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1 . Inconvenient Truths

If doctors lie, it is surely inexcusable. One of the basic_________ the public have of doctors is honesty. But what would you think if I told you that research has shown that 70 per cent of doctors   _________ to lying to their patients? If I am honest, I have told lies to my patients.

Mrs Walton was in her eighties and _________ to see her husband. She would try to get up to find him, despite being at risk of falling. “He’s on his way, don’t worry,” the nurses would say this to calm her down. I said the same thing to her. But it was a lie. He died two years ago. The truth, if I can use that word, is that it is a _________ to lie sometimes.

Mrs Walton is one of the dementia (痴呆) sufferers, who lose their short-term memory and the memory of_________ events, but hold memories from the distant past. Sufferers are trapped forever in a confusing past that many realize bears little   _________ to the present, but are at a loss to explain. Those with dementia often feel upset, scared and confused that they are in a strange place, _________ by strange people, even when they are in their own homes with their family, because they have gone back to decades ago.

They look at their adult children   _________ and wonder who they could be because they think their children are still little kids. I have had countless families break down in tears, not knowing how to react as their loved one moves further away from them back into their distant past and they are   _________ in the present. And how, as the doctor or nurse caring for these patients, does one manage the anger and outbursts of distress that comes with having no   __________ of your life for the past ten or 20 years? The lies that doctors, nurses and families tell these patients are not big, elaborate lies — they are   __________ comforts intended to calm and allow the subject to be swiftly changed.

__________ with them about this false reality is not heartless or unprofessional — it is actually kind. That’s not to say that lying to patients with dementia__________ is right or defensible. But what kind-hearted person would put another human being through the unimaginable pain of learning, ________ again and again, that they have lost their beloved ones. It would be an unthinkable cruelness.

Sometimes honesty is __________ not the best policy.

A.cut offB.thrown awayC.put downD.left behind
A.ahead of timeB.in no timeC.for the last timeD.for the first time
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2 . The driver who cuts you off in traffic. The neighbors who don’t pick up after their dog. Situations such as these get our hearts racing and send our stress levels skyrocketing. Anger isn’t a pleasant feeling. Some of us bottle up the feeling, while others explode in a wild rage (狂怒). Both habits do considerable harm to our bodies, our minds, and our relationships.

“Anger may feel uncomfortable and a lot of people think they have to get rid of their anger,” says Patrick Keelan, a registered psychologist in Calgary, Alberta. “But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be addressed. When we take notice of that signal and actually wrestle with the problem instead of turning a blind eye to it, we’re usually much better for it.”

Unfortunately, many of us have been conditioned to keep our emotions hidden. Increasingly, research is suggesting that this can have long-term effects on our health. Investigators at the University of Rochester noticed that people who contain their emotions tend to live shorter lives.

Is it better, then, to scream and howl whenever something makes you mad? That’s probably the reason why “rage rooms” have popped up in many American cities, where folks are invited to let steam off by violently smashing (打碎) stuff in a “safe” environment. However, the research indicates that when people display anger aggressively, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger — and increase the likelihood of aggressive actions in the future. It doesn’t take much imagination to predict how such behavior can affect your relationship with your spouse, your kids, or your colleagues. It also hurts your health. A large 2016 study at McMaster University found that people are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack after an angry explosion.

If we shouldn’t bottle up our angry feelings but aggressive behavior isn’t healthy either, how should we handle things that tick us of? It’s the extreme highs and lows that cause the damage. If you’re able to apply techniques that smooth out some of those peaks and valleys, you can have a gentler ride.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.All people lose their temper when offended.
B.When feeling angry, some people hold back the emotion.
C.Anger does harm because it causes heart problems and stress.
D.Only exploding in a wild rage is harmful.
2. What does Patrick Keelan think of anger?
A.Uncomfortable and avoidable.B.Terrible and threatening.
C.Confusing and complex.D.Normal and natural.
3. What is the consequence of letting out anger violently?
A.It leads to people’s shorter life.B.It warns people against violence.
C.It adds to people’s anger.D.It causes many "rage rooms" to be smashed.
4. What will be talked about if the passage is continued?
A.Possible causes of anger.B.Tips on handling anger.
C.Possible harm of anger.D.Tips on avoiding anger.
2024-01-24更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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3 . A Story on an Island

A ship was lost at sea and the only survivor was washed up on a small, inhabited(无人居住的) island. He prayed _________ for God to rescue him and for hours he just _________ at the horizon(地平线), waiting for a heaven-sent _________ but it never came.

