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1 . Opera at Music Hall

It’s on 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The opera honors enjoy the membership discounts.

Phone: 241-2742.


Chamber Orchestra

The orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June.

Call 723-1182 for more information.


Symphony Orchestra

At Music Hall at Riverbend, the regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer.

For ticket sales, call 381-3300.


College Conservatory of Music (CCM)

Performances are usually held at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events. Students with their student ID cards can attend the events for free.

For more information, call 556-4183.


Riverbend Music Theater

It’s on 6295 Kellogg Ave. It’s a large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover and big name shows all summer long!

Phone: 232-6220.


1. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?
2. When can you go to a concert by the chamber orchestra?
A.In February.B.In May.C.In August.D.In November.
3. Where can students go for free performances with their student ID cards?
A.To Music Hall.B.To Memorial Hall.
C.To Patricia Cobbett Theater.D.To Riverbend Music Theater.
2024-07-17更新 | 271次组卷 | 22卷引用:【全国百强校】吉林省长春外国语学校2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Twelve-year-old Catherine has a lot of friends—632, actually, if you count up her online friends. And she spends a lot of time with them.

But is it possible that Catherine’s online friendships could be making her lonely? That’s what some experts believe. Connecting online is a great way to stay in touch, they say. However, some experts worry that many kids are so busy connecting online that they might be missing out on true friendships.

Could this be true? During your parents’ childhoods, connecting with friends usually meant spending time with them in the flesh. Kids played Scrabble around a table, not words with friends on their phones. When friends missed each other, they picked up the telephone. Friends might even write letters to each other.

Today, most communication takes place online. A typical teen sends 2,000 texts a month and spends more than 44 hours per week in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent on social media platform.

In fact, in many ways, online communication can make friendships stronger. “There’s definitely a positive influence. Kids can stay in constant contact, which means they can share more of their feelings with each other,” says Katie Davis, co-author of The App Generation.

Other experts, however, warn that too much online communication can get in the way of forming deep friendships. “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual world, we will have little time for our real-world friendships,” says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University. Rosen also worries that today’s kids might mistake the “friends” on the social media for true friends in life. However, in tough times, you don’t need anyone to like your picture or share your blogs. You need someone who will keep your secrets and hold your hand. You would like to talk face to face.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To tell about true friends.B.To start a discussion.
C.To encourage online friendships.D.To summarize(总结) the text.
2. What does the underlined part “in the flesh” mean in paragraph 3?
A.In any case.B.In public.C.In person.D.In advance.
3. What is Katie’s attitude toward online communication?
4. Which of the following is the Rosen’s view?
A.Teenagers need to focus on real-world friendships.B.It’s easier to develop friendships in real life.
C.It’s wise to turn to friends online.D.Social media help people stay closely connected.
2024-05-15更新 | 167次组卷 | 46卷引用:云南省玉溪第一中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When I was a teenager, I was invited to a formal dance party. I was _________, but also nervous about what to wear. Mom suggested I wear high heels (高跟鞋).

“Mom, I don’t know if I can wear these,” I said, feeling _________. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Just take small _________ and keep your weight centered,” she suggested.

As I arrived at the party, I tried to be _________ and act like everything was fine. But _________ struck when I stepped onto the dance floor. I _________ my own feet, falling to the ground in front of everyone.

I quickly got up and laughed it off, pretending like it was _________. But deep down, I felt like a tomato, wanting to _________.

My friend Lilly helped me _________ that incident and managed me another high heels as a support so that nobody would understand my hesitation. But a little bit __________ continued in my mind.

When I returned home, I told Mom I felt like a complete __________ at the party. “It’s okay. You tried something new, and it didn’t go as __________. But that’s how we learn and grow. Don’t be too __________ on yourself and wear what you feel __________ in,” Mom said, giving me a hug.

From that day forward, I stuck to flat shoes. I learned to __________ my true self and not worry about what others thought.

A.landed onB.tripped overC.kicked upD.ran into
A.a hot potatoB.a big fishC.no luckD.no big deal
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last Saturday, David was taking a walk in the park near his home when he noticed a woman with a boy of about eight years old. When David passed them, he heard the woman yell. “How stupid you are! You’re good at nothing.” David stopped and looked at the little boy. The boy said nothing. He just stood there, looking upset.

David was reminded of his English teacher Mrs Brown in middle school. After he entered a middle school, David lacked self-confidence because he was often made fun of by others. He was often told that he was good at nothing, which David behaved. But one day it all changed.

