the “wind” ceases star formation.
D.Because black holes produce too much gas.
3. What is Maiolino’s attitude to the new discovery about the black hole?
4. What can we learn from this passage?
A.The black hole took a billion years to achieve its size.
B.Supermassive black holes are assumed to form overnight.
C.The new discovery of the host galaxy is a giant leap forward.
D.The host galaxy and the black hole can be destroyed by the “wind”.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Hibernation (冬眠) is a classic topic of science fiction. In movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, or Passengers, crew members are put into a state of sleep to take year-long journeys to space. Now a new study from Washington University has shown that human hibernation may soon become a reality.

The research team carried out tests on rats — animals that do not naturally hibernate. They first identified a group of neurons (神经元) in a deep brain region, which were found to be involved in controlling body temperature during hibernation. They showed that, in mice, these neurons could be stimulated using ultrasound (超声波), which was delivered through a helmet without causing an injury.

When receiving the ultrasound, the mice showed a drop in body temperature of about3°C, and their heart rates fell by about 47%. When the ultrasound system was switched off, they woke up again. The result was “surprising and fascinating”, said Hong Chen, a professor who led the work.

Researchers are also trying to determine how to harness the power of hibernation to help humans. They believe that it could be key to addressing health conditions like heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, hibernation’s ability to slow aging, which was observed in bats, could benefit space exploration, enabling longer missions with less food requirements. Research in animals also suggests that bodies of hibernating astronauts might lose less bone and muscle, making them fit and ready to start challenging exploration soon after they wake up.

By unlocking the secrets of this remarkable process, researchers may uncover ways to improve human health, as well as gain new insights into the natural world. Therefore, the exploration of hibernation is an exciting area that is sure to yield numerous benefits in the years to come.

The scientists now plan to look at how lowered body temperature might affect the cognitive abilities of humans. “Our next experiments will test working memory in monkeys. This is important because while astronauts physically hibernate as they fly into deep space, their brain still needs to be working,” said Chen.

1. How did researchers put rats into hibernation?
A.By lowering their body temperature.
B.By activating specific brain neurons.
C.By putting a regular helmet on them.
D.By using ultrasound through an operation.
2. What does the underlined word “harness” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. What advantage might hibernation bring to humans?
A.It improves people’s mental health.
B.It predicts a variety of heart diseases.
C.It helps astronauts keep physically fit.
D.It enables astronauts to build up muscle.
4. What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To point out the significance of the study.
B.To bring out the focus of follow-up studies.
C.To discuss other factors affecting hibernation.
D.To explain practical applications of the finding.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道,文章主要讲的是记录澳大利亚濒危鸟类叫声的歌曲Songs Of Disappearance 以及这首歌曲在保护濒危物种方面的作用。

6 . For most of December, Adele Adkins had the top-selling album in Australia, followed by Ed Sheeran, and then there was a collection of songs that took everyone by surprise.

Songs Of Disappearance is a collection of calls from endangered Australian birds. Last month, it briefly reached No.3 on the country’s top 50 albums chart (排行榜) — ahead of Taylor Swift.

Anthony Albrecht, a PhD student at Charles Darwin University, produced the album with Professor Stephen Garnett. “I knew it was a crazy thing to suggest. But Stephen’s a little bit crazy like me and he let me do it,” Albrecht said.

Songs Of Disappearance was published with a university report which found that 1 in 6 Australian bird species are now threatened. The album records 53 of those species.

“Some sing what you might think of as bird songs, but not all of them,” said SeanDooley, who represents the conservation organization Bird life Australia. “Songs from the golden bowerbird sound like a death cry from some sci-fi series. And the love songs from Christmas Island frigate bird, which has a piece of skin hanging under its mouth that can inflate (膨胀) like a huge red balloon, sound as bizarre as its unusual looks.”

There’s also the Christmas Island pigeon. When people hear that pigeon, they might think that it’s a human making silly noises, Dooley added.

The Charles Darwin University and Bird life Australia report does document successes in protecting endangered birds, the hope being that the album will protect more species.

“The increased awareness can make a difference,” Dooley said. “When we have a community on board, that brings pressure to the government to do the right thing. We know that these conservation actions do work.”

