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1 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. What happened to the speakers?
A.They got lost in Stanton.
B.Their car broke down.
C.They got stuck in traffic.
2. What do we know about the man’s phone?
A.He forgot to charge the battery.
B.It is out of service.
C.It has no signal now.
2024-04-03更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省下关第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
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2 . “Her Education, Our Future” is a documentary film produced by CGTN in partnership with UNESCO. It tells the story of four girls on three continents. All the girls have been involved in UNESCO programmes aimed at widening their access to education, enhancing their skills for life and work, and expanding their educational and career opportunities.

Anee is from Gilgit-Baltistan, a remote area in the north of Pakistan. She dropped out of school as her parents couldn’t afford her education — only that of her brothers. Her father also didn’t believe that girls should be educated but rather stay home and help their mothers. Anee was reached out to through UNESCO’s Girls’Right to Education programme, originally funded by the Government of Pakistan with additional support from Italy, Korea, Norway and the Qatar Foundation, which is UNESCO’s largest programme on girls’ education, and has covered 19 of Pakistan’s most isolated districts. UNESCO assisted Anee’s family to overcome the financial barriers to her education. Her parents have re-enrolled her in school, and are supporting her to continue her education.

Mkasi is from Pemba, a Tanzanian island. Mkasi is the sixth of eleven children. She left school in 2014, as she didn’t score well enough on her exams to continue to high school. Mkasi was connected by a District Social Welfare Officer to a UNESCO program, funded by Korea. She enrolled into a community-based entrepreneurship (企业家职能) and alternative (可供选择的) education programme supported by UNESCO that enabled her to gain new vocational (职业的) skills. She now works as a seamstress (裁缝), and makes handicrafts and soap which she sells at the market. Economically independent now, She wants to become a designer and to open a clothing store — the first in her area — and sell her soap locally and abroad.

Fabiana and Taina are from Brazil. They both have a keen interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education but have faced different barriers to pursuing (追求) studies in these fields. Fabiana must rise at four every morning to go to school on a road which is bothered with robberies targeting students and passengers. Taina has faced racism and discrimination, and went through a rebellious phase (叛逆阶段) in her teenage years which took her away from her studies and down a harmful path before finding her way back. Both have been engaged in UNESCO’s EDUCASTEM2030 programme, which aims to close gender gaps in STEM education. Through this initiative (倡议), Fabiana and Taina have expanded their skills and gained confidence in their abilities. Fabiana has a full scholarship to study production engineering in the Fall — the same studies that Taina is currently pursuing. Tania is also a student leader now, sharing her own story and building more pathways for girls in STEM in Brazil.

1. What is the purpose of UNESCO’s EDUCASTEM2030 programme?
A.build more pathways for girls in STEM in Brazil
B.enlarge gender gaps in STEM education
C.fight against racism in STEM education
D.widen girls’ access to STEM education
2. The underlined word “re-enrolled” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced with ________.
3. The following statements are true EXCEPT ________.
A.Anee dropped out of school for financial reasons
B.Mkasi enhanced her skills for work with the help of UNESCO
C.Fabiana and Taina faced similar barriers to pursuing studies in STEM fields
D.Tania is making efforts to help girls in STEM in her motherland.
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.The future of girls’ educationB.The transformative power of education
C.The shooting of a documentary filmD.The course of UNESCO programmes
2024-04-01更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学西山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The tourism phenomenon     1    (cause) by Harbin, in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, shows no sign of fading. Recently, the ice city     2    (lead) to fierce competition among tourism authorities in several cities. More     3    (interesting) , the video of the leaders of local tourism dancing with performers has entertained millions of netizens (网民) .

Diligent     4    (effort) that were made by Harbin     5    (attract) tourists to the city were heads of local tourist joined by netizens across the country, who discussed about the exceptional skills possessed by their own office, all to achieve similar success in their own cities.

Starting from January 9th     6     January 12th, the official account of the Department of Tourism of Henan Province has seen     7     increase in the number of videos being posted, with more than 30 clips released per day. So the tourism authorities in Shanxi and Shandong provinces find     8     a must to promote their tourism resources on social media. Winter, the     9    (tradition) tourism off-season, draws new tourism fever,     10     shows the fast tourism development in China.