Then he decided to do something. _________ tired and upset, he _________ some branches and dry grass. Hours of hard work paid off and a little shelter was built. The “Robinson Crusoe” began his life on the island. Believe it or not, a couple of days going by, he _________ and it seemed not that hard.

But then one day, after _________ for food, he arrived home to find his little shelter in flames and the _________ rolling up to the sky.

The _________ had happened: everything was lost.

“God, how could you do this to me!” he cried with __________ and anger.

Early the next day, __________, he was awakened by the __________ of a ship that was coming near to the island. It had come to rescue him!

__________ did you know that I was here?” he asked one of his rescuers.

“We saw your smoke __________,” they replied.

It is easy to get __________, when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even when we are in pains and sufferings.

Remember, next time your little shelter is burning to the ground, it just may be a smoke signal that calls for the grace of God. For all the negative(消极的) things we have to say to ourselves, God has a/an positive answer for it.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Long long ago, there was a little prince who was used to having everything he wanted. He was so badly behaved that he wouldn’t let anybody have a new toy if he didn’t have it first. If any child in the land wanted a new toy, they had to buy two and give one to him. Therefore, the little prince had no friends except for his toys.

One day a magic toymaker, who invented the most wonderful toys, came to the land. The little prince liked his toys so much that he invited him to spend an entire year in the palace, promising him great wealth if he made him a new toy every day. The toymaker set just one condition: “My toys are very special and need an owner who will play with them” he said. “Will you be able to devote a little time to each one every day?” “Of course, I will” the little prince replied impatiently.

From then on, every morning the little prince received a new toy. Every day the toymaker delivered a toy better than the previous ones. The little prince appeared very happy.

But the toy collection kept growing and, after a few weeks there were simply too many toys to play with all of them every day. So, one day the little prince put a few toys to one side, hoping that the toymaker wouldn’t notice. However, when it was night time and he was ready to go to bed. The toys that had been put away lined up in front of him and, one by one, demanded their daily playtime. The little prince couldn’t get to sleep until well past midnight because he had to play with every single toy.

Next day, tired after all his efforts, the prince slept very late. In the little time left of the day, he had to get to know a new toy and then play with all the others too. Once again, he finished very late and was so tired he could hardly stop yawning (打哈欠).

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       Every day was a little bit worse than the one before, with the same amount of time but one extra toy to play with.
       The children saw the prince, wondering whether the prince would force them to hand over their toys just like before.

5 . My memories of those nights I spent with my great-grandmother are still vivid. I_________ them all, because I have_________ else to remind me of her. While my friends_________ display treasures left to them by their grandmothers — precious china, antique silver, jewelry — all that I have of her is a scarf I’d made her.

My great-grandmother didn’t have a china-and-jewelry kind of _________. While we were under the _________, she told me many _________ stories. I felt the pain a mother feels when her only son is _________ missing after a battle. I felt the _________ a wife feels as throat cancer robs her beloved _________ of speech and ultimately of life. I felt the__________ of the Depression (大萧条), what it was like to lose your home and to __________ produce that had gone bad. My great-grandmother never cried when she __________ her past, and afterward, she always said, ” Oh, kid, it’s a great life if you don’t __________.”

A few years ago, my life took a __________ turn, and curiously, I found my great-grandmother and her stories frequently occupying my __________. I realized then that __________ she had not left me any precious objects, she had left me a treasury of stories and a wealth of__________. By turning her soul inside out to me during those nights in bed, she’d given me the greatest gift — her __________, her courage to face life head-on. Her legacy (遗赠) gave me the __________ I’d lacked. If she could survive the __________ of her life, then I knew I could, too.

A.pay offB.get throughC.hang onD.survive on
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6 . If someone asked whether you like the arts, you’d probably say you do—at least in theory. According to a survey, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults say the arts “lift me up beyond everyday experiences”. However, only 30 percent attended a concert of any type in 2017; 23 percent went to an art museum. Fewer than half actively created art of any kind.

