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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Life isn’t fair. Some people just seem blessed with the ability to effortlessly charm (吸引) anyone they meet. Well, it might seem like a magical power, but in fact there are a number of factors at work.     1     The answer is: to a large extent, yes you can.

But first, the bad news. People at first judge each other according to physical appearance. With just a glimpse of a face, people make quick judgements about each other’s likeability, trustworthiness and confidence. How should we deal with this?     2     People regard a smiling face as more trustworthy, warmer and sociable. It sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Smile and others will smile with you.

What other tricks might we have?     3     Consequently, three things we can do to signal that we are not a threat: raise our eyebrows quickly, raise our heads slightly, and once again, to smile.

So we’ve looked at body language, but of course what you say is hugely important too, unless you want to just stand there smiling foolishly. The golden rule of friendship is if you make people feel good about themselves, they’re going to like you. In other words, you should not talk about yourself and all your wonderful achievements.     4    .

Finally, finding common ground helps form a connection. Charming people are particularly skilled at seeking out shared interests or experiences to bond with others.     5     And if all else fails, you can fall back on that most British topic: the weather. It can be a nice start of a conversation.

A.Instead, you need to show interest in them.
B.So, can you learn to develop superhuman charm?
C.There’s one surprisingly simple tool: your smile.
D.Shared interests are the key to making connections with others.
E.Asking where someone’s from allows you to find areas in common.
F.Our brains often survey the environment for friend or enemy signals.
G.What good tricks might we take advantage of to become charming?
2024-05-09更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省鄂北六校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Many people changed residences and are eager to get familiar with their new neighbors. Here’s a quick refresher on making the most of neighborhood relationships.

Begin at the beginning. Building good neighborly relationships starts when you or someone else moves into the area. If a new neighbor moves in, be proactive (主动的) and welcome them to the neighborhood.     1    . Consider taking a plate of cookies or a small housewarming gift. Share your contact information and offer to answer any questions they may have about the community, including your favorite restaurants or the best local service providers.

    2    . Don’t create things that are unpleasant to look at or allow your property’s condition to affect the value of neighboring homes adversely (不利地). Being kind to those around you includes keeping your yard tidy, removing snow from your sidewalks, and collecting trash and recycling bins after the truck has passed.

Be inclusive. If you are hosting a large party, consider extending invitations to your neighbors. During the holiday season, remember the people next door with a card, a homemade goodie, or an offer of assistance. Give without expectations.     3    .

Allow people to be human.     4    , and it’s impossible to know what others are going through. Don’t be too quick to assume a sligh (轻蔑) is personal or intended.

Accept it. If you have tried your best to resolve a conflict without success, let it go. Sadly, some people won’t like you whatever you do. And you aren’t going to enjoy some people.     5    . Be pleasant anyway, and be thankful that you get to live your life and they get to live theirs.

A.Maintain your space
B.Be the first to stop by and say hello
C.It’s easier to accept it and move on
D.Everyone has a bad day now and then
E.Take steps to ensure it won’t happen again
F.Let others know you are thinking of them
G.Some neighbors are more easygoing than others
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Organizations and societies rely on fines and rewards to harness people’s self-interest in the service of the common good. The threat of a ticket keeps drivers in line, and the promise of a bonus inspires high performance. But incentives can also backfire, diminishing the very behavior they’re meant to encourage.

A generation ago, Richard Titmuss claimed that paying people to donate blood reduced the supply. Economists were skeptical, citing a lack of evidence. But since then, new data and models have prompted a sea of changes in how economists think about incentives — showing, among other things, that Titmuss was right often enough that businesses should take note.

Experimental economists have found that offering to pay women for donating blood decreases the number willing to donate by almost half, and that letting them contribute the payment to charity reverses the effect. Dozens of recent experiments show that rewarding self-interest with economic incentives can backfire when they undermine what Adam Smith called “the moral sentiments”. The psychology here has confused blackboard economists, but it will be no surprise to people in business: when we take a job or buy a car, we are not only trying to get stuff — we are also trying to be a certain kind of person. People desire to be esteemed by others and to be seen as ethical and dignified. And they don’t want to be taken for suckers. Rewarding blood donations may backfire because it suggests that the donor is less interested in being selfless than in making a buck. Incentives also run into trouble when they signal that the employer mistrusts the employee or is greedy. Close supervision of workers coupled with pay for performance is textbook economics — and a prescription for gloomy employees.

Perhaps most important, incentives affect what our actions signal, whether we’re being self-interested or civic-minded, manipulated or trusted, and they can imply — sometimes wrongly — what motivates us. Fines or public criticism that appeal to our moral sentiments by signaling social disapproval (think of littering) can be highly effective. But incentives go wrong when they offend or diminish our ethical sensibilities.

