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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Long long ago, there was a little prince who was used to having everything he wanted. He was so badly behaved that he wouldn’t let anybody have a new toy if he didn’t have it first. If any child in the land wanted a new toy, they had to buy two and give one to him. Therefore, the little prince had no friends except for his toys.

One day a magic toymaker, who invented the most wonderful toys, came to the land. The little prince liked his toys so much that he invited him to spend an entire year in the palace, promising him great wealth if he made him a new toy every day. The toymaker set just one condition: “My toys are very special and need an owner who will play with them” he said. “Will you be able to devote a little time to each one every day?” “Of course, I will” the little prince replied impatiently.

From then on, every morning the little prince received a new toy. Every day the toymaker delivered a toy better than the previous ones. The little prince appeared very happy.

But the toy collection kept growing and, after a few weeks there were simply too many toys to play with all of them every day. So, one day the little prince put a few toys to one side, hoping that the toymaker wouldn’t notice. However, when it was night time and he was ready to go to bed. The toys that had been put away lined up in front of him and, one by one, demanded their daily playtime. The little prince couldn’t get to sleep until well past midnight because he had to play with every single toy.

Next day, tired after all his efforts, the prince slept very late. In the little time left of the day, he had to get to know a new toy and then play with all the others too. Once again, he finished very late and was so tired he could hardly stop yawning (打哈欠).

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
       Every day was a little bit worse than the one before, with the same amount of time but one extra toy to play with.
       The children saw the prince, wondering whether the prince would force them to hand over their toys just like before.

2 . My memories of those nights I spent with my great-grandmother are still vivid. I_________ them all, because I have_________ else to remind me of her. While my friends_________ display treasures left to them by their grandmothers — precious china, antique silver, jewelry — all that I have of her is a scarf I’d made her.

My great-grandmother didn’t have a china-and-jewelry kind of _________. While we were under the _________, she told me many _________ stories. I felt the pain a mother feels when her only son is _________ missing after a battle. I felt the _________ a wife feels as throat cancer robs her beloved _________ of speech and ultimately of life. I felt the__________ of the Depression (大萧条), what it was like to lose your home and to __________ produce that had gone bad. My great-grandmother never cried when she __________ her past, and afterward, she always said, ” Oh, kid, it’s a great life if you don’t __________.”

A few years ago, my life took a __________ turn, and curiously, I found my great-grandmother and her stories frequently occupying my __________. I realized then that __________ she had not left me any precious objects, she had left me a treasury of stories and a wealth of__________. By turning her soul inside out to me during those nights in bed, she’d given me the greatest gift — her __________, her courage to face life head-on. Her legacy (遗赠) gave me the __________ I’d lacked. If she could survive the __________ of her life, then I knew I could, too.

A.pay offB.get throughC.hang onD.survive on
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。本文讲述了努力工作和成功是相辅相成的。为了成功, 你必须投入大量时间和精力去努力地工作。努力工作是成功的关键。

3 . Why Hard Work Is the Key to Success

Hard work and success go hand in hand.     1     However, you have to spend a lot of time working hard for success to build up over time gradually. So you’ll have to decide if you want to endure the pain of hard work, or look back and regret never having tried? That said, here are some points to consider before you make your choice.

Everything Comes at a Price

Success, for the vast majority of people, does not come without hard work.     2     You have to push past the obstacles and hold the goal in your mind, realizing that each step forward is one closer to achieving it.

Hard Work Helps You Make Your Luck

If you are an average Joe and simply idle your way through life, you are likely just a spectator (观察者) waiting for something to happen or fall into your lap. The truth of the matter is that the odds of this happening are improbable. Success will not happen suddenly, but with the right amount of strong determination and hard work, your luck tends to get better.     3    

Hard Work Promotes Discipline

It is not always going to be easy, and even the most determined people may give up and admit that they are defeated and stop trying.     4     Discipline ensures that you still get up and you are determined to see the result confidently.

You Harvest What You Sow

    5     The same goes for hard work. As you make a big effort each day and focus on your goals, you are consistently approaching your future success. As you begin to see the progress you have made, you will begin to feel a sense of achievement and pride in your work.

A.Life is certainly full of challenges.
B.That is where discipline comes into play.
C.Obtaining success without hard work is impossible.
D.When opportunities come your way, do not let them pass you by.
E.If you invest money over time wisely, you will make a good profit eventually.
F.You have to wake up early and head to work even when you do not feel like it.
G.When you hit a failure, the first thing coming to mind is whether you worked hard.
2023-12-28更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Once upon a time, there were four seeds (种子) who were good friends. They travelled by wind and came to a forest. They hid     1     (they) in the ground, and hoped that they would be able to grow into big trees.