1. Whose album reached No.1 on the chart in December?
A.Taylor Swift’s.
B.Adele Adkins’.
C.Ed Sheeran’s.
D.Anthony Albrecht’s.
2. What can be learned from the university report?
A.About 53 bird species are threatened in Australia.
B.It has not found success in protecting endangered birds.
C.One sixth of Australian bird species are now endangered.
D.Music is very powerful in encouraging people to protect birds.
3. Which is closest in meaning to “bizarre”in paragraph 5?
4. What does Sean Dooley think of Anthony Albrecht’s project?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A couple has recently placed their garbage can out for collection for the first time in 14 months, all thanks to their recycling skills. Richard and Louise Arnold have established such an effective routine that they only need to put their garbage can on the side of the street once a year.

Louise explained that making small monthly changes in her life has resulted in her family producing very little waste. She said, “It’s not as difficult as you might think if you start with small steps. We began with soap, switching from bath cream to natural soap without packaging. These bars are large enough that we cut them in half, using one for the sink and the other half for the shower. It’s both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.”

“So it’s actually quite easy. Just go around your house and think of little things you can do gradually, and you’ll start noticing the difference,” Louise added. Currently, the couple takes recyclable waste to the tip, donates clothes to charity shops, and brings soft plastics and batteries to a shop that accepts them.

In 2017, the couple established No Waste Living, which initially started as a weekend stall at the local market and has since developed into a website. Louise regularly writes a newsletter for her hundreds of subscribers. They also started selling eco-friendly products, ranging from non-chemical household cleaning and washing solutions for a “less toxic home” to bamboo washing-up brushes. Louise mentioned, “I started No Waste Living because I wanted to show our achievement s and lead by example.”

Although the family occasionally faces criticism, Louise remains determined. She said, “The main point of contention(争论) for people regarding new waste rules is having to drive their waste to a recycling center, which adds to their already busy lives. However, in the long run, you will create more space in your home, save money, and spend less time dealing with garbage cans.”

1. How did the couple start their waste reduction journey?
A.By replacing small soaps with large ones.B.By using a small amount of bath cream.
C.By using unpackaged soap bars.D.By recycling soft plastics and batteries.
2. Why did the couple found No Waste Living?
A.To bring eco-products to market.B.To inspire others to follow in their footsteps.
C.To treat recyclable waste from the neighborhood.D.To answer the call of their subscribers.
3. Why do some people dislike new waste rules?
A.They mean more work to deal with garbage.
B.They increase the cost of garbage collection.
C.They establish a set time for waste management.
D.They limit the daily amount of garbage for collection.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A business - minded couple.B.The “less poisonous home” concept.
C.The global trend in recycling.D.A planet- friendly lifestyle.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Scientists have reported that the sea ice in Antarctica (南极) is at a record low level. Antarctica is a great, icy land, surrounded (围绕) by the huge Southern Ocean. The ice in Antarctica doesn’t just cover the land. There’s also a large area of sea ice on the ocean’s surface.

Every year, the sea ice at the South Pole goes through a cycle. In the summer, the huge sea ice melts (融化) to its smallest point. Over the colder winter months, the sea ice grows and grows until it covers a wide area. Usually, the sea ice covers the greatest area around September 23, as winter ends at the South Pole.

Scientists have been measuring the area of the sea ice in Antarctica since 1979. For most of this time, Antarctica has seemed to be almost unaffected by the changing weather conditions experienced in other parts of the globe. That began to change around 2016. Now, for several years, the area of Antartica’s sea ice has been shrinking.

This year, the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) reported that Antartica’s sea ice covered its greatest area on September 10 — almost two weeks earlier than normal. And the sea ice was at a new record low-not just by a little bit, but by a lot.

The last time Antartica’s low sea ice set a record at the end of winter was in 1986. And this year, there’s about 398, 000 square miles less sea ice than in 1986.

Scientists are still trying to understand what is driving the change in Antarctica. One likely direct cause for the change is the rising temperatures of the world’s oceans. Ted Scambos, a research scientist at the University of Colorado, says Antarctica’s ice levels have always changed some, but the sharp loss this year is “pointing towards warmer ocean conditions around the continent.”

The new low record has concerned the scientists. Scientists are working hard to better understand Antarctica. They don’t know yet if this is just a short-term problem, or part of a long-term shift (转变) towards less sea ice in Antarctica.

