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| 共计 18 道试题
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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My parents were always against me owning my own pet, afraid of the mess it would make or that I would quickly lose interest in taking care of it, but we made a compromise: I could volunteer at a local pet shelter on the weekends to test my sense of responsibility and dedication. That was how I first came to volunteer at the Avondale pet shelter and—more importantly—where I met my future best friend, Chocolate.

One hot August afternoon, my boss Charlie told me that they were bringing in a young black Labrador Retriever and that I’d be its primary caretaker. An hour after our conversation and in came Chocolate—a beautiful dog with shining brown fur and amazing blue eyes. At about 3 months old, I expected him to be a lot more energetic and playful, but he immediately backed and lay down at the back of his pen (围栏).

I asked Charlie what was the matter with him. He replied that Chocolate had a genetic problem which caused him to be born with a short tail, leading potential owners to think there was something wrong with him; so the breeder felt that they had no choice but to give up the puppy to the shelter.

He was overlooked and underappreciated. I felt very angry at the thought that an otherwise healthy dog could be thrown away so easily. At the same time, I felt a deep sympathy for this dog who had been cheated out of the love and attention he deserved. It was at this moment that I resolved to give Chocolate as much love and attention as I could while working as a volunteer.

Although Chocolate was reluctant and shy at first. eventually through enough treats and play he slowly came around and warmed up to me. Soon enough, whenever I came around his pen to let him out for his turn of walks and play, Chocolate was always excited and jumping with joy.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

As time passed by, the connection between Chocolate and I grew stronger and stronger.

Paragraph 2:

One day, Charlie said Chocolate must find a home soon or he would be removed.

2024-04-15更新 | 320次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

I am a proud mother of three children, my last little one being delivered in the middle of this pandemic (疫情). She was born in August and her name is Aida.

Shortly after having Aida, my mother-in-law Ann showed me something she learned from her friend’s mother in an art class she attended weekly, She had showed me how to knit (编织) a scarf.

I spent a lot of time breastfeeding my sweet little girl, so I had some extra time to do something with my hands throughout the day. I enjoyed making the scarf so I purchased tons of yarn (线) since it was winter. I wanted to make scarves for my three children as Christmas gifts.

There was a new family that moved in down the street. The only daughter of the family was Jane, a shy girl, aged 14, the same age of my oldest son David. It seemed that she came from a financially disadvantaged family, for she always wore old clothes. Worse still, in such cold days, she had no more clothes to wear and trembled with cold.

Due to the pandemic, society was thrown into crisis mode. Schools were closed, food supplies and deliveries were suspended and children were stuck at home. In such discouraging time, however, they became good companions, talking and playing at home or around the houses.

It was dreadfully cold this winter. Every time David came back from outside, with red face, he always cried, “Mum, it is freezing outside!” Then, he came over to see whether I finished the scarf. I could tell how impatient he was to wear my scarf sooner! I had to speed the project to satisfy his expectation. But David comforted me by saying he could wait a few days. What a kind and considerate boy he was! Then my great art project finally was accomplished on the morning ahead of Christmas.

Paragraph 1: I wrapped the scarf around David’s neck.
Paragraph 2: Later that day David came back saying Jane also deserved a scarf.
2024-04-10更新 | 46次组卷 | 29卷引用:江西省萍乡市2022-2023学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Excitement and danger always coexist. Even Rogers had just taken a turn on his mountain bike in April 2020 when he was stopped short by the sight of a woman sitting on the side of the trail. She was cute and had long brown hair and big expressive eyes. What he didn’t know then was that she was also in pain.

Sydney Linden, 28, bad been jogging down Adobe Jack Trail in Sedona, Arizona, when she jumped over a rock and her leg overextended on the landing. The pain was instant. Her right leg collapsed and she hit the dirt hard. Linden tried to stand but collapsed. She wasn’t sure if she had tom her ACL (韧带), broken her leg, or something else. All she knew was that the pain was a 15out of 10.

Linden dragged herself to the shade, “like an animal preparing to die,” she says. She’d called a friend, but after 30 minutes, her friend was lost. That’s when she saw the mountain biker.

Rogers was trying to play it cool. “I didn’t want to be strange,” he says, “so I was just going to casually ride by — at a slower speed.” But Rogers, 33, an active-duty airman, sensed her sufferings and asked if be could help. Linden explained her dilemma. That’s when he noticed the swelling under her leggings. She needed a hospital — now.

Leaning on Rogers, Linden tried to hop along, but the pain was burning. She’d never make it to the trailhead (登山扣) this way. Rogers had another idea. Ho abandoned his bike on the side of the trail and, after a brief discussion, lifted her over his shoulder. Then they began their way over the rocky area and bushes. Although it was spring, the Arizona sun beat down wildly.

