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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

My mother influenced me a lot. When I made a mistake, she never turned a blind eye to it. She also helped me develop many good hobbies. In my childhood, reading books was one of my favorite hobbies. Especially during holidays, I often went to the library to borrow books.

One Saturday morning after breakfast, I told my mother that I’d go and borrow one or two books in the local public library. Then, I set out, expecting what wonderful books I’d come across. After cycling there, I was amazed to notice a new children’s book that I had expected for long. The book was from abroad and was beautifully designed.

Eager to go through it, I quickly took the book out of the shelf and hurried to a chair nearby. Once seated, I opened the book and turned pages. Suddenly, a terrible thing happened. Because of my finger’s too much force, one page was torn (撕破) by accident, which produced a clear sound. It made me immediately shocked and anxious. “If the librarians find I have made the book damaged, they may ask me to buy a new one, which can be expensive. And they may angrily blame me for my carelessness,” I thought. Soon, my face turned pale and my heart pounded fast. Just then, I noticed a librarian was walking in the direction of me. “Is she coming for me?” I wondered, with my legs shaking with fear. Afraid she’d notice the broken page, I hurried to close the book.

Finding something wrong with me, the librarian was concerned and asked gently, “Do you feel uncomfortable?” I shook my head, replying, “No, I’m fine. Thank you!” The librarian smiled |and then left. When she was out of my sight, I quickly stood up and put the book back. I had no intention of reading other books, so I left the library in a hurry, without borrowing any book.

Once reaching home, I breathed a sigh of relief. However, my mother, who was doing housework, stopped.

Paragraph 1:

She came to check what books I borrowed.

Paragraph 2:

Then, I carried glue and headed towards the library.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Did you know many adults sit down for more than nine hours a day? Maybe you’re one of them! Whether it’s working at a desk, sitting motionless in a car, bus or train or lounging on the sofa watching TV, we have a much more sedentary lifestyle than our parents and grandparents did. The question that this raises is just what it is doing to our bodies.

The news isn’t good. A study carried out in the 1950s compared bus drivers with the conductors, who walked around the bus selling tickets. It showed that drivers, who spent many hours sitting at the wheel, were twice as likely to have heart attacks than the more active conductors. In fact, prolonged sitting has been associated with a number of different conditions, even in people who otherwise take regular exercise. If you sit down all day, you burn far fewer calories than someone with a more active job. There are suggestions that its lows your metabolism (新陈代谢) and makes it harder for your body to regulate blood sugar levels increasing the risk of diabetes.

One possible answer to this problem is for desk workers to use standing desks, to spend at least part of their day on their feet. One small study showed that office workers who stood for three hours after lunch had a much smaller increase in blood sugar levels, while another suggested that by standing for three or four hours a day over the period of a year, people would burn as many calories as if they had run ten marathons.

Other experts question this figure and point out that standing all day can also have negative impacts, such as leg or back pain, recommending that if people do want to use standing desks, they should gradually increase the amount of time that they spend on their feet. Crucially, they also point out that there are many alternatives to sitting, and that their impact is unlikely to be the same; walking, for example, burns far more calories than standing.

1. What is the text mainly talk about?
A.The dangers of long sitting.B.Measures to burn more calories.
C.Disadvantages of standing at work.D.Suggestions from the experts on health.
2. Which is not true according to the text?
A.Walking burns far more calories than standing.
B.We are more active than our previous generations.
C.Leg or back pain could be a negative effect of standing all day.
D.Not being able to regulate blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes.
3. Who may burn the least calories?
A.A bus conductor.B.A marathon runner.
C.A sitting desk worker.D.A standing office worker.
4. What is other experts’ attitude towards the figure from the last study?
2024-04-12更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Think of a caveman, and maybe you imagine someone tearing at the flesh of an animal they’ve just hunted. But this picture may be false—analysis of prehistoric remains suggests that Stone Age people were skilled in processing and cooking different kinds of seeds, even experimenting with different flavours. Seeds are still an important part of our diets, so maybe food choices haven’t changed as much as we think.

