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1 . September is upon us, which means one thing for parents and children alike: term time. Many will be excited to engage in-person, after months of remote learning. Unfortunately,this won't apply to everyone. It's alarming that an estimated 540,000 children will continue to stay at home, due to mental or physical health concerns directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病).For those that aren't able to attend classes in person, maintaining some form of connection with their peers is vitally important, both to protect their educational development and to prevent them from becoming isolated(孤独)。

No Isolation, a company that specializes in understanding and reducing the impact of loneliness, has decided to take action. Throughout the summer, No Isolation worked with independent researcher,Henry Peck, to better understand the effect of lockdown on educational and emotional development in school-aged children. They collected responses from some primary and middle school students and found that about 1,320 children, or more than 75% of the surveyed, were more or less lonely during the lockdown.

There is no immediate “fix" for loneliness, but there are steps to be taken to help.Parents need to open up a dialogue around what loneliness is, and what it feels like, so as to stress that feeling lonely is completely normal and a topic that is safe to talk about. For adults, loneliness is a shame, which means that often they are not open enough about it with each other, let alone with their children. Parents need to break the taboo around loneliness by talking and encouraging children to share their emotions.They also need to learn to ask for help. Sometimes these emotions need to be talked through with family or with a professional. Now, more than ever, parents should be listening to children and helping to make sure they are heard when they feel lonely. They are facing the same pandemic,and they deserve all of the help and support they can get.

1. What may prevent many young people returning to school in the coming new term?
A.The interrupted connection with their peers.
B.The continued spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
C.The benefits of remote learning they have ever received.
D.The physical and mental impact of the pandemic on them.
2. What do the numbers in Paragraph 2 imply?
A.A bad effect of loneliness.
B.The large number of students in the UK.
C.A worrying common phenomenon.
D.The convincing accuracy of the survey.
3. How can parents help children understand that loneliness is normal?
A.By making sure their children feel safe at home.
B.By receiving education on what loneliness actually is.
C.By talking about the nature of loneliness with their children.
D.By opening up a dialogue about their struggle with children.
4. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Serious consequences of loneliness.
B.Effective ways of dealing with loneliness.
C.Possible ways of breaking the taboo.
D.Great significance of social emotion sharing.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . British people work some of the longest hours in Europe, but are among the least productive. Now some companies are shortening the working week to increase efficiency, health and happiness.

Rich Leigh has introduced a four-day week at his PR company. In fact, his company has Friday off, because his firm has taken a four-day week. It is one of a handful of UK businesses that now operate like this: workers still get paid the same as their five-day salary, but they work a day less. The company found that they achieved just as much—and there were even signs of growth. “The key to the scheme’s success,” Leigh says, “is how happy our employees now are.”

The average British worker takes only a 34 minute lunch break and works 10 hours overtime each week (more often than not this is unpaid). Yet UK productivity falls seriously behind their European neighbors, who tend to work fewer hours.

British working practices have caused loss and damage to the nation’s health and happiness. More than half a million workers in the UK quit jobs with work-related stress or anxiety last year. Moreover, the working conditions are changing. Automation(自动化)and AI will have a significant impact on the labor market, where it’s a struggle to have regular work.

Britain is the only EU member that allows workers to ignore the EU working time limit and work longer hours. Now it is the time for a change. O’Grady, an advocate, argues that where businesses have increased their profits as a result of automation, success should be shared with workers in the form of reduced hours. “It’s time to share the benefits from new technology, not allowing those at the top to enjoy the benefits by themselves.” she says.

1. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.British people are the least productive in the world
B.Most companies in Britain have performed a four-day week
C.PR company has seen a rise in employees’ happiness
D.British people work longer and get more payment than other countries
2. Which is the proper description of British working practices?
A.The working time of British workers is within the EU limit.
B.As to productivity, Britain is beaten by the United States.
C.Profits gained from new technology are on the decrease.
D.Automation and AI are likely to cause an irregular work market.
3. Which can be inferred from O’Grady’ s words in the last paragraph?
A.It’s time for employers to share the increased profits created by automation.
B.Workers should benefit from automation in the form of less working hours.
C.New technology should belong to both businesses and workers.
D.Businesses can’t make more profits without new technology.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce some British firms’ change to a four-day working week.
B.To explain the reasons why British workers suffer stress and anxiety.
C.To make a request for more reasonable working conditions.
D.To present the present productivity problem in Britain.
2021-11-18更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The process of mountaintop removal mining (MTR) has caused permanent damage to Appalachia. Although the law requires that mining companies restore the mountaintops after the mining has been completed, the 1.5 million acres of mountains that have already been removed cannot be regrown, rebuilt, or replaced. The companies do secure the rock formations to prevent erosion and landslides, but their efforts cannot recreate the once-beautiful mountain landscape. Furthermore, while companies are usually cautious about securing the rock formations, they seem less interested in restoring the native plants. MTR operations clear enormous areas of forests; some experts estimate that over 2,000 square miles of forests in the Appalachian region will have been razed by mining companies by the end of this year. Instead of replanting the native trees and shrubs that have been cleared, many companies chose to plant cheap, fast-growing plants.

