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阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . My father was attached to gardening by birth. One of my earliest memories is following Dad barefoot around in the garden with both hands blackened from digging (挖) in the soil. The garden is a wonderland full of possibilities.

As Dad grew older, he still loved gardening. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he still planted all sorts of plants. Sometimes, I would come over to visit. and we would walk together in the garden. But then something changed. Like the weeds that took over his garden, the cancer grew rapidly in Dad. I stayed with Dad twenty-four hours a day and I found myself in all kinds of uncomfortable situations with Dad until I promised to look after the garden.

Though I had heard the words of the doctor, what really made me believe that Dad was dying was the state of his garden. That year, he only planted tomatoes. Too tired to weed them, he just tied them with strong strings (绳子) to the fence and let them be. It made me sad to see them ignored, so I would come over and water them once in a while, and remove the weeds. I still remember the day I picked the last tomato from the vine (藤). That day was one of the saddest I had ever experienced in my life.

Three years ago, I decided to plant my own garden. I decided I would start out with a few tomatoes. That morning when I moved to the garden, something caught the corner of my eyes and I had to smile. It was my eight-year-old son Nathan, standing barefoot in the soil, happily playing in the soil.

1. Why did the author like his father’s garden when he was a child?
A.It was a field that produced much food.
B.It was a wonderful place with unexpected surprise.
C.It was a place where he got educated.
D.It was a piece of land covered with black soil.
2. What did the author’s father care about most in his last days?
A.His son.B.His illness.C.His garden.D.His grandson.
3. What made the author accept the fact that his father would die soon?
A.That the garden wasn’t taken good care of by his father.
B.His communication with his father.
C.The condition of his father.
D.The words of the doctor.
4. Why did the author smile when he moved to his own garden one day?
A.He remembered his father.B.He thought of the food he would get.
C.His son showed interest in the garden.D.He could look after his own garden.
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where did Sara draw the pictures?
A.In her bedroom.B.In her classroom.C.In the kitchen.
2. What is in the sky in Sara’s pictures?
A.A houseB.A plane.C.Her father.
2022-11-14更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分高中联考协作体2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Mark was a successful lawyer. Since graduating from law school, he seldom went home. Although he loved his mother deeply, he was too busy with his work.

One Saturday when driving to his company, Mark suddenly remembered it was his mother’s birthday. But being occupied with his work, he couldn’t make time to visit his mother who lived 200 miles away. Just then, he spotted a flower shop, thinking the flowers were the best solution.

Mark parked in front of the flower shop where a girl was standing outside. Since Mark was thinking about the note he would send to his mother, he paid no attention to her. After chatting with the shop owner, Mark bought some pink roses and asked the shop owner to deliver the flowers to his mother. “Happy birthday to my mom; love you,” he wrote on the note.

Mark then walked out of the shop, thinking his mother would get the flowers later tonight, and felt satisfied. When walking to his car, Mark saw the girl again. She was crying. Mark couldn’t help asking,“Hey, are you OK? Are you lost?” The girl shook her head. Mark later knew the girl was Mandy, who was eight and lived nearby. Feeling a little worried about her, Mark asked gently, “Can I help?”

Mandy said she wanted a rose for her mom. But she couldn’t afford it. “The flower lady said my coins could buy a daisy, but my mom loves red roses,” she added. Touched by the girl’s words, Mark went back into the shop and bought a bunch of red roses.

“Here you go,” he said. Mandy took the roses, smiled brightly, and thanked him. “Anything else I can do for you?“ Mark asked. Mandy hesitated. Then she said, “Could you take me to my mom? It’s not far but I’m not supposed to go on my own.” Mark nodded. “Sure, lead the way!" Mandy took his hand and walked with him down the street. As they passed by a graveyard, Mandy stopped.

To Mark’s surprise, Mandy directly went inside the graveyard.


After dropping Mandy off by her house, Mark went back to the flower shop.                    