In botanical terms, seeds are what new plants grow from. Strictly speaking, edible seeds include nuts, pulses and grains, and area significant source of protein and calories world-wide. Between them, rice and bread are staple foods in most of the world. Many cuisines use beans, whether cooked in stews or curries, or mashed into pastes, like hummus from the Middle East. This definition of seeds also includes coffee beans and the cocoa beans used to make chocolate.

Added to these are culinary (烹饪的) seeds. These are what we more often think of as seeds-we often buy them unprocessed and use them whole in cooking, whether as a seasoning, as part of a salad or as a topping for bread. This includes chia seeds (奇亚籽), sesame seeds (芝麻籽) and flaxseed (亚麻籽).

There are clear health benefits to including these seeds in our diet. They are high in dietary fibre, which is good for digestion and helps fight illnesses such as diabetes and bowel cancer. They are also a good source of unsaturated fat (不饱和脂肪). Experts believe that using this to replace saturated fats, such as those from meat and dairy products, can lower cholesterol and help keep our heart healthy. The minerals contained in many culinary seeds, such as zinc, copper, and folate, can be beneficial for the immune system.

However, it’s not all good news. Seeds can cause an allergic reaction, especially sesame seeds. Sesame is one of the top ten causes of food allergies in the UK. Different types of seeds can share allergy-causing proteins, and other seeds that can cause allergies include sunflower seeds and poppy seeds.

1. Which of the following might the author disagree with?
A.Cavemen made a living merely by hunting.
B.Stone Age people could try different flavors.
C.Stone Age people were good at processing seeds.
D.Seeds might be an important part of cavemen’s diets.
2. What does the underlined word “staple” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What benefit of unsaturated fat is mentioned in the article?
A.It can help defeat cancer.
B.It can help us digest cholesterol.
C.It can help keep our spirits high.
D.It can assist in keeping our hearts fit.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The British can note at sesame seeds.
B.We should eat less seeds but more meat.
C.Not all seeds are beneficial for everyone’s health.
D.We shouldn’t produce seeds causing allergic reactions.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . A 17-year-old boy nicknamed Tao Tao with cerebral palsy(脑瘫) has made positive attempts to achieve greater self-reliance through selling self-made popcorn on the street on his own, touching the hearts of netizens and winning him an education opportunity.

According to Tao Tao’s mother: Yao Chuanhua, her son was born with the disabling condition. Over the years, she has continuously tried to train him to adapt and live as normally as possible.

As Tao Tao grew up, the idea of fostering his independence by selling homemade popcorn has brewed in the mother’s mind. She taught Tao Tao how to make popcorn at home and helped set up a stall in Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city of East China’s Zhejiang province.

“Tao Tao, don’t worry. Take it easy even if no one comes to buy,” after a few words of encouragement, Yao stepped aside and let his son take charge.

Initially reserved and unaccustomed to street vending, Tao Tao struggled to attract buyers. To boost his confidence, the mother even paid some passers-by to buy popcorn from her son’s stall.

Gradually, despite shyness and physical difficulties, Tao Tao has become more active and confident, managing the business smoothly without relying on a megaphone to peddle the product.

“The moment you stood here, you were already a success,” Being proud of Tao Tao’s progress, Yao shared videos of her son’s popcorn selling story online, receiving immense care and support from netizens.

Some traveled specifically to buy popcorn from Tao Tao, and one viewer even ordered thousands of buckets. Many expressed a desire to donate, but Yao declined any form of donations.

“My goal is to encourage him to make a brave step forward and connect with the outside world. I hope that one day he could live independently through his own efforts.”

“Tao Tao is a persevering child. He insists on making and packaging the popcorn all by himself, trying his best his best to prove that he can make it,” Yao added.

