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阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . A 37-year-old fast food courier(外卖小哥), Lei Haiwei, got the first prize in the third season of The Chinese Poetry Conference on CCTV on April 4th, 2018.

“My interest in ancient poems began as early as I was six years old,” Lei said after winning the poetry competition.

Lei Haiwei was born in a small village in Hunan Province. When he was young, his father taught him ancient poems by putting them on the kitchen wall for him to read.

“My father hoped I would grow up to be a man who keeps the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas in mind.” Lei said.

In 2001, Lei Haiwei graduated from a technical secondary school and found a job in Shanghai. There, he began to read books on ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his free time because he didn’t have enough money to buy books. He also developed a habit of reciting(背诵)poems he liked and wrote them down after coming back home.

Lei Haiwei came to Hangzhou in 2008 and worked as a fast food courier. Every day, he had to take fast food to different people. On his busiest workdays, Lei Haiwei had to deliver more than 50 orders(订单)a day. Even so, his love for poems went on and he seized(抓住)any chance to recite poems.

As for his future plans, Lei Haiwei said he would go on reading and reciting more poems.

Will he take part in the next poetry competition?

1. When did Lei Haiwei get the first prize in the competition?
A.On March 7th, 2019.B.On April 4th, 2018.
C.On May 5th, 2017.D.On June 6th, 2016.
2. Who taught Lei Haiwei ancient poems when he was young?
A.His sister.B.His brother.C.His mother.D.His father.
3. Lei Haiwei read books on ancient poems at bookstores or libraries because ________ .
A.he wanted to learn English there
B.he wanted to have a good rest there
C.he didn’t have any friends in the city
D.he didn’t have enough money to buy books
4. What does the underlined word “ deliver ” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.To take something to somebody.B.To say something to somebody.
C.To lend something to somebody.D.To speak something to somebody.
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Fast Food Courier Won Sports Competition
B.Fast Food Courier Won Singing Competition
C.Fast Food Courier Won Poetry Competition
D.Fast Food Courier Won Dancing Competition
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When I woke up, I made myself breakfast, sat and listened to the traffic. Some of my friends asked me how I could stand living somewhere so noisy. It’s true that there’s always some kinds of noise in my neighborhood, but to me, these are the sounds of life.

It was Saturday morning, so I decided to go to the park. The taxi was the fastest way to go but I took the bus instead.

When you ride the bus, you get to see so much more of the city. It can be kind of loud on the bus, with some people talking on their phones, some people chatting with their friends, and others playing music. It’s just like the traffic’s sounds, though the noise on the bus represents people working, relaxing and living.

Once I got to the park, I picked a bench over near the play area where kids played while their parents sat nearby. I could see and hear almost everything from there. People­watching is one of my favorite things to do. However, I like listening even better. The only problem is that there’s so much to see and hear in the park!

Usually, I like to close my eyes. That way, I can pay more attention to the sounds and not get distracted by what I see. With my eyes closed, I could pick out parts of two old men’s conversation. One of them was telling the other about something his grandson said. I couldn’t hear the rest, but it must be hilarious because his friend’s laugh was so loud.

When I’m old, I hope that I will also have a friend who will sit in the park with me, and who will enjoy listening to the sounds of the city as much as I do.

1. Some of the author’s friends think “the sounds of life” are very________.
2. The author took the bus to the park because________.
A.there was no other transport to go there
B.he wanted to see more about people’s life
C.it was the most convenient way
D.his friend advised him to do so
3. The author closed his eyes in order to ________.
A.have a good rest
B.hide himself from view
C.enjoy the sounds of life
D.avoid talking with the two old men
4. The underlined word “hilarious” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
A.truly differentB.quite popular
C.rather strangeD.extremely funny
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is true that educational tours can benefit students in various ways. Though the primary purpose of educational tours is     1     (educate) students, they are also used as part of the classes to cover a wide range of life skills, including teamwork, time management, and communication. This is because educational tours allow students to share experiences     2     (practical) and use them to improve their career prospects (前景). If you are setting up an educational tour, you should spend some time     3     (research) useful information on this. For example, you should focus much attention     4     the means of transportation, the budget and the number of students.

The     5     (important) of educational tours to students can     6     (stress) in various ways. First of all, this tour provides a     7     (value) opportunity for each other to exchange and learn skills. On educational field tours, students feel the sense of enjoyment     8     can offer them a fresh perspective (视角), learn new things and witness different aspects. This opens up endless possibilities of understanding the world. Going on educational tours     9     (mean) to have a major educational element, including giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience     10     new environment and enjoy a day away from the classroom.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . From amusement parks to delicious chocolate factories, and everything in between, there are numerous activities and attractions to offer excitement and adventure to kids and big kids! Just take a look at these fun places in Germany.

Europa Park

Localed in Rust, in south-western Germany, Europa-Park is the second most popular theme park resort(度假胜地)in Europe, following Disneyland Paris. With more than 100 attractions and shows, playing here is undoubtedly one of the best things to do with kids in Germany. Whether kids want to sail with the “African Queen” and have fun by discovering foreign animals, or experience the “4D Magic Cinema”, the opportunities are endless.

