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听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . What are the speakers talking about?
A.A film.B.A novel.C.A foreign language.
2024-04-17更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2022~2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When I learned that our community library was hosting a Book Nerd Challenge, I got excited. My granddaughter and I needed a little _______   to increase the quality of the books we read, so I suggested we _______ .

The goal was to read fifty books in a year. I’m an English teacher. This didn’t seem like much of a _______ . Then, I read the small _______   that there were fifty different categories ranging from historical non-fiction to a book with a red cover. Not so _______ after all.

The experience created a _______ between my granddaughter and me. We read a couple of the _______ novels, but we mostly read different titles. However, we had interesting _______ based on the similar themes in our books and we _______ the authors’ styles, different genres, and our favorites. With fifty categories to choose from, I ________ my all-time favorite I read once and several classics.

________ , inspired by a stubborn need to meet the goal, I ________ myself to make time to visit the worlds and characters of the novels. During the Book Nerd Challenge, sometimes I made excuses for ________ when I was unwilling to continue. But after a year, reading became a ________ I desired. My life became more ________ as I grew intellectually. Reading made me uninterested in TV programs. The realistic stories of life ________ the unrealistic dramas on the screen.

Now I find books can provide a better ________ . Perhaps the greatest benefit I ________ through my increased reading is the ________ it has on my writing. Reading improves my vocabulary, models unique styles, provides new insights, inspires new ideas, and stimulates a desire to ________ other authors’ successes.

A.move onB.turn downC.sign upD.show off
2024-04-17更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省安康市汉滨区高三联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Technology seems to discourage slow, immersive reading. Reading on a screen tires your eyes and makes it harder for you to keep your place. Online writing tends to be more skimmable than print. The cognitive neuroscientist Mary Walt argued recently that this “new norm” of skim reading is producing “an invisible, game-changing transformation” in how readers process words. The neuronal circuit (回路) that sustains the brain’s capacity to read now favors the rapid absorption of information.

We shouldn’t exaggerate this danger. All readers skim. From about the age of nine, our eyes start to bounce around the page, reading only about a quarter of the words properly, and filling in the gaps by inference. So far, the anxieties have proved to be false alarms. “Quite a few critics have been worried about attention spans lately and see very short stories as signs of cultural decline,” the American author Selvin Brown wrote. “No one ever said that poems were evidence of short attention spans.”

And yet the Internet has certainly changed the way we read. For a start, it means that there is more to read, because more people than ever are writing. And digital writing is meant for rapid release and response. This mode of writing and reading can be interactive and fun. But often it treats other people’s words as something to be quickly harvested as fodder (素材) to say something else. Everyone talks over the top of everyone else, desperate to be heard.

Perhaps we should slow down. Reading is constantly promoted as a social good and source of personal achievement. To a slow reader, a piece of writing can only be fully understood by immersing oneself in the words. and their slow comprehension of a line of thought,

The human need for this kind of deep reading is too tenacious for any new technology to destroy. We often assume that technological change can’t be stopped and happens in one direction, so that older media like “dead-tree” books are kicked out by newer, more virtual forms. In practice, older technologies can coexist with new ones. The Kindle has not killed off the printed book any more than the car killed off the bicycle. We still want to enjoy slowly formed ideas and carefully-chosen words. Even in a fast-moving age, there is time for slow reading.

1. What would Selvin Brown probably agree?
A.The culture is on the decline.B.Online writing ruins immersive reading.
C.Worries of attention spans are unnecessary.D.Reading poems is important to attention spans.
2. What is TRUE about digital writing?
A.It lays the foundation for fast reading.
B.It counts on regular interaction with the readers.
C.It requires writers to give up traditional writing modes.
D.It causes too much talking and inadequate deep reflection.
3. What does the underlined word “tenacious” in the last paragraph mean?
4. Which can be the best title for this article?
A.Slow Reading: Here to StayB.Immersive Reading: So Wonderful
C.Reading Habits: Constantly ChangingD.Digital vs Print: A Life-and-Death Struggle
2024-04-17更新 | 178次组卷 | 4卷引用:重庆市西南大学附属中学、重庆市育才中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman's second book titled?
A.Michael's Sunshine.B.Midnight.C.The Snow Tree.
2. Why does the woman write on the topic of forgiveness?
A.It always interests her.B.It's a popular topic.C.It touches readers most.
3. What is the woman working on recently?
A.A research project.B.A book review.C.A new book.
4. What did the woman want to be at first?
A.A writer.B.An interviewer.C.A movie maker.
2024-04-17更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省抚顺县高级中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次教学质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Like many people over the past few years, I have found myself turning to audiobooks as my main means of reading literature. I find it far more comfortable to “read with my ears” while my eyes are resting. My consumption of new books has doubled as a result--but a recent paper makes me wonder if this will come at the price of my comprehension.

