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1 . A research team led by Prof. Gan Jianping, from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in China, carried out field observations and conducted numerical simulations (数值模拟) in the South China Sea (SCS) recently and disclosed never-before-seen characteristics of the ocean movement in the SCS.

The complex ocean circulation system controls the energy change and water mass transport in the SCS, and affects the biogeochemical processes, the carbon budget, ocean ecosystems, regional climate change, and the sustainable economic and social development in surrounding countries and regions, which account for about 22% of the world’s population. Studies on the SCS circulation and dynamics are regarded as the foundation of understanding the SCS.

In the past few decades, there has been growing global attention to ocean circulation research on the SCS. However, scientific understanding of the three-dimensional water movement in this region is still very limited and sometimes even wrong. This is caused by the lack of acts of careful watching, no reliable numerical model, and limited knowledge of the complex physical processes in the SCS circulation.

Until recently, a research team led by Prof. Gan confirmed that the SCS circulation has a three-layer (层) structure, where sea water circles anticlockwise, clockwise and clockwise in the upper, middle and bottom layers, respectively. The study also found that the three-layer circulation is composed of the dynamically active “hotspots” along the continental slope (斜坡) surrounding the deep basin, instead of an orderly structure in the entire region as previously thought.

Prof. Gan says, “Because of failure to discover the dynamic ‘hotspot’ in the sea, almost all global models cannot accurately simulate the three-layer circulation structure and related physics in the SCS. Therefore, compared with research on the open ocean, our understanding and simulation of the SCS circulation, forced by multiple factors and many dynamic processes, requires greater effort and determination than expected.”

1. Which aspect of the study on the SCS circulation is stressed in paragraph 2?
A.The focus.B.The goal.C.The significance.D.The background.
2. What made it difficult to understand the SCS water movement?
A.Few detailed observations of it.B.Little global attention to it.
C.A shortage of numerical models.D.Ignorance of the physical processes.
3. What did the study find about the SCS circulation?
A.It covers hotspots of the entire region.B.Its three-layer structure is in good order.
C.It is formed in the deep basin of the SCS.D.Its lower layers circulate in the same direction.
4. How does Prof. Gan find their work?
A.It is a bit conventional.B.It is rather challenging.
C.It is partly unsuccessful.D.It is physically demanding.
7日内更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市黄梅县育才高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Which season is called “the holiday season”?
2. When is Christmas on the Eastern Christian calendar?
A.January 7.B.January 1.C.December 25.
3. How do people celebrate Christmas?
A.By eating at fast food restaurants.
B.By uniting with their families.
C.By singing songs at home.
4. Where do people place Christmas trees?
A.On the Street.B.In the church.C.On public squares
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市黄梅县育才高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
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3 . In 1983, Howard Blatt, an electrical engineer at MIT and a married father, collapsed in his kitchen due to a stroke (中风). This left him with a paralyzed arm and leg and severe aphasia.

Aphasia does not affect intellect, so some aphasia sufferers liken it to living in a prison within their own brain; their minds work, yet they are unable to express themselves or understand spoken or written language. The condition can prevent them from speaking, reading, writing or comprehending, sometimes a combination of those, sometimes all of them. At least 2 million people in the U. S. have aphasia, commonly as a result of stroke.

Describing his condition, Blatt said: “No talking — zip. Speech — zip. One incident. Changed life.” Blatt adapted to his physical disabilities but never fully recovered. Discovering aid networks for people with aphasia were a rarity in the early 1980s, he co- founded the Aphasia Community Group in 1990 with his wife and others. It’s one of the oldest and largest support groups for aphasia patients and their families, offering services like concerts, book groups, health information, and companionship.

Mary Borelli, a stroke survivor, described the group as a lifesaver, providing understanding and a sense of belonging. The group helps break the isolation. Jerry Kaplan, a co-founder and Boston University speech- language pathologist, noted that newcomers often express relief at finding others who share their struggles. Thousands have attended since its founding, finding a safe, comfortable space to connect.

Blatt focused on regaining function. He moved from a wheelchair to a leg brace, re-camed his driver’s license, and documented cross-country trips. He also pursued sculpting, house restorations, and created a newsletter called The Aphasia Advocate. Within the Group, he was a role model of adaptability and determination.

