组卷网 > 知识点选题 > 国家与民族
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| 共计 4 道试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many aspects of the United Kingdom does the man refer to?
2. Which of the following is NOT a historical monument?
A.Windsor Castle.B.The Tower of London.C.The National Gallery.
3. Which of the following film series was NOT produced by a British studio?
A.Harry Potter.B.Star Wars.C.James Bond.
4. Which of the following sports originated in the United Kingdom?
2023-12-18更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省曲靖市麒麟区帅亚高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

My motherland, China,     1     capital is Beijing, is a great country with a long history and rich culture. It     2    (locate) in the east of Asia, with an area of 9,600,000 square kilometers and     3     population of 1.4 billion. Our country     4    (consist) of 56 nationalities, among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest,     5    (make) up 94% of the people. There are many beautiful mountains and rivers as well as rich natural     6    (resource) in China. As we all know, the Yangtze River is the third     7    (long) river in the world,     8     the Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. Kung Fu is the crystallization of Chinese     9    (wise) and the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture. The Chinese people are hard-working and brave. Great changes     10    (take) place in China in the past 20 years.

2023-10-13更新 | 159次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南省2021-2022学年高二上学期普通高中学业水平考试英语练习题第一套
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I have five months to travel before I write! I’m going to some countries where I can practice speaking English. Where am I going to start?


It’s the Rockies for me in November! There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere. I’d like to visit Nunavut, the home of the Inuit in the north of Canada, but unfortunately I’m not going to get there.


Australia is very hot from November to March. I love hot weather, so I’m going to arrive in Sydney in December. I’m going to sight see in Sydney—there are so many interesting buildings in the city.


Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹). There are also exciting markets, with beautiful clothes and jewelry. I’m going to spend the month of January there.

South Africa

South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals. It also has a wonderful coastline, so, after the safari, I’m going to find a beach and go swimming there. I’m going in February.

1. If you enjoy mountains, you can go to ________.
A.CanadaB.AustraliaC.South AfricaD.India
2. What’s the perfect introduction to India?
A.The Rockies.B.Rajasthan.C.The buildings.D.The safaris.
3. What can we know from the text?
A.There is a wonderful coastline to visit in India.
B.The author is going to visit Nunavut in December.
C.It is very cold from November to March in Australia.
D.The author will have a chance to see wild animals in South Africa.

4 . The United States is a large country. From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3, 000 miles wide. The Atlantic Ocean is on the East Coast and the Pacific Ocean is on the West Coast. Canada is the country to the north of the United States and Mexico is the country to the south. There are many rivers in the United States. The most important ones are the Mississippi River and the Missouri River in the central part of the country, and the Colorado and Columbia River in west. There are 50 states in the United States today.

The American people are of almost every race in the world. This is because of immigrations from abroad throughout American history. The population is now over two hundred million. English is the common language. The largest city in the United States is New York. It is on New York Bay and at the mouth of the Hudson River.

1. It is about 3, 000 miles wide________.
A.from Canada to Mexico
B.from the East Coast to the West Coast
C.from the Atlantic Ocean to the East Coast
D.from the Pacific Ocean to Canada
2. “The American people are of almost every race in the world,” means________.
A.the American people include nearly all the races of the world
B.there are several main races in the United States
C.the American people are made up of the white and the black people
D.the American people consist of only one race
3. What do you know about New York?
A.It is the capital of the United States.
B.It is in the central part of the country.
C.It is the largest city in the United States.
D.It is at the mouth of the Missouri River.
4. New York is________.
A.in the central part of the U. S.
B.on the West Coast
C.at the mouth of the Mississippi River
D.at the mouth of the Hudson River
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