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人教版2019必修二 Unit 1 同步教材主题读后续写专练


Passage 1

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Lost & Found

Emily was very sad because her little sister drew pictures on her science project. This was not the first time that her sister had ruined her school work. So, Emily requested her parents to buy her a study table with drawers (抽屉) where she could safely keep her books.

Emily’s parents could not afford to buy a new table. However, they agreed to buy her a second-hand table. One day after school, Emily’s mother took her to the second-hand store so that she could buy the table of her choice. By accident, she opened a drawer in an old black table. And, guess what? A small plastic bag with some dollar bills!

“Maybe I have found somebody’s secret bag. Am I the luckiest twelve-year-old? My birthday is coming up soon. With this money, I can buy myself great presents. And maybe I can even buy things for my family.” Emily thought. She stared at it with greedy (贪婪的) eyes and quickly pushed the bag to the end of the drawer. She told her mother she wanted that black table and later it was organized in her room.

When everybody left, she locked the room, quickly opened the drawer and took the plastic bag with dollars out. There was a note in the money bag. It seemed that some old lady was saving the money for her children and grandchildren. She could hear her heart beat louder and louder when finally she counted twelve thousand dollars.

But now, with the money she had, she thought that she would have to make up many lies to spend it. She would have to hide the money all the time. She thought, “This money is not meant for me.” She had felt the worst fear of getting caught from the moment she thought of stealing.

Finally, she called her parents into her room.
The store owner was quite surprised on hearing the story.

Passage 2

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There was something in the elderly woman’s grace that caught my eye. Although slow and unsure of her steps, the woman moved with deliberation(从容), and there was no hesitation in her gestures.

It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall. From inside the store, I could see the people outside rushing by.

The elderly woman entered the store, along with her daughter, who was displaying a serious case of impatience, rolling her eyes, sighing and checking her watch every few seconds. I guessed if she had possessed a rope, she would have fastened it to her mother to drag her along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.

The elderly woman separated from her daughter and began to seek through the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title written on an old piece of paper.

Rather than rush off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it. Looking back, I thought I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment. Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who’d passed away the previous Christmas. I missed my mom and still felt regretful about the moments when I’d used my impatience to make her life unhappy.

As we walked along the back of the store, I introduced its floor plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.

We found the DVD and she thanked me, saying that it was the one she’d enjoyed when she was her daughter’s age. Unwillingly, I accompanied her to the cash register, realizing I had to return the elderly woman to her daughter, who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.

2020-10-08更新 | 608次组卷 | 12卷引用:山东省济宁市2019-2020学年高三上学期期末英语试题

Passage 3

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4)

Once upon a time there was a rich man who had a servant who served him diligently and honestly. Every morning the servant was the first one out of bed, and at night the last one to go to bed. Whenever there was a difficult job that nobody wanted to do, he was always the first to volunteer. He never complained about any of this, but was contented with everything and always happy.

When his year was over, his master gave him no wages, thinking, “That is the smartest thing to do, for it will save me something. He won’t leave me, but will gladly stay here working for me.”

The servant had a good heart, so he did his work the second year a she had done before. At the end of this year he received no wages again, but he still stayed on without complaining. When the third year had passed, the master thought it over, then put his hand into his pocket, but pulled out nothing.

However, this time the servant said, “Master, I have served you honestly for three years. Be so good as to give me what by rights (按理说) I have coming to me. I would like to be on my way and see something else of the world.”

“Yes, my good servant,” answered the master. “You have served me without complaint, and you shall be kindly rewarded.” Then he put his hand into his pocket, and counted out three dollars one at a time, saying, “There, you have a dollar for each year. That is a large and generous reward. Only a few masters would pay you so much.”

The good servant, who understood little about money, put his wealth into his pocket, and thought, “Ah, now that I have a full purse, why should I worry and continue to plague myself with hard work?”

So he set forth, uphill and downhill, singing and jumping for joy.


On the way, a little dwarf stepped out, and called to him.


The dwarf was not satisfied. He asked for more help from the servant.

2021-08-10更新 | 60次组卷 | 2卷引用:(人教版2019 必修二) Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Reading & Writing


Passage 1

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They don’t mean it

Our family moved here from China two years ago, and we thought we were pretty well adjusted to American ways. This year my parents decided to give a party on Chinese New Year and invite some of our American friends.

The party went pretty well. Our guests were amazed at the flavor of all the special foods. After the dinner, they thanked us for showing them what a real Chinese New Year dinner was like.

“I loved the dishes. You and the girls must have spent hours doing all the work!” Mrs. O’Meara said to my mother.

“The girls helped with the cutting and I’m sorry they did such a terrible job.” said Mother.

I heard a little gasp(倒吸气) from my friend Kim O’Meara, who stared wide-eyes at Mother. When I asked what the matter was, she told me she just didn’t understand why my mother said so.

I had to laugh. “She doesn’t mean it! It’s just the way she talks.”

Seeing her still confused look, I went on explaining, “In China, parents consider it good manners to deny praises about their children. Otherwise, it would be the same as bragging(自夸).” Kim seemed a little hesitant, but she nodded anyway.

