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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:10540626

It is every kid’s worst nightmare and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it - twice. Firstly, he lost his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep.

“I tried and I tried and I tried to get her awake - I couldn't,” said Jaden. Jaden was understandably heartbroken.

But there was another side to his grief. A side he first made public a few weeks ago when he told his aunt, and now guardian, Barbara DiCola, that he was sick and tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. And he had a plan to fix it.

“And that was the beginning of it,” said Barbara. “That’s where the adventure began.”

Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a bunch of little toys and bring him to downtown Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away.

“I’m trying to make people smile,” said Jaden.

Jaden targeted people who weren’t already smiling and then turned their day around. He’d go out on four different occasions now and he was always successful. Even if sometimes he didn’t get exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

It was just so overwhelming to some people that a six-year-old orphan would give away a toy- expecting nothing in return - except a smile.

“I’m counting on it to be 33, 000,” said Jaden. When asked if he thought he could make that goal, he answered, “I think I can.”

1. Why did Jaden give the toys to other people?
A.Because he wanted to fix the toys.
B.Because he wanted to see more people.
C.Because he wanted to give the toys away.
D.Because he wanted to make people happy.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Jaden lived with his aunt.
B.Jaden targeted people who were not happy.
C.Jaden got nothing he wanted all the time.
D.Jaden was sick and tired of seeing everyone.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Jaden?
A.Helpful and impatient.B.Creative and tricky.
C.Optimistic and courageous.D.Ambitious and greedy.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I’ve been taking time this week to stop and smell the roses. Literally, I bend over in my neighbors’ front yard, check that nobody is watching, and then bury my head in the flowers.

I’ve also been walking into bakeries, walking around without buying anything.

After having surgery on my broken nose 18 months ago, I haven’t been able to smell or taste things.

This week, however, my nose is back in business.

I’ve been overwhelmed by smells, and it’s given me a new way of thinking. A pleasant smell is just one of the little bits and pieces that make life enjoyable, but which we often ignore. I remember once, when my son was five months old, I was carrying him down the street. Wind swept through and almost tipped us over. He threw his little head back and giggled. He’d never felt the wind on his face. When is the last time I laughed at the weather?

The first time I ate bacon, I rushed home to my parents, determined that we ate this deliciousness at every meal. My father smiled and agreed.

We don’t write postcards about the small things. We don’t frame them in photographs. They aren’t that great or grand, but without them, life is altogether too loud. These quiet experiences give us a chance to enjoy the simple fact of being alive.

As my sense of smell returns to me, it’s like I’m smelling things for the first time. They’re full of memories and magic. Food tastes better, and the air is indeed sweet. I know what the poets mean now. It almost makes my broken nose worthwhile. Now, I am waiting for this bandage to come off. There’s an itch I can’t reach!

1. With the first two paragraphs, the writer mainly tries to      .
A.give examples of how she kills timeB.show that she loves doing secret things
C.get readers to wonder about her behaviorD.discuss new ways on how to enjoy spare time
2. What does the underline phrase “a new way of thinking” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.A habit of overcoming ignorance.
B.A habit of giving personal consideration.
C.An ability to fully use our limited attention.
D.An ability to discover the pleasure of small things.
3. The tone of the story is      .
2020-07-16更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Holly O'Brien didn't know Meagan Hughes, another Korean American nurse working on the same floor at Doctors Hospital of Sarasota. After O'Brien and Hughes finally met, they did begin to notice parallels' in their lives. They were both certified (持证的) nursing assistants. They were both orphans who had been adopted by American families. And their reasons for ending up at the orphanages (孤儿院) were the same: abandonment.

Suddenly, the coincidences seemed more than merely interesting. In fact, for years, O'Brien sensed that she'd had a half-sister in Republic of Korea. Though her mother had disappeared when she was an infant and she was only five when her father was killed by a train, she had a memory of her and her father living, briefly, with his second wife and a baby girl. O'Brien was ultimately adopted by a loving couple from Alexandria, Virginia, but her Korean childhood never left her. She remembered one night, when she was about nine years old, she woke up from a dream and screamed, “My daddy died. I have a sister. I need to find her.” O'Brien's adoptive family contacted the orphanage in Korea for information, but there was no record of a sibling.