One day, in an English writing class, Mrs Brown asked them to read a novel. They were asked to write a new chapter of the novel after they finished reading it. A few days later, David handed in his story. He didn’t give it much thought. But the next day, to his surprise, the comment “well done” from Mrs Brown came into view the moment he turned to the page where the story was written. When David read that, he almost burst into tears. He never expected to be praised one day. He suddenly gained some self-confidence.

That day after he returned home, he wrote a short story and gave it to Mrs Brown the next morning. And again he was praised. David became very interested in writing. He often wrote short stories and asked Mrs Brown to read them improve writing skills. One year later, David joined the school newspaper and became an editor of it. He was no longer that boy who lacked self-confidence. He gained his confidence, and was hopeful about his future.

He succeeded in entering a college and kept writing. Several years after graduating from college, he had his first book published. With some more books coming out, he became famous as a writer in his country. And he owed his success to Mrs Brown’s encouragement. Without her encouragement, his life might be very different now.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Inspired by his own life story, David decided to do something for that boy.


The mother was ashamed when she heard that.

2024-05-06更新 | 205次组卷 | 56卷引用:【校级联考】辽宁省六校协作体2018-2019学年高一下学期期初考试英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My Best Teaching Experience

Tyler was only in my senior class for a semester. He had been suspended (使停学) many times in previous years because of his anger issues. When he entered my class, I thought the worst.

Tyler sat in the back row. Every time I talked to the class, I would ask students questions, calling them by name. Unfortunately, every time I called on Tyler, he would respond with a joke. If he got an answer wrong, he would become angry.

About a month into the year, I was still trying to connect with Tyler. I can usually get students involved in class discussions or at least have them sit quietly and attentively (专心地). By contrast, Tyler was often loud and sometimes rude.

He had been in so much trouble over the years. He expected his teachers to know about his past; about how many times he had been sent to the office or suspended from school. I had found that these sorts of referrals (移交) were not very effective and that students would return from the office behaving worse than before.

One day, Tyler was talking over me while I was teaching. I stopped my lesson and said, “Tyler, why don’t you join in our discussion instead of having one of your own?” With that, he got up from his chair, pushed it over and yelled something. I can’t remember what he said other than that he included some impolite words. I sent Tyler straight to the office, and he received a week’s suspension.

To this point, this was one of my worst teaching experiences. Tyler’s anger was almost too much for me. The week Tyler was suspended from school was a wonderful time, and we got a lot accomplished as a class. However, the suspension week would soon come to an end, and I was fearful of his return.

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On the day of Tyler’s return, I stood at the door awaiting him.


A spark of surprise flashed across his face.

2024-04-15更新 | 79次组卷 | 28卷引用:云南省红河州一中与云南民族大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月期中联考英语试题(含听力)
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jenny was the only child in her family. She had a quarrel (吵架) with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily. She couldn’t help weeping sorrowfully when she thought of the scolding from her mother. Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat. She stood beside a stand (货摊) for a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business. However, with no money in hand, she gave a sigh and had to leave.

The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked, “Hey, girl, you want to have the noodles?”

“Oh, yes, but I don’t have money on me.” she replied.

“That’s nothing. I’ll treat you today,” said the man, “Come in.”

The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, whose smell was so attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.

“What is it?” asked the man kindly.

“Nothing. Actually, I was just touched by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears. “Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother drove me out of the house. She showed no care for me. She is so merciless compared to a stranger!”

Hearing the words, the seller smiled, “Girl, do you really think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot. But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby. Can you remember the times she cooked for you? Have you expressed your gratitude to her?”

Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shock: she remembered her mother’s familiar face and weathered hands. “Why didn’t I think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful. Why haven’t I thanked my mum for what she has done for me?”

On the way home. Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Nearing the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.


At that time, her mother came back and touched her hair gently, which called her mind back.

2024-04-07更新 | 199次组卷 | 82卷引用:江苏省如皋市2020-2021学年高一上学期第三次教学质量调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I love travelling, but it hasn’t always been my passion. In my first year of university, I started to travel during the holiday. During the Christmas holiday I went to Paris, and during the spring vacation, I visited Athens and various cities in Italy. I was very excited because this was the first time I had travelled abroad with just my friends. This desire to travel started off simply as a way to have something to look forward to after exams, but I soon discovered how important it is to travel.