Fairy Tale Road

A family trip along Fairy Tale Road will be a magical adventure. This is one of Germany’s most attractive drives which takes you through 370 miles of beautiful countryside. It inspired many fairy tales we love today. Along the way, you will discover sleepy villages and numerous attractions. And if you plan your visit well, you might even catch an open-air performance of The Pied Piper in Hameln or Cinderella in Polle.

Neuschwanstein Castle

If your kids love Disney movies, they will never forget a trip to the palace that inspired Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Located in the Bavarian Alps, Neuschwanstein Castle is one of the top attractions in Germany. The castle was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in 1869 entirely for pleasure. Your children’s imaginations will run wild as they discover the magical rooms. You can always hop on a charming horse-drawn carriage to reach the top.

Cologne Chocolate Museum

Let your kids go into the world of chocolate at the delicious Chocolate Museum in Cologne. They don’t need a golden ticket to make their sweet dreams come true in this 4,000-square-meter chocolate wonderland. There are nine exhibition areas that allow visitors to learn about the culture and history of chocolate. Moreover, there are plenty of delicious cakes and chocolate specialties to enjoy at the museum cafe. And before you go, ring up to check for your reservations (预订).

1. What’s special about Fairy Tale Road?
A.It has a great landscape along the way.
B.It once attracted some famous writers.
C.It gives fairy tale shows all year round.
D.It allows kids to enjoy modern city playgrounds.
2. What is mentioned about Neuschwanstein Castle?
A.It is the oldest palace in Germany.
B.It was built to show the strength of the country.
C.It used to be the entertainment place for royal families.
D.It has been turned into Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.
3. Which place will kids prefer to visit if they have a sweet tooth?
A.Europa Park.B.Fairy Talc Road.
C.Neuschwanstein Castle.D.Cologne Chocolate Museum.
2023-09-06更新 | 104次组卷 | 3卷引用:广西壮族自治区玉林市玉林市第十一中学等校2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Researchers were interested in the rock iguanas(鬣蜥) on the Exuma Islands which are often fed grapes by tourists. They were curious about how this high-sugar food might have influenced the iguanas’ health. Over the past two decades, the remote islands have seen a big increase in the number of tourists. Just 25 years ago, some of the islands had zero to 20 visitors a day. Now they receive more than 200 tourists each day.

The team collected 48 rock iguanas: 24 from islands that tourists don’t visit and 24 from islands frequently visited by tourists. They collected blood samples and found the iguanas from the islands where tourists frequently fed them had the highest glucose level. The researchers say the findings how possible health issues could affect the iguanas’ long-term survival, which leads to health concerns.

“A visitor to these islands would never doubt that the iguanas were doing fine. They are big, active, and plentiful on islands visited by tourists. These phenomena(现象) are possibly concealing internal health problems that can cause a rapid decrease in population, so we need to watch the activity closely and find out ways to deal with these problems,” said Chuck Knapp, an author of the study.

“We also hope that the finding will lead to a scientific way that also protects people who depend on tourism. Many tour operators show the wildlife to visitors, and our research can be used to inform strategies that area win-win for wildlife and tour operators,” said Knapp.

“The rock iguanas face many threats to their existence, such as loss of habitat and climate change. Many of these threats are very difficult to deal with, but controlling the influence of human activities like feeding is a simple way we can help the species,” says Falon Cartwright, the director of science and policy at Bahamas National Trust.

1. What is mentioned about the rock iguanas on the Exuma Islands?
A.They are short of natural food at present.
B.They are dying out due to tourists’ feeding.
C.They have more contact with humans nowadays.
D.They have a peaceful and free life in their living place.
2. What does the underlined word “concealing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What’s the meaning of the research finding according to Knapp?
A.It ensures the rapid development of local tourism.
B.It raises public awareness of cutting pollution.
C.It solves the health problems of most rock iguanas.
D.It helps perfect plans for protecting wildlife and tourism.
4. What does Falon Cartwright advise people to do?
A.Find a new home for the iguana species.
B.Offer more food choices to the rock iguanas.
C.Take measures to slowdown climate change.
D.Change human behavior to reduce harm to wildlife.
2023-07-26更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:广西壮族自治区河池市八校2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I am a teacher and I love children. I set up a classroom library of books that I bought_______my own money. The library looks beautiful, like a _______. And my students _______ it very much.

I read the children a story. It is about a girl who is _______ poor that she wears the_______ dress to school every day. But she says she has a hundred dress _______. The other girls laugh at her until she goes away. _______, her classmates discover she really has a hundred dresses – a hundred beautiful drawings of dresses. Oh, God, every child_________when I close the book.

_______ a moment everything is quiet. Then a boy________in my ear, “I have to tell the class something.” He shows me that he has half a finger________ .