Environmental threats are not only created in preparing a mountaintop for mining, but they also continue once the coal has been extracted. After the explosion, the excess mountaintop——which miners refer to as “overburden”——is usually dumped into nearby valleys or streams. The overburden contains a variety of poisonous substances, including explosive residue, silica, and coal dust. Over 700 miles of streams in Appalachia have been polluted by this dumping. Although the mining companies have built structures known as “sludge dams” that are intended to contain the runoff, these dams may easily burst or leak, sending thousands of gallons of poisonous chemicals into drinking water.

While the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and other environmental protection bills can theoretically be enforced to protect Appalachia, local lawmakers have been unwilling to take action for fear of upsetting those who believe that the jobs created by MTR are vital to the community. However, instead of bringing jobs and prosperity to poor Appalachian communities, MTR companies actually bring destruction and poverty. MTR does not involve the amount of human labor required by traditional sub surface mining. Despite the poverty. MTR does not involve the amount of human labor required by traditional sub-surface mining. Despite the fact that coal production has increased between 1950 and 2004. the human labor force working in these mines has sharply decreased. In the 1950s, there were approximately 130,000 people employed by the mining companies; by 2004, that number had decreased to 16,00. Moreover, while the coal companies may make enormous profits from MTR, Appalachian communities located near the mines suffer increased rates of kidney cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, chronic pulmonary disorders and vision problems.

1. What does the underlined word “razed” in Paragraph I probably mean?
2. What might the author think of the “sludge dams”?
A.They are of little help in avoiding pollution.
B.They are a threat to local mining companies.
C.They are big enough to contain the overburden.
D.They are cleverly designed to prevent flooding.
3. What do the figures in the last paragraph imply?
A.MTR hasn't contributed too much to employment.
B.The population of Appalachia has decreased greatly.
C.The number of mining companies has declined sharply.
D.Mining companies haven't brought in enormous profits.
4. What does the author try to convey in the text?
A.The importance of traditional coal power.
B.His love for Appalachian communities.
C.His concern about the impact of MTR.
D.The urgency of developing Appalachia.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Bad news sells. If it bleeds, it leads. No news is good news, and good news is no news. Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers.     1     By tracking people’s e-mails and online posts, scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories.

“The ‘if it bleeds’ rule works for mass media,” says Jonah Berger, a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. “    2     But when you share a story with your friends, you care a lot more how they react. You don’t want them to think of you as a Debbie Downer.”

Researchers analyzing word-of-mouth communication—e-mails, Web posts and reviews, face-to-face conversations—found that it tended to be more positive than negative.     3     Then was positive news shared more often because people experienced more good things than bad things? To test for that possibility, Dr. Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories: thousands of articles on The New York Times’ website. He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most e-mailed” list for six months. One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than non-science articles.     4    

Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that arouse (激发) feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad.     5     The more positive an article, the more likely it was to be shared, as Dr. Berger explains in his new book, “Why Things Catch On.”

A.They catch your attention and involve you in discussion.
B.They want your eyeballs but don’t care how you’re feeling.
C.Yet, that didn’t necessarily mean people preferred positive news.
D.The best articles are just like magnets, dragging readers to share them with each other.
E.They needed to be inspired one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad.
F.But now information is being spread in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules.
G.He found that science amazed readers and made them want to share this positive feelings with others.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Children’s heavy digital media use is associated with a risk of being overweight later in adolescence. A recent study shows that six hours of leisure-time physical activity per week at the age of 11 reduces the risk of being overweight at 14 years of age associated with heavy use of digital media.