听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What was the special present for the speaker?
2. How did the speaker feel in junior high school at first?
3. Who changed the speaker’s life?
A.His parents.
B.The boy with a bright smile.
C.His teacher.
4. What lesson does the speaker get at last?
A.Always smile to the world.
B.Talk as much as possible.
C.Make as many friends as possible.
2022-11-14更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分高中联考协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day, Dad took Tim and Lily to the supermarket. “Now where has Tim gone? ” asked Dad. Lily shrugged. Keeping track of Tim was not on her agenda today. She’d been trying to decide on the perfect gift for Dad’s upcoming birthday. This year, she was determined to prepare a present that couldn’t be bought at a store or ordered online.

“Daddy!” Tim appeared out of nowhere, disturbing Lily’s thoughts. He yelled, holding a cereal (麦片) box in the air, “Let’s get it! It’s nutritious and delicious! And it has a dragon inside! ” Tim remembered Dad saying that when he was a kid, almost every box of cereal came with a toy. Ever since, Tim was certain that he, too, would find a toy in the next box.

When they got home, Dad and Lily began putting away the groceries. Tim couldn’t wait to take the box of cereal upstairs to his room. By the time they finished, Lily could hear Tim shouting. “No! No!” Tim’s voice kept getting louder and louder. Lily imagined each word as the sound of a hammer striking metal. Then she raced towards her brother’s room. The moment she stepped inside, she felt a crunch (嘎吱声) beneath her feet. It was obvious that Tim dumped all that cereal looking for a toy dragon. “They lied! No dragon. Just a picture on the box.” Tim sounded close to tears. Annoyed as Lily was, she said quietly, “Let’s see what the box says.” “I don’t know how to read.” her brother said in a low voice.

It reminded Lily that last school year, Tim’s teacher who sent home easy-to-read books and worksheets insisted that he was ready to learn to read and just needed some extra help, but Tim complained about books “for babies” and “boring” homework assignments. It was really a headache for Dad to teach Tim to read! At the thought of these, it seemed that Tim’s dragon issue had swept away her concern for a present for Dad.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Lily decided to cooperate with Tim, making up a dragon story and having Tim read for Dad.

Paragraph 2:

After what seemed to be a century, Dad’s birthday finally came.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Charlie was a little boy of ten. He was such a good boy that everyone loved him a lot. Due to his father’s job, his family shifted to a new city, where he was admitted into a new school. As Charlie was a good boy, most of his new classmates became his good friends soon. The teachers also praised Charlie for his intelligence and good behavior.

But there was one boy in the class who did not like Charlie at all! His name was Bill and he was a very naughty boy, so no one liked him at all. He found that Charlie was a quiet boy, so he started making trouble for his new classmate. But Charlie still kept quiet and did not complain to the class teacher. When Charlie’s parents learned about Bill, they wanted to go to school and complain about this naughty boy’s behavior. But Charlie stopped them and said, “Mom, Dad, please do not worry. Everything will be all right.”

Days went by and the time came for the annual sports meeting at the school. Charlie was also good at sports and he was participating in a number of events. Bill was participating in the sack race (套袋跑), though he could not run very fast due to his fat body. When Bill saw that Charlie won first prize in the 100-meter race, he felt very jealous (妒忌的) and decided that he would not let it happen in the sack race.

As planned, Bill tried to push Charlie while jumping on the track during the sack race. But he lost his balance and fell down! His leg was badly injured and he could not even stand up by himself. But as he was unpopular among his friends, no one turned up to help him!

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Charlie noticed what had happened.


Charlie took Bill to the school doctor.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Adam lived with his parents in one city while his grandparents lived far away in another city. Adam’s parents usually took their son to his grandparents’ house during summer holiday every year and stayed there for around 20 days. Adam’s grandfather loved him very much and spent a lot of time playing with him. His grandmother always cooked delicious food for him. Adam loved his stay there. This continued for years. The boy grew up over time.

One day Adam said to his parents, “Now, I am old enough to go to grandparents’ house alone. So, please let me go by myself.”

His parents didn’t agree at first but Adam insisted(坚持). They finally agreed. But they were worried about his safety. So, they taught him everything he needed to know to travel alone.