The mismatch can boil down to the fact that we are weighed down by our day-to-day responsibilities, leaving our schedule packed. Maybe you like to play a little background music while you work or do the chores, but even before the pandemic, most of us rarely, if ever, saw a live performance, let alone visited a gallery or watched a play.

Too often, we let the dull reality of life get in the way of the arts. But this is a mistake. The arts are the opposite of an escape from reality; they might just be the most realistic glimpse we ever get into the nature and meaning of life. If you make time for consuming and producing art—the same way you make time for work and exercise and family commitments—I assure you that you’ll find your life getting fuller and happier. Think of a time when you heard a piece of music and wanted to cry. Or maybe your dizziness as you emerged from a narrow side street in an unfamiliar city and found yourself in a beautiful town square as if in a fantasy. They probably stimulated a sudden awakening, much like the shock from a lungful of pure oxygen after breathing in smoggy air.

If you are among the people who feel that art is pure pleasure to experience and participate in, you might see it as a luxury item, while a preferable attitude is to treat art less like a distracting pleasure, and more like exercise or sleep, a necessity. Then draw up a schedule of your art exposure journey, and gradually weave art into your everyday life.

1. What prevents people from enjoying the arts?
A.Shortage of time.B.Avoidance of duty.
C.Lack of interest.D.Art space unavailability.
2. What can we learn about the role of art according to the passage?
A.It explores mysteries of nature.B.It sparks emotional responses.
C.It enhances physical well-being.D.It offers a getaway from daily life.
3. What will be talked about next in the passage?
A.Ways to integrate art into routine.B.Barriers to combining art and life.
C.Forms of distracting pleasures.D.Benefits of engaging with art.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Art Journey: From Body to MindB.Embracing Art: From Luxury to Necessity
C.Art Pursuit: Transforming Dull into FullD.Connecting with Art: From Reality to Fantasy
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文章大意:本文是说明文。本文讲述了努力工作和成功是相辅相成的。为了成功, 你必须投入大量时间和精力去努力地工作。努力工作是成功的关键。

7 . Why Hard Work Is the Key to Success

Hard work and success go hand in hand.     1     However, you have to spend a lot of time working hard for success to build up over time gradually. So you’ll have to decide if you want to endure the pain of hard work, or look back and regret never having tried? That said, here are some points to consider before you make your choice.

Everything Comes at a Price

Success, for the vast majority of people, does not come without hard work.     2     You have to push past the obstacles and hold the goal in your mind, realizing that each step forward is one closer to achieving it.

Hard Work Helps You Make Your Luck

If you are an average Joe and simply idle your way through life, you are likely just a spectator (观察者) waiting for something to happen or fall into your lap. The truth of the matter is that the odds of this happening are improbable. Success will not happen suddenly, but with the right amount of strong determination and hard work, your luck tends to get better.     3    

Hard Work Promotes Discipline

It is not always going to be easy, and even the most determined people may give up and admit that they are defeated and stop trying.     4     Discipline ensures that you still get up and you are determined to see the result confidently.

You Harvest What You Sow

    5     The same goes for hard work. As you make a big effort each day and focus on your goals, you are consistently approaching your future success. As you begin to see the progress you have made, you will begin to feel a sense of achievement and pride in your work.

A.Life is certainly full of challenges.
B.That is where discipline comes into play.
C.Obtaining success without hard work is impossible.
D.When opportunities come your way, do not let them pass you by.
E.If you invest money over time wisely, you will make a good profit eventually.
F.You have to wake up early and head to work even when you do not feel like it.
G.When you hit a failure, the first thing coming to mind is whether you worked hard.
2023-12-28更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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8 . It could happen anywhere at any time. It’s often unexpected, but almost never unappreciated. Most people have been on the receiving a random act of kindness—the moment when a complete stranger stops to offer aid, generosity or compassion. In a sometimes cold world where people can be so focused on what they’re doing, a random act of kindness can make all the difference.

They can be relatively insignificant. Hannah Bailey from London, for example, told the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free. The seller did her a kindness when it emerged she didn’t have any change to pay. She was happy about it all day.

The city of Naples has long had a tradition called “caffe sospeso”. When buying coffee, a person who has recently been lucky would purchase two cups but only drink one, leaving the second one out of the goodness of their heart, for a poor person to claim for free. This tradition is now more common worldwide.

