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1 . Searching online for the answer may get you a better grade on the homework. But it won’t necessarily help you learn. Guessing is a better method. Always first find the answers for yourself. It will help you do better on the exam. If you instead find and copy the correct answer, you’ll be less likely to remember it in the future.

For many years, students improved by answering questions and did best on the exam. But by the late 2010s, many students were doing more poorly on the exam than on the homework leading up to it. They would even ace the very first homework. That was the one that tested them on what they had not yet learned. In 2008 , only around 3 out of 20 students did better on their homework than on the exam. But that grew over time. By 2017 , more than half of the students did this way.

What had changed over those years?Students might blame(责怪)themselves.They’d think “I’m not smart enough,”or“I should have studied more.”But something else was going on. One big thing was the rise of smart phones. They appeared in 2008 , but were not common. Now almost everyone carries one. So it would be easier today to quickly go online and find the answer to just about my homework question. But students can’t use phones during an exam. And that might explain why they aren’t doing as well on the tests.

Coming up with answers on your own should lead to better learning for you students at any age. If you find and then copy the right answer, you’re taking the easy way out. And that is wasting a good practice chance .It may take a few more minutes to think of an answer on your own, then check to if it’s right. But that’s the way you’ll learn more.

Now that information is easily available to everyone all the time ,it probably doesn’t make sense for teachers to expect students to take exams without searching online.Instead , teachers should come up with homework and   exam questions that Google can’t easily answer.

1. What is the author’s attitude to finding answers online?
2. How do students do on their exams and homework now probably?
A.They do worse on homework than on exams.
B.They do their homework as well as their exams.
C.Most of them do better on homework than on exams.
D.Most of them do better on exams than on homework.
3. What does the underlined word “ace” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Put effort into.B.Do well in.
C.Pay attention to.D.Get involved in.
4. What does the author suggest to teachers?
A.They shouldn’t allow students to use phones.
B.They shouldn’t give a closed-book exam.
C.They must cut off the Internet in schools.
D.They should give students new questions.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Kite Festivals around the World

Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival, Japan

The large kites of Japan are rectangular (矩形的),and sometimes as large as 3.5 meters by 3.5 meters! The Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival started in the 16th century when large kites were flown in celebration of the birth of a baby son to the Lord of Hamamatsu Castle. The audience watches excitedly as the kite fliers use friction (摩擦力) to cut the lines of their matches.

Portsmouth International Kite Festival, UK

This celebration is organized by Portsmouth Oily and the Kite Society of Great Britain. The International Kite Festival is regarded as one of the best, biggest and most popular kite festivals in the world. It has thousands of amazing and colorful kites in the sky and on the ground for visitors to enjoy and appreciate, showing the art of kite flying, kite making tradition around the world and exciting kite flying competitions.

Bali Kite Festival, Indonesia

Hundreds of competing kite teams gather from all over the island to fly their traditional kites. Traditional Balinese kites are as large as up to 4 meters by 10 meters. The kite festival in Bali started off as a seasonal agricultural (农业的) festival to thank God for harvests.

The Zilker Kite Festival, US

The Zilker Kite Festival is the oldest of its kind in the United States. Created in 1929, the Zilker Kite Festival was intended to inspire the creativity of children. The festival is a beloved, family-friendly tradition: activities for all ages, a traditional kite flying competition and show, a fun run and a children’s music concert. There are many competitions held such as Most Unusual Kite, Largest Kite, Smallest Kite, and Strongest Pulling Kite.

1. Where can visitors see all kinds of kites from around the world?
A.In Bali.B.In Zilker.
C.In Portsmouth.D.In Hamamatsu.
2. Which kite festival is best for families with children?
A.Bali Kite Festival.B.The Zilker Kite Festival.
C.Hamamatsu Giant Kite Festival.D.Portsmouth International Kite Festival.
3. What do the kite festivals have in common?
A.They include competitions.
B.They are international.
C.They started in ancient limes.
D.They are intended for children.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . During the late 1960’s and the 1970’s, education, influenced by the social changes of the 60’s, went through a period when the teaching of grammar was thought to be limiting creativity. Often I was made to feel like a dinosaur for teaching grammar.

Strangely enough, much of the criticism came from colleagues who held master’s degrees. I remember saying on more than one occasion, “It is easy for you to say but you have already had grammar skills, or you wouldn’t have been able to write a master’s thesis. Now, you want to deny these same skills to present and future students. I am not against progress in education but, in the heat of the excitement of making changes, we must be very sure that what we consider to be progression is not regression.” I firmly continued to teach grammar.

