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1 . Joy is an emotion experienced by many but understood by few. It often refers to a broad sense of being satisfied with life that appears after experiencing a sense of awe or wonder. It also relates to accomplishing something we’ve wanted for a long time. It’s usually mistaken for happiness, but joy is experienced naturally, while happiness is often pursued.

Joy triggers (引发) a series of physical and psychological changes that can improve our health. When joyous, our breathing becomes faster, our heartbeat increases, and our chest and entire body feel warmer. These changes make our body prepared for movement and also make us feel more mentally prepared to take on life’s challenges. These changes in body and mind are also associated with improved mood.

Interestingly, joy is both a state and a trait (特质). This means that while some of us only experience it as a result of a joyful situation, others have a capacity for it, that is to say, they’re able to experience joy regardless of whether they’ve encountered something joyful. Some research suggests that this capacity is genetic, with estimates that about 30% of people have this “gift for joy”. This means they’re hardly influenced by their external environment and may find it easier to experience joy.

But just because some people may find it easier to experience joy, that doesn’t mean we can do nothing to help boost our experience of it. Sharing and preparing food with others can help us experience more joy, as it can enhance what’s known as psychological flourishing — the highest level of wellbeing. Researchers also find that doing exercise in company with other people or accomplishing an exercise-related goal we never thought we were capable of can lead to joy. Another simple way to boost feelings of joy is by writing down how you feel. In one experiment, participants who spent 20 minutes a day writing about positive experiences for three months reported better moods compared with participants who wrote about different topics.

However, while joy is wonderful to experience, it isn’t the only emotion we’ll feel in our life. It’s important to embrace all the emotions we experience — be that sadness, anger, happiness or joy.

1. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
2. The changes triggered by joy can ________.
A.make our breath fasterB.increase our heartbeat
C.prepare our body for movementD.make us feel challenged
3. Why is joy a trait?
A.Because it’s a result of a joyful situation.
B.Because it’s an experience of few people.
C.Because it’s a general capacity.
D.Because it’s a genetic talent.
4. Which of the following statements does the author agree with?
A.Food is an important source of joy.
B.It’s joyful to exercise with other people.
C.Being a writer makes you have better moods.
D.Joy should be valued more than other emotions.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“I have to be home earlier than all my friends,” my teenage son, Jordan, said. “I’ m seventeen years old, and I still have a curfew(宵禁). Legally, I’m practically an adult.”

“You’re not an adult,” I said. “You’re still in high school.” “None of my friends had a curfew. You don’t trust me.” “It’s not about trust,” I said. “It’s about wanting what’s best for you. I want to protect you.” “Protect me from what? Having fun?”

I sighed. How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted the best for him? I decided to go for a walk. I opened the front door and nearly stepped on him: a small black cat with a white-tipped tail. “Hi, Meatball,” I said, scooping him into my arms. “Are you ready to come back inside?”

Meatball usually seemed happy enough to come in the house, but after an hour or two, he sat by the door, meowing to go back outside. “Why won’t he just stay in with us all the time?” Nathan asked. “Because he’s used to living outside,” I said.

Jordan’s curfew had become an ongoing discussion that rarely ended well for either of us. I decided to ignore his comment. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything else.

One night in January, temperatures were usually low. Meatball stood at the door, meowing to go outside. “It’ s too cold out there, Bud,” I said. “You’ll freeze.” He stared at me and meowed again. “Mom’s not being mean to you,” Nathan told the cat. “She’s just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen Meatball.” We both laughed at his joke.

The next morning, I couldn’t find Meatball. Jordan said, “I let him out last night.” It took me several minutes to find him curled in a tiny ball beneath my husband’s car. I picked him up, unsure if he was alive or dead. While I called the vet, Jordan warmed towels in the dryer and wrapped them around Meatball.

“I’m sorry, Buddy,” I heard him say over and over again. “Mom was right. Even though you didn’t want to, I should have made you stay inside where it was safe.”


As I drove to the vet’s office, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat for warmth.


On the drive home, Jordan surprisingly apologized to me.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I met Steven on my way to Dublin Airport at the end of a business trip. A cheerful, talkative fellow with a friendly smile. As a local taxi driver, he has probably visited every street of the city. But his childhood years spent in Swansea makes him feel Welsh.

“I often wonder where home is for me, I’d like to think it’s Swansea but I have a life here now,” he explained to me. Having left Swansea as a teenager, he has since lost contact with all his childhood friends, and most of his family left there too.

His words surprised me, as I had considered cultural similarities and ease of movement across Europe made the concept of home unrelated. I had thought high tech communications in our globalized world would have shortened the 250 miles distance between Dublin and Swansea to almost none.

It’s just not what I pictured. But I should not have been surprised. Despite growing global connectivity, identity is still central to people’s hearts. Looking back at my own life, I feel perhaps I understand Steven’s situation. I was born and grew up in Chongqing, in Southwest China. After living for eight years in London, I have made many local British friends and learnt to appreciate British humor. With a reputation as one of the world’s most multicultural cities, London always makes its residents feel welcome regardless of their origin. But I also felt a little “something missing” in Steven’s words.

