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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:103 题号:10379898


Welcome to West Lakes Institute of Technology.You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on your first day of the second semester:

1.Wear your pre-admission student number on your lapel(衣服的翻领)at all times.

2.Do not enter any classroom where classes are already in progress.

3. When asked to provide,basic information about yourself,be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip.

Students who have pre-paid the enrollment fee

9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m.(no later)you should visit the foyer of the Old Chapel building to receive your new student information kit.Once you have your kit,you are not required until 10:30 a.m.,so you can relax in the Student Centre until you are called over the PA system.

Students who are yet to pay the enrollment

Go directly to the Admissions Centre and be prepared to pay your enrollment fee($150 cash only)to the New Admissions Officer.You will be asked for your address and your preadmission student number(the number on your green enrollment acceptance advice slip).Note that this is NOT the number which is later displayed on your student card.Once you have paid your enrollment fee, follow the instructions above for students who have pre-paid their fee.

Student Cards

Student cards will not be issued until Thursday.Photographs,however,will be taken on Monday afternoon.Make your way to the Library at the following times:

1:00 p.m.-Film and Photographic Arts

1:45 p.m.-Marketing

2:30 p.m.-Travel&-Tourism

3:15 p.m.-Hotel Hospitality

4:00 p.m.--Fashion&Design

4:45 p.m.-all other Art students

Photographs of students in all other courses will be taken Tuesday afternoon.

Welcome Address

The Director of the college will address all new students in the Main Hall at around 10:45 a.m.When you hear the announcement that directs you to assemble in the Main Hall,make your way swiftly past the canteen area,through the courtyard and into the Hall.No food or drinks are allowed in the Main Hall.


The canteen is situated on the ground floor of the student building.Since the canteen is also used by members of the public,you will be asked to produce your enrollment acceptance advice slip.Failure to do this will result in all purchases being charged for at non-discount prices.Cooked lunches,are,served only between 12:15 p.m.and.1:30 p.m.

Student Information Kits

The latest student information kit contains a 52-page booklet which tells you where you should go in the afternoon.Look on page three to find the course you have enrolled in,and follow the instructions given.Areas designed for the various tutorial sessions for each course are listed on page 4 to 6.If you are required to have your photograph taken during a group tutorial session,quietly excuse

yourself,and return to the session as soon as possible.
1. According to the passage,students who have already paid the fee
A.should give their address and student number to the New Admissions Officer
B.can enter any classroom to have a rest
C.are required to receive their kit before 9 o'clock
D.can have a minimum of 30 minutes to relax after getting the kit
2. We can learn from the text that"students' enrollment acceptance advice slip_____”
A.displays the same number as that on the student card.
B.allows students to buy things in the canteen at a lower price
C.is only essential to students who haven't paid the fee in advance
D.is required when taking the pictures used for the student cards
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.Marketing students can get their 'student cards at 1:45,Monday afternoon.
B.Students are allowed to have their lunch at 12:30 p.m.in the Hall.
C.The assembly call will be made before the welcome address begins.
D.Students can get their student cards from the Library.
4. We can learn from the last paragraph that during a group tutorial session,
A.you can take a picture
B.you can do anything you like
C.you can leave for the photograph requirement
D.you can read a 52-page book


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Life isn’t fair. Some people just seem blessed with the ability to effortlessly charm (吸引) anyone they meet. Well, it might seem like a magical power, but in fact there are a number of factors at work.     1     The answer is: to a large extent, yes you can.

But first, the bad news. People at first judge each other according to physical appearance. With just a glimpse of a face, people make quick judgements about each other’s likeability, trustworthiness and confidence. How should we deal with this?     2     People regard a smiling face as more trustworthy, warmer and sociable. It sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Smile and others will smile with you.

What other tricks might we have?     3     Consequently, three things we can do to signal that we are not a threat: raise our eyebrows quickly, raise our heads slightly, and once again, to smile.