2024-03-26更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省蒙自市红河哈尼族彝族自治州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

4 . When it comes to a public library, you usually think of books and computers for people to use. You can even think of educational lectures and concerts that are often held in the library. But few people would expect to have a farm in the library.

But why not? After all, with rising costs, food safety is a community-wide issue. The Cicero Public Library near Syracuse in New York solved this problem by building a farm on its land. When Meg Backus saw all the open space in the library across the street from the building, he realized it could be used to benefit the community.

The farm was created in 2011 and in the beginning, 40 members of the library brought seeds (种子), water, and supplies to see if they could grow food on the land. It turned out that they could. To get the needed supplies for a larger farm, the library began to work with the organization Syracuse Grows Agency.

The community farm donates (捐赠) over 200 pounds of fresh produce (农产品) to local food banks every year. Half of the growing area is used as the Food Educational Garden. The other half is used by growers themselves. During the year, there are educational programs held at the library to teach people how to garden. There are also a lot of gardening books that can be used at the library.

Lauren Rosenstein, a worker of the library, said that she felt like she was giving something back to the community. “You’re really making a difference as a local community because you’re growing the food that people are eating.”

1. Why did Meg Backus build the farm?
A.To earn money.
B.To attract more readers.
C.To improve food safety.
D.To teach readers how to grow food.
2. How did the 40 members feel at first?
3. What are educational programs held at the library mainly about?
A.Farmers’ life.B.Food donation.C.Gardening skills.D.Food banks.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Make a Farm PopularB.Turn a Library into a Farm
C.Meet the First Library FarmD.Find a Job on a Library Farm
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5 . Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re talking to someone but they keep looking at their phone? This is called “phubbing” — a mix of the words “phone” and “snubbing”, which is the act of ignoring someone in favor of the phone. It can happen in any conversation — whether it’s with a friend, family member, or even a business associate. When someone is “phubbing”, they’re using their phone to look through the online news, check messages, play games and so on, instead of focusing on the conversation or spending time with the people they’re with.

The word was first used back in 2012, when fewer people had smartphones. And now that most people have smartphones, phubbing is a common problem. Most people would agree that it’s rude to be focused on your phone when you’re spending time with another person. The expert William Hanson thinks so, too. “Phubbing is a no-no!” he says. “If you have planned to go out with friends, focus on them and not your friends on your phone.” Studies have found that phubbing can damage your relationships with others. Eye contact is super important in bonding and developing oxytocin, the chemical that builds trust and connection. A lack of eye contact due to phubbing can make people feel like you don’t care about them or value their time.

Phubbing can make people feel disregarded, and those who “phub” are thought of as less polite and caring. So science has shown that phubbing is not good for us — but why do we do it? It might be because we are feeling bored, worried or stressed. Or it might be because we are addicted to checking our phones, especially social media. Whatever the reason may be, phubbing is a bad habit and can make us miss out on real moments with the people around us. So the next time you’re spending time with a friend or family member, try and keep your phone out of sight!

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Phubbing dates from 2012.
B.Phubbing means using phone when necessary.
C.Phubbing only happens in business associates.
D.Phubbing is the act of focusing on people instead of phones.
2. Which of the following states would William Hanson agree with?
A.Phubbing would benefit relationship.
B.It is polite to phub when meeting friends.
C.People don’t need eye contact to show their caring.
D.Phone should be put aside when they meet their friends.
3. Which is NOT a reason for people’s phubbing according to the passage?
A.They are bored.B.They think it a fashion to phub.
C.They are addicted to their phones.D.They want to check their social media.
4. What does the underline word “disregarded” in the last paragraph refer to?
2024-02-22更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市第一中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语A卷

6 . Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and religious leaders tell us “The truth”. We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in newspapers can’t be bad for us.

However, encouragement of critical (批判的) thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities. Few professors require students to share the professors’ own beliefs. In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that professors insist that you change your beliefs, either. It does mean, however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.

If your premises (前提) are shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical conclusions. Put it this way. Professors don’t tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think.

On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Arguing just for the sake of arguing usually does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness.

