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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述了作者一家去St. Pete Beach度假的经历。

1 . My family visited the coastal town of St. Pete Beach. Florida. With its pretty sandy beaches, deep blue waters and year-round sunshine, it’s clear to see why St. Pete is a popular tourist destination among travelers from around the world.

Just a few feet from our apartment, we found ourselves walking on white sand towards the bright blue ocean. We were soon greeted by a man offering us the use of one of his luxury beach cabanas (小屋) for the day at a very reasonable price and settled into a full day of relaxation. The peaceful atmosphere was a true escape from the hustle and bustle (喧嚣) of the city. It was so easy to while away the days from morning until dusk, enjoying the warmth of the sun’s rays and getting lost in a good book, before taking a quick swim in the calm waters to cool off.

Once the sun set, there was a various range of bars and restaurants to choose from just a few steps away. The warm evening atmosphere was peppered with the mouthwatering smell of sizzling freshly-caught fish. The only hardship was trying to decide where to dine each evening with so many tasty options!

After a while, we began to desire a bit more adventure on our trip which, to our delight, we discovered was easy to come by. On one of our outings, we took a boat trip to the undisturbed island of Egmont Key State Park. There we explored the ruins of a military outpost built in 1898 and a 150-year-old working lighthouse. The island is also a protected wildlife reserve. On our return journey, we were excited to discover we were being followed by over a dozen dolphins, who were taking turns to leap out of the water playfully in the wake of our boat.

1. What made the author’s family select St. Pete Beach as the destination?
A.Water sports.B.The city’s busy nightlife.
C.Some historical buildings.D.The beautiful beach and weather.
2. Why did the family decide to spend a day in a beach cabana?
A.Because of some fun activities.
B.Because of a cost-effective offer.
C.Because of near historical landmarks.
D.Because of the distance of it from their apartment.
3. What troubled the author’s family when they chose a place to eat?
A.Friendly atmosphere in each restaurant.
B.High prices in most restaurants.
C.Diverse choices available.
D.Family members’ preferences for food.
4. What added excitement to the family’s return boat trip?
A.The presence of a wildlife expert in the boat.
B.Dolphins following and playing around the boat.
C.The discovery of hidden treasures on the boat.
D.A surprising visit from some local residents.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    1     is difficult to determine the exact origin of International Women’s Day (IWD). However, it is known that in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City,     2     (demand) voting rights, better pay and     3     (short) working hours.

    4     following year, the first National Women’s Day was observed in the US on February 28, according to an announcement by the Socialist Party of America. In 1910, Clara Zetkin, leader of the Women’s Office for the Social Democratic Party in Germany,     5     (propose) the idea of International Women’s Day. She suggested that every country celebrate International Women’s Day     6     one day every year to push for their demands. A meeting of over 100 women from 17 countries agreed to her suggestion, and International Women’s Day was formed. In 1911, March 19th marked the first     7     (celebrate) of International Women’s Day in Austria, Denmark, Germany     8     Switzerland.

In 1913, the decision was made     9     (change) the date to March 8th, and it has been celebrated on that day ever since. The United Nations only recognized the day in 1975. Since then, a theme     10     (create) for International Women’s Day.

2024-03-31更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省海东市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(无听力)
书信写作-介绍信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华,上周你校开展了“中国传统文化周”活动,你的外国朋友Eric很感兴趣。请给他写封邮件介绍此次活动,内容包括:
1. 活动内容;
2. 活动反响。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2024-03-26更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省海东市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(无听力)
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

I am writing to congratulate you at your being admitted to Peking University, which has good reputation in China.

To helping you better adapt yourself to Chinese life, I would like to offer you some suggestion as follows. First, it is high recommended to devote yourself to speak Chinese so that you can communicate with others freely. Second it is essential for you to make many friends in China and take part in many society activities so that you will learn it far more about Chinese culture. At last, please tell me your arrival time. I just can’t wait to meet them.

Congratulations to you again and I hope you were ready for Chinese university life physically and mentally!

完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Ernesto Rodriguez利用自己的摄影技术,拍摄树的照片安装在教室的天花板上,这对于学生有很大的好处。

5 . Some of the classrooms at Taft Elementary in Santa Clara, California, have one flaw in common. They don’t have ________. Former school psychologist Ernesto Rodriguez thought the lack of windows does ________ kids, because research shows being in and around nature ________ anxiety and has benefits for students.

