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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:115 题号:10157459

We’ve all been told to dress warmly or we’ll catch cold. But science says the common cold is caused by the virus, not the weather. Actually, according to researchers at Yale University, there just might be something to this old wives’ tale.

For decades, researchers have known that the virus replicates (复制) more readily in cooler environments, such as the nose, rather than at the warmer core body temperature. The reason for this, explains Ellen Foxman, an assistant professor at Yale University School of Medicine, long remained a mystery. Scientists didn’t know whether the virus itself worked better at colder temperatures, or the immune system worked worse. “No one could find anything,” she says.

Then Foxman and her colleagues studied what’s called the born immune system, which is present in every cell, and how it responds to various temperatures when the virus is present. In the lab, they examined airway cells from mice and found that the immune system produced fewer chemical substances called interferons at lower temperatures, allowing the cold virus to flourish.

In a study published this year, they found supporting results in human cells: At the warmer core body temperature, born immune systems that block viral growth are more active, and can stop and kill viruses. Now the team is trying to better understand the defenses the body uses to prevent the virus.

While wearing a scarf around your nose to warm it up might help prevent a cold, Foxman recommends washing your hands so you don’t pass the virus to your eyes, nose, or mouth in the first place. “If the virus isn’t in your nose, it can’t cause infection,” she says.

1. What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph mean?
A.Listen to the elders.B.The tale makes sense.
C.The tale is interesting.D.The research is useless.
2. What did the Foxman team find?
A.The virus increased in warmer environments.
B.The mice was more active in warmer conditions.
C.The immune system produced more antivirus in warm air.
D.A chemical in the immune system can stop and kill virus.
3. What does the Foxman team suggest to prevent the cold?
A.Wearing a scarf.B.Dressing warmly.
C.Washing the hands.D.Stay warm in winter.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Cold weather causes cold.B.Tips on protecting immune system.
C.Cold impact the body’s immune system.D.Many viruses can cause the common cold.


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】It’s normal to wake up on the wrong side of the bed every now and then. But who wants to be unhappy for an entire day? There are a few simple steps to make today a brighter day for you.

Wake up early

By waking up even just fifteen minutes earlier, you’ll give yourself a bit more time to prepare yourself for the day ahead.     1     .So you should consider setting your alarm for the time when you want to be up and out of bed.


Exercising your muscles first in the morning will restart your system and set the tone for the rest of the day. You’ll do something healthy and productive, which will lift your mood(心情)and make you more energetic. Morning exercise can also prevent muscle pain, help you sleep sounder and lose weight.

Write a to-do list

If you have a lot on your mind, writing a to-do list will help, as it will enable you to organize your thoughts and clear your head. Just write down everything that you’re worried about getting done. Then rewrite it in order of importance.     3    .

Have a proper breakfast

Before you go about your day, it is important to eat breakfast.     4    . Don’t try to rush or just grab(抓紧吃)something on the go. Be sure to eat something that will fill you up as well, such as milk or fried eggs!

Wash and present yourself nicely

    5    . This will also make you feel more confident. If you want to treat yourself, run a bath instead of a shower. You’ll find that a little me-time can really cheer up your day.

A.Do morning exercise
B.Take your time over it
C.Exercise at least twice a week
D.Eat as many vegetables as possible for the breakfast
E.It’s a wise idea to shower and make yourself look tidy
F.So you can focus on the most urgent(紧急的)tasks right away
G.You can also take things slowly, rather than rush and stress yourself out
2021-10-29更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】We think of winter as cold and flu season,but the cold temperatures have powerful biological upsides too.

Boosts your brain

    1     .Studies have found that people perform some cognitive(认知的)tasks like making decisions better when the temperature is cooler. Research has also shown that people are less willing to handle complex tasks in the summer than in the winter.

Burns calories(卡路里)

When it's cold,your body works harder to keep your core temperature,which is typically. about 98.6 degrees. "Our bodies use a considerable amount of energy to keep us warm and to dampen the air we breathe when we're out in the cold,"explains Stacy Tucker,an expert from Kansas City.     2       . A recent study showed that participants burned 34 percent more calories when they hiked in 14-to 23-degree temperatures than they did hiking on 50-degree days.

Activates healthy fat

We know accumulating too much ordinary fat or "white fat" can endanger our health. But adults also have small amounts of beneficial "brown fat" that can quicken their metabolism(新陈代谢)and bum more calories     3     .

Encourages better sleep

Your body's core temperature drops when you're trying to sleep.     4     ,but it's much faster in winter,says Tucker. Plus,with darker mornings,you naturally sleep later.


Yes,you might get more colds during the winter. However,studies have shown that the immune system can be activated by colder temperatures,which improves our ability to fight infections,explains Tucker. That said,the flu virus becomes strong in cold,dry air,and time spent indoors increases your chance of infection. To reduce risk,get your annual flu shot,wash your hands frequently,and go outside.

A. Fights infections
B. So fasten your boots
C. Suffers from infections
D. Colder temperatures can help you think more clearly
E. And cold temperatures can activate this useful fat
F. Exercising in the winter makes heart muscles stronger
G. This process can take up to two hours in the summer
2020-10-27更新 | 409次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】It’s normal for teens to want to stay connected with friends and social circle, but what about that happening in the middle of the night? The Journal of Youth Studies recently published new research showing that one in five teens from 12 to 15 regularly wake to spend all night on social media (社会媒体). Not surprisingly, the research also showed that these social night owls were three times more likely than others to feel tired at school and that girls were more likely than boys to be called to office.

The blue light produced by cell phones and computers makes the brain to stay awake, so it's easy to see why a teen might be up all night. A study in Psychological Science showed the same brain reaction: when teens saw large numbers of “likes” on their posts, they stayed awake with excitement as if they had eaten chocolates or won money. Besides not catching up on sleep and interrupting their sleep cycle, teens may never fully enter deep sleep that may be responsible for brain development and learning.

Considering about 72 percent of children from 6 to 17 sleep with some electronic media in their bedrooms, parents need to set rules sooner rather than later.

“Providing access (使用机会) to social media is a favor that children can earn and also lose,” Janie Feldman, an expert who treats sleep disorders (紊乱), reminds parents, “The bad effect is clear. So teens and parents should discuss and agree on its use, timing and access. When teenagers agree to the rules, it’s easier for parents to control how much time they use the phones or computers.”

1. What does the underlined part “night owls” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Girls often called to office.
B.Teens who stay up late on social media.
C.Teens who are busy with their homework at night.
D.Boys regularly waking in the middle of the night.
2. How do teens react when seeing many “likes” on their posts according to the study?
A.They are too excited to go to sleep.
B.They fall asleep easily and happily.
C.They are too excited to go to school.
D.They decide to make more good friends.
3. What suggestion does Janie Feldman give to parents?
A.Making rules about media access together with their children.
B.Getting their children to do homework through computers.
C.Encouraging their children to stay connected with online friends.
D.Stopping their children from using cell phones.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Deep sleep makes a big difference to brain development.
B.Kids are trying to win back the trust of their parents.
C.Social media may have a bad effect on all kinds of people.
D.Social media may cause teens’ sleep disorders.
2020-03-17更新 | 306次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般