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1 . My mom and my grandpa have been making jam(果酱)every summer for more than 20 years. The jam is sweet ,made from local Okanagan fruit. Not only is it delicious but it also helps me remember my childhood. As kids, we traveled to Salmon Arm, B. C. ,every summer to spend it with my grandpa and grandma. Memories of house-boating, fishing, countless hours in the lake, and of course jam-making remain in all our hearts.

We were never part of making jam, but I remember watching my mom and grandpa carry in fresh berries from the car, and then measure and cook. Only breaking to sleep and eat, they would show up two days later tired, sometimes covered with burns, and proud faces. Although at that time I couldn't tell you how the jam was made, I knew that each jar(瓶)was made with love and care. They never sold the jam at any local markets; they kept some for themselves and the rest was given away to friends and family.

One summer, for some reason, they weren't able to make jam. I remember my mom being really sad and I didn't understand till some years later that making jam with her dad wasn't really about the jam at all. It was an occasion (场合),where she had his undivided attention and he, hers. I don't know what they talked about for all those hours, or if they even talked at all, but any silence was filled with feelings of love and happiness.

Now in my mid-30s, my brother, sister and I have our own children to bring to Salmon Arm every summer, it only for a few days. Much has changed but one thing that has not is the jam. Mom and Grandpa disappear for a couple of days to make it. I feel joy watching my mom and grandpa share this time together. It's a tradition that one day my mom will carry forward with me, and many years from now, I will carry forward with my daughter.

1. What can best describe the author's childhood?
2. How did the author feel when she saw her mom being sad?
A.She shared the same feeling.
B.She was unable to understand.
C.She didn't care about it.
D.She felt sorry about it.
3. What might be the point of making jam?
A.Filling the family with joy and love.
B.Making a good living for the family.
C.Bringing happiness to children.
D.Helping the old family members feel less lonely.
4. What decision does the author make?
A.To make jam on her own.
B.To learn her mom's attitude to life.
C.To follow the family tradition.
D.To spend more time with her daughter.
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