That Easter, the O’Mearas invited our family for dinner. Mrs. O’Meara cooked a huge ham which we enjoyed a lot. As Mrs. O’Meara started cutting up the cake for dessert, Mother said, “I’m not sure if I can eat one more bite. That was the best ham I’ve ever tasted!”

“Aw, that ham was terrible,” said Kim. “I bet you could do a lot better, Mrs. Yang.”

注意:1. 续写短文词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

There was a stunned (震惊的) silence around the table.

Paragraph 2:

I finally knew how Kim had misunderstood what I had said.

2022-04-04更新 | 630次组卷 | 12卷引用:湖北省十一校2021-2022学年高三下学期第二次联考英语试题

Passage 2

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65)
阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay Art Museum, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum.

“Do you have the address?” Sally asked while we were on the way.

“No, but I will recognize it. There was a picture in the magazine” I answered confidently.

“Oh There it is.” I pulled my car slowly over a house which seemed like a house with heavy smell of life rather than a former residence(故居).

Surprisingly, nobody was at the gate and admission was free. We opened the door and entered, excited. A group of people sitting around a table stopped chatting and started at us.

A sweet girl in her teens locked her eyes on us and welcomed us with a sweet smile, “Hello, but who are you looking for?”

A man stood up and said almost at the same time “May I help you?”

“No,” I said. “We’re fine.”

Tour guides got on my nervous. What if they talked a long time about a painting you were not that interested in? Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very confused, keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? Some nice sculptures were well placed along the staircases(楼梯) and some paintings from Van Gogh or Picasso were hanging on walls and I appreciated them and highly praised the most beautiful house. Suddenly a picture of a man surrounded by a warm family caught my eyes and I also spotted the sweet girl among them.

“This is the most beautiful house I have visited.” said I, turning sharply, almost scaring the girl standing behind me.

“The most beautiful house ? The most beautiful house!”She murmured.

“Am I at the McNay Art Museum?” asked I .

1. 所续写的短文的词数应为150 左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:

She smiled, shaking her head.

Paragraph 2:

Years later, after a public speech, a woman approached and thanked me, asking whether I once entered a house , thinking it was the McNay Art Museum.

2020-12-23更新 | 511次组卷 | 12卷引用:2020届山东省威海荣成市高三上学期期中考试(含听力)英语试题


Passage 1

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65)

One weekend in July,Jane and her husband,Tom,had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest.Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.By the time they reached the lake,Jane was so angry that she said to Tom,“I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away.

With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time.After she had climbed to a high place,she turned around,hoping to see the lake.To her surprise,she saw nothing but forest and,far beyond,a snow-capped mountain top.She suddenly realized that she was lost.

“Tom!”she cried.“Help!”

No reply.If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.Jane kept moving,but the farther she walked,the more confused she became.As night was beginning to fall,Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.Lying awake in the dark,Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.

Jane rose at the break of day,hungry and thirsty.She could hear water trickling(滴落)somewhere at a distance.Quickly she followed the sound to a stream.To her great joy,she also saw some berry bushes.She drank and ate a few berries.Never in her life had she tasted anything better.Feeling stronger now,Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.

As she picked her way carefully along the stream,Jane heard a helicopter.Is that for me?Unfortunately,the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above.A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead.Jane took off her yellow blouse,thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.

Paragraph 1:

But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.

Paragraph 2:

It was daybreak when Jane woke up.

2019-11-06更新 | 1503次组卷 | 15卷引用:专题09 读后续写-五年(2016~2020)高考英语真题分项(浙江)

Passage 2

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65)

While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, I had one of life-changing experiences. It happened only two feet away from me.

In order to find my friend among the passengers, I noticed a man walking toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family.

First he smiled at his younger son, about six years old, as he laid down his bags. They gave each other a long hug(拥抱). I heard the father said, “It’s so good to see you. I missed you so much!” His son smiled shyly and replied happily, “Me too, Dad!”

Then the man stood up, cupping (捧着) his eldest son’s face in his hands and said, “You are already quite a young man. I love you very much, Zach!” Then the father gave the son a warm hug.

At the same time, the man’s baby girl was squirming(来回扭动) excitedly in her mother’s arms. The man said, “Hi, baby girl!” as he gently took the baby from her mother. He kissed her face. The little girl felt satisfied in her father’s arms.

After that, he handed the baby to his eldest son and gave his wife the longest and warmest hug. He gently said, “I love you so much!” They looked at each others’ eyes with big smiles on their faces.

At that moment, they reminded me of newly-married couples, though it couldn’t be possible by the age of their sons. Full of admiration, I asked, “Wow! How long have you two been married?”“Almost 10 years in total,” the father replied.

Paragraph 1:

When asked how long he had been away from his family, he said it was only two days.

Paragraph 2:

“I hope my marriage is similar to yours!” I talked to him.

2020-11-26更新 | 214次组卷 | 2卷引用:人教版(2019)英语必修第二册UNIT 1《CULTURAL HERITAGE》达标测评
共计 平均难度:一般