Obesity (肥胖) in children and adolescents is one of the most significant health-related challenges globally. A study carried out by the Folkhalsan Research Center investigated whether a link exists between the digital media use of Finnish school-age children and the risk of being overweight later in adolescence. In addition, the study looked into whether children’s physical activity has an effect on this potential link.

The study involved 4,661 children who reported how much time they spent on sedentary (久坐的) digital media use and physical activity outside school hours. The study indicated that heavy use of digital media at 11 years of age was associated with a heightened risk of being overweight at 14 years of age in children who reported taking part in under six hours per week of physical activity in their leisure time. In children who reported being physically active for six or more hours per week, such a link was not observed.

The study also took into account other factors potentially impacting obesity, such as childhood eating habits and the amount of sleep, as well as the amount of digital media use and physical activity in adolescence. In spite of the confounding (混杂的) factors, the protective role of childhood physical activity in the connection between digital media use in childhood and being overweight later in life was successfully confirmed.

“The effect of physical activity on the association between digital media use and being overweight has not been further investigated in follow-up studies so far,” says Postdoctoral Researcher Elina Engberg. “In this study, the amount of physical activity and use of digital media was reported by the children themselves, and the level of their activity was not surveyed, so there is a need for further studies.”

1. The subjects of the study were ________.
A.surveyed three years later after the first one
B.those who kept sitting and used digital media a lot
C.4,661 school-aged children suffering from obesity
D.lacking in sufficient leisure-time physical activity
2. What does the underlined word “heightened” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What was the focus of the recent study?
A.Different factors contributing to kids’ overweight problem.
B.The influence of childhood eating habits on children’s obesity.
C.The relationship among kids’ exercise, digital media use and obesity.
D.Children’s academic challenges resulting from heavy digital media use.
4. What might be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.Reasons for carrying out further studies.
B.Guidelines for children and adolescents.
C.Approaches to solving teens’ weight problems.
D.Connections between obesity and physical activity.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I've worked as a social media influencer for four years and have experienced the many positive aspects of this industry. My travels inspired an American woman to take her first solo(独自的)trip to the Middle East, which is a valuable experience. But I’ve also seen the more negative aspects, such as the emotional stress that comes from creating content with the goal of getting as many people as possible to double-tap or like our photos.

So when Instagram announced that it is beginning to test removing likes from the platform, my immediate reaction was a positive one.

Similar to the experience of the average Instagram user, viewing likes creates an incredible point of comparison among influencers. It shifts the focus away from providing value to constantly comparing yourself to other creators.The removal of likes pushes influencers to create valuable content and start meaningful conversations with their followers rather than post content only for the purpose of generating likes. It is a shift in a positive direction and an answer to the call for social platforms to take responsibility for the impact their apps have on users' mental health.

If Instagram does away with likes altogether,the way brands will partner with influencers will also likely change. The influencer marketing industry is still fairly new and most brands make quick judgments using only the ratio(比率)of the number of followers to the number of likes without looking at much else. If like counts are no longer visible, brands will need to take a deeper dive into a creators content and into the quality of the conversations they are having with their audience. This is the true test of an influencer's impact and ultimately, of the return on investment a brand can expect. This change will force brands to get smarter.

Instagram's test to explore removing likes reflects a larger cultural call for connection, community and authenticity online. I believe it would be a welcome change that all users could appreciate.

1. What is the example of an American woman used to prove?
A.The advantage of traveling.
B.The emotional stress of getting likes.
C.The favorable impact of an influencer.
D.The widespread use of modern technology.
2. What can removing likes lead influencers to do?
A.Switch to other social platforms.
B.Focus on the quality of their content.
C.Compare themselves with average users.
D.Stop communicating with their followers.
3. What does the author think of brands choosing partners based on the number of likes?
A.It's risky.B.It's confusing.
C.It's smart.D.It's inconvenient.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Does removing Instagram likes affect our health?
B.How can influencers get more Instagram likes?
C.Should Instagram get rid of likes for good?
D.Why do Instagram infuencers need likes?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . There’s been a frightening increase in the number of people feeling lonely, brought on or made worse by COVID-19. In fact there’s been an epidemic (流行病)of loneliness.

Loneliness is awful and dangerous. For one thing it weakens self-control and that, University of Bristol researchers have found, makes quitting smoking very difficult. Moreover, data from hundreds of thousands of people led Dr. Robyn Wootton, senior research associate at Bristol University and colleagues to conclude that loneliness appears to increase the need to smoke.