In the fall of 1991, I decided that it was time to learn to use a computer. The instructor suggested that I would learn more quickly if I worked on a continuous project. I thought of my grammar course which was hand-written in an old broken folder. This became my computer project. I spent every opportunity available to me in the computer room, early mornings, lunchtimes, after school and in the evenings. It was during the lunchtime periods, particularly, that I noticed a pattern forming.

The younger teachers on staff, one by one, would sneak into the computer room and peer over my shoulder. At first they were puzzled, but then they became interested in my grammar project. Without exception each would whisper into my ear. “When you are finished, may I have a copy? I was never taught grammar and I am terrified to teach it.” At that moment, I realised that I was finally vindicated.

I promised to give them a copy and when they left I shook my head und thought to myself, “Another product of the 70’s, and the 80’s, and the 90’s and...”

1. What was the popular opinion on grammar teaching in the 1970’s?
2. What did the author think of his highly-educated colleagues?
A.They benefited from grammar teaching.
B.They were clear how to make progress in education.
C.They set the trend in the reform of teaching methods.
D.They wrote their master’s thesis without grammar rules.
3. What does the underlined word “vindicated” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.To be unsuccessful.B.To prove to be right.
C.To retire from school.D.To evaluate professionally
4. Why did the younger teachers care about the author’s computer project?
A.They also wanted to learn using a computer.
B.They hoped to learn grammar with the author.
C.They lacked the grammar learning experience.
D.They intended to follow the author to be a good teacher.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . There are many ways to explore Paris, but few are as fun as traveling on a bicycle. These handy two-wheelers will get you up close and personal with the capital’s best streets, squares and attractions — without getting painful feet from walking miles on end.

Paris highlights via Cyclo

Forget your worries about the weather and getting worn out, because the Cyclo does away with all that. This covered three-wheeled bicycle will get you to all the capital’s hot spots with ease, thanks to your knowledgeable guide and driver. From the Tuileries gardens, you’ll venture onto Champs Elysées, Palais Royal, the Louvre and more.

Tour via the city’s vélib bikes

This tour introduces you to the Vélib system: Paris’s equal of London’s Boris Bikes, which can be shared by many people. As you switch your bike as you move from station to station, you’ll get the chance to explore independently. It’s perfect for those who don’t like to be shown around too much.

Tour de France bike ride

This is a once-a-year deal, but a great tour if you happen to be in Paris in July. As the Tour de France comes to an end, you can join Fat Tire Tour on a bike ride along the closed roads through Paris. In the morning, while the closing ceremonies are still being set up, you’ll cycle down Champs Elysée, round the Are de Triomphe and finish off at the Eiffel Tower where coffee and bread will be waiting for you.

See Paris by night

The night bike tour gives you the perfect opportunity to see why Paris was given the nickname “City of Lights”. In three hours you’ll cycle past the city’s most beautiful flood-lit monuments and learn about their history while you’re at it.

1. What can we know about Vélib bikes?
A.They are shared bikes in Paris.B.They are also called Boris.
C.It is cheaper to tour on Vélib bikes.D.Visitors can explore more on Vélib bikes.
2. What can visitors do in Tour de France bike ride?
A.Join in Tour de France.B.Bicycle on closed roads.
C.Take photos with winners.D.Eat at the closing ceremonies.
3. Which of the following could be the easiest bike trip?
A.See Paris by night.B.Tour de France bike ride.
C.Paris highlights via Cyclo.D.Tour via the city’s Vélib bikes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We might choose a career based on the opportunities for travel, but when we reach the future and know more and better years later, we will look back and regret all our time spent far away from home. As almost every choice has a certain bad aspect or another, both a choice and its opposite can each have disadvantages that can make us seem obviously regrettable. Regret is I unavoidable for almost all of us, but we should not ignore it. For regret has something to teach us, the avoidance of regret may be a good goal itself—even if it is a goal that we can never reach.

To understand why, it is helpful to look at psychological (心理学的) studies of the conditions under which we actually feel regret. Among them, two of the results are especially noticeable.

The first is the difference between action and inaction. In .the short run, we tend to regret the things we do. This is the uncomfortable feeling we get immediately after realizing we have chosen to leave from a wrong place or made a careless comment. But, in the long term, it is the things that we don’t do that we most regret. At the top of our most common regrets are not having the advantage of a higher education and not spending enough time with friends and family. It is our inactions, rather than our actions, that we most regret.

The second is that our regrets arise most often from the difference between our actual and future selves. Regret tends to be driven by our failures to live up to our own ambition. It is our own expectations for ourselves that are the most important sources of regret.

The advice to avoid regret is advice that we cannot fully follow. Regret is unavoidable. However, it may be a good piece of advice, for it encourages us to take action following our own goals rather than other’s expectations.

1. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By telling us an interesting story.B.By sharing a familiar life experience.
C.By using some experiment results.D.By providing the readers with examples.
2. According to the passage, why does everyone tend to experience regret?
A.Because regret is a very normal emotion.
B.Because everyone wishes to forget the shameful past.
C.Because any choice can have its own disadvantages.
D.Because everyone. tries to learn to manage regret.
3. What is the attitude of the author towards regret?
4. Which of the following is most likely, to cause regret?
A.He told his secret to his best friend Jackson.
B.He quarreled with his younger brother again.
C.His parents expected him to live in Zhengzhou.
D.He failed his own dream of studying in Shanghai.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Shops were in ruins, houses flattened, and entire villages were destroyed in what’s being described as one of the worst flooding disasters to hit Western Europe in more than two centuries. More than 165 people have been killed, while dozens of others remain missing after a record rainfall caused dams(堤坝)to burst and rivers to overflow into towns and streets across western Germany, Belgium, as well as parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland and northern France.

In Liège, Belgium’s third-largest city, water from the Meuse River overflowed Thursday evening into parts of the city center, so city officials had to call for the people to move out of the area or go to higher ground.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my 81 years,” said Pierre Fouillen, an old lady who came to her home Friday morning to check the damage. “This may be the worst flooding disaster our country has ever known. ”

Dutch soldiers are sent to the southern city of Limburg as rivers are expected to burst their banks. After more than two months’ worth of rain in just 24 hours, officials are preparing for more rain Thursday, but dryer weather is expected by the weekend.

In western Germany, the number of deaths rose to 143. Some of the worst damage has happened in the coutryside of Ahrweiler, where floodwater has cut off entire villages. In the town of Schuld, houses were destroyed, and dozens of people were missing. Transport has also been badly affected by the rain. Most railway services running through central and western Germany have been put off, resulting in traffic jam on the nation’s highways. Parts of southern and eastern Germany have also been hit by flooding.

The flooding has made climate change a hot topic for Germany’s upcoming elections(选举)in the fall. Armin Laschet, the most promising candidate(候选人)from North Rhine-Westphalia, called an emergency meeting Friday, for whom the flooding will become a serious test of his leadership.

1. Which city was affected by water from the Meuse River?
2. How long has the heavy rain lasted in Limburg?
A.For twenty four hours.B.For four days.
C.For one week.D.For two months.
3. Why were the highways crowded in central and western Germany?
A.The highways were damaged.B.Too many flights were delayed.
C.Most train services stopped.D.Villagers were moved to the highways.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The causes of the flood.B.The damages caused by the disaster.
C.The seriousness of the flood.D.The political influence of the disaster.
2022-02-25更新 | 100次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省名校联盟2021-2022学年高一上学期期中联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . On December 17, 1903, two men flew. They were brothers from Dayton, Ohio, and they owned a bicycle shop. They had attended school, but neither had graduated from high school. Their names were Wilbur and Orville Wright. Before they built the plane they studied all that was known about flying. They built a wind tunnel(风洞)and tested many wings. Then they drew plans and built carefully.

When they flew, it was from Kill Devil Hillat Kitty Hawk. That day, Orville won the toss(投)of a coin. He got to fly first. Wilbur ran beside him;the plane lifted a few feet above the sand and stayed in the air for 17 seconds. The brothers flew four flights that day. The longest lasted 59 seconds. The men from the lifeboat station had taken a picture.

The headlines in the morning newspaper in nearby Norfolk told of the flight, but most of the details in the story were wrong. The brothers were worried, but it didn't matter: no one paid attention. And other newspapers didn't carry the story.

Orville and Wilbur went home and set to improve(改进)their plane. In 1904 newspaper reporters came to see for themselves. The Wright brothers checked and tested everything again and again.

When the reporters arrived, the brothers were having mechanical problems with the plane. The reporters stayed two days. The Wright brothers wouldn't fly on those days;the plane wasn't ready. The reporters left. One writer did stay and see them fly. He wrote down the first long article about the Wright brothers' flight in a beekeepers' magazine!

In 1908, in Virginia, Orville showed Americans that people could fly. The crowd of watchers rushed forward shouting as loudly as they could and couldn't believe what they saw.