The Aphasia Community Group, which will celebrate its 35th anniversary next year, remains one of Blatt’s enduring legacies. Kaplan emphasized Blatt’s determination, saying “Though given a tough break in midlife, with young children, at the top of his game in his profession, and his communication gifts were largely wiped out, he did not give in to this for 40-plus years. And not only did he survive; he thrived.”

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The consequences of a stroke.B.The huge aphasia sufferers.
C.The causes of a stroke.D.The symptoms of aphasia.
2. Why did they set up the Aphasia Community Group?
A.To provides companionship for lonely people.
B.To address the lack of support for aphasia sufferers.
C.To work on a medical cure for aphasia.
D.To answer the call of MIT.
3. According to the members, what is the significance of the Aphasia Community Group?
A.It offers them financial assistance.
B.It helps them regain their speech completely.
C.It creates a caring community for them.
D.It conducts extensive research on their conditions.
4. Which saying effectively highlights Howard Blatt’s life story?
A.Turn lemons into lemonade.B.Let nature take its course.
C.As you sow, so shall you reap.D.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . “孝亲敬长”是中华民族的传统美德,家中老人尤其需要陪伴与关爱。校英语广播站正开展“孝敬长辈,点滴做起”的好点子征集活动。请推荐一至两个切实可行的点子并讲述理由,以号召更多人孝敬长辈,传承美德。
1. Reasons:bring them happiness / make them feel young / help them keep in good health...
2. Idea bank: read/ go fishing/ spend time with/ do... together/ teach them new things...
3.take action

Hello,everyone.Caring for the older persons is the traditional Chinese virtue(美德).

7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省汉川市金益高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期起点测试英语试卷

5 . It was a rainy windy October afternoon. Garth stood outside his house with a wide smile. This was _________ weather for testing his new invention — Umbrella Hat. He could hardly wait to see whether it could keep the rain off. He carefully _________ the hat on his head and started walking _________ along the street. It worked!

Suddenly, three boys in his neighborhood appeared and _________ him. Todd, the biggest one, pulled his Umbrella Hat off his head.

“What’s THIS?” he asked.

“It’s an Umbrella Hat. You can wear it on rainy days and…” Garth said.

The boys _________, “Will anyone wear that stupid thing?” Todd threw the hat onto the ground and they ran off.

Garth picked up his Umbrella Hat from the ground in tears. “Maybe Todd was _________… in reality, who would ever need his invention?” He lowered his head and thought to himself.

Suddenly he _________ and saw a lady looking at him. “I was just leaving my house _________ I saw you and those boys. Are you okay?”

Then she saw the _________ Umbrella Hat and asked, “Er… what’s that?”

“It’s my Umbrella Hat. I thought of it and made it myself…” answered Garth.

“What a creative _________ you have! Don’t ever let stupid boys put you down! Keep inventing and one day you will _________ something really great!” said the lady.

“And you have given me a wonderful _________,” she continued, “I have a gadget (小器具) shop — Gadgets4U — and I’d like to hold a _________ to find the best young gadget inventor in our town. I will display (展示) three best inventions in my shop. I’m sure you will have a(n) _________ of winning a prize.”

Garth was very _________. Gadgets4U was one of his favorite places and the thought of having his invention displayed in that wonderful place was too exciting for words. He suddenly felt much better and could already feel lots of new ideas coming out, waiting to spring into life!

A.came upB.gave upC.looked upD.showed up
7日内更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省汉川市金益高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期起点测试英语试卷
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What did Toby do when Debbie felt hard to breathe?
A.He coughed badly.B.He pushed her down.C.He ate an apple.
2. How did Winnie save the Smith family?
A.She woke up Cathy.B.She jumped up and down.C.She called 911.
3. What lesson can we get from the passage?
A.Things will work out.
B.East or west, home is best.
C.Your kindness will pay off.
7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省汉川市金益高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期起点测试英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who are the two speakers?
A.An interviewer and a sleeper.
B.A reporter and a businessman.
C.A hotel manager and a tourist.
2. What does Mike usually do for his job?
A.Travel and shop.B.Experience and write.C.Talk and sell
3. Who want Mike’s good reviews most?
A.Hotel managers.B.Businessmen.C.Tour guides.
4. What do we know about Mike?
A.He gets paid well.B.He only works at night.C.He enjoys his work.
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省汉川市金益高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期起点测试英语试卷
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why is Riley full of energy?
A.She sleeps long hours.B.She exercises every day.C.She keeps normal weight.
2. How often does Riley do weight lifting?
A.Hardly ever.B.As long as there is time.C.Three times a week.
3. What do you think of the man?
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省汉川市金益高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期起点测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Recent developments in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have brought us in the eye of the storm of a new automation age. About half of the work carried out by people was likely to be automated by 2055 with adaption to technology, a McKinsey Global Institute report predicted.