So we’ve looked at body language, but of course what you say is hugely important too, unless you want to just stand there smiling foolishly. The golden rule of friendship is if you make people feel good about themselves, they’re going to like you. In other words, you should not talk about yourself and all your wonderful achievements.     4    .

Finally, finding common ground helps form a connection. Charming people are particularly skilled at seeking out shared interests or experiences to bond with others.     5     And if all else fails, you can fall back on that most British topic: the weather. It can be a nice start of a conversation.

A.Instead, you need to show interest in them.
B.So, can you learn to develop superhuman charm?
C.There’s one surprisingly simple tool: your smile.
D.Shared interests are the key to making connections with others.
E.Asking where someone’s from allows you to find areas in common.
F.Our brains often survey the environment for friend or enemy signals.
G.What good tricks might we take advantage of to become charming?
2024-05-09更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are a number of ways to help improve final exam test scores without staying up all night and cramming (临时死记硬背), for instance, taking advantage of the resources available and taking care of your body.

Stay on top of your work. Completing all of your work by its due date will help you stay on top of the content, minimizing the time needed to prepare for finals.     1     For instance, attending class is a guarantee not to fall behind in your work.

    2     Don’t feel like you need to give equal study time to each course. Look back at your progress throughout the semester. If your grade is borderline, between a ‘C’ and a ‘B’, for example, or you’re hoping to raise your grade, you’ll want to put in a bit more effort.

Find a study partner or a tutor. It is advisable to find a tutor or a study partner at the beginning of the semester as you can bounce around ideas and ask questions while studying. However, stay away from good friends when struggling with the material.     3    

Select your studying environment strategically. You need a quiet studying location free of distractions.     4    . Sometimes colleges open up conference rooms or other spaces to allow additional room for studying during exam week.

Maintain your health in the finals week. Finals can be a stressful time, so make sure you are taking care of your physical self. Exercise is an effective tool in helping your body reduce stress.     5    

A.Keep track of your progress.
B.Figure out which courses to prioritize.
C.But don’t overdo it this week to avoid a muscle injury over finals.
D.If the library, study area, or outdoors does not work for you, keep looking.
E.Reviewing in the finals week is a lot easier if you’ve been keeping up all along.
F.Plus, you will assess time needed for better academic performance prior to the finals.
G.The best study partner is often someone you don’t know well and less likely hang out with.
2023-03-10更新 | 408次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are two kinds of garlic, a kind of vegetable — hardnecks and softnecks. Plant hardneck varieties in northern areas six to eight weeks before a hard frost (霜).     1     They do not last as long in storage.     2     Their heads contain several rows of smaller cloves (蒜瓣). They are usually the kind shoppers find in supermarkets.

Do not plant the garlic you find in the supermarket.     3     It also may not be the kind best for your growing conditions.

Separate the head into individual cloves. Do not remove the outer part of thin skin. Cover them with soil, press them down and water well. If the temperature falls below four degrees Celsius, add a thick cover of straw (稻草) to the garden bed.     4    

It is fine for the garlic plants to send out green growth, during autumn and early winter, even in northern climates. Do not worry about possible damage to this growth in cold weather.

Remove the straw cover in spring. Put a little fertilizer between each row 5 to 10 centimeters from the stems. Keep the bed free of weeds.

    5     Finally, remember to store garlic heads in a cool, dry spot. Do not wash them.

A.Carefully dig the hole and move off the soil.
B.Water the straw to settle it into place.
C.Softneck varieties are better for growing in warmer climates.
D.Your garlic will be ready for harvest in mid-to-late summer when half of the plant has turned yellow.
E.Their heads have a single row of large divisions, formed around an underground stem (茎).
F.Growers may have made a chemical on it to stop it from growing while at the store or in your home.
G.Plant only garlic seeds from the healthiest heads saved from last year’s harvest.
2024-01-17更新 | 21次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般