But when the first seed began to grow, they realized it would not be such     2     easy task. There lived a group of     3     (monkey), and the smaller ones loved throwing bananas at the plant     4     started to grow. They threw so many bananas at the first sprout (幼芽) that she was almost cut into two. When she told the other seeds     5     had happened, they thought that it would be better to wait until the monkeys went away.

They all agreed that, except the first seed. She     6     (think) she would at least try it. When she tried, she was harmed by bananas. The other seeds asked her     7     (stop) trying. However, she had made up her mind to become a tree. She tried again and again. The scars     8     (leave) by the bananas helped her grow stronger than the other seeds. Little by little, she had grown so strong that the monkeys couldn’t hurt her     9     (bad).

In the end, she grew into the     10     (big) tree in the forest. The other seeds still hid themselves in the ground, only hoping the monkeys would go away soon.

2023-12-04更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市唐徕中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题

5 . A few months back, I read a poem about winter created by AI (Artificial Intelligence). It was lovely and even moved me. What a strange thing it is, I thought, to be moved by something that in and of itself cannot be or feel moved. And then I felt a little sick, mainly because something had started snaking through my body quickly. Am I going to be out of a job? Is this writing thing going to be over?

As those questions arrived, I did what I always do — a walk. I busied myself with a pace fast enough to ignore the feeling, and then I released the hounds (猎犬) — the pack of tireless, 2-year-old, yellow dogs living in my head. I removed their leashes (皮带), setting them free on the problem; they went back and forth with a series of what- if tennis balls for 90 minutes. Finally, I arrived home physically and mentally exhausted with a clear answer and new career options to save me from this coming robbery.

When I recovered, I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat at my desk in front of a blank page, one that was staring back up at me, begging me for something. I dropped the panic, and I dropped the hounds. I dropped all the way into my body so as to fumble (探寻) around in the unknown of myself, searching for tiny seeds of beauty, and for a piece of soil rich enough to plant the seeds so I could feel an aliveness, any aliveness, growing, cracking, and rooting within me.

And in this case arose the question: Why do I write? What if I write to face my humanity and that of others? What if I write with the entirety of myself — my mental, emotional, and physical bodies? AI can’t touch me. I don’t know who or precisely what will hire me, but I’ll release the hounds on that one tomorrow. But, for now, I shall write.

1. What can we learn about the writer from the first paragraph?
A.He was panicked by the poem.B.He thought highly of technology.
C.He had mixed feelings about AI.D.He was sick of the job of writing.
2. How did the writer get the answers to his questions?
A.He took a walk to avoid them.B.He went hunting in the wild.
C.He played catch with his dogs.D.He gave them deep thought.
3. What is the weakness of AI in writing according to the writer?
A.It conveys no beauty.B.It lacks soul.C.It can’t process data.D.It’s not creative.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Rescuing Writers from AIB.Will AI Steal My Job?
C.Ready for AI Storms?D.Writers vs AI Writing
2023-11-30更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市景博中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考(三)英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What sport did the speaker coach?
2. What does the speaker think of herself in 1990?
3. How can motivation be promoted according to the speaker?
A.By praise.B.By teamwork.C.By trust.
4. What does the speaker try to express in the talk?
A.Process of winning is more important than the result.
B.Developing champions is a win-win success.
C.Winning always equals success.
2023-11-05更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川一中2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Last year in early summer, I was walking to my house when I saw two large birds standing in my yard. They didn’t seem to _______ me until I was right in front of them and then they _______ disappeared into the nearby bushes. I was quite excited by the _______ of two special birds making a nest (巢) in my yard.

A few weeks later, the birds _______. I found them crouching (蹲伏) beside a tree. As I approached them, they _______ their heads and made a croaking (嘶哑地叫) sound. I didn’t know why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing _______: there were two small birds _______ around happily.

As I inched towards the birds, _______ not to make sudden movements, they started their croaking again, putting their necks forward so they seemed _______ and more threatening.

The mother put the baby birds under her wings and carefully crouched down over them so her babies were well ________.

I was watching them with respect when I suddenly ________ and fell to the ground. The mother took this as a/an ________ and the father raced towards me, ________ his wings to protect the mother and the baby birds.

I felt sorry to have disturbed them and left quickly. I am amazed by their ________ actions. Their parental love made them so courageous. It is hard not to show ________ for nature.

A.stuck outB.put downC.hang outD.turned around
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I’m not a climate scientist. I don’t know much about ________. I just really like them. Whenever I’m outside or near a window, my eyes are drawn to their ever-changing shapes. I love the ________ forms they take. There were times I sat on a beach and found myself unable to ________whether I was looking at the water, sand or clouds.