According to the Office for National Statistics, the equivalent of 7.4 million people said their wellbeing was affected through feeling lonely in the first month of lockdown. Lonely people were also more likely to be struggling to find things that would help them cope and were also less likely to feel they had support networks to fall back on.

Dr. Robyn Wootton said, “We found evidence to suggest that loneliness leads to increased smoking, with people more likely to start smoking, to smoke more cigarettes and to be less likely to quit.” Senior author Dr. Jorien Treur from Amsterdam UMC added, “Our finding that smoking may also lead to more loneliness is tentative(不确定的), but it is in agreement with other recent studies that identified smoking as a risk factor for poor mental health. A potential explanation for this relationship is that nicotine from cigarette smoke has a great impact on neurotransmitters(神经传导物质)such as dopamine(多巴胺)in the brain.”

Dr. Wootton said with millions of people now being more socially separated, incidences of loneliness will climb. “We were really interested to find that loneliness decreases the likelihood of stopping smoking and we think this is a really important consideration for those trying to stop smoking during COVID-19,” she said. To ease your loneliness and improve your chances of succeeding in quitting, I think one of the best things you can do is to find a “buddy” who’ll try to give up smoking with you. Together you can compare notes, share progress, talk through difficulties, and encourage each other to keep on going when all you want is to give in.

1. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.Lonely people tend to seek something to deal with loneliness.
B.Lockdown do more damage to physical than mental health.
C.People suffering from loneliness often turn to others for help.
D.Self-control is the most important thing to overcome loneliness.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Millions of people failed the attempt to stop smoking.
B.A good way to stop smoking is to get a like-minded person.
C.Smoking is not advocated officially during COVID-19.
D.Those who want to quit smoking need to find good habits.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Health Problems Caused by COVID-19
B.Opinions on How to Give Up Smoking
C.Some Ways in Which Loneliness Harm You
D.Loneliness Makes it Hard to Quit Smoking
2021-11-16更新 | 165次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省海安市实验中学2021-2022学年高一年级上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Those aged 50 or older account for more than 10% of the online population, making the ma growing force on the Internet, as Xinhua reports.

China Internet Network Information Center said that by the middle of this year, about 25% of China's 751 million Internet users were aged 40 or above. Those aged 50 or more ac-counted for over one-tenth of the online population, up by more than 10% from the end of2016, the report said. That makes the elderly an ever-growing force on the Internet as they follow news, search for and share information, shop, seek entertainment and stay connected with family and friends through the Internet. For many, online music platforms such as Tencent's WeSing have created a new stage.They can find songs released in the 1980s and1990s on such platforms, connect with other singers who share similar tastes and even sing together with a complete stranger.

About 70% make videos to share online, 40% use the Internet to pay mobile phone bills and 30% shop online, according to a report by Tencent and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Many also know how to give money in hongbao by WeChat.Elderly WeChat users have even created a series of special emojis, featuring various big characters and extremely bright colors. A report by Tencent said they are usually filled with positive energy.Such emojis, which carry traditional messages such as "Wish you every success!" and "Have a wonderful morning!" are considered by many young people.

1. What can we learn about the aged online population according to the passage?
A.Less than 10% of the people aged 50 or older go online.
B.By the middle of this year, about 25% of China's Internet users were aged 40 or above
C.40% of the aged make videos to share online.
D.70% of the aged prefer to use the Internet to pay mobile phone bills.
2. The elderly usually do the following online except_________.
A.they follow news, search for and share information
B.they contact with family and friends through the Internet
C.they sing together with a complete stranger online
D.they don't shop online.
3. The word "they" in paragraph 3 refers to _________.
A.the aged peopleB.the emojis
C.the reportD.WeChat users
4. What may be the best title of the passage?
A.China's Internet population
B.China's WeChat users
C.China's aged Internet explorers
D.China's elderly people
2021-11-15更新 | 58次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省百校大联考2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . For many businesses, the Internet has created benefits that go beyond their wildest dreams. It has reduced the costs of advertising and increased visibility for companies all over the world. Such freedom of access to information has a dark side, though, and many businesses are learning about the hard way.

These days, if you want to find a particular shop, just type in the name of the place you’re looking for on Google Maps to get directions instantly. You can also get information about hours of operation, the business’s telephone number, and more.