Automation can enable businesses to improve performance by reducing errors and improving quality and speed, and in some cases achieving outcomes that go beyond human capabilities. At a time of weak productivity growth worldwide, automation technologies can provide the much-needed promotion of economic growth, according to the report. Automation could raise productivity growth globally by 0.8 percent to 1.4 percent. At a global level, technically automated activities involved 1.1 billion employees and 11.9 trillion U.S. dollars in wages, the report said.

The report also showed that activities most influenced by automation were physical ones in highly structured and predictable environments, as well as data collection and processing. In the United States, these activities make up 51 percent of activities in the economy, accounting for almost 2.7 trillion dollars in wages. They are most common in production, accommodation and food service, and the retail (零售) trade. And it’s not just low-skill, low-wage work that is likely to be influenced by automation; middle-skill and high-paying, high-skill occupations, too, have a degree of automation potential.

The robots and computers not only can perform a range of routine physical work activities better and more cheaply than humans, but are also increasingly capable of accomplishing activities that require cognitive (认知的) capabilities, such as feeling emotions or driving.

While much of the current debate about automation has focused on the potential that many people may be replaced and therefore lose their financial resources, the analysis shows that humans will still be needed: The total productivity gains will only come about if people work alongside machines.

1. What is the report mainly about?
A.Comparisons of robots with humans.
B.Analysis of automation’s potential in economy.
C.Prediction of the unemployment problem.
D.Explanations of the concept of the automation age.
2. What might happen in 2055 according to the text?
A.Automation will cause weak productivity growth.
B.Automation will reduce employees’ wages.
C.Activities like data collection and processing will disappear.
D.Activities involve feeling emotions can be performed by robots.
3. How does the author feel about human workers?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Automation: A challenge to all?
B.Automation: Where to go from here?
C.Automation: Who is the eventual winner?
D.Automation: A future replacement for humans?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Children find comfort and connection playing with dolls that look like them, but until recently, finding diversity when shopping for them has been difficult. Children whose rare medical conditions have made their appearance different from others’ have little hope of finding their likeness at a toy store or even online.

Knowing how important the connection could be for a child gave Pacheco an idea. She decided she would design and make special dolls to donate to children with special medical conditions.

To find the kids she hoped to create special dolls for, she cooperated with Fresh Start Surgical Gifts in California, a charitable organization that provides medical treatment to children who need it for free. Then Pacheco was sent pictures and profiles (简介) for a number of disabled children. She finally chose four.

Before getting started, Pacheco searched YouTube for doll- making classes, and learned about those children’s favorite hobbies and preferred colors. Her goal was to make sure the kids could see themselves in her creations, but she didn’t want the things that make them different from other children to be the dolls’ most obvious feature.

Michelle Pius, Fresh Start’s chief development officer was impressed by the final product. “Pacheco was trying to put as much love into it as she could. It was a very kind and big-hearted gesture for her to make dolls that will help a child feel like they’re not alone. And these toys represented each child faithfully,” he said.

Pacheco said, “I really value the beauty in the little things. Each of these kids is so unique, so special... I hope through these dolls they can see themselves in a new light and really love their beauty.”

1. What did Pacheco know before deciding to design and make dolls for some children?
A.She is highly talented at designing toys.
B.She is in need of making new friends.
C.It’s difficult for kids with rare illness to freely shop.
D.It’s important for kids with special appearance to find toys like them.
2. How did Pacheco find kids that need dolls?
A.By referring to related information provided by a charity.
B.By advertising her donation plan on the Internet.
C.By visiting hospitals to look for volunteers.
D.By surveying children’s need on the streets.
3. What did Pacheco do first for her project?
A.She learned how to make a toy.
B.She talked with the kids for their demands.
C.She asked people to donate material online.
D.She collected people’s advice on designing a toy.
4. What do Pius’s words mainly imply?
A.Pacheco would become an outstanding toy designer.
B.Pacheco would spend more time with the kids.
C.She appreciated Pacheco’s work very much.
D.She thought it difficult to make a toy.
7日内更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省孝感市新高考联考协作体2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
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