The day came when Adam was to leave for his grandparents’ house. And his parents came to see him off at the train station. When the boy was comfortably seated on the train, his parents got off and waited for the train to leave.

While waiting, the father went to the window and kept talking to his son. He handed his son an envelope(信封) from the window and said, “Son, if you feel afraid on the way, open this and read it. It will help you to calm down.”

The boy kept that envelope in his pocket carefully and said goodbye to his parents. When the train was ready to leave, the boy smiled and told his father, “I remember everything. Don’t worry.”

At every station where the train stopped, people kept coming and going. The boy started feeling a little lonely.


At one station, a big man with cuts on his face got on the train.


Then he remembered his father’s letter.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . The men of influence in our lives are our fathers, brothers, grandfathers, uncles, and friends and they play an important role in our lives. They lead by example, teaching us how to move physically through our world, how to be strong in the face of adversity, how to be wise, and how to provide for ourselves and our families.

My dad taught me how to have natural fun, playing baseball in the middle of the street, in his stocking feet. Today my dad continues to influence me in positive ways. He has faced a challenging health problem over the past few months and has carried on with his life in much the same way as he did before his illness, going about his daily business a bit slower and needing to take more rests but still living his life the way he wishes to.

My grandfather taught me the value of being trusted. My father-in-law influenced my life in a different way. He was quiet, loving and a man of power. When he spoke, I listened, as he did not speak unless he had something to say.

My loving husband has encouraged me to be strong and independent, to think for myself, and not to look to him for permission. My husband has also taught me to adapt with him to the ever-changing reality of his journey with illness, and he has met each one with courage and dignity. I have learned much from the men who have had an influence on my life. For all that I have learned and for the role they played and continue to play in my life I am forever thankful.

1. What can be learned about the author’s father?
A.His life has completely changed.B.His business has faced difficulties.
C.He needs to rest most of the day.D.Something is wrong with his body.
2. Who encouraged the author to win the trust of others?
A.Her brother.B.Her husband.C.Her grandfather.D.Her father-in-law.
3. Which word best describes the author’s husband?
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The influence of men.B.The advantages of men.
C.Holiday greetings.D.Women’s source of support.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As I walked along the sidewalk in front of Surplus Unlimited, a car that was about to change my life had just turned onto Route 82 from the CVS parking lot. I looked up and noticed the elderly couple in the car heading toward me. As the car rolled past, the driver suddenly collapsed against the steering wheel (方向盘) right in front of my eyes. His wife stared blankly out of the passenger side window. She was unaware that her car was now rolling—without a conscious driver—down the center of a busy road.

I began to jog alongside the moving car. My mind assessed the situation. Somebody needed to stop that car!

I reached forward, but there was nothing to grab. I pounded on her window. She looked confused. “Roll down the window!” I yelled, gesturing wildly. With the window down, I was able to grab the doorframe. I pulled hard against the force of the moving vehicle. On the far side of the car, the traffic streamed by in the opposite direction. Cars passed one after another. Nobody slowed down. Nobody seemed to notice.

Thankfully, the driver’s foot must have slipped off the gas pedal (踏板) when he lost consciousness. I kept pulling, and the car began to slow.

Just then, a woman appeared from behind me. She ran alongside the driver side door. She opened the door and as the car was slowing, she managed to shift it out of “Drive”. A joyful “We did it!” feeling swept over me.

But the car was now stopped in the center lane (车道) with traffic still moving in both directions around us and we need to help this man. Quickly! The woman called 911 while I checked his vital signs. He was not breathing. He had no pulse. He had about five minutes until he was dead. CPR was needed in to time.


Thoughts started running through my mind.


In an instant, the man from the black SUV was standing beside me and said, “I am a doctor.”

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack给你发邮件说,他最近上课经常走神,无法专心听讲,为此很焦虑。请你给他回一封邮件安慰他,并给他提建议。内容包括:
1. 词数80字左右;
2. 头尾已经给出,不计入词数;
3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Jack,

I’m so glad to hear from you.


Yours truly,

Li Hua

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