Unfortunately, some dishonest folks are using dirty tricks to manipulate(暗中控制)the system and deceive users. The problem exists because Google Maps is partly a crowdsourced undertaking, meaning anyone can enter information about a business whether it is true or false. All dishonest competitors have to do is enter a fake address, incorrect business hours, or any other lie about their competitors.

Google Maps is also littered with thousands of businesses that don’t even exist. Clicking on their links directs users to ill-intentioned sites. One particular group of businesses that have been taken over by liars almost completely are locksmiths. A large percentage of them are illegal businesses that aren’t licensed. These dishonest artists know how vulnerable you are, and they only take cash.

Using Google Maps isn’t the only way that businesses are waging war against one another on the Internet. Some shady businesses post fake negative reviews of their competitors on websites such as Yelp. It is so common that it can be difficult to tell the genuine reviews from the fake ones.

Crowdsourcing allows us to find out the good and the bad about businesses. Unfortunately, the fake reviews and the cheat make finding reliable businesses online far less convenient. For business owner, being the victims of effective cyber-attacks can actually be nails in their coffins.

1. The benefit of using the Internet for business listed in the passage is ________.
A.making it cheaper to promote one’s company
B.making it easier for customers to contact one’s company
C.making it convenient for one to communicate with clients
D.making it simpler for one to find top-quality employees
2. According to the article, we know about Google Maps that ________.
A.it provides a filter system to tell registered businesses from fake ones.
B.it is hard for users to manipulate information without permission
C.it will easily make users become virus-infected
D.it is difficult to find a legal locksmith on there
3. What does “nails in their coffins” mean in the final paragraph?
A.The businesses will start to take off.
B.The businesses will go out of business.
C.The businesses will need to advertise less often.
D.The businesses will need to invest more money.
4. What is the main idea of this article?
A.The Internet has caused a lot of trouble for some businesses.
B.The Internet has resulted in the death of traditional businesses.
C.The Internet creates both benefits and problems for businesses.
D.The Internet has brought more positive than negative results for business.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . It may be the holiday season, but the spirit of peace and good will has not infected the streets of Los Angeles. More drivers seem to be rolling through stop signs and running red lights than ever before. Everyone seems to be in a terrible hurry.

Why is everyone in such a hurry? Where are they rushing to?

I think perhaps the answer lies in answering this question: What does that round of parties and meeting and mad rushing from place to place allow all of us to avoid confronting? T think the answer is clear- ourselves.

There is an experiment where subjects had to choose between being alone with themselves and their thoughts for approximately 15 minutes and receiving electric shocks. The majority chose the shocks-a reflection of how painful, frightening,threatening,confusing,boring(!),you name it... we find being alone with just ourselves and our thoughts.

Our desire not to be with our innermost thoughts is so great that we create and find distractions. In the car, we can make phone calls or listen to music. We live in a world of endless opportunities for distraction.

I understand the desire. Life is hard. Growing is a painfully slow process. To keep moving requires determination and strength - and giving up seems so much easier (as do those electric shocks!) We may win some battles, but the war is never over. Sometimes we are just too tired to fight and just need that music or that book to relax. I just instinctively(本能地)tun on the radio when I get in the car; I don't even give the quiet a moment to sink in.

But it's time for a reality check; otherwise we slip into an avoidance mode. It's challenging. But let's make a change. Instead of rushing from house to car to meeting to groceries to... let's take a moment to stop and think before each activity. What do I want to achieve now? And what is the best way to do that? Maybe I could think of ways to grow.

1. Why does the author mention drivers on the streets of Los Angeles?
A.To describe a strong holiday atmosphere.
B.To present a unique social situation in America.
C.To raise his question on why people are in a rush.
D.To show that it's time to improve road safety in America.
2. Why did the majority of subjects choose electric shocks?
A.They found the innermost thoughts great.
B.They enjoyed being alone with themselves.
C.They refused painful and threatening distractions.
D.They wanted to find opportunities for distraction.
3. What does the author think of the people who chose the shocks in.the experiment?
A.They should be more courageous.
B.Their attitude to life was unexpected.
C.Their behavior was understandable.
D.They should refuse to take part in the experiment
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.Fighting distractions.
B.Being with ourselves.
C.Reviewing our mistakes.
D.Rushing from place to place
2021-11-13更新 | 158次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省海门中学、淮阴中学、姜堰中学2021-2022学年高三上学期11月阶段测试(期中)英语试题
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