The online video sensation has drawn the attention of the local education authority to Tao Tao’s situation. After learning that the teen failed to receive proper school education due to health conditions, they have arranged for local special education teachers to offer him door-to-door teaching.

1. What can we learn about Tao Tao from Paragraph 1?
A.He is a student who likes studying.
B.He suffered from cerebral palsy at 17.
C.He made a lot of money by selling popcorn.
D.He is a boy with a positive attitude towards life.
2. Why did Tao Tao’s mother let Tao Tao take charge?
A.To boost his confidence.B.To gain people’s sympathy.
C.To foster his independence.D.To improve his popcorn-making skills.
3. What is Tao Tao’s mother’s purpose in sharing the videos?
A.To get the support from netizens.
B.To get him to sell more popcorn on his own.
C.To draw the attention of the local education authority.
D.To encourage him to boldly connect with the outside world.
4. What makes Tao Tao make continuous progress?
A.His spirit of perseverance.B.The donations he accepted.
C.The help given by netizens.D.The good education he received.
2024-04-12更新 | 61次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sleep-deprived human parents know the value of a quick nap, but it turns out chinstrap penguins have us all beat. When nesting, these Antarctic birds take four-second-long “micro- sleeps”, a strategy that allows parents to keep constant watch over weak eggs and chicks, all while having 11 hours of total sleep a day, according to a new study.

Like other penguins, chinstrap parents take turns guarding the nest. While one bird protects the chicks, the partner finds food at sea. Then the penguins trade places. For two months between egg laying and fledging(羽化) , it’s a series of nonstop demands.

To study how penguins manage to accomplish all this and get the necessary sleep, Lee, a leader researcher, first stuck biologgers, small battery-powered devices, to the backs of 14 nesting penguins of both sexes. This device functions like a smart-watch, measuring physical activity, pulse, and the ocean depths of foraging birds.

Next, the team humanely arrested each of the penguins, attaching the devices temporarily into their skull to measure brain activity. When an animal is awake, the brain constantly buzzes with activity. During sleep, however, brain waves slow down and stretch out. When Lee started reviewing the data, he was surprised to discover the birds, slept in four-second intervals throughout the day and night while looking after their eggs or chicks.

“In both humans and penguins, micro-sleeps occur during times of exhaustion, yet nesting chinstrap penguins seem to have a near-exclusive reliance on it,” Cirelli, another scientist, says. Studying sleep in natural environments is difficult, so “the simple fact that they were able to record data in these conditions is incredible. ”

While the data is convincing, Cirelli notes that the researchers only studied the penguins during nesting periods, making it impossible to tell if the birds micro-sleep when they’re not parenting. The other challenge is understanding how micro-sleep impacts the brains and bodies of the pen-guins. Sleep deprivation in humans causes a range of health problems, and it’s not clear whether penguins experience this, too.

1. When do the birds have micro-sleeps?
A.When they lay eggs.B.When they hunt for food.
C.When they care for babies.D.When they exchange places.
2. What is the biologger?
A.A charger.B.A smart-watch.
C.A sleep monitorD.A safety alarm.
3. What does Cirelli mean in the last but one paragraph?
A.The micro-sleep study is successful.B.Chinstrap penguins sleep more than human.
C.The data from the micro-sleep study is simple.D.Chinstrap penguins rely entirely on micro-sleep.
4. What is probably continued with the text?
A.Effects and occurrence of micro-sleep.B.Short-term strategies for tired bird parents.
C.Problems caused by lack of sleep in humans.D.Approaches of chinstrap penguins’ parenting.
2024-04-10更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(三)英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Where is it? We’re going to be late!” Janice searched the house crazily for her wallet. “Josh! Did you hide my wallet? We have to be at Grandpa’s for his birthday party!” Josh, Janice’s four-year-old younger brother, smiled innocently at her, but his cunning (狡黠的) eyes gave himself away. She tried her best not to shout. Grinning (咧嘴笑) like a cat, Josh reached under the sofa, pulled out her wallet and held it over his head. Janice grabbed it.

