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1 . Many centuries ago, all people had to gather seeds and plants to eat. They did not know how to farm or raise animals for food. We call them the Stone Age people because they used stone tools and weapons.

You may feel surprised in the world today there are still people who live like the Stone Age people. They live in the places that are hard to reach. Because they have met few people from the outside world, they don’t know about modern inventions. They have not learned ways of doing things from others.

For 25,000 years, groups of people have lived alone in the middle of Australia. One of these groups is the Arunta tribe (部落). They do not know how to farm and how to raise sheep or cattle.

The Aruntas spend most of their time searching for food and water. The men hunt animals with stone-tipped spears. The women and children look for roots, seeds and nuts. They use sticks to dig up the roots. Several Arunta families live together. They have no house. At night, they sleep around small fires.

Now other people are moving into the center of Australia. Soon the Aruntas will no longer be a Stone Age people.

1. The Stone Age people are called so because they ____.
A.gathered seeds and plants to eatB.didn’t know how to farm
C.used stone tools and weaponsD.didn’t raise animals for food
2. The Arunta tribe has lived ________.
A.in the middle of AfricaB.in the center of Australia
C.together with other peopleD.in poorly built houses
3. Why do the Aruntas still live in the way as they lived before?
A.Because they have not yet learned new ways from other people.
B.Because they do not want to change their way of living.
C.Because other people are moving in and living with the Aruntas.
D.Because each family live alone without knowing others.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.the Australians live much like the Stone Age people
B.the Arunta tribe has a history of 25 centuries
C.the Stone Age people have at last disappeared in the world
D.the Aruntas will change their way of living sooner or later

2 . The United States is a large country. From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3, 000 miles wide. The Atlantic Ocean is on the East Coast and the Pacific Ocean is on the West Coast. Canada is the country to the north of the United States and Mexico is the country to the south. There are many rivers in the United States. The most important ones are the Mississippi River and the Missouri River in the central part of the country, and the Colorado and Columbia River in west. There are 50 states in the United States today.

The American people are of almost every race in the world. This is because of immigrations from abroad throughout American history. The population is now over two hundred million. English is the common language. The largest city in the United States is New York. It is on New York Bay and at the mouth of the Hudson River.

1. It is about 3, 000 miles wide________.
A.from Canada to Mexico
B.from the East Coast to the West Coast
C.from the Atlantic Ocean to the East Coast
D.from the Pacific Ocean to Canada
2. “The American people are of almost every race in the world,” means________.
A.the American people include nearly all the races of the world
B.there are several main races in the United States
C.the American people are made up of the white and the black people
D.the American people consist of only one race
3. What do you know about New York?
A.It is the capital of the United States.
B.It is in the central part of the country.
C.It is the largest city in the United States.
D.It is at the mouth of the Missouri River.
4. New York is________.
A.in the central part of the U. S.
B.on the West Coast
C.at the mouth of the Mississippi River
D.at the mouth of the Hudson River
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Monaco is a tiny country in Southern Europe. It is also the second     1    (small) country in the world after the Vatican. One third of the population in Monaco     2    (be) millionaires.

Due to its small size, the country     3    (make) use of land from the Mediterranean Sea since the 1880s. It was only in the 1960s and 1970s     4    broader land reclamation(开垦) took place. The entire district now known as Fontvielle was totally reclaimed from the sea.

Now Monaco plans to expand     5    (it) size even more. They develop a new neighborhood known as Portier Cove. The     6    (construct) already started in 2017 when marine sediment (海洋沉积物)was removed,     7    (expose) the rocky seafloor to lay the foundations.

The project aims to be finished by 2026. Portier Cove will house up to 1,000 people in luxury homes. The area will also include a marina(码头),a park and     8    awesome public place for walking.

Some experts, who show disapproval of the project, argue that there could be damage     9    the sea life and that the marine ecosystem may     10    (replace) by dry land. To reduce the risk of damage, an artificial reef will be constructed and rare shells and grasses have already been relocated.

2021-05-12更新 | 123次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐地区2021年高三年级第二次质量监测(乌市二模)英语试题
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