Misfortune never came alone.


Linden was eager to thank Rogers, but he left without any information.

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4 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

James Selton was one of the naughtiest boys in the village. He would rarely pass people in the street without being guilty of some sort of abuse. If a person were well dressed he would cry out, “Dandy(花花公子)!” If a person’s clothes were dirty or torn, he would throw stones at him to annoy him .

One afternoon, a stranger passed through the village. His dress neat and clean, he carried a cane in his hand, on the end of which was a bag, and he wore an elegant hat. Spotting the stranger, James winked to his playmates, and said, “Now for some fun!” He then silently reached the stranger from behind, and, knocking off his hat, ran away. The man turned and saw him, but James was out of hearing before he could speak.

The stranger put on his hat, and went on his way. Again James approached; but this time, the man caught him by the arm, and held him fast. However, he contented himself with looking James a moment in the face, and then pushed him away. Free again, he began to throw at the stranger with dirt and stones. But he was frightened when he saw the man struck on the head by a brick, and badly hurt.

All the boys now ran away, and James sneaked across the fields to his home.

As he drew near the house, his sister Caroline came out to meet him, holding up a delicate gold chain and some new books for him to see. She told James, as fast as she could talk, that their uncle, who had been away several years, came home, and was now in the house with beautiful presents for the whole family; that he had left his carriage at the hotel a mile off, and walked here to surprise his brother, their father. She said that on his way some wicked boys threw stones at him, and hit him just over the eye, and that mother had bound up the wound.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Para 1: “But, James, what makes you look so pale?” asked Caroline, changing her tone.


Para 2: His uncle went up, kindly saying, “James, will you not welcome me?”

2023-11-18更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省萍乡市高三上学期一模考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Many years ago, at Christmas time, I parked my car in the town centre on my way to the post office to post my Christmas cards. It was the last posting day for Christmas cards if they were to be received before Christmas.

As I came out of the car park, I saw a young boy probably about 12 years of age on the other side of the road. He was alone and as he was walking, he was crying and holding his right hand side. I thought some bigger boys had perhaps bullied him and he was in pain. I had to go to his aid and see if I could help him.

He told me that his big sister who was a nurse had bought him a combined birthday/Christmas present. It was an Alpha Egg Dictionary. He had been allowed to use it and only had it days when he dropped it and broke the screen!

The little guy was upset, tears rolling down his face as he told all this to me. My heart ached for him. It was clear he valued his present and knew that this was a lot of money for his sister to spend on him. He’d been to an electronic dictionary repair shop and they’d told him it would be £80 to get a new screen.

I had to help. But it was very close to Christmas and I had no cash with me. I once made contact with guys in an e-dictionary repair shop so I took him there, I knew the guys would have helped me out and my intention was to get the screen on the dictionary fixed and I would pay for it the following week. I knew they would trust me on this. I brought him with me. However, the shop was closed! I had one of the guys mobile numbers but I couldn’t get in contact with him. What next? What could I do now?

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I brought him to an ATM machine (自动取款机).


The next day, I received a call from the boy’s father.

2023-07-07更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省萍乡市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Glancing at the clock on my computer screen, I was excited to see it was finally lunchtime. Getting stuck in traffic during my commute into work had just been the beginning of a stressful morning. so I was more than ready for a break. A big salad topped with grilled chicken was waiting for me just outside the Navy base’s main entrance, plus I would pick up some food for my co-workers.

I parked in one of the few open spots at the restaurant and locked the doors. My keys were left in the car since there was a keypad on the door for keyless entry. As usual, it was crowded inside. The tables were all full. Finally I placed the orders, paid, and was handed my drinks. I decided to fix the drinks and carry them out to the car since it would be a while for the food to be ready.

When I got to my car. I put in the numbers on the door and pulled the handle. It didn’t open. I tried again. It still didn’t unlock. My phone and keys were in there. I was going to have to go back inside and borrow a phone to call work. Then, I noticed the phone in the car was being charged, I wasn’t charging my phone when I left. Then. I saw a magazine on the passenger seat. Not mine. I slowly turned around to discover my car right behind me. Oh. no! I had been trying to break into someone else’s car!

I walked around my car to get to the driver’s side, pushed in my code, and opened my door. I placed the drinks inside and walked back to the restaurant to get the food. As I entered through the door. I heard a man’s voice say, ”They look alike, don’t they?“ I knew that was directed at me.

Turning my head to my left, I saw two men staring back at me with eyes twinkling and huge smiles on their faces.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly I felt my faces were flushing.


Almost half an hour passed before we finished our coffee.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Whoa! What are you doing? ” I asked, shocked.