This does not mean it’s impossible to appeal to self-interested and ethical motivations at the same time — just that efforts to do so often fail. Ideally, policies support socially valued ends not only by harnessing self-interest but also by encouraging public-spiritedness. The small tax on plastic grocery bags enacted in Ireland in 2002 that resulted in their virtual elimination appears to have had such an effect. It punished offenders monetarily while conveying a moral message. Carrying a plastic bag joined wearing a fur coat in the gallery of antisocial conduct.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we know that __________.
A.economists didn’t agree with Titmuss for the lack of empirical evidence
B.organizational and social progresses depend on economic incentives
C.economic incentives actually discourage people to behave well
D.economists now prompt businesses to note down Titmuss’s claim
2. According to experimental economists, __________.
A.more money is offered, fewer people donate blood
B.a decreasing number of people donate blood for charity
C.economic incentives may run in the opposite direction
D.economic incentives clash with “the moral sentiments”
3. We know from the text that incentives to are characterized as __________.
4. The small tax on plastic grocery bags in Ireland is mentioned to show that __________.
A.Ireland is determined to eliminate plastic pollution
B.incentive policies by the government are more effective
C.incentives can make use of self-interest and encourage good deeds
D.monetary punishments usually have moral implications
2024-05-05更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The recent criticisms of Taylor Swift for her silence on the war in Gaza highlight a peculiar issue: the unrealistic expectations we place on celebrities to be know-alls. It’s a topic worth looking into.

While many are quick to urge figures like Taylor Swift to lend their voice s to critical global conversations, a concerning pattern emerges on the flip side: celebrities navigating the dark waters of complex debates with limited knowledge. Take, for instance, Billie Eilish’s fashion choice at the Oscars — a red hand pin. This wasn’t just any accessory (配饰); it’s rooted in the upset history of the 2000 cruel treatments of two Israelis. It begs the question: Was Eilish aware of the weighty story this symbol carries? This moment serves as a reminder of the nuanced (微妙的, 细节的) balance celebrities must strike between being supportive and the profound responsibility of using apublic platform.

The celebrity culture in the United States, where public figures are elevated to almost god-like status, plays a significant role in this phenomenon. They are seen as perfect, their opinions holy. This is not only unfair to the celebrities themselves, who are, after all, only human, but it also takes away from the voices of actual experts on these subjects. When we prioritize a celebrity’s opinion over those with lived experience or specialized knowledge, we do a disservice to the complexity of these issues.

As a society, we must reevaluate our obsession with celebrity culture and recognize the limitations of looking to entertainers for guidance on complex issues. This doesn’t mean celebrities can’t or shouldn’t speak out on matters that affect them personally or on which they’re well-informed. It’s entirely appropriate for Taylor Swift to publicly support political candidates in her home country. The action stems from personal values and people’s engagement, which are different from commenting on international conflicts without a deep understanding of the nuances involved.

In advocating for this nuanced approach, we’re not suggesting celebrities should remain silent on all matters of public concern. Instead, we’re calling for a shift in how we, as the public, perceive and react to their involvement in social and political issues. By adjusting our expectations, we can foster a healthier, more informed public discussion that prioritizes substance over the temptation of star power.

Ultimately, the goal should be to create a more empathetic, informed society that values expertise and genuine activism over celebrity support. By encouraging public figures to use their platforms responsibly and directing our attention to where they can make a real difference, we take a step toward a more nuanced understanding of global issues. This isn’t just about relieving celebrities of undue burdens; it’s about empowering all of us to seek out and elevate the voices that matter most.

1. Why is “a red hand pin” mentioned in Para.2?
A.To make fun of Billie’s limited knowledge on debating.
B.To show Billie’s unawareness of irresponsible advocacy.
C.To speak ill of Billie’s poor taste for fashion at the Oscars.
D.To criticize Billie for his abuse of the public platform.
2. What does “this phenomenon” in Para. 3 refer to?
A.Billie’s unreasonable selection of a red hand pin at the Oscars.
B.Celebrities’ irresponsible opinions on critical global conversations.
C.Public’s great desire for celebrities to comment on key global issues.
D.Taylor Swift’s golden silence about the crucial international concern.
3. According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A.experts tend to increase the complexity of the issues
B.celebrities’ voices are as important as those of experts
C.celebrities should air views on matters at home and abroad
D.we should reassess the social and political roles of celebrities
4. Which of the following might be the best title of this passage?
A.Expect the UnexpectedB.Public Platforms, Powered Places
C.The Downside of Celebrity AdvocacyD.The Essence of Celebrity Responsibility
2024-05-05更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It’s never easy to say no, especially when we’re invited somewhere by someone close to us.    1     Maybe it’s time to learn how to turn down an invitation without hurting people’s feelings.

Put off your response. Avoid immediately responding to a request that you believe you will turn down. A quick “No” will deprive (剥夺)you of time to come up with a kind refusal. Instead, a simple “Let me check my calendar and get back to you” will often work.     2    .

