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1 . This was the big game. The boys were _________ and excited. It was a clear night, and my son, Andy’s baseball team, which had _________ all year, had shocked the better teams by making it to this championship game. The atmosphere was _________: the other team’s slugger (强击手), a big kid, was like a snake, dangerous and ready to _________.

Nervously, I looked out Andy’s way. I was _________ to see Andy looking straight up at the night sky! Obviously he wasn’t _________ on the game. I was horrified that he wouldn’t even know the ball was coming.

“Come on, Andy. _________ out there,” I said to myself.

Thank goodness, a big kid in the other team made a mistake. Andy and I had been _________ and our team still led by one run.

Andy ran up to me at the _________. I was about to ____________ him when he said loudly, “Did you see that shooting star?”

Andy’s eyes were glowing (发光) with ____________. I paused.

“Yes,” I said. “Well, one inning (局) to go. Hit a home run (全垒打)!”

“Okay!” said Andy, and he ran back to his ____________.

I suddenly realized it was nice that my son would take time out to ____________ the wonder and beauty in life. You might be surprised by the beauty you can find when you least ____________ it. Andy hit a triple (三垒打) in that last inning. But I still wish I had ____________ that shooting star, too.

A.Settle downB.Stand upC.Wake upD.Lie down
完形填空(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . The true test of an effective team is one where the members operate as a self-managing team. The _________ allows the members on the team to establish teamwork, adjust its work processes, and _________ a communication channel to the rest of the organization.

I followed up with one of our customers to see first-hand what a very successful team looked and felt like. Here is their story on what they do to _________ as a team.

This team _________ eighteen members that worked in a manufacturing facility in Texas. Their working _________ were not the best. During the night when I _________ them, they were performing a hot and dirty job and _________ that, they worked from 12 pm to 8 am. Their _________ was not the best and the products they were making had a terrible _________, which most people can’t stand.

The reason why I know this information is that when you have the opportunity to see how a team really works, you want to __________ their secrets. So I was looking for answers.

As I stayed and communicated with the team members to find out how they worked together, they described to me their requirements for team development.

They said, “Each member has a good time, and we are in tune (协调)with each other, and we have a great __________ of team spirit, believe in our __________, and run the operation without a formal leader in the middle of things. We have a ‘shared’ philosophy.”

Their hard work and effort paid off as they became known as “the stars” of the company. They were described as “__________” compared to other 156 teams. They were motivated by the positive attention, and the __________ that went along with being the best.

It is clear that this team developed to compete for the goal instead of against each other. This team has stayed __________ and self-directed because of being allowed to become more than their “individual selves”.

A.defend againstB.look intoC.leave outD.serve as
A.set outB.stand outC.work outD.run out
A.accounts forB.concentrates onC.consists ofD.cares about
A.far fromB.in return forC.apart fromD.in case of
2024-04-04更新 | 310次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届黑龙江省高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(黑龙江辽宁名校联考)

3 . As a ski instructor for children, I work with all sorts of behavior challenges. Kids seem to mask _________ less effectively than adults, so it’s _________ to see when they are cold, scared, or just not having fun. On one occasion, I was working with a group of _________ when one of them started to act out. He began spitting rude remarks and _________ instructions. After five years of working in this environment, I recognized that his _________ were not being met. Did he deserve _________ if he was not being kind himself? Maybe. So, I took him aside and tried a(n)_________.

I showered him with every ounce of _________ I could. I reassured (使安心) him and smiled when his skis responded effectively to his movements. I _________ him when he fell. As the class __________ through trees, I saw his confidence grow. By the bottom, he was smiling as well. He quietly apologized for being __________ and thanked me for being his teacher.

Although this is an oversimplified example of kindness and behavioral psychology I know little about, I learned something that day: Kindness __________. I often think that we are still like kids as adults. We’re just better at __________ our unpleasant feelings. But our inner child needs healing and security. And when someone offers a hug after a long day, souls can be __________. So, whether they __________ it or not, be kind.

2024-03-27更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期第二次模拟测试
阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Most of the time, we human beings are so unwilling to change that we completely ignore its beauty. I don’t get it, why?    1    I believe change is the most beautiful thing an individual can seek after.

As people connect changes with something beneficial, we all claim to believe in change being good, yet so many of us aggressively oppose it. And why? Because of familiarity.    2    

Even for those of us who say we love change, it’s hard to accept and adapt. However, sometimes change can be a frightening thing. There’s no denying that life is unpredictable and more often than not, we’re forced to make a change we didn’t really prepare for or expect. We lose jobs, we lose people, we move to another country or we find ourselves in unfavorable circumstances that we weren’t taught how to handle.    3    

Life is full of unavoidable changes. How can you develop personally and expect to stay in the same place?    4    When you start growing, you’ll notice changes in your surroundings. You’ll notice changes in your friends’ group. You’ll notice changes even in your preferences. Nothing stays the same if you want to grow as an individual.