Ten minutes later, they hurried to the train station. Red-faced and sweating, Janice let go of Josh’s wrist and removed the sweat from her forehead. The train arrived. Her smile froze when she realized that the train was packed with passengers. Grabbing Josh’s hand, Janice boarded the train. She commanded, “The train’s really crowded, Josh. Behave yourself, stick close to me, and no monkey business!” Josh nodded, holding tightly to a rail. Janice smiled.

When it was time to get off the train, Janice quickly pushed her way through the crowd to get onto the platform. “We made it!” Janice said, turning around. Josh was nowhere to be seen. The crowd was flooding out, but Josh was not among them. “The train doors are closing,” then came the electronic voice. Soon, the crowd on the platform died down. The last thing Janice saw was Josh’s little anxious face at the train window: Just as Janice was about to call out Josh’s name, the train disappeared from view. “Josh!” Janice screamed.

Janice’s mind was transported back to when she was lost at the zoo. She could still vividly remember the towering figures surrounding her and none of them were’ familiar. “I don’t want Josh to go through that same bitter experience,” Janice let out a sigh.

Janice took out her mobile phone, ready to call her mother. However, midway, she decided against it. Her mother, who was far away in France on business, could do nothing but get restless. Janice paced up and down the platform anxiously.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Just then, Janice received a call from an unknown number.


Having waved goodbye to the lady, they headed for their destination.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Elisa studied her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a green top and blue ieans.

Moments ago she was wearing a pink top and a brown skirt. For a moment. Elisa considered

changing clothes again but decided against it. “What’s the use?” she asked herself as she sat back on the bed.

At that moment, her mother called her from downstairs. “Elisa! Hurry up, honey! You don’t want to be late for your first day of school.”

“Don’t remind me.” Elisa thought to herself. It was not just the first day of school. It was Elisa’s first day at a new school. Picking out clothes for the first day of school was hard enough when you already knew your classmates. It was even harder when you would ever meet them for the first time.

“Elisa!” her mom called out. “I see the bus coming down the street!”

“This is it.” Elisa said to herself. She jumped off the bed and ran downstairs. Her mother stopped her at the bottom of the steps.

“I know you’re nervous about starting the first day at a new school.” her mother said.

“Remember my words: Be friendly to others and soon they will too.”

Elisa had her doubts. but she did not mention them. She put on a brave face and said. “It will be okay.” Then she hugged her mom and ran outside. where the bus was already waiting.

As she climbed on the bus, she was surprised to discover that she was the very first person on board. Elisa was happy to avoid other people for as long as she could. but she knew it would not last long. She took a seat near the back.

As the bus continued on its way, Elisa watched with a growing sense of anxiety as other kids filed on the bus. It seemed like everyone already knew each other. She had spent the past week worrying that other kids would make fun of her, but being ignored felt just as bad.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, Elisa noticed a girl sitting silently in front of her.   
“Really? I just moved here, too!”Elisa said, hardly believing her ears.        
2024-02-17更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省晋中市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末调研英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写 在答题卡上。

“Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella, I wander along a long lane in the rain.” is quoted (引用) from A Lane in the Rain by Dai Wangshu,     1     famous Chinese poet in the 20th century.

The oil-paper umbrella, with a history of over 1, 000 years in China, used to be a water-proof (防水的) tool for daily use. People used a kind of paper     2     is painted with oil to make the umbrella’s surface. The umbrella has been of     3     (important) in traditional Chinese culture, standing for romantic and faithful love. In the area where the Yao people live, it has been used     4     a gift when they express their love to a lover.