1. In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that ________.
A.we have strong beliefs in governments while growing up.
B.we grow up through learning certain things in life.
C.we are forming our views during our growth.
D.we easily believe certain things without a second thought.
2. Nowadays, few professors encourage students to ________.
A.criticize others.B.share the same idea as professors’.
C.support their own views.D.examine his own beliefs.
3. The word “shaky” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
4. According to the writer, the right way to argue is to ________.
A.argue mainly for the sake of arguing.
B.prove it with a good conclusion.
C.support your ideas with a strong argument.
D.examine others’ ideas critically.
2024-01-18更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省迪庆州2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要从Larry Vance和Anthony Brickhouse两名空难调查人员的角度,介绍了这项工作的主要内容,以及他们所面临的困境。

7 . Air-crash investigators Larry Vance and Anthony Brickhouse have details from certain jobs rooted in their memories. They could tell exact dates, locations, and fight numbers effortlessly. Vance’s “big one” is Swiss Air Flight 11 in 1998. He was put in the position of dealing with all the families from very early on, many of whom held the hope that their relatives could have survived. All 229 passengers and crew died. Burning fabric; burning flesh. The smell catches in your throat, and stays in your mind long after you’ve left the scene. Investigations can take anywhere from days to years.

“What can affect people in these jobs is the ongoing emotional damage,” said Vivien Lee, a psychologist. But mental health assistance is often lacking within the industry. Evidence suggests that investigators, like first responders, can suffer from negative emotional effects, including frequent thoughts and PTSD (创伤后应激障碍).

“One emotion of losing relatives is anger,” Brickhouse reflected. “And they’re looking to you to figure out what happened to their loved ones.” Depending on the size of the crash, that anger can come alongside a lot of international media attention.”

But more often, Vance said, the questions he faces are perhaps even tougher to answer than what caused the crash. “How did my loved one die? What were they feeling? What were they seeing?” And tougher still: “Were they suffering?”

Listening to the black box recordings takes an emotional damage. He said it was more unbearable by knowing that he’s listening to the final minutes of someone’s life. Some people in his industry listen to a black box recording once and choose to never do it again, he said.

The knowledge that they’re doing an essential job can make the tougher aspects of the work a little easier. “The end result of your work is that you try to make the world a safer place, so that this doesn’t happen to somebody else,” Vance said.

1. What can be inferred about the air-crash investigators?
A.They often get throat problems.
B.They must have good memories.
C.They experienced the same accident.
D.They have to face many challenges.
2. What should be done to help the air-crash investigators?
A.Helping them avoid air crashes.B.Sending first respondents with them.
C.Offering qualified psychologists.D.Teaching them how to communicate.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to Vance’s words?
A.Making the world a safer place takes time.
B.Answering the relatives’ questions is tougher.
C.Investigating the cause of the crash is bearable.
D.Finding the black box takes an emotional damage.
4. Which word can be used to describe the air-crash investigators?
2024-01-17更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市五华区云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题

8 . Hole-in-the-wall restaurants (苍蝇小馆) are rising in popularity in China. Recently, the “hole-in-the-wall” topic appeared on Sina Weibo, leading to discussions and attracting 67, 000 reading views.

According to Hubei Daily, hole-in-the-wall restaurants focus more on delicious food over decor (室内装潢) or service. Now, hole-in-the-wall restaurants are often found in the corners of small lanes and alleys (小巷) in different parts of a city. The most popular hole-in-the-wall restaurants usually have a history of more than 10 years and are run as family businesses.

A university student, Zhou, living in Wuhan, tried a hole-in-the-wall restaurant with her friend after other friends recommended it to her. She ordered 3 dishes, which only cost 64 yuan. “The food tastes good, and it's cheap,” she told Hubei Daily.

Wang Hongjie, a 16-year-old from Chengdu, likes the experience of eating at hole-in-the-wall restaurants. “Due to the limited space, diners at small-in-the-hole restaurants usually need to eat meals with strangers at the same table. This gives people the chance to talk with each other, creating a sense of hustle and bustle (烟火气),” she said. “But at internet-famous restaurants, diners just quietly enjoy their meals. It’s boring.”

Even so, Zou Zhiping, a professor at Hubei University of Economics, said that due to resource limitations as well as a lack of food safety awareness, hygiene (卫生) and food safety issues are more common at hole-in-the-wall restaurants. To solve these problems, Zousuggested that the local government provide training and support for these restaurants.