Even though change may be painful and so hard sometimes, it’s still better than the pain of feeling powerless as you watch your dreams pass you by. Don’t be afraid of change. Embrace (拥抱) it with open arms.    5    I genuinely believe that life is too short to stay in the same place or in the same rigid mindset!

A.Not everyone can accompany you.
B.Where there’s growth, there’s change
C.Change can be scary but it can also be beautiful.
D.That’s not the only reasons you embrace changes.
E.Look forward to new experiences and learn from those new stories.
F.These things force you to change what you weren’t ready to change.
G.Sometimes we’re convinced that knowing something well means it’s right.

5 . T. S. Eliot wrote of “Distracted from distraction by distraction /Filled with fancies and empty of meaning.” T. S. Eliot never had a smartphone.

Neither did I for a long time. No Facebook account; not even email. But according to my date of manufacture, I’m supposed to be a digital native. Perhaps it’s because by the age of 20 I was living in the Welsh countryside with no signal and no Wi-Fi.

When I finally fell into the digital world, I fell hard. Unlike my friends for whom social media and mobile technology had grown and flowered around them, for me it was a sudden immersion. I got Facebook, Twitter and Gmail accounts at the same time that I got an iPhone 4. I would check my phone; five minutes later I would check my phone again. I was addicted and it started to affect my relationships with friends and family

One night, without a word, I abandoned my iPhone and bought a Nokia 3310 and became the talk of the town. Soon I became aware that not only had I stolen secret time back from the hurried days, but somehow a secret space as well. I could stretch out, free to think again, to be wholly creative and to learn meaningfully.

But, wherever I went I got bloody lost. Wandering blindly around London, only to miss appointments, became a frequent pastime (消遣). What did we do before Google Maps? I was useless. The change was worth it, though. I’ll sound like an overstatement but I think it changed my life. My choices are broader and healthier because I’m not being screamed at all day.

I bought a new Samsung phone last week. I had been scared of the rate of progress, crying: “Stop the train! Stop the madness.” But I want to be part of building the future, and to do that, you’ve got to swim in contemporary waters. Rejecting the modern world doesn’t help anyone. It slows you down and I need to be efficient. Time will tell whether I’ve mastered the wisdom to reject constantly checking my phone.

1. What can be learned about the author when she lived in the Welsh countryside?
A.She read a lot of T. S. Eliot.B.She had no friends to talk with.
C.She had no access to the Internet.D.She was afraid of the digital world.
2. Why did the author buy the Nokia 3310?
A.She thought she needed a spare phone.B.She found her iPhone stopped working.
C.She wanted to attract people’s attention.D.She hoped to break her smartphone addiction.
3. What happened after the author used the Nokia 3310?
A.She led a simple and healthy life.B.She found her life was in a mess.
C.She spent more time with her friends.D.She became an example for other people.
4. For what purpose did the author buy the Samsung phone?
A.To seek wisdom.B.To stop her madness.
C.To keep pace with the times.D.To get back to the real world.
2024-02-21更新 | 56次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨第九中学2021-2022学年高二下学期开学测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When I was nine years old. I pulled out my grandmother’s dress over my young frame, admiring myself in the mirror. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. Later in senior high school, I began to dream of being an adult to explore a big world and make adventures. However, I knew adulthood for me was still distant because I supported myself mainly with the money from my family.

Fresh out of college, I was working as a middle school teacher. I was in charge of young people and heavy with that responsibility. I arrived at school early and stayed late, preparing lessons and chatting with students. I was an official adult. I paid my rent and taxes. But I still felt as if I were playing a role. I was the adult authority figure who secretly didn’t feel grown-up in a room full of children. But I wasn’t worried; I was convinced that it would happen soon.

To me, an adult is someone who is mature and trustworthy—a contributing member of the society. We strive to become adults while there is also someone who spends life constantly partying and avoiding responsibility. A grown-up, however, is a state of mind. Our body gets older but something inside us doesn’t feel as if it is progressing as quickly.

In the following ten years, I followed the routines of adulthood: getting married, giving birth and working. My 6-year-old daughter and I often held hands, running breathlessly and laughing wildly. I tried to avoid eye contact with the nearby people who glared at us. I suspect they would prefer adults who would never slide down a giant hill of sand.

I turned 57 recently and it occurred to me that maybe I had it all wrong; I should stop waiting to feel grown-up. What if we embraced (拥抱) the child-like part of ourselves to enjoy it, guilt free? If we’re responsible adults and do all the adult things in a way that works, why should it matter if we don’t feel grown-up deep inside? Non-grown-ups don’t necessarily play games, but it isn’t fun embracing the playful side of life? Why can’t we feel 57 and 15 years old at the same time?