The study comes from Boaz Keysar and Janet Geipel, both at the University of Chicago, and it draws from the “dual process model” of mental processing. According to this-view, we have two ways of assessing information. System 1 is intuitive (直觉的),   relying on natural ability and feeling. It is quick, but likely exposed to misinformation. System 2 is analytical involving the use of logic reasoning. It is mentally demanding. When it is engaged, we think our way through the material step by step. For decades, psychologists have designed various tests to determine which of these two systems a person is using. As one example, consider the/ following question: How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the Ark (方舟)? If you answered two, you were probably only considering the core of the question, which is System 1 thinking. To get to the right answer-zero, you need to think more carefully about the wording, which would allow you to remember it was Noah who built the Ark, not Moses. That is the kind of analytical process.

Keysar and Geipel’s brilliant idea was to investigate whether the sensory form-seeing vs. hearing-of the information would make a difference. They found that it did: when answering these kinds of simple questions, participants were more likely to make errors when the sentences were spoken out loud, rather than written.

A greater reliance on our feelings could be a problem if we are consuming information that needs logical study. For this reason. I will return to reading non-fiction with my eyes rather than my ears. But I won’t stop listening to novels. I am quite happy to go with the flow of my emotions while my critical mind takes a break.

1. What does the author think of listening to audiobooks?
A.It is economical.B.It is demanding.
C.It is time-consuming.D.It is relaxing.
2. Which of the following best describes System 2 model?
A.Fairly reliable.B.Fully automatic.
3. Why is the Ark mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To present a fact.B.To illustrate a view.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To draw a conclusion.
4. What does the author intend to tell us?
A.Listening to books comes at a price.
B.Reading non-fiction books benefits.
C.Critical thinking is a must in reading.
D.Ways of processing information differ.
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . What does the man think of the novel?
2024-04-17更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省五莲天立学校2021-2022学年高二英语下学期阶段性模拟考试英语
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了由戈登·科曼(Gordon Korman)撰写的小说《重启》。

7 . The novel Restart was written by Gordon Korman and published in 2018. The book tells the story of Chase, a middle school student who loses his memory after an accident. At the beginning of the story, Chase gets knocked unconscious when he falls off a roof. When he wakes up, he can remember his name, but he doesn’t remember his past or his identity.

When Chase recovers and returns to school, he begins to learn about his own history through the reactions of the other students. As it turns out, Chase, once a star athlete, used to have fun hurting weaker students. Some people are afraid of him, some are angry with him, and some treat him like a hero. He finds that he doesn’t really like the people who used to be his best friends.

After his accident, Chase also has a different personality. He is no longer mean to other kids. However, everyone expects him to act the same as before. It takes time for the other students to learn to trust this new version of their old classmate. Each chapter is narrated (叙述) by a different character, so we get to hear every side of the story.

Gordon Korman has said that he enjoys writing for junior high school students because this is the age when kids begin to form their own opinions. In Restart, Korman addresses the themes of friendship, making mistakes, and getting a second chance. The novel explores the stories of a former bad guy and his victims, and gives readers a close look at the ways trust can be lost and rebuilt. The big picture comes together in little bits and pieces as each character offers their own details.

Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes each of us would like to start over. In Restart, Korman shows us how to correct our mistakes and make it up to the people we have hurt.

1. What helps Chase rediscover his past?
A.His memory of the accident.B.His fellow students’attitude towards him.
C.His status as a school hero.D.His best friends’ account of his school life.
2. How is Restart unique in writing style?
A.It features vivid pictures.B.It consists of obvious comparisons.
C.It is written from the view of an adult.D.It contains narrations of different characters.
3. Which statement would Gordon Korman most likely agree with?
A.Friendship and trust can be regained.B.Lost memories can be brought back.
C.Some mistakes can never be corrected.D.High school is the best age to restart.
4. What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A book review.C.A fairy story.D.A diary entry.
2024-04-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届新疆喀什地区高三下学期4月适应性检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A recent survey in the US found that Gen Z-ers and Millennials (千禧一代) visit libraries more often than their parents or grandparents. The young love libraries because they are secure, comfortable, free and — as my 11-year-old would say — “aesthetic”. This means they look good in the background of an Instagram post or TikTok video. It’s also a great place to meet people. If you’re both young and in a library, chances are you have similar interests.