Rodriguez, who is now a park ranger (护林员) on Southern California’s Catalina Island ________ knows the impact nature has on mental health, and began ________ on his passion — landscape photography. It was during his training to become a park ranger that he learned a fact that ________ with him. “Kids who have views out windows to trees do ________ academically, emotionally and creatively. And more kids ________ and go to college,” he said. “I thought, why isn’t this being used?”

Rodriguez uses his photography skills to take 360 degree ________ of tree canopies (树冠), then he prints them and ________ them onto ceiling tiles. “So when you ________ it feels like you’re sitting under a tree. And it has all those ________ of the science that helps calm you down, focus and communicate,” he said.

A student named Octavio thinks trees bring him ________. “It is surprising to see because any time you’re inside of a school, you mostly don’t see ________ or trees. But now it’s ________ to see that there are trees here,” Octavio said. “I would say that it’s pretty great and ________.”

Rodriguez says if you still don’t believe in the science behind the art, you can ________ it yourself by going outside and looking up at the trees. “This is a(n) ________ of both my careers as a school psychologist and a photographer,” Rodriguez said. “And to be ________ to create imagery — and spend time out in nature creating imagery that I know is going to help people — is really a ________”.

A.look upB.get inC.come outD.sit down
2024-03-26更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省海东市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(无听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A sugar replacement called erythritol (赤藓糖醇) has been linked to blood clotting (血液凝固), stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study.

“The degree of risk was not modest,” said lead study author Dr. Stanley Hazen. People with existing risk factors for heart disease will be twice as likely to experience the risk if they have the highest levels of erythritol in their blood. Erythritol appears to be causing blood platelets (血小板) to clot more readily. Clots can break off and travel to the heart or the brain, causing a heart attack or a stroke.

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, a carb found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. However, artificially manufactured in massive quantities, erythritol has become an extremely popular additive to low-carb products.

The discovery of the connection between erythritol and cardiovascular issues was purely accidental. Hazen’s research had a simple goal: find unknown chemicals or compounds in a person’s blood. To do so, the team analyzed 1,157 blood samples. “We found this substance that seemed to play a big role, but we didn’t know it was erythritol, a sweetener until later,” said Hazen. To confirm the findings, the team tested another two batches of blood samples and found that higher levels of erythritol were connected to a greater risk of heart attack, stroke or death within three years.

“This certainly sounds an alarm,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of a hospital inDenver. “Science needs to take a deeper div e into erythritol and in a hurry, because this substance is widely available right now. If it’s harmful, we should know about it.”

Hazen agreed,“I normally don’t get up on a pedestal (崇高地位) and sound the alarm, but this is something that I think we need to be looking at carefully.”

1. About the risk, what does Hazen’s word in paragraph 2 mean?
A.It is not worth considering.B.It is removed by erythritol.
C.It should not be underestimated.D.It is just present in people with disease.
2. What do we know about erythritol?
A.Its quality is uncertain.B.It has been used widely in food.
C.It is manufactured by artists.D.It mainly exists in fruits.
3. What can be concluded from the last two paragraphs?
A.Erythritol is not available to people.
B.Hazen likes warning people about potential dangers.
C.People have realized that erythritol is dangerous.
D.Further research should be done on erythritol.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Accidental Discovery of a New Sweetener
B.The Potential Health Risks of Erythritol Uncovered
C.The Rise of Erythritol as a Popular Sugar Substitute
D.The Surprising Benefits of Erythritol in Diet Products
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Climate change is causing more areas to turn into deserts. This issue is affecting the lives of 250 million people as land that used to be good for farming becomes dry and unproductive. Around one-third of the world’s land is impacted, including regions in Africa, southern Europe, Asia and America.

Sand to Green is a Moroccan company that can transform a patch of desert into a sustainable (可持续的) and profitable plantation in five years, according to Wissal Ben Moussa, its co-founder and chief agricultural officer. The solution is using agroforestry (农林业)to create a new kind of agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient (有适应力的) in front of climate change.

The system can be set up close to any source of salty water, which Sand to Green cleans using energy from the sun. It then grows different types of fruit trees and plants together in the same area — a method called mixed planting — and waters the plants’ roots directly with the cleaned water, to reduce water loss to the air. The soil is regenerated using what Sand to Green calls “green manure”, a mixture that includes compost, biochar (生物炭) and microorganisms that help the soil “wake up”. Biochar is a form of charcoal that can help dry soil hold on to water.