1. What can we learn about the Wright brothers?
A.They started to build a plane in 1903.B.They studied very well in high school.
C.They invented different kinds of wings.D.They were the owners of a bicycle shop.
2. Why did Orville get to fly the plane first?
A.He won after throwing a coin.B.He was asked to do that by Wilbur.
C.He could run faster than Wilbur didD.He had more courage than Wilbur did
3. The newspaper article about their first flight_________.
A.was widely discussedB.got most details wrong
C.made the Wrights very happyD.was carried by many other newspapers
4. Why did the Wright brothers fail to fly on the first few days after the reporters arrived in 1904?
A.They needed to fix the plane.
B.They didn't get enough support.
C.They were expecting more reporters.
D.They didn't think the weather was suitable enough.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . After deciding to home school and selecting curriculum(课程), figuring out how to create a home school schedule is sometimes one of the most challenging aspects of educating at home. So, how do you make a home school schedule?

Most of the time when people ask about home school schedules, they're referring to the actual daily schedules. Your state's home school laws may rule some aspects of your daily schedule. For example, some state's homeschooling laws require a specific number of hours of daily instruction.

New homeschooling parents often wonder how long a home school day should be. They worry that they aren't doing enough because it may only take two or three hours to get through the day's work, particularly if the students are young. It is important for parents to realize that a home school day may not take as long as a typical public school day. Homeschooling parents don't have to take time for administrative tasks(行政任务), such as roll call or preparing 30 students for lunch or allowing time for students to move from one classroom to the next between subjects.

Additionally, homeschooling allows for focused, one-on-one attention. A homeschooling parent can answer his or her student's questions and move on rather than answering questions from an entire class. Many parents of young children through first or second grade find that they can easily cover all subjects in just an hour or two. As students get older, it may take them longer to complete their work. A high school student may spend the full four to five hours-or more-dictated by state law. However, you shouldn't stress even if a teen's school work doesn't take that much time as long as they are completing and comprehending it.

Provide a learning-rich environment for your children and you will discover that learning happens even when the school books are put away. Students can use those extra hours to read,   pursue their hobbies, explore electives(选修课), or invest in extracurricular activities.

1. What worries the new homeschooling parents?
A.The home school day is so long as to affect their jobs.
B.The students spend shorter time learning than in school.
C.They have to prepare 30 students for lunch and supper.
D.The time between subjects is too short for teens to have a rest.
2. What will happen if children have a learning-rich environment at home?
A.The school books are abandoned forever.B.The other books will take up too much time.
C.Students keep learning besides school books.D.Children will waste time developing their hobbies.
3. Who is the passage written for?
A.The teachers.B.The students.C.The parents.D.The government.
4. What may be discussed in the next paragraph?
A.An example of daily home school schedules.
B.How to deal with different kinds of teens' study habits.
C.How to organize various activities to draw students' attention.
D.The fixed rules the home school schedules should follow.
2022-01-10更新 | 68次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省部分名校2021-2022学年高一上学期12月大联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Last year, China’s League of Legends Pro League (LPL) English broadcast expanded its live show     1     (include) post-game interviews. As a host and interviewer who can speak three languages, Wendy Xia An became the English broadcast’s most recognizable interviewer. Her translation had bridged the gap     2     Chinese and Korean players, and international fans.

Xia An was a student majoring in philosophy at the University of Hong Kong in 2019 when she applied for the position. After fierce competition, she got the job doing translation work for LPL. At the beginning of last year,     3     LPL English started a new section which was the backseat interview, she     4    (choose) as the LPL English host.

“I had studied in Singapore since 2012 and easily picked up English because all the courses were taught in the language. As for Korean, I was interested in K-pop and watched a lot of LCK         5    (match). I also took up some Korean-related courses at university. Besides, I kept using those languages     6     (frequent).”

“Also, since I was interested in E-sports, and Mandarin, English and Korean     7    (be) three most commonly used languages in this industry, I put more effort into     8     (practice) those languages.”

“During the interviews, I’m not representing myself     9     LPL English or the whole LPL. So, I think that I bear the     10     (responsible) of setting up all the questions well, and faithfully translating every sentence.”

2022-01-09更新 | 305次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省郑州市2021-2022学年高中毕业年级第一次质量预测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

One of the most common interview    1     (question) is “Tell me about yourself!” This open-ended question can sometimes throw people. But it is     2     great opportunity to show the interviewer, your future boss, that how suitable you are     3     the job.

Show your confidence and strong interest in the role. You must know, you answer can set the going of the whole interview,     4     it?     5     (organize) your answer by     6    (focus) on your past, present and future is a good tactic (技巧). Starting by talking about your position at present. Then talk about the skills that you already     7     (learn) from the last role. Finish out by explaining what a beautiful future you think this job will bring to you.

This is also a chance    8     (let) the interviewer see more of your     9    (personal). You could tell them about a past achievement you are proud of, or about a skill that     10     (set) you apart from the other competitors.

If you want to know more about how to answer interview questions cleverly, please check out our website.

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