And then, too, there are the books. Gen Z-ers are turning out to be big readers, especially of paper books. Even though, or perhaps because, they have in their pockets the most limitlessly distracting devices ever invented, many are deliberately choosing to pick up a piece of 15th-century technology instead. They like the fact that books are self-contained and require concentration.

There is, sometimes, a sense of nostalgic (怀旧的) cosplay in the way young people read. In New York, for example, the latest TikTok-fuelled craze is reading with strangers in bars. You have to buy a ticket in advance, and then you all gather and sit in silence for 30 minutes, reading whatever book you’ve brought along. Like an expensive version of going to the library, except that afterwards you all have a drink and talk about books.

The very thought of it makes me suffer, but that’s because I’m a child of the 1970s and 80s. To me, reading is a private pleasure, while screens — TV or cinema — are social. I did once, in a fit of ambitious parenting, introduce a “family reading hour”, during which my husband and children were pressed to join me at the fireside for some silent reading. It could not have felt more performative if we had dressed up in top hats and crinolines (旧时的衬裙). But still, I applaud these young readers — for knowing what is good for them, for seeking out human connection, for finding the beauty and pleasure in old institutions, and for bringing new life to the library.

1. Which of the following is a reason why the young love libraries?
A.They enjoy the sense of safety and freedom.
B.They are free to use social media in libraries.
C.They consider e-reading a way to discover beauty.
D.They expect to meet people with different interests.
2. What do we know about the latest TikTok-fuelled craze in New York?
A.It’s a trend of reading with the family in bars.
B.It’s a learning approach advocating silent reading.
C.It’s a gathering attended by strangers free of charge.
D.It’s a reading fashion integrating the old and the new.
3. What can be learned about the author’s understanding of reading from paragraph 4?
A.It is a delightful social experience.B.It is a way of personal enjoyment.
C.It is a significant parenting pattern.D.It is a painful routine practice.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.A Gen Z Way to Refresh Libraries
B.A Realistic Look of Library Reading
C.A Broad View of Libraries and Social Media
D.A New Way to See Human Connection with Libraries
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了作家Jo Usmar的四本最受欢迎的书。

9 . My Favourite Books

Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列) of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.


Roald Dahl

I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl’s writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. Matilda’s battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, are equally funny and frightening, but they’re also aspirational.

After Dark

Haruki Murakami

It’s about two sisters—Eri, a model who either won’t or can’t stop sleeping, and Mari, a young student. In trying to connect to her sister, Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse “night people” who are hiding secrets.

Gone Girl

Gillian Fynn

There was a bit of me that didn’t want to love this when everyone else on the planet did, but the horror story is brilliant. There’s tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It’s a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what’s going on is horribly enjoyable.

The Stand

Stephen King

This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around. After a serious flu outbreak wipes out 99.4% of the world’s population, a battle unfolds between good and evil among those left. Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever.

1. Which of the following tells about Mari and Eri?
C.After Dark.
D.The Stand.
2. What kind of book is Gone Girl?
A.A folk tale.
B.A biography.
C.A love story.
D.A horror story.
2024-04-17更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019年新高考全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解真题题型切片
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The printed book is back. Recent studies have shown that students retain more information when they read a hard-copy book compared to reading on a digital device.

E-books may come with a “suite of navigational tools,” but it turns out that the best navigational devices are your forefinger and thumb.     1     To think, all this time, those devices have just been just sitting there, dangling at the end of your arm.

    2     Old-fashioned books also have a search function, in which you turn back to the opening chapter to remind yourself of the hero’s surname. They even have a “bookmark system,” which uses a device called a “bookmark.”

Fans of the e-book point out that digital text is easy to annotate.    3     Traditional-book users have a similar system called a “pencil.” With it, favoured passages can be underlined and, if it’s a history book, pretentious comments can be written in the margin.

    4     In secondary school my physique was transformed by the daily need to carry science textbooks. For me and my fellow students, placing these weighty tomes in our backpacks would draw our shoulders back and our chests forward in a way that turned the school into the equivalent of a military parade ground.

    5     But for the moment, I find myself standing at attention, flexing my textbook-built shoulders and saluting their glorious return.

A.full bookshelf is at once a sound baffle and a store of knowledge.
B.Admittedly, e-books are lighter than paper volumes, but one must question whether this is really an advantage.
C.Also, the smell of old books in a second-hand bookshop is instantly evocative.
D.Fans of digital books may point out that e-readers have a handy “search” tool.
E.You can use them to flip the pages forward and backward.
F.Educational fads come and go, so maybe the shift back to traditional books won’t last.
G.Some devices even feature a little image of a pencil to guide the reader through the process.
2024-04-16更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆阿克苏库车市第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试题
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