As China increasingly opens up to the world, more and more Chinese will travel abroad to work, study and live, but China will remain forever a home for them. And sitting in Steven’s taxi, witnessing his love for Swansea, I realized the desire for such a place you belong to is universally shared.

1. Why does the writer mention Steven’s story?
A.To describe a wonderful taxi driver he met in Dublin.
B.To share interesting travelling experiences in the UK.
C.To show the difference between his life and the writer’s.
D.To introduce people’s feelings of living far from home.
2. What does the writer intend to tell us in Paragraph 4?
A.The longer one stays in a place, the more connected he feels.
B.London has become his sweet home regardless of his origin.
C.Globalization doesn’t take away people’s desire for identity.
D.Steven and the writer both feel unwelcome in a strange place.
3. Which of the sayings can best explain the writer’s feelings in the end?
A.East or west, home is best.B.Great minds think alike.
C.Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.D.All roads lead to Rome.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.My Oversea Life in LondonB.The Longing for Home
C.A Story of Two CitiesD.A Small, Small World
完形填空(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just arrived at the airport to travel home. As I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized my _________ had just begun.

This was my first visit alone to the international terminal (航站楼) of the airport, and nothing was _________. I couldn’t make sense of any of the _________. Where was the check-in counter? I felt as if I were deaf and blind and stupid. I began to _________. I had to find help!

I tried to ask a passing businessman for help, but my _________ came out wrong. He frowned and walked away. I had been in this country for a semester, but could not even remember how to ask for directions. Awful! Another _________ arrived at the terminal, and the passengers came out carrying lots of luggage. Right! I could _________ them to the right place.

I dragged my enormous suitcase, went after them and reached the elevators. Oh, no! They all fit in it, but not enough room for me. I watched _________ as the elevator doors closed. I was abandoned again! I got on the elevator when it returned and _________ all the buttons. Which one could it be? I pressed button 3 because I thought I saw those passengers pressed 3, though only a quick glance. The elevator climbed up to the third floor and stopped. A high, unpleasant noise __________ the opening of the doors, and I looked around __________.

Tears formed as I saw the empty hall and realized I would __________ my plane. Just then an elderly airport employee walked towards me. He guessed I was __________ and offered to help. He patted my shoulder to ease my anxiety. We walked up some stairs, turned a corner, and reached the check-in counter!

When I turned to thank him, he was gone. I never got an opportunity to know that man’s name, but I would always remember his unexpected __________. Without his timely help, I would have missed my plane. I hope I will be able to do the same for another traveler experiencing a(n) __________ journey.

A.in surpriseB.in reliefC.in delightD.in despair
A.tried outB.clicked onC.stared atD.sorted out
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Ben was bothered every time he went through the kitchen. It was that little metal contain on the shelf above his wife Martha’s cook stove, which he had been repeatedly _________ never to touch. The reason, she said, was that it contained a “secret _________” from her late mother, and since she had no way of ever _________ the container, she was _________ that if Ben picked it up and looked inside, he might accidentally drop it and spill its _________ contents.

Ben never saw Martha cook a dish without taking the container of the shelf and sprinkling (洒) _________ a little of the contents over the ingredients. Whatever was in that container, it surely _________ Anyone who ever ate at their house felt Martha was the best _________ in the world. Looking into that container became increasingly _________ for Ben, but he never allowed himself to do so.

Then one day Martha became ill and was kept overnight in the hospital. Feeling lonely and bored in the house after returning home, Ben __________ the kitchen, and then the container on the shelf immediately came into view. It __________ his eyes like a magnet, and he quickly looked away, yet his curiosity brought him back again. He carefully took the container off the shelf, and opened it. Ben became __________ when what was inside came to I his sight. The container was empty, except for a little folded slip of paper at the bottom. He carefully picked it up and slowly __________ it under the kitchen light. Ben immediately __________ the handwriting as that of Martha’s mother. Very __________ it said: “Martha to everything you make, add a dash of love.”

A.broke intoB.wandered intoC.ran out ofD.went back to
完形填空(约430词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . Scientific discovery is popularly believed to result from the sheer genius of such intellectual stars as naturalist Charles Darwin and theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Our view of such unique contributions to science often _________ the person’s prior experience and the efforts of their lesser-known predecessors (前任者).

_________ such greats as Darwin and Einstein—whose remarkable contributions are duly celebrated — we suggest that innovation is more a process of trial and error, where two steps forward may sometimes come with one step back, as well as one or more steps to the right or left. This evolutionary view of human innovation weakens the idea of _________ genius and recognizes the accumulative nature of scientific progress.

Consider one _________ scientist: John Nicholson, a mathematical physicist working in the 1910s who assumed the existence of ‘proto-elements’ in outer space. By combining different numbers of weights of these proto-elements’ atoms, Nicholson could recover the weights of all the elements in the then-known periodic table. These successes are all the more noteworthy given the fact that Nicholson was _________ about the presence of proto-elements: they do not actually exist. Yet, amid his often fanciful theories and wild guesses, Nicholson also _________ a new theory about the structure of atoms. Niels Bohr, the Nobel prize-winning father of modern atomic theory, _________ this interesting idea to come up with his now-famous model of the atom.

