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The paper was hidden in a brown bag. It was her late father’s bucket list, written on three pages torn from a notebook. Laura Carney looked down at it, then she glanced up at her husband. Without a word spoken, they both knew: “I needed to finish it,” says Carney, 46.

Her brother, David, was the first to spot it. He uncovered the treasure in 2016—13 years after their father, Michael Mick Carney, was tragically killed when he was 54 by a distracted driver.

The list, Carney says, was written in 1978, the year she was born. It had 60 tasks, five of which had already been checked off. One was marked “failed”. That left 54 items for Carney to complete. The tasks ranged from relatively simple tasks, like “grow a watermelon,” to more complicated ones like “correspond with a famous celebrity”. Several tasks were seemingly impossible. Still, Carney was not discouraged. For Carney, the bucket list was an unexpected opportunity to work through her pain and reconnect with her dad.

“The first couple ones that I did happened organically,” Carney says. She had already signed up for a marathon, which allowed her to check “run 10 miles straight” off the list.

Another item she completed early on was “talk with the president.” She learned that former President Jimmy Carter—who would have been president when Carney’s father wrote the list—taught Sunday school in Georgia. She and her husband flew there to meet him.

While Carney completed many of the bucket list tasks on her own—including a two-week trip to Europe— “it didn’t really feel like I was doing things alone, because I knew my dad was with me,” she says. “I feel like my relationship with him is very present.”

Carney’s brother and mother accompanied her for some activities, and her husband joined her for others. “After about the first year or two of doing this project, he would say to me that the person he had always seen in me was coming out,” Carney says. “I had all these layers of sadness and fear that I was leaving behind.”

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There was only one last task left on the list: “Have five songs recorded”.


So she decided to write her own bucket list.

2024-07-15更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The motley (混杂的) looking group of eleventh graders didn’t look like any “honors” U.S. History class I’d ever imagined. They shuffled (拖着脚步走) into my classroom, which I had painstakingly decorated with Presidential portraits and colorful maps.

Fresh out of college with a degree in history, a teaching certificate, and not a lick of experience, which was what I was.

“Good morning,” I said brightly. I was greeted with vacant stares. “I am so excited to have been selected to teach this honors class,” I continued. “They usually don’t let first-year teachers do that.”

Several of the students sat up straighter and cut their eyes at each other. Too late, I wondered if I should have tried to hide the fact that I had zero teaching experience. “First off, let’s rearrange these desks,” I said. “I like lots of class discussion, so let’s put them in a big circle so we can all see each other’s faces.”

Several of the kids rolled their eyes, but they all got up and began scooting (拉) the desks out of the traditional straight rows. “Perfect! Thanks. Now, everybody choose a seat and let’s play a game. When I point to you, tell me your name. Then tell me what you hate most about history.”

Finally, some smiles. And lots more as our game progressed.

Amanda hated how history seemed to be all about war. Jose didn’t like memorizing names and dates. Gerald was convinced that nothing that had happened in the past was relevant to his life. “Why should I care about a bunch of dead white guys?” was how he put it. Caitlyn hated tricky true-or-false questions. Miranda couldn’t stand fill-in-the-blank tests.

Armed with the feedback my students had given me, I began formulating a plan. No teaching straight from the textbook for this group. No “read the chapter and answer the questions at the end” homework. These kids were bright. My honors class deserved to be taught in a way that would speak to them.

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Our courses were somewhat different from traditional ones.


During our final workday, the principal called me into her office for my end-of-the-year evaluation.

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It was my sixth-grade year. I was overjoyed when the U. S. Navy band came to perform in our town. It was an event I’d never forget, and one instrument stood out above all others. That day, at 12 years old, I fell in love with the heavenly sound that came from the trumpets (小号), and a dream was born. Someday, I wanted to join a military band onstage as a guest performer.

My father took notice of my enthusiasm and bought me a used trumpet. I practiced every day, training my lips, mastering my breathing, until I felt at one with the instrument. I made first chair and played trumpet through high school. “Someday I’ll play along with a military band,” I told my friends. The details I left to God to figure out, while I pursued a more practical life course. Rather than declaring a performance major in college, I studied to be a music teacher.

Now I was blessed to be at this military band concert, a magic al after noon that had brought with it a trip down memory lane.

After the concert, I made my way to the stage to thank Colonel (上校) Carino, the conductor of the military band. When he learned I taught music in town and played trumpet, he invited me to play a trumpet solo (独奏) at their next concert in the park.

A solo? I couldn’t remember the last time I’d taken my trumpet out of its case. I doubted I’d even be able to get a decent note out of it. “Sir, that’s impossible. I’m sorry, but there’s no way.”

“In the Army,” the colonel thundered, “you don’t say no!”

I felt scared and trapped. Yet, a lingering thought took root: “Is it possible that life is opening the door to my childhood dream?” I said yes to the invitation. I knew I had to do my part and practiced for hours every day. My lips swelled and then bled.

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As time passed, Colonel Carino took an unexpected role in my preparation.