I had just walked into my daughter’s room as she was working on a science project. Normally, I would have been pleased at such a sight. But this time, her project needed sand, a lot of it. And, while she had put some plastic below her work area, it wasn’t nearly enough. The sand was spreading all over our newly decorated floors.

My daughter, who immediately felt my displeasure, began to defend herself. “I used plastic!” she responded angrily.

I reacted more angrily, “But the sand is getting all over!”

“Where else am I supposed to do it?” she yelled.

Why won’t she admit (承认) when she’s done something wrong? I thought to myself. I felt my fear, projecting into the future: What would her life look like if she couldn’t admit her mistakes?

My fear translated into more anger, this time about how important it was for her to admit mistakes, and we began to argue. She said something that felt disrespectful to me and I raised my voice. It started to get out of control. This scene had happened in my family over and over again, a hysterical (歇斯底里的) daughter and a yelling mom. It usually started with unrealized expectations and ended in anger, frustration (挫败), sadness, and loss of confidence on both sides.

I tried my best to calm down, but somehow I stormed out of her room. Just at the moment, her door shut heavily behind me. How could she do this to me! So angry was I that I decided to give her a lesson. When my husband came back from work, seeing the look on my face, he figured out what had happened almost at once. “A rough fight again?” Eddie asked. After hearing the whole thing, he said gently “Have you ever thought that maybe you should have given her a chance to explain the situation before you lost your temper?” His words set me thinking, I began to reflect on my behaviors.


Just then, I heard footsteps coming.


I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你校举行了以“The Person I Respect Most”为题的英文演讲比赛,请为此写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
1. 有具体事例;
2. 描写个人的真情实感;
3. 运用至少两种修辞手法
1. 写作词数应为80左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

2022-05-05更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省萍乡市芦溪中学2021-2022学年高一下学期创新班期中英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

It was a freezing cold night, all quiet in the street. Tom was walking home after a tiring day from work, depressed and exhausted. Having worked overtime for nearly a month, his program was still rejected by his manager. Unfortunately his mom was diagnosed with lung cancer the other day. He felt his life couldn't be worse. As he walked, he thought seriously about giving up his present job and returning to his hometown. He thought in regret if he had not left his hometown to seek his fortune in the big city, his life wouldn't have been in such a hopeless situation.

City life had become too much for him. As he walked down empty streets under tall buildings, he felt very cold and frightened. He began running, both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets. About a block from his apartment, he heard a sound behind him. He felt frightened and turned back quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty, with no one in sight. All he saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made him nervous, so he started to run faster towards his apartment.

When he finally arrived at his apartment, he was out of breath but relieved. Not until he reached his apartment building and unlocked the door did he realize what the noise had been. It had been his wallet falling to the sidewalk. Suddenly he was not cold or tired anymore. Without hesitation, he ran out of the door and back to the sidewalk where he had heard the noise. He having searched the sidewalk anxiously for about fifteen minutes, his wallet was still nowhere to be found.

Paragraph 1:

Tom was about to give up the search when he saw a tall man walking towards him.

Paragraph 2:

After getting his wallet back, Tom went back to his apartment.

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

They’d been planning this forever. From her birth, most likely. Mya's mother, Helena loved hosting parties. And Aunt Beatrice loved birthdays. Together, they'd make her Sweet Sixteen a hundred times bigger, bolder, and brighter than it needed to be. They selected a theme every year and stuck to it. Her fourteenth had been the “Snow White” and her ninth had been the “Frozen”. They never told her what the theme was the day before. She'd just wake up her birthday morning, a brand new birthday outfit (一套服装) laid neatly on her dresser (an outfit related to the theme, of course) and she would open her door to see the adventure that lay ahead of her that day.

Mya had a few guesses as to what this year’s theme would be. A play on the words “Sweet Sixteen” was likely — a candy themed party, perhaps? But she’d had a baking party a few years ago — and Helena was anything but repetitive. Mya didn't have any interest in cars, so she doubted a sports-car party was on the menu. She’d tried to look through her mother’s purchase history online, but her mother had been careful enough to delete everything recent. So the only clue left was the birthday outfit she would receive the next morning.

May 1st, Mya woke. The bright sunlight begged her eyes to open and she loved the day that her birthday took place. It was always nice out on May 1st and it never rained. This morning was no different than her previous birthdays. She sat up in her bed and looked to her dresser before slipping out of bed and inspecting the outfit. She unfolded it and held it against her body, seeing how it was like. It reached down, just above the ankle. Mya dressed, eyed herself in the mirror and found it was not so much a pretty outfit as she had received before. It was totally one for blue-collar workers!

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock.
With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile.
共计 平均难度:一般