What are we to make of this story? We propose that science is constantly _________, much as species of animals do. In biological systems, organisms may display new characteristics that _________ random genetic mutations (变异). In the same way, random or accidental mutations of ideas may help pave the way for __________ in science. __________ mutations prove beneficial, the animal or the scientific theory will continue to thrive and perhaps reproduce.

__________ for this evolutionary view of behavioral innovation comes from many domains. Consider one example of an influential innovation in US horseracing. The so-called ‘acey-deucy’ stirrup (马镫) placement, in which the rider’s foot in his left stirrup is placed as much as 25 centimeters lower than the right, is believed to give important speed advantages when turning on egg-shaped tracks. It was developed by a relatively unknown jockey named Jackie Westrope. Had he __________ the speed advantage that would be provided by riding acey-deucy? No. He suffered a leg injury, which left him unable to fully bend his left knee. His __________ just happened to coincide with enhanced left-hand turning performance.

Plenty of other stories show that fresh advances can arise from error, misadventure, and also pure serendipity — a happy __________. The time seems right for abandoning the naive notions of intelligent design and genius, and for scientifically exploring the true origins of creative behavior.

A.Aiming atB.Longing forC.Holding backD.Setting aside
A.got rid ofB.made room forC.jumped off fromD.put up with
A.result fromB.contribute toC.depart fromD.relate to
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 生活中除了金钱、房子、车子等财富,也有如知识、健康、经历等隐性财富。作为高中生,你所理解的财富是什么?请以“My Treasures”为题用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下要点:1.我眼中的财富2.拥有它们的意义3.获取它们的途径
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8 . Camping is a rite of passage (成人仪式) if you grow up in Canada. It’s a child’s first_________of what living in the wild really means. But growing up as an immigrant from India, I thought it was ___________ .

Then I __________26 and started trying new things. I had been __________mental health issues for quite some time and I discovered being out in nature helped me calm down._________, I decided to try camping.

Then I overheard a(n)__________ between my father and mother. “Why does she have to do this? Doesn’t she know she can just stay at home?” my father asked. “This is what Canadian kids do, it’s okay, she’ll be fine!” my mom__________ . My parents had no___________in me surviving one night in the wild.

My friends and I___________our campsite in the woods. As the day went on, we ate, played by the water and met our camping neighbors. Time felt like it __________; life felt gentler and easier. As the day turned into night, the stars came out and I was amazed by all the__________lights above me. Morning came. I didn’t even realize I was __________ to leave until we started packing everything up.

I wasn’t just leaving, having accomplished something I ___________thought I would do. I was leaving with a real sense of community, a real sense of __________for what the great outdoors had to offer, and a completely different __________ to an activity that I had thought strange for so many years.

A.set upB.beat downC.drew onD.rose to
A.shot upB.slowed downC.broke outD.put off
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Dr. Smith of New York works at a center for children who can’t learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for________ at his office.

The father told Dr. Smith about his son. “My son has ________ in learning and can’t even play baseball. He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing ________. ”

After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he ________ his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a ________ and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a ________ on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and ________ the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same ________ anyone makes. Every time he ________ the pencil, it went the wrong way. The father’s face became red.

At this ________ the doctor shouted at him, “Hurry up! Why are you ________ so long? You can’t do such an ________ thing! You don’t know left from right!” These ________ made the father very angry.

“Now you can ________, can’t you?” The doctor said to him. “Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ”

________ the father understood everything. He put his face down. Now he felt so sorry.

A.waited forB.searched forC.believed inD.called in
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was an ordinary but unforgettable Saturday, and everything was nice and peaceful. The wind, soft but a little cool, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes. I was walking along the river, which is rushing and sparkling between green banks, and enjoying some hot chocolate with the sun shining down on me on this nice spring day. I was in the mood to do something nice for a stranger and started to look around for an opportunity to do a random act of kindness.

Two minutes later I was approached from across the pathway by a complete stranger. I wasn’t sure why he was approaching me, when from out of nowhere he started talking to me really rudely. I could tell he was probably drunk or high or who-knows-what, so I just stayed calm and kept walking ahead. There were hundreds of people sitting on benches nearby and walking along the South Bank with me, so I wasn’t really worried.

However, as I tried to walk along, he kept saying offensive things to me and trying to get my attention. I tried to change my course and he kept following me, coming closer each time, and just wouldn’t leave me alone. At one point, he literally cornered me near the rail next to the river at which point I got really scared and didn’t know what to do. Although there were people everywhere, I got worried that the bystander effect might kick in and nobody would do anything about what they were seeing. I was praying that one of the many people sitting on benches nearby who could hear everything and watched this whole episode unfold would be courageous enough to help me out of this situation. “What should I do? What should I do?” I was nearly sobbing.

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At this moment, a couple, probably my parents age, passed by me.


Finally, the drunk man left, still saying something in his mouth.

2023-01-27更新 | 210次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市名校2022-2023学年高三上学期一诊英语试题
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