However, in some cases, these little acts can be a matter of life and death. Take, for example, the unnamed commuter, who in June 2018 fell off a station platform onto an electric railway track in Toronto, Canada. A quick-thinking, but even now unknown, bystander selflessly leapt down to pull him to safety.

Or Jonny Benjamin, who in London in 2008 was persuaded not to commit suicide by a passer-by. He had been considering jumping from a bridge. He later found the Good Samaritan and thanked him. He may one day find a way to pay him back in kind—though that’s not the point.

So, why do it? Often, the acts aren’t paid back. The people never meet again. According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation, acts like these can “give our lives new purpose, show us other perspectives on our own problems and even make us feel euphoric. ”

So give it a try. Hold open a door for someone, deliver a compliment even give up your seat on a bus. Help someone who is in need. It takes all kinds. It needn’t be anything huge. One day, whether you need it or not, someone might help you in your hour of need.

1. How did Hannah Bailey feel after she received a random act of kindness?
A.She was pleased about it for the rest of the day.B.She was shamed about it all day.
C.She wanted to pay back the money.D.She thought it insignificant.
2. What happens to the second coffee in a “caffe sospeso”?
A.It is wasted after the man left.B.It is left at the cafe to be donated to a poor person.
C.It is for the commuter only.D.It can only be drunk at the cafe shop.
3. According to the Mental Health Foundation, why do people commit random acts of kindness?
A.They help us earn more money.
B.They can add up some good reputation to us.
C.They give our lives new purpose and a feeling of pleasure.
D.They make problems for us.
4. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 6?
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One pleasant New-year morning, Edward rose, and washed and dressed himself in a hurry. He wanted to be first to wish a happy New Year to his family. He turned up at every door of the house, and shouted the words of “Happy New Year” in an excited voice. After a quick breakfast, he hopped along the street like a happy bird, greeted and repeated the words to those he met.

When he came back, his father gave him 50 dollars, saying he could buy whatever he had been wishing for. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some interesting books that he had seen at the bookstore. He thanked his father and danced out of the house again with a light heart, wanting to buy those books.

As he ran down the street, he noticed a poor German family, the father, mother, and three children trembling with cold. “I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man took a look at the happy boy and shook his head sadly.

Edward stopped and said, “It seems that you do not belong to this country” The man again shook his head, a confused expression appeared over his face, for he could not understand or speak English.

But the poor man pointed to his mouth, and to the children with hungry looks, as if to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”

Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in difficult situation.

Paragraph 1:

He took out his dollars, and gave them all to the man.

Paragraph 2:

When Edward went home, his father asked what book he had bought.

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10 . It was nearly dark. The sun was dropping down behind the mountain. Little Tom came back home, with tears in his eyes.

“What’s the matter, Tom? How’s your trip?” his mother asked with a big smile.

“I failed. The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way. I still wanted to go ahead, but I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back,” Tom cried.

“It doesn’t matter. You are only 14 years old after all. You will have another chance,” his mother said.

“But standing at the top of the mountain is my dream!” Tom said.

His father came over and asked, “Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain?”

“Sure, and there were a lot of beautiful flowers on both sides of the road,” Tom replied.

“Did you hear the birds singing?” his father asked.

“There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees, and the sound was very sweet,” Tom said.

“Did you feel the beauty of nature?” his father asked.

“Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the colourful flowers made a nice picture,” Tom answered.

“That’s enough!” his father smiled and said. “Please remember, son, for often, completing your goal (目标) is not the most important thing. You didn’t reach the top of the mountain, but you got a lot on the way.”

“It is true that not every dream will come true, and that not every job will end up with a success. The most beautiful views are on the way.

1. When did Tom return home?
A.In the morning.B.At noon.C.At midnight.D.In the evening.
2. Why didn’t Tom reach the top of the mountain?
A.Because he got lost in the mountain.B.Because he was too hungry.
C.Because he was tired and it was so late.D.Because he was only 14 years old.
3. What did NOT Tom see on his way to the mountain?
A.Clear water.B.Blue sky.C.Beautiful flowers.D.Green trees.
2023-12-11更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区青铜峡市宁朔中学2023-2024学年高二会考英语试卷
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