1. What is special about hole-in-the-wall restaurants?
A.They are run by dining groups.B.They are located in busy streets.
C.They provide tasty but cheap food.D.They center more on service.
2. What does Wang like about hole-in-the-wall restaurants?
A.The quiet dinning environment.B.The reliable customer service.
C.The active communications.D.The good quality dishes.
3. What problem do hole-in-the-wall restaurants have according to Zou?
A.The limitation of seating space.B.The absence of training and support.
C.The variety of food served there.D.The concern of cleanliness and food safety.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Reasons for the popularity of hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
B.An introduction to hole-in-the-wall restaurants in China.
C.Different opinions about hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
D.Problems of hole-in-the-wall restaurants in China.
2024-01-17更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市盘龙区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试卷
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9 . Many Silicon Valley parents are becoming more concerned about preventing their children from using screens. Some parents think that even a little screen time can be extremely addictive, so it is better if their children avoid using or seeing these devices completely. However, it is difficult for working adults in the 21st century to give up using a phone at home. So, it’s simpler to employ someone to do this.

“Silicon Valley nanny (保姆)”, who takes children back to a time without screens every day is widely needed. From Cupertino to San Francisco, it’s widely agreed that screen time is harmful to youngsters. Therefore, parents are requesting nannies to keep phones, tablets and computers in a hidden place. Others even offer no-phone agreements.

Research shows that spending too much time on technology can harm young minds. For example, teenagers who use social media frequently are more likely to feel depressed and anxious. Insomnia (失眠) rates have also increased amongst this age group, and an increasing number of children display the signs that they can’t focus attention. These seemingly minor (轻微的) problems could become significant challenges for future generations.

“Many parents come back home and focus on their smartphones, ignoring whatever their children are trying to say,” said Shannon Zimmerman, who works as a nanny in San Jose for families that forbid screen time. “As a nanny, I also call on more parents to spend more time with their kids.”

1. Why are the Silicon Valley nannies greatly needed according to the text?
A.To help parents and children balance work and life.
B.To teach children how to use technology responsibly.
C.To keep children away from screens.
D.To encourage children to exercise.
2. What is the result of spending too much time on screens for teenagers?
A.Feeling confused.B.Feeling anxious.C.Feeling bored.D.Feeling nervous.
3. What does Shannon suggest parents do?
A.Encourage their children more.B.Play games with their children.
C.Stop using smartphones at home.D.Spend more time with their children.
4. What is the text about?
A.Parents concern about screen time for children.B.Children are addicted to screen time.
C.All parents limit children to phones.D.Science has no effects on young minds.
2024-01-15更新 | 55次组卷 | 4卷引用:云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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10 . Children seem to care so much about their names. A study shows that most of young people wish their parents had given them a different name.

Some people choose to change their names when they grow up. Many people in show business don’t use the names their parents gave them. Have you ever listened to Joanne? No? The answer could be “yes” if we call her stage name instead! You may never heard of Margaret. But if we tell you her stage name, you might know her as a famous dancer.

In many cultures, there are special ideas about how to choose a name. For example, many people choose a name that has been in their family for many years. It tells the child where he or she comes from.

Choosing a good name isn’t easy. Many parents search books that tell them the meanings of names. They could choose a name that carries a message. For example, Edith means “valuable gift”. Amanda means “love”. And Fara means “joy”.

Names like these tell family and friends how happy they are with their new baby. Other names can say something about the events during the birth of the child. In Africa, a first born son may have the name Mosi and the name Ama means “born on Saturday”.

Is every boy called Curitis polite? And is every girl called Mahira quick and full of energy? No parents can tell what kind of person their child will grow up to be. Just because parents name a boy Fahim, it doesn’t mean he will be clever. All they can do is hope.

1. What can we know about the study?
A.Young kids don’t care about their future.
B.Most of young people care about their names.
C.Most girls want to change their names.
D.Most parents want to rename by themselves.
2. Why is “Joanne” mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To prove some people hope to be renamed.
B.To introduce a famous dancer to readers.
C.To introduce her true name.
D.To tell the benefit of name.
3. Why is it difficult to choose a good name?
A.Kids always want to rename.
B.It is hard to change kids’ names.
C.Parents aren’t sure if their kids will like the name.
D.Parents want to choose a meaningful name.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Names can never influence our livesB.Your parents’ wish is behind names
C.Love your parents, love your nameD.Methods to choose a suitable name
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