1. How did the author feel about adulthood when she was a teenager?
A.She was unwilling to make adventures if she became an adult.
B.She showed no interest in thinking about it.
C.She was expectant and hopeful about it.
D.She had unknown fears for it.
2. What did the author believe would happen to her before long according paragraph 2?
A.Being respected by her children.
B.Becoming a capable teacher.
C.Living on her own.
D.Being a real adult.
3. What does the author mainly talk about in the third paragraph?
A.What an adult means in her opinion.
B.What an adult’s state of mind can be.
C.Why some people spend life avoiding responsibility.
D.Why it doesn’t progress so quickly to become a grown-up.
4. What advice does the author give to us through her story?
A.Be true to your inner self.
B.It’s never too late to learn.
C.Life is a bittersweet journey.
D.Nice souls are a masterpiece of time.
2024-02-13更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省伊春市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Why are you doing this? I often hear that or similar questions. Many people don’t understand why I like travelling by bicycle.     1     But for me, it’s the best way to travel.

When I sit on the bike, I am free and flexible. I can stop at any time to eat or start the stove to enjoy a coffee with breathtaking views. I’m not dependent on bus or train.     2     I come to places I would never have seen. My bike makes it possible for me not to plan beforehand, which leaves space for adventure. Because adventures don’t come around the corner during a planned hotel-vacation.

I am in the nature the whole day. The wind blows across my face.     3     I see monkeys hanging directly above me in the tree, whales swimming along the coast, a bear waving at us and many more animals. Smelling the blackberries, I’m stopping to fill my stomach. In the car, bus or train, I would have missed all of these.

    4     Some long-term cyclists spend 4,000 dollars per year or less. And I spend about 350-450 dollars a month. This is due to two reasons: I have no transport costs. And I also have the freedom of wild camping, during which I can cook for myself. All these factors contribute to a cheap travel.

I could tell hundreds of stories. Because of getting to know so many people, I have experienced a lot. The travel form itself invites many to ask questions. And the best thing about it is that all these stories make me rich. I’m rich in memories, of which I always think with laughter.     5    

A.I listen to the birds singing.
B.And they think it’s so tiring.
C.It will change the way you see the world.
D.I can decide for myself when and where to go.
E.Before my start, I was fascinated by the bike touring community.
F.Nobody can ever take them away and they are of great value to me.
G.Compared to other travel forms, bike touring is one of the most affordable.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

I knew I was not supposed to be quite so excited about Christmas presents. At age eleven, as my mom’s “grown-up” girl, I had to keep myself cool. But if I had got a chance, I made     1     most of the chance and checked each present under the Christmas tree.

The company of my family went broke (破产) but we couldn’t turn to     2    (other) for help. It was typically a sad event for us. It was so hard and     3    (stress) a year for my family. However, our parents suggested that we should live and work     4    (positive). My parents had to save every cent in case we couldn’t afford some necessities. We     5    (struggle) to make a living during the time. Whenever my mom looked at those presents, she tended     6    (sigh) and looked quite anxious. I had heard the phrase, “Giving is better than receiving,” but thought anyone     7     had said that must have been out of their mind. Getting presents was the whole point!

On Christmas morning, we eagerly rushed into the living room and desired to get our favorite presents. It was our special     8    (prefer). “Here’s another one for you, honey,” said Mom. I looked at the package and was     9     (confuse). It was not mine. It was my mom’s. It was amazing that I found a new label (标签) had been put on it, with my name written in my mother’s handwriting. Ⅰsaid, “Mom, I can’t...” I was stopped by my mother’s joyful look. It was a hair dryer. She offered the gift to me rather than keep it to herself.

Now, as an adult with children in my life, I can understand my mom’s real thought. I see now she was not “giving up her Christmas gift” as I had thought, but was finding an even greater joy because giving truly is better than receiving.     10     summary, my mom’s simple act has a deep effect on me.

2023-12-05更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省虎林市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . On a common morning just inside the entryway to a subway station, a young man took his violin out of its case. He seemed quite common in _________. Then the man plucked (拨) the strings for minutes to tune his _________. After that, he reached into his pocket and _________ a few dollars, which he threw into the violin case, hoping that the passers-by would _________. Then he began to play, and thousands of people were hurrying to work, school, or wherever they were _________ as the morning rush was _________. Though the incredible sound of this man’s violin filled the subway station, it was apparently _________ by all.

If he were any other street _________, perhaps it would have been _________ that he earned little attention of people. __________ , he is Joshua Bell, one of the world’s most renowned __________, and he was playing one of the most classical masterpieces on his $3,000,000 violin. Actually, almost nobody noticed his playing. Why? One reason is that he didn’t look like a special man; the other is that everyone was too busy to __________ Joshua Bell’s excellent music.

“I’m busy!” is an everyday __________ from people like those who walked past Joshua Bell’s music without __________ a moment. All of this got me thinking: sometimes we should say no to useless busyness and allow for some __________ presence so as to perceive the beauty around us.

A.sorted outB.made upC.used upD.pulled out
A.set an exampleB.follow suitC.pay it forwardD.extend understanding
A.in a dilemmaB.in full swingC.by the bookD.by all accounts
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定你是李华,最近阅读了寓言故事《龟兔赛跑》,请根据下面的提示写一篇小品文。

One day a hare and a tortoise had a race

2023-11-19更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市鸡冠区2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
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