On my travels I have had the opportunity where I not only experience new and exciting cultures through the art, history, language and food, but also communicate with people who have different views on life. Travelling is a learning experience for both yourself and the people you meet. Some people I met during my travels had never heard of Gambia and it was very delightful to share my African roots with them. When you travel you will meet people who have different cultural backgrounds and as a result, sometimes your own ideas and opinions might be challenged. It’s important to learn to see things from other people’s perspectives (视角) and challenge your own.

This is how I realized that travelling is the realization of home. When you travel you can see a different setting, a different language and a different way of living.

Travelling is truly an enriching experience and I am always excited about the discoveries that wait for me in my next adventure!

1. Why was the author excited when he was in Italy?
A.Because it was the first time for him to go abroad with friends.
B.Because luckily he met his old friends there.
C.Because he was attracted by the beauty of the country.
D.Because he had never gone abroad before.
2. What does the author often do during his travels?
A.He has chances to communicate with his family.
B.He is curious to know why there are so many languages.
C.He learns a lot in many ways from the people he meets.
D.He shares his travelling experiences with foreign friends.
3. What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.The author is a student from America.
B.The author’s roots probably are in Gambia.
C.The author often has different opinions from others.
D.The author knows nothing about African history.
4. What will the author do in the future?
A.He will find out the exact location of his home.
B.He will get familiar with a different way of living.
C.He will make a summary of his exciting adventures.
D.He will make preparations for his next wonderful trip.
书信写作-建议信 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 假如你是你校英语报社的编辑Miss Wang,现在小冬因不善于交流在交友过程中遇到了困难,请你用英语给他写一封80词左右的回信,给他提出一些建议和意见。
Dear Xiaodong,

I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you.



Miss Wang

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Common Mistakes New Runners Make

Running is a great way to get in shape and just about everyone can do it. However, many make a number of common mistakes, which can interfere (妨碍) with training or lead to injury.     1     , keep these things in mind to help you increase your chances of running success.

·Doing too much too soon

One of the biggest mistakes new runners make is doing too much too soon. Slowly easing into a training program will help reduce the risk of injury, so you can continue on with your new running routine.     2     .

·     3    

Beginners might think they need to run every day (or nearly every day) to meet their fitness or weight-loss goals, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard on your body. So it’s important to give your body a rest between workouts.

·Not wearing the right equipment

    4    , it’s important that you wear properly for your workouts. The most important piece of equipment for running is a good pair of running shoes, so be sure to do some research before you purchase a pair. Visit a running specialty store and ask an employee to fit you for a shoe.

•Running through pain

    5     If something hurts when you run, you need to stop and treat the pain. Remember: It doesn’t make you less of a runner if you listen to your body to keep it healthy.

A.Not taking rest days
B.If you’re just starting out
C.Comparing yourself to others
D.Running can be uncomfortable at times
E.It’s important not to use the same muscles
F.While it may be true that you don’t need expensive equipment to take up running
G.Experts suggest increasing your running distance by no more than 10% each week
2024-01-20更新 | 1738次组卷 | 23卷引用:云南省文山州广南县第十中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的短文。

A Little Boy

A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out, he would not say hello to his neighbors or passers-by but simply just glared at them.

The boy knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man. The boy’s parents told him to stay away from the house, and a lot of other neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.

Dusk found the boy lingering on and hesitating what to do. As he was ready to walk away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man said impatiently. The little boy was very afraid but he had a quota (定额) to meet for school with selling the magazines. So he got up the courage and said, “Uh, Sir, I am selling these magazines and, uh, I was wondering if you would like to buy one from me.”

The old man just stared at the boy without a word. The boy could see inside the old man’s house and saw that he had dog figurines (小雕像) on the fireplace mantle. “Do you collect dogs?” The little boy asked. “Yes, I have many collections in my house. They are my family here and they are all I have.” The boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely soul.

“Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said, “No, boy. I don’t need any magazines of any kind, now goodbye.”

The little boy was sad that he was not going to make his quota with the sale. He was also sad for the old man being so alone in the house that he owned. The boy went home and then had an idea. He had a little dog figurine that he got some years ago from an aunt. The figurine did not mean nearly as much to him since he had a real live dog and a large family.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

The little boy headed back down to the old man’s house.


From that day on something changed inside the old man.

2024-01-10更新 | 372次组卷 | 39卷引用:山东省济宁市实验中学2019-2020学年高一下学期开学检测英语试题
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