In a five-hectare trial in southern Morocco that’s been running since 2017, Sand to Green has tried out a variety of plants in search of the best performers. Among the intercropping herbs (草本植物) that have been successfully trialed are rosemary, geranium, vetiver and citronella, which Ben Moussa describes as “very low-maintenance and very high-profit”.

Sand to Green is now working to scale up to a 20-hectare commercial site, also in southern Morocco. It says a site of that size would cost around $475,000 to set up and would start bringing financial returns in about five years.

According to Ben Moussa, with this system they create biodiversity, which means better soil, healthier crops and a bigger yield. The plantation can generate 1.5 times more yield, thus making more money than a farm that grows only one type of crop in the same space.

1. What phenomenon does the author describe in paragraph 1?
C.Global warming.D.Urbanization.
2. Why did Sand to Green use agroforestry?
A.To preserve the crop’s survival rate.
B.To protect water from pollution.
C.To make a new type of soil.
D.To help people adapt to climate change.
3. What can we learn about Sand to Green?
A.It aims to plant more trees.
B.It earns a good reputation.
C.It develops new plants.
D.It produces good results.
4. What does the underlined phrase “scale up” mean in paragraph 5?
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . You know you really want to get good grades.Your parents have put the pressure on you, or you’ve promised that you’ll do better.     1     If you work to find a focused mindset and establish a study schedule, you can cut out the distractions you have control over and minimize the ones you can’t stop completely.

Tune out specific distractions as you notice them. Say you’re trying to study in the library and you keep getting distracted by someone texting. Take note of this specific distraction and then tell yourself you’re going to overcome it.     2     And eventually you’ll no longer notice it.

Give yourself a break.    3     So it’s no surprise if you find yourself distracted from studying by thoughts about a lot of other things. Rather than acting like all of those other needs don’t exist, give yourself an outlet.Spend five minutes thinking about everything that is on your plate, but then tell yourself that it’s time to focus on the main task — studying.

Prioritize your studying by setting a main goal.When you’ve got an exam coming up, it’s easy to think you need to study everything. If you want to make things more manageable and be less prone to becoming distracted, do as follows:     4    

    5     Some people imagine that knocking out several things at once means you can work faster.However, doing your homework while watching TV or shopping online will cause you to lose your focus. So concentrate on a piece of work at a time instead.

If you follow the above consistently, you’ll find that you gradually spend less and less time being distracted.

A.Life can get really busy.
B.Don’t attempt to multitask.
C.Put off the easier tasks instead.
D.But you are likely unable to concentrate.
E.Break things down and establish just one primary goal.
F.Sometimes stepping away from studies can be more beneficial.
G.Keep doing this every time something taking your attention away comes up.
2024-03-16更新 | 256次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届青海省海东市高三下学期一模考试英语试题(无听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Discover the Huge Health Benefits of Strength Training

One of the best ways to stay fit and healthy as you age is to do strength and power training exercises. It is known that when you are in your thirties, you will begin to lose muscle mass. This loss actually contributes to achy joints, the increased risk of injury, and the “middle-age spread” we all fear. What’s more, the older you get, the faster muscle mass loses. It means that eventually, simple tasks like getting out of a chair and climbing stairs can become more difficult.

Strength training can help you build muscles, make you strong, increase your staying power and make everyday activities easier. By combining strength and power training exercises, you’ll not only get stronger, but also improve your reaction speed. As you grow older, that’s critical because it can help prevent falls. Here is a book, Strength and Power Training for All Ages, for your reference.

Common sense about fitness in the book:

·The key muscles to work for an injury-free body

·How to tell how much weight is suitable for you

·How to strengthen the bones most likely to break

·How to take pressure off your knees when walking or running

·Why you’ll want to apply heat to sore joints before you exercise

Four total body workouts in the book:

·Build bones

·Fight diseases

·Improve balance

·Strengthen muscles &Increase muscle power

Get a copy, start training, and then you’ll discover a whole new self.

1. What will happen as people age according to paragraph 1?
A.They will need less exercise.
B.They will improve reaction speed.
C.They will experience muscle loss.
D.They will have better staying power.
2. What does Strength and Power Training for All Ages mainly teach people to do?
A.Train their brains.B.Build a sound body.
C.Treat bone diseases.D.Cut down their weight.
3. What is the text?
A.A notice.B.An oral folktale.
C.A scientific paper.D.An advertisement.
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