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One day my mom and I read a story on a magazine called Humane Society News. A wild dog named Solo died for lack of medical care after he was ill. I knew how sad the story was because my own dog, Kela, had recently died. My world had ended when I lost Kela. She had been my best friend since I could remember. The article continued to tell about wildlife rehabilitators. They nursed the sick animals back to health, but as more and more animals were rescued, the medical expense became a big burden for them. I immediately determined to do something for them. I may be a kid, but why can’t I do a fund-raiser to help save more dogs?

My mom thought it was hard for an eleven-year-old girl to raise, but she told me to go ahead and try it anyway. I realized that I needed a name for the fund-raiser and thought since I was trying to protect dogs’ life, I would call my program Help Dogs. I decided that pet stores would be really good places to go with donation boxes and Help Dogs flyers (传单). I used little green Chinese take-out boxes, decorated with a picture of Tiko, one of the dogs I chose to help, and me. I wrote on each box “Help protect the life of dogs by donating a dollar”. I thought my actions might not raise much money for the dogs, but they can at least increase people’s awareness of wild animals protection.

One afternoon, after all the boxes had been distributed throughout our community, I got a call from a local newspaper reporter who had seen one of my flyers. The reporter decided to do an article about Help Dogs. After the article came out, I waited for a few days before checking to see if there were any donations.

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I was really nervous when I finally went to collect the money.


I realized many people feel the same way as I did but didn’t know how to help.

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I cannot remember a point in my life when I desire anything other than becoming a teacher. As a child I played school with my little cousins and friends just so I could practice for my future career. But what I didn’t realize as a child was how expensive my dream was. I came from a poor family, and it seemed as though we always struggled to make ends meet. My dream of attending the University of Connecticut seemed so out of reality but I wasn’t willing to settle for anything less.

At the beginning of my senior year in high school, I began applying to colleges, but in my heart I had already made my decision. The University of Connecticut was the one. But a huge hurdle(障碍) stood between me and the dream—lack of financial resources.

At first, I was ready to give up. I mean, who was going to give me, the average high-school girl, that kind of money? I wasn’t the smartest person in my class, not even close; but my heart was in the right place, and I was determined. I knew that scholarships were only given to the really smart kids, or so I thought. I applied for every scholarship I could get my hands on. What did I have to lose? And then my teacher told me about the financial aid system. I applied, but l didn’t think I would qualify for that either. After the holidays, my friends started receiving their acceptance letters from colleges, and I eagerly anticipated mine. Finally, a letter arrived from the University of Connecticut. Feelings of fear and joy overwhelmed me, but I was ready. I opened the envelope with trembling hands as tears filled my eyes. I had done it! I had been accepted to the University of Connecticut I cried for a while, feeling both extremely excited and afraid. I had worked so hard to get accepted; what if I was denied admission because of my financial status?


I had been working a full- time job.


At last, a letter arrived.

2024-05-15更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市渝西中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It had been a challenging week, marked by a sudden large increase in oil prices coinciding with a sharp drop in temperatures in Boston. It was nearly below zero degree. With three missed workdays under my belt, my upcoming paycheck was going to be lower than normal. The stress weighed heavily on me as I carefully sought for every conceivable opportunity to save pennies, ensuring that I could afford both groceries and keep the house warm.

My eight-year-old son didn’t understand when I told him we were struggling that week. He had his heart set on a particular brand of yogurt, but I didn’t have the extra three dollars to buy it for him. It was the kind of yogurt decorated with a cartoon child skateboarding on its packaging, containing a mere two spoonfuls per cup. Such products, designed to lure children with their flashy marketing, only served to make me hate advertising.

However, a bunch of parental guilt gripped me as his innocent eyes met mine, silently questioning, “Why is yogurt such a big deal?” Determıned to sweep his disappointment, I made a sacrifice typical of single mothers. I returned an item needed to the shelf, ensuring that he could enjoy his favorite yogurt.

On the journey back from the grocery store, a sight caught my attention—a homeless man, holding a sign by the roadside. My heart ached, and I turned around, observing   passers-by purposefully steer (绕开) clear of him, avoiding any meaningful interaction. Even my son didn’t seem to care much. either. Yet, upon closer inspection, I noticed the man—bare hands grasping a piece of cardboard, snot frozen to his face, a worn-out jacket. And there I was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. But I decided to help. I pulled over to the man and handed him a five-dollar bill.


Seeing this, my son became confused and surprised.


On that day, my son performed an act that most adults wouldn’t have done.

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                                                                                                                                                                                       Being Planted

“106!” The cry of disappointment breaks the silence of the peaceful night.

In darkness, he stands still there, with tears dropping continuously from his eyes.