1. What does the underlined word “shrinking” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Getting smaller.B.Being flat.C.Observed.D.Measured.
2. Why does the author mention the record in 1986?
A.To give an example.B.To make a comparison.
C.To make a summary.D.To offer an argument.
3. What is the possible direct reason for the change in Antarctica’s sea ice?
A.The changing weather conditions.B.Human activities in Antarctica.
C.Increased volcanic activities in the area.D.The increasing temperatures of the global oceans.
4. How do scientists feel about the low record?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . If you think of a game of fetch, you might picture a dog running back and forth, eagerly recovering a ball. But a new study shows that they’re not the only pets that like the game: Cats play fetch, too, just on their own unique terms.

The researchers discovered almost 1,000 owners of 1,154 cats to find out if and why. According to their findings, nearly 95% of the cat owners reported that their cats fetched items naturally. One respondent said his cat returned the toy completely for no reason.

Fetching was mainly first noticed when cats were under I year old. What’s more, “cats who fetch largely determine when they engage in fetching activities and actively influence the play behavior of their owners,” according to the study. “So, it can say a bit about cats being in control of their interactions and being in control of their environments, even being in control of us. You might even go so far to say,” says Jemma Forman, the co-author of the study.

But the motivation for cats to fetch objects seems to be different from that for dogs. Cats are more likely to play on their own with objects similar to prey (猎物). For dogs, play is more social, involving either another dog or human.

In general, play has major advantages for both the pet and the owner, as it not only helps to prevent attack towards, the owner, but also models the act of preying on real animals, an important kind of play behavior. “So even if your cat doesn’t play fetch, obviously it’s a really good idea to try and engage them in any sort of play. Play does have a lot of benefits,” says Forman. “It’s about owner acceptance to your fur baby,” she says.

1. Why does the author mention dogs in Paragraph 1?
A.To offer basic information of dogs.
B.To make an outline for the passage.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.
D.To conclude the meaning of the topic.
2. How does the author develop Paragraph 2?
A.By raising questions.B.By listing data.
C.By making a comparison.D.By offering an example.
3. What does a cat think of playing with an object?
A.A social action.B.A learning process.
C.A serious task.D.A preying activity.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Cats Play Fetch, TooB.Train Cats to Fetch
C.New Findings on DogsD.Dogs Play Fetch, Too
2024-02-19更新 | 62次组卷 | 4卷引用:四川省内江市威远县威远中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The dry land in Gir National Park and Wildlife Preserve, located near India western tip, is the proud — and only — home of the Asiatic lion. By the early 1900s, however, their populations had decreased for homo loss and hunting, leaving fewer than 50 known individuals alive. Though their numbers have risen over the past several decades — climbing to around 670 in 2020, a successful story — the lions are still considered endangered.

One of the biggest challenges to keep the lions’ future is to track them, a hard work. Some animals, like tigers and zebras, have special coat patterns (图案) that provide useful marks to the researchers. But for the Asiatic lions, researchers must look elsewhere.

In 2019, Banerjee, who worked for Indias National Tiger Conservation Authority, developed an AI system to recognize the lions with high accuracy (精准). The AI program, SIMBA, has been applied in practice. “It will be a fantastic tool for long-term lion monitoring,” says Banerjee. He adds, “It could help forest officials arrive at a more accurate estimate (评估) of Gir’s lion population. In a few years, the group will have a rich collection of information — how many lions are male, female, how many will bear babies and how many are dead.”

Despite the advantages, Baneijee also adds his worries. He suggests certain rules be made to prevent main information from being stolen. “Where tools like SIMBA really shine”, he says, “is in helping researchers develop monitoring plans that are keys to the protection of at-risk animals,” he says, “otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.”

1. What is the greatest difficulty in protecting Asiatic lions?
A.Stopping them from being killed.B.Keeping track of them.
C.Protecting their living environment.D.Increasing their population.
2. How does SIMBA help researchers?
A.By locating lions’ homes.B.By tracking other animals.
C.By monitoring the animal stealers.D.By providing accurate information.
3. What’s Baneijee’s opinion about the AI program?
A.It needs to be widely used.B.It has saved the at-risk animals.
C.Its possible risks should be aware of.D.Its disadvantages should be ignored.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Application of AI on Protecting Animals.B.The AI Program for the Endangered Asiatic Lions.
C.The Measures of Protecting Asiatic Lions.D.The Biggest Challenge of the AI system.
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