I’ve been ________ to clouds since I was a child. I loved to ________ them as animals in the sky. I loved getting lost in ________, starring at them out the windows during a(n) ________ class at school or on a long road trip.

There were moments when I realized how much clouds ________ my experience of the world. A sky of bright white clouds would make me feel joyful and ________ while a sky covered with ________ clouds can make the same things appear ________.

Watching clouds is a solitary (独处的) activity for me, even when I’m ________ by people. If you have a drink or a meal with me in an outdoor café, my eyes will ________ turn to the sky. I might frequently point out an interesting shape. Mostly, I just ________ enjoy them. Like a piece of art, a vase of flowers, or a passer-by in an amazing dress, clouds are one of those ________ things to be noticed and ________ when I’m alone.

Clouds can also ________ me away from the dull parts of life, and away from day-to-day stresses and ________. They get me out of my head and into a(n) ________ land where I can imagine the constraints (束缚) will not be ________ to everyday life.

A.figure outB.take inC.keep upD.adjust to
2023-10-13更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2023-2024学年高三第二次月考英语试题

9 . In 2008, I was tasked with looking after my 13-year-old cousin Megan while my parents were away. Megan had been living a _________ life, having lost her parents at a young age and currently living with my parents.

At first, I _________ that I could be a good role model for Megan and teach her the _________ way to do things, just like I had been taught to do the right A-levels and the right university. _________, things didn’t go as planned.

I _________ to get her to go to school and do her homework, but she just wanted to watch TV. I wanted to show her a movie about female empowerment, but she wasn’t _________.

One day, while driving Megan home from school, I stalled (使熄火) the car multiple times trying to do a hill-start. Megan found it _________ and started laughing uncontrollably. I couldn’t help but _________. We both laughed and something _________ between us.

I realized that I didn’t have to be the boss of Megan and that we could just __________together.

From that moment on, we started to enjoy each other’s ________, and Megan would share the day’s gossip with me. We have different personalities and interests, but we __________ spending time together.

Despite my initial __________, I learned that being a good __________ isn’t about being the perfect adult figure in her life but about building a strong __________ with the people you care about.

A.join inB.turn aroundC.cry outD.calm down
A.solve problemsB.have funC.make rulesD.follow orders
A.friendB.parentC.teacherD.role model
2023-09-24更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川三沙源上游学校2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . In casual conversations, there is a seemingly simple question I can never answer without hesitating — “Where are you from?”

I could say I am from Thailand, where I was born. Or I am from Mexico, where I spent the majority of my childhood. Or I am from the US, whose language is rooted into my life. In my mind, none of these answers are satisfying enough. After all, to be from somewhere carries expectations of understanding “your” culture and “your” home.

I feel envious whenever my friends say they’re “going home” for school breaks. As a student who frequently moves, I have never seen my living space as “home”, but “shelter”, another location to stay in before I unavoidably move again.

So, does this mean I do not have, and will never have, a home? I resign myself to living with this sense of sadness, until very recently.

In my dorm, inside my drawer is a specially designed white bath towel that I have not used since I brought it with me from my parents’ house. One day, I took it out, but stopped after smelling the soft, sweet laundry detergent (洗衣粉), the one my parents used back in Thailand. I felt my eyes water as that random smell brought my mixed emotions to the surface: sadness and nostalgia, a strong feeling of missing home. I still avoid using that towel until now because I don’t want to replace the smell of nostalgia with my newly-bought detergent.

Sadly, even with this new discovery, I will still struggle when answering where I am from, and I will always feel a sense of loss in not having a physical home to “go back to”. Yet, in random moments, when a smell catches me off guard (让我猝不及防) with the memories it brings, I like to believe that the things I feel then are things people feel when they are home. And if these moments can make me smile, even with a sense of loss, what better home can I ask for?

1. Why is the author unable to see his living space as “home”?
A.His living places often change.B.He is unsatisfied with the place.
C.His expectations of “home” are high.D.He can’t understand the culture there.
2. Why does the author treasure that towel?
A.It was made in his hometown.B.It is a present from his parents.
C.Its smell awakened his memories.D.Its design wins his preference.
3. What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.He no longer feels a sense of loss.
B.He feels a physical home is unnecessary.
C.He has got the answer to “Where are you from?”
D.He has found a sense of home in some moments.
4. What can be the best title of the text?
A.A Man’s Home Is His CastleB.There Is No Place Like Home
C.The Smell Brings Me HomeD.The Emotion Connects Me With Home
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