        I stood on stage next to Manuel, my performance partner.
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4 . 在2022年8月发生的重庆山火和2023年1月发生的泸定地震中涌现出了很多青年逆行者榜样人物:00后消防员,00后志愿者等。你校正在组织“We Should Shoulder the Responsibility”英语征文活动,请你投稿。
2.参考词汇:00后:post-2000s generation/post-00s;

We Should Shoulder the Responsibility

2023-03-13更新 | 331次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学校2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题(含听力)
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We had just relocated to Germany and moved into a big and old country house with a mysterious abandoned wine cellars (地窖), which my husband warned me many times not to explore without him. After settling down, we began slowly releasing our large family of rescue cats and dogs into the woods behind our house so that they could get used to the area and venture out on their own. So, it wasn’t long before we gained a reputation for having lots of rescue animals with us in the neighborhood.

One day, the doorbell rang and I was sure some of my Christmas packages had arrived. I ran to the door and swung it open, but no one was there. I sensed something and looked down, only to find a beautiful calico (有斑点的) kitten sitting there, looking up at me with big, intelligent eyes. There was no way that she could have rung the doorbell by herself, was there? Were my new neighbors playing tricks on me? Perhaps, someone had found the kitten somewhere and left her there, and then rang the doorbell and ran away. They accurately guessed we would welcome an additional family member and take care of her.

My husband called her our little angel, so we named her Angelica accordingly. It seemed as if she was always meant to be in this big family and she turned out to be a perfect companion. Always by my side, she was more like a puppy than a kitten. Wise beyond her years, she enjoyed exploring through the mysterious house as much as I did, but with much less fear. Angelica was courageous.

So, I decided to be brave, too. I had promised my husband that I wouldn’t explore dangerous areas unless he or someone else was around, but he was away on a business trip for a week and I figured that Angelica would count as my companion. I was ready to explore the cellar, and so was she.

The only way in was through a hatch (盖子) that was partially hidden by the grass that covered it, then down a shaky ladder to its dark depths, probably twelve feet deep. I equipped myself with a good flashlight and warm clothes. Angelica sat on the edge and watched me carefully start down the ladder. Suddenly, there was a crash at the foot.

I woke up with a splitting headache and pieces of the broken ladder lying around me on the stone cellar floor.
Angelica could sense my dilemma.
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6 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The story of my new family member

We found a lonely dog a few weeks ago, walking along the road in the countryside. All of a sudden, he was jumping on cars, and at the same time we thought maybe his family was camping somewhere in the neighboring areas. As a consequence we passed him by without hesitation. A few hours later, on our return trip, he was still in the same place, again and again, making an attempt to get people to stop for him. When he caught sight of us approaching, he lay down in the middle of the road, so we failed to get around him.

My father braked hard, pulled up and looked around for a few minutes, trying to figure out whether anyone around from whom he had been separated. After getting off the car, we checked the dog carefully. It didn’t appear so. Then we took a good look at the poor but cute dog. He gazed at us eagerly with gloomy eyes. We circled around him in a total silence. We had an overwhelming desire to find out what was wrong with him. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any clues. He had no collar and he was really too thin. Eventually we decided that he had been abandoned. We showed great sympathy for the poor dog. How helpless he was on such an occasion! He was homeless and he had no one to rely on.

On seeing the scene, we couldn’t help begging my parents to raise him. My mother agreed excitedly, “I love this lovely dog. How poor he is! It is high time that we should bring him home.” She stared at the dog with tears welling up in her eyes. We knew my mother was willing to adopt the dog because she was so sweet and she loved dogs very much. My father thought it was dangerous to raise a dog due to the fact that we were too young.

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Paragraph 1:

My father said firmly, “If he doesn’t bite me when I try to pick him up to put him in the car, then we have a new dog.”

Paragraph 2:

We took him to the vet (兽医), who said the dog appeared to be in good health.

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I am a photographer running a studio in the inner city. We are well known for our children's portraits (肖像),and we range from high-end portraits for modelling jobs to fun sibling photos and birth announcements. We do a bit of everything; as such, we are extremely busy, and it states on our website that we do not accept walk-ins. We are usually booked up six months in advance. One day, ten minutes before closing, a mum walked in with a young girl around six or seven behind her. I internally sighed.

The mother said:"Hello. I know you're closing soon, but I have a special favour to ask.”

At that point the little girl peeked around her mother's legs and I was lost for words. Under her thick winter coat and hat, she was skinny with huge dark circles under her eyes. From what I could tell, she had no hair, and a tube taped to her cheek that fed into her nose. It was immediately clear this kid was very, very sick.

The mother said again, nearly teary. " My daughter saw one of your photos taped to the wall at the hospital. She really loves unicorns (独角兽)and the photo had a girl photoshopped onto a horse. I know you're booked up, and it's months before the next appointment, but…”

At that point she actually started crying. I realised that our next available appointment was probably way too far away for this particular kid. The little girl squeezed her mother's hand. I am a very big guy with a beard, but I'm not ashamed to say I needed a minute before I spoke.

I smiled and said with the softest voice I had ever had : ” Ahh, that's just for regular customers I I've been waiting all day to take a photo of someone as beautiful as you! What's your name, sweetheart?"


I locked the front door and invited them to the changing room,


The mother thanked me over and over and came up front, holding out her credit card.             .

2020-12-27更新 | 477次组卷 | 7卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学2021届高三英语适应性月考五
共计 平均难度:一般