He is a 5th-year Ph.D. student majoring in biology. This is his 106th attempt to cultivate strawberries which could bear extreme climates. In his 105th experiment, he did all the pre-processes that he knew which could lead him closer to his goal. Every generation of the strawberry seemed to bring him closer to success, but every time the result was alike — failure, failure, failure. He has literally got used to it. But this time, he can hardly help feeling frustrated and angry.

“Who stole my experimental strawberry!”

Last night, when he got to the field, he was thrilled. Although most of the plants were obviously dying, one plant stood vigorously in the middle of the experimental field. The plant was labeled “Plant No. 106” . What a coincidence! In his 106th attempt, the 106th plant was finally mutating (变异) in its ideal way — the spark of hope, to him.

Last night, Plant No. 106’s fruit started to turn red. He was never so close to success. What he needed to do was to wait for several days to harvest that pink, shiny, attractive fruit.

But this night, the fruit disappears. So does his hope.

“3 years’ effort!   1096 days’ struggling! 13152 hours’ DNA editing and experiment. ALL GONE!” he murmurs to himself. He regrets that he didn’t get a small sample of the stolen strawberry last night.

Now he is using his fingers to dig the ground. He doesn’t know why he is doing so. He is well aware that the results of the past 106 attempts are all wasted because of the incident and his not taking the sample in time. He has no seeds left. At the present, he seems to have only 2 choices: to start from the very beginning, or to give up.

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He uses his finger to dig the soil of that inch of field which used to contain his hope.


He is so excited that he bursts into tears.

2023-04-19更新 | 157次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届重庆市九龙坡区高三学业质量调研抽测(第二次)英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

Many years ago, my father, who was 80 at that time, arrived for his regular two-week visit at my home in Karachi. He lived with my elder brother in Lahore most of the time and for ten years had stuck to his habit of going for an hour-long morning walk to keep fit. In Lahore, he would walk around a park that is quite close to my brother’s house. Naturally, he was keen to continue his morning walk while with us in Karachi.

Our preferred park is a 2 km walk from my house and it has a l km walking track. I could not drive him there every day as I had to leave for the office at the same time he wanted to set out. Since there are hardly any footpaths in Karachi, my father said he was delighted to walk on the road as he was certain there wouldn’t be much traffic in the morning.

I was less confident so I suggested it would be safer if he changed his walk time to the evening. That way I could take him to the park after work. However, my father-a determined person-said that he could not change his routine for just a few days and insisted that he would be leaving the house every day at 7 am and returning by 8 am. He started doing this and stuck firmly to his schedule. So one day when he had not returned by 8:30 am, my wife, Qaisa, phoned me in a panic. Worried, I immediately drove home, taking the same route that my father would have taken for his walk.

Not spotting him anywhere, I went to the police station to report my father’s disappearance. The station house officer advised me to wait until midnight before filling the report. Since it was only 10 am, I drove back to the park, in the hope of discovering some trace, but in vain. Totally at a loss for what to do next, I returned home and waited impatiently, walking back and forth in the house.

Paragraph 1:

At 10:35 am the doorbell rang and my father stood outside the door smiling, accompanied by a young man.

Paragraph 2:

After knowing what had happened, I showed my appreciation of his kindness.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sigrid finished milking the cow and stepped out of the barn into the cold air. It was almost summer, but icebergs still filled the narrow sea. She set the bucket down, only to find that the milk reached merely halfway to the top. If we don't get more food soon, she thought anxiously, we will have to eat the cow. And then what will we do?

Grandfather used to tell her that when their Norse ancestors first came to Greenland, the fields were rich with grass. But in recent years, the climate has been getting colder and the summers shorter. When her grandfather was a little boy, there were as many as fifteen cows in the family's barn. Now there is just one. And the family has barely enough hay to feed it.

A gust of wind sending a chill down her spine, Sigrid stuffed her hands into the pockets to warm them. Her fingers felt her most prized possession, a piece of red cloth she'd had since she was a small girl. She took the cloth out of her pocket and let it unfold. It was barely longer than her arm. But its brilliant colour was bright against the stark(荒凉的) landscape. The cloth had once been part of a dress—in happier, more prosperous times. Nobody dresses like that anymore.

With ice-filled seas, ships no longer arrive with foods and goods to trade. All of a sudden, movement on the water caught Sigrid's eye. A light boat moved silently between the icebergs. An Inuk boy, about Sigrid's age, was looking her way, staring at the red cloth fluttering(飘动) in the breeze. A hunting weapon was tied to the front of his boat. And dragging behind it was a large fish. Sigrid knew there had been fights between the Inuit and the Norse. But the boy had a kind face and did not reach for his weapon.


She couldn't help but wonder what to do.


The boy put the cloth into his pocket and returned to his boat.

2021-06-30更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届重庆市九龙坡区高三下学期(三诊) 质量调研抽测(三)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般