I turn him towards the class and put my________ on his shoulder. He is a bit ________ . “I …I only have nine and a half fingers.” He ________ his hands. “Please don’t laugh at me about it.” The students become ________. Then one boy calls out,

“Anybody who makes fun of you, I’ll kick them.”

“Me, too,” says another.

When the boy sees the class become united (团结) , he is very happy 60 and smiles at me .

A.fruit shopB.toy shopC.flower shopD.book shop
A.at schoolB.at homeC.in the factoryD.in the shop
A.puts onB.puts downC.puts awayD.puts up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . When you want to buy or rent a house, you are expecting not only the good quality of the house but also the nice neighbours who live near you. Almost everyone agrees that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. However, the standard of good neighbours is different from people to people. In my opinion, a good neighbour should be someone who respects your life, is ready to help others and concerned about the environment in the neighbourhood.

First of all, it is very important for your neighbour to respect you life. Just imagine, if you have a neighbour curious (好奇的) about you, especially your personal life, and tries to know more about it by whatever means, what will you feel? What is more, he or she may also talk with others about your life. Do you want to live with him or her anymore? The answer is definitely negative. You will feel very uncomfortable to have such kind of people in your neighbourbood and you may move as soon as possible.

Next, what you should consider is that a good neighbour is always willing to give you a hand when you need him or her. For example, if you are not at home and someone suspect (可疑的) tries to unlock your door, your neighbour who sees it should call 911, and it will help you to protect your property (财产).

Finally, a good neighbor should be concerned about the environment, especially around your neighbourhood. He or she should throw all the rubbish into garbage and keep the place clean, because a good environment can make people who live in it comfortable and relaxed all the time.

1. The following are the qualities(素质) of a good neighbour EXCEPT       .
A.respecting others’ lifeB.being kind to others’ pets
C.being willing to help peopleD.being responsible for the environment
2. If a curious person is your neighbour, you’ll       .
A.feel happyB.know more about him / her
C.become his / her friendD.not be comfortable
3. As the text mentions,         can make people relaxed.
A.a good neighborB.a clean home
C.a good environmentD.a deep sleep
4. What’s the best title of the text       .
A.The qualities of a good neighbour
B.The differences between good neighbours
C.The importance of a good environment
D.How to get along with our neighbours
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . COVID-19 shutdowns forced people out of work and pushed tens of millions into poverty worldwide. Governments tried hard to provide aid. It was easy in a small country, but difficult for a country with large population and vast rural areas.     1     Doing a detailed, nationwide, house-to-house survey takes people time and money. Luckily, satellites can see poverty from space.

Researchers have been finding ways to identify areas of wealth and poverty in satellite images. Through some satellite data and aerial images of one town or another, you can sort of tell whether it’s wealthy or not. Wealthier homes tend to have metal roofs while poor homes tend to have thatched roofs. Wealthier neighborhoods have paved roads and bigger plots of lands, more spaced out.     2     The researchers trained artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize these patterns.

    3     The researchers put AI to work studying patterns of mobile phone use in those regions. Rich people will make just more phone calls than poor people. They also might make more expensive international calls. They might use more mobile data because they have smartphones.     4    

The researchers use the system to identify about 60,000 people to receive benefits. The advantage of the satellite imagery and phone data approach is that it’s extremely fast and very convenient.     5     In shocks like climate disasters where there’s no time or way to get detailed information on the ground, satellites mobile phones and AI could help deliver aid quickly to people in need.

A.It was opposite in a big country.
B.How do they locate the neediest people?
C.So there’s a lot of information in the images.
D.Most importantly, it’s very cheap to carry out.
E.Worse still, it’s not so economical as a house-to-house survey.
F.However, in general, poorer people will just have feature phones.
G.What the researchers did next was to target the neediest people in those regions.
2023-07-17更新 | 99次组卷 | 3卷引用:广西壮族自治区贵港市2022-2023学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Some Ways to Improve Your Study

As a high school student, it is important for you to do well in study. The better ways you have, the better you will learn. But do you know how to improve your study?     1    

●Pay attention in class. First, don’t make any noise in class.     2     Last but not least, get yourself involved in classroom activities.

    3     If you are not sure how to take notes, start by writing down the important points that your teacher mentions or writes on the blackboard. It’s a good idea to keep your notes in order by subject. It can help you master what you have learnt.

●Go over your lessons.     4     By going over your lessons, you can understand and remember better. So you should review your lessons now and then after class.

●Learn from your classmates. Everyone has his own advantages. You should learn not only from your teachers but also from your classmates. You can learn in pairs or in groups to solve problems.     5    

I’m sure you will improve your study sooner or later if you follow the ways above.

A.Take good notes.
B.Believe in yourself.
C.Here are some ways to help you.
D.It is necessary for you to go over your lessons.
E.You should take part in out-of-school activities.
F.Second, pay attention to what the teacher says.
G.In this way, you can learn from each other and know more.
10 . 只要你赢得了比赛,我就同意你的请求,不管花费有多少。(as long as,regardless of)(汉译英)
共计 平均难度:一般