Hughes wasn't troubled by lingering memories; instead, she was haunted because she didn't have any. Adopted when she was four by a family in Kingston, New York, she couldn't remember either of her biological parents. “My whole life has been a question in my mind, and emptiness,” she said.

Now the coincidence of meeting O'Brien offered the chance to fill in the blanks. A year ago, the urses decided to take at-home DNA tests and mailed the samples away to be analyzed. Less than two weeks later, O'Brien got an e-mail. Their DNA matched -- they were half-sisters.

“Is this really happening?” said Hughes. O'Brien was shocked but also relieved. “In my heart, I knew,” she said "I knew she was out there somewhere.” After more than for long decades O'Brien had finally found the missing piece of her pest, working just a few feet away from her.

Today, the sisters wear special necklaces, each with a heart-shaped charm, as a symbol of their bond. “She will always be in my heart,” said O'Brien.

1. Which is true about Holly O'Brien and Meagan Hughes according to the passage?
A.They ended up in the same orphanage for the same reason.
B.They were adopted by the same American family.
C.They worked on the same floor in the same hospital.
D.They were both qualified nurses.
2. What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Their parents were both killed in a traffic accident
B.O'Brien's adoptive family treated her in earnest.
C.O'Brien was upset by unpleasant memories but Hughes wasn't.
D.O'Brien remembered she had had a half-sister in another American family.
3. Which of the following is the best to replace the underlined word “lingering” in Paragraph 3?
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Half-sistersB.Special necklaces
C.Two orphansD.Tight bonds
2021-10-13更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Childhood is all about the slow expansion of your world, from birth when you are quite clearly the centre of the universe, through the great shock of realising, when you are about three, that you are not actually kings and queens, that there is a whole world beyond the kitchen table and the bedtime story. It’s entirely up to you to let your children know that, while they may be blessed with a loving home, a warm bed, plenty to eat, many people are not.

My oldest son, Sam, is six now and a lovely boy, thoughtful and concerned about the world, kind to his brothers and in love with nature, insects and animals. I get nervous at the fact that it is my responsibility to make him aware of the dark side of life — war, starvation, environmental disasters — part of me wants to preserve his innocence, but most of me thinks he needs to know and I should be the one to tell him.

We’ve talked a little bit, about climate change, but I find it hard to be really honest with him. I sat down with him recently, to read something that Green Books sent to me, called How to Turn Your Parents Green. I thought a light-hearted book might be an easy way to talk to him about what he’s going to have to deal with.

I asked him if he knew about climate change and he said no and then yes. I asked him if he knew what was causing it and he said: “It’s because there are more and more cars on the roads. Maybe too many planes too. Maybe trains as well, but only a little bit.” He likes trains.

I said it was because we had too many lights on too — he jumped up and turned off the light straight away.

“What do you think it means?” I asked him. “I don’t know. Is the world getting hotter? What will happen?” he asked. “Well, some people’s homes may get covered in water, and other people may not have enough food,” I said. “There might be some big storms and hurricanes.”

He was quiet and thoughtful, and I couldn’t bear to push it any further. We did some colouring instead. But later that afternoon, he came back to me and put his hand in my back pocket. “I didn’t like that book, Mum. It made me feel really worried,” he said.

I still feel upset thinking about it now.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Slow development of a child’s intelligence.
B.Better understanding of the things around a child.
C.Natural response to what happens around a child.
D.Gradual process of a child knowing more about the world.
2. How does the author feel before telling her son about the dark side of life?
A.Very sorry.B.Quite pleased.C.A little hesitant.D.Quite confident.
3. Why did Sam jump up and turn off the light?
A.He hated to talk about lights.B.His mother told him to do so.
C.Lights would cause climate change.D.He wanted to save electricity for trains.
4. Why did the author do some colouring with her son?
A.To make him less upset.B.To take a short break with him.
C.To give him some time to think.D.To develop his interest in colouring.
2022-08-31更新 | 117次组卷
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