Check your calendar for conflicts. If you are lucky, you may discover a scheduling conflict that enables you to honestly decline due to the previous promise.    3     . When you see your calendar is busy, take a little extra time in advance to think about a kind refusal.

    4     If you already know you want to decline before checking your calendar, you may have a specific reason in mind. Do you dislike the task ? Are you planning to attend the event with someone else? Think about reasons you can give that focus on aspects of the request rather than the person making it.

Remember to respond.    5     You may leave them with the impression that you don’t value them. Therefore, it’s important to reply to requests in a timely manner. When declining, try to emphasize non-personal reasons for doing so.

A.Avoid admitting your schedule is open.
B.Identify the exact reason why you want to decline.
C.However, the person may ask you for another time.
D.This gives you time to create a response in your head.
E.But often, we find ourselves saying yes and later regretting it.
F.Keep these in mind if the other party asks why you are declining.
G.Forgetting a request may hurt people or make you an impolite person.
2024-04-19更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市铁锋区2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite?” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored?”

To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.

Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.

This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.

There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.

1. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research?
A.To dismiss national concerns.B.To check out a potential bias.
C.To enhance human communication.D.To develop harmonious relationships.
2. What is one effect of people’s liking gap?
A.Fewer chances of new projects.B.Underestimation of their ability.
C.Bad relationships with people around.D.Low willingness to interact with others.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Restate opinions.B.Deliver warnings.C.Give suggestions.D.Make a summary.
4. Which might be the best title for the text?
A.Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B.First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C.People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D.How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . We often think about relationships on a scale from positive to negative. We are drawn to loving family members, caring classmates and supportive mentors. We do our best to avoid the cruel uncle, the playground bully and the jerk boss.

But the most harmful relationships aren’t the purely negative ones. They’re the ones that are a mix of positive and negative. We often call them frenemies, supposed friends who sometimes help you and sometimes hurt you. But it’s not just friends. It’s the in-laws who volunteer to watch your kids but devalue your parenting. The manager who praises your work but denies you a promotion.

Groundbreaking research led by the psychologists Bert Uchino and Julianne Holt-Lunstad shows that ambivalent (矛盾情绪的) relationships can be damaging to your health — even more than purely negative relationships.

Even a single ambivalent interaction can cause harm. In one experiment, people talked about controversial (具有争议性的) topics in front of a friend who offered feedback. The researchers had randomly assigned the friend to give ambivalent or negative comments. Receiving mixed feedback caused higher blood pressure than pure criticism. “I would have gone about the topic differently, but you’re doing fine” proved to be more distressing than “I totally disagree with everything you’ve said.”

The evidence that ambivalent relationships can be bad for us is obvious, but the reasons can be harder to read — just like the relationships themselves.

One reason is that ambivalent relationships are unpredictable. With a clear enemy, you put up a shield when you cross paths. With a frenemy, you never know whether Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde is going to show up. Feeling unsure can break the body’s calming system and activate a fight-or-flight response. It’s unsettling to hope for a hug while also preparing for a likely quarrel.

Another factor is that unpleasant interactions are more painful in an ambivalent relationship. It’s more distressing to be let down by people you like sometimes than by people you dislike all the time. When someone stabs you in the back, it stings more if he’s been friendly to your face.

1. Which of the following can be considered as a frenemy?
A.Your neighbor’s kid who advises you to study hard but kill his own time.
B.Your classmate who admires your hard work at first, but doubts your intelligence later.
C.Your mother’s friend who encourages you to spend more time on homework but less on smart phones.
D.Your father’s colleague who proposes you to do a reasonable amount of homework while ensuring enough sleep.
2. What does the underlined word “distressing” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A.The negative impact of ambivalent interactions is strong.
B.Ambivalent relationships have a long-lasting effect on your well-being.
C.The common cause of high blood pressure is ambivalent relationship.
D.Interactions in ambivalent relationships are more painful than those in negative ones.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Negative relationships are bad for health.B.Ambivalent relationships are unpredictable.
C.Ambivalent Relationships are the most harmful.D.Positive relationships are better than negative ones.
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Around the globe, about 1 in 4 adults says they’re lonely. And the consequences of long-term social disconnection can be everything from an increased risk of heart attacks to dementia (痴呆). The following offers a road map to make connections.

Be curious. It’s easier to connect with people if you have shared interests or experiences, so start paying attention to what’s in your mind. What motivates you? What excites you?     1     If you know what’s meaningful or fun for you, it may lead you to an activity that connects you to others.

Make something. When experts advise making something, people will say, “Well, I’m not Picasso. I don’t know how to do a fancy painting. ” Of course, you’re not!     2     You can try your grandma’s pie recipe or plant an herb garden that puts your thoughts and feelings about who you are and express those thoughts and feelings to others.