In the past, the shops making oil-paper umbrellas were everywhere around the country. However, in the 1980s, the handmade oil-paper umbrella     5     (replace) by the nylon umbrella. Nowadays not many people are involved in     6     (produce) it. What’s more, the production of traditional oil-paper umbrellas     7     (require) skilled and time-consuming labor, resulting in higher costs.     8     the oil-paper umbrella is no longer a common tool for rainy days, it has never disappeared from people’s lives. Many places around China still keep the tradition of gifting a red oil-paper umbrella     9     (celebrate) birthdays, newborns, and moving houses. It is also     10     (wide) used in ceremonies honoring ancestors.

2024-02-17更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省晋中市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末调研英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Is it bad to work out in cold weather?     1    . With winter now, here is what the doctors and personal trainers want you to know about exercising in cold weather.

Burn extra calories

In cold climates, your body needs to perform extra heat to keep your body warm. Brown fat is the type of body fat that helps control body temperature. When you’re outside in the cold, brown fat burns calories in order to increase body temperature.     2    .

Help increase willpower

Working out in the heat can cause you to become tired more easily, since it increases sweating and your heart rate more rapidly.     3    . It may mean you can build willpower (毅力) more easily.


Exercising outside during the winter is thought to be one useful way to avoid a type of disorder or depression that tends to affect people during the dark winter months. Sunlight and exercise both have a positive impact on your mental (精神的) condition. They help give out more “feel good” chemicals, including serotonin and endorphins.

Help you sleep better

The combination of sunlight exposure (暴露) during the daytime, fresh air and physical activity can help you relax and sleep well at night.       5    . It is also called your “internal clock” which makes you feel sleepy enough at night and awake enough in the morning.

Exercising in cold weather isn’t for everyone, though. If you have any health problems, it is advisable to talk with your health care provider first.

A.Support heart health
B.Improve your mental health
C.It can make you take regular exercise
D.In this process it can likely help you to lose weight
E.Sunlight is important for controlling your sleep-wake cycle
F.As long as you take preventive measures, it is actually pretty beneficial
G.On the other hand, exercising in the cold can allow you to work out longer
2024-02-17更新 | 100次组卷 | 2卷引用:山西省晋中市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Bells ringing around the necks of dairy cows eating grass lazily on a green field may sound peaceful, but if you live next door, it can be noisy.

Two residents( 住 户 )who recently moved to the small village of Aarwangen in the Swiss Alps, which has a population of just 4, 700 people, complained about the ringing of cowbells. They asked for the cows’ bells to be removed at night so they can sleep.

Long-term residents and the village’s remaining farmers were angry. They felt it was an attack on their traditional culture. Cowbells have been used in rural Switzerland for centuries. They were once useful for tracking herds( 牧 群 )in the Alps in summer. Older farmers say they could hear each individual cow by the sound of its own bell. Another resident, Mr Andreas Baumann, said cowbells were an important part of the Swiss soul. Referring to the sound of cowbells, he said, “As soon as I hear them, I know I’m back home.”

The noise level of these cowbells is usually between 90 and 113 decibels(分贝) —which is equal to the noise from an alarm clock, hairdryer or some power tools. In modern times, however. many farmers have changed to using electronic chips instead of bells.

This year’s argument is not the first time residents have complained about cowbells. In 2015, a Zurich court( 法 庭 )ordered a farmer to remove the bells from his 27 cows from 10 pm to am since they were safe in a farm and always keeping the neighbors awake.

Next month, Aarwangen’s villagers will gather for a public meeting to vote on the future of their bells. They will decide how the sound of the bells can continue without breaking noise pollution laws.

1. Why did the new residents complain about the ringing of cowbells?
A.It affected their rest at night.B.It was an attack on culture.
C.It was not attractive.D.It couldn't be heard clearly.
2. What is Baumann’s attitude to the sound of cowbells?
3. What’s the topic of the meeting to take place next month?
A.How to make laws.B.How to keep the bells.
C.When to vote on the bells.D.Whether to remove noise pollution laws.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.An introduction to cowbells.B.An argument about pollution.
C.Cowbells: a trouble or a tradition.D.Farmers: for or against raising cows.
2024-02-17更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省晋中市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末调研英语试题
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