    3     Share something about yourself. It doesn’t have to be the darkest secret of your life, but just something other people might find interesting. Putting yourself out there requires a bit of a risk, and it’s the first step to real connection.

Find a group that matches your interests. Whether it’s volunteering fora cause or playing frisbee (飞盘), try to find others who share your interests. There’s even an online group that has a quirky shared interest: a fascination with brown bears in Alaska, which led to Fat Bear Week. In interactions with others, you can begin to reveal yourself and share the unique things that matter to you.     4    

Other people’s loneliness matters too.     5     If loneliness go unaddressed, people can end up in a world of hurt. If you see someone experiencing loneliness, ask them how they’re doing. Share your own experience of loneliness and how you get rid of it. Thus, helping others can also benefit yourself.

A.Pour out your hard feelings.
B.Loneliness can be infectious.
C.Take a risk by having conversations.
D.You should tolerate the risk of being lonely.
E.But the opportunities for creative expression are endless.
F.Knowing yourself can be a first step to bonding with others.
G.Then, other people recognize that and share their story in return.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . While scientists have many ideas, they are not certain why humans yawn(打哈欠). Still, there is one thing experts know—yawns seem to be contagious(传染)!

Have you ever caught a yawn from someone else? Most people have. In fact, a person is six times more likely to yawn after seeing someone else do so. Experts have done many studies into why yawns seem to pass from person to person. As a result, they have a few theories(理论) for the reason behind it.

One possible explanation has something to do with social mirroring, which is caused by mirror neurons(镜像神经元) in the brain. These mirror neurons help the brain notice useful behavior of others and then copy it. When one person sees another yawn, his mirror neurons observe the action and consider it to be beneficial. That may cause him to yawn, too.

Another popular theory is that yawns are contagious because of social relationships. Being social creatures, humans form friendships, families and live together in groups. That’s why many people mirror others, such as smiling when another person smiles. Yawning may be just another example of this. In fact, research has shown that one is most likely to catch yawns from another person if the two share a social relationship.

The answer could even be that yawns aren’t truly contagious at all. Instead, people yawn together simply because they’re in the same environment. Experts say many things may cause yawning, including temperature and time of day. Whatever the explanation is, experts do know that contagious yawns aren’t limited to humans. One study found that lions in South Africa also caught each other’s yawns.

1. What kind of behavior may be copied by mirror neurons?
A.Important and attractive.B.Useful and beneficial.
C.Hard to understand.D.Easy to copy.
2. Whose yawns are people most likely to catch according to Paragraph 4?
A.Those who yawn a lot.B.Those who like smiling.
C.Those closely connected with them.D.Those sharing the same interest with them.
3. What might the author continue talking about in the following paragraph?
A.Tips on how to avoid yawning in public.
B.A real explanation for contagious yawning.
C.Other examples of animals yawning together.
D.Things that may cause yawning among humans.
4. Which of the following serves as the best title?
A.Why yawns are contagiousB.What causes people to yawn
C.Who yawns more than othersD.Why humans yawn now and then
2024-04-03更新 | 134次组卷 | 4卷引用:考题猜想01 阅读理解专练10篇-2023-2024学年高一英语下学期期中考点大串讲(外研版2019)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Life doesn’t always seem fair. Some people are just born with the ability to attract anyone they meet easily. Well, it might seem like a magical power, but actually there are various factors at work.     1     The answer is: to a large extent, yes you can.

But first, the bad news. People initially judge each other based purely on physical appearance With just a glimpse of a face, people make snap judgments about each other’s likeability, trustworthiness and confidence. How should we deal with this?     2     People perceive a smiling face as more trustworthy, warmer and sociable. It sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Smile and others will smile with you.

What other tricks might we have?    3     Consequently, three things we can do to signal that we are not a threat: raise our eyebrows quickly, tilt (仰起) our heads slightly, and once again, to smile.

So we’ve looked at body language, but of course what you say is hugely important too, unless you want to just stand there grinning foolishly. The golden rule of friendship is if you make people feel good about themselves, they’re going to like you. In other words, you should not talk about yourself and all your wonderful achievements.     4    

Finally, finding common ground is good to form a connection. Charming people are particularly skilled at seeking out shared interests or experiences to bond with others. Simple things like asking where someone’s from really can open up a discussion and allow you to find areas in common. And if all else fails, you can fall back on that most British of topics: the weather.    5    

A.It can break the ice.
B.So, can you develop exceptional charm?
C.There’s one incredibly basic tool: your smile.
D.Alternatively, you need to display interest in them.
E.What effective strategies can we employ to become charming?
F.Our brains frequently scan the surroundings for signs of friend or enemy.
G.Mutual interests are the foundation for building connections with others.
共计 平均难度:一般