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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:91 题号:12467047

Human-like parts have been grown on the backs of mice using 3D printing. The technique could potentially be used to construct new parts or other body parts in people without the need for surgery.

It's getting more common to see customized body parts, like jaws, ribs and spinal vertebrae built by 3D printing. But these parts must be printed outside the body before they are implanted through surgery, which carries an infection risk.

Now, Mailing Gou at Sichuan University, China, and his colleagues have shown that body ports can be 3D printed inside the body, at least in mice, without the need for surgery.

Initially, the researchers injected a “bio-ink” made of hydrogel particles and cartilage cells into the backs of mice. Next, the bio-inks were exposed to the ear-shaped patterns of near-infrared light. This critical step allowed the hydrogel particles to stick together and develop layer-by-layer into parts-shaped structures. Over the next month, the cartilage cells grew around the hydrogel structures, eventually creating structure similar to the cartilage structures of real human cars. Throughout the process, the mice experienced no significant side effects.

The famous Vacanti mouse of the 1990s also had a human-like ear grown on its back, but it was made by implanting a pre-made plastic structure seeded with cartilage cells underneath the skin, rather than 3D printing the structure directly at the site.

The researchers hope the new technique could be used to construct new ears for people born with microtia, a condition that prevents the parts from developing properly. “We are making effort improve this technique for future treatment of human ear defects,” says Gou.

The nonsurgical 3D printing technique could also potentially be used to repair damaged cartilage in noses, fingers, toes or elbows, says Derek Rosenzweig at McGill University in Canada. In contrast, hip and deep knee cartilage defects may be harder to fix, because near-infrared light usually only penetrates about 2 centimeters into the body, he says.

Gou’s team hopes to eventually adapt the technique to fix other damaged organs like the heart or lungs. However, “this will be more challenging because the heart and lungs contain multiple cell types, which are deeper in the body and are constantly contracting and relaxing,” says Rosenzweig.

1. What is special about the new 3D technique?
A.It requires new surgical methods.B.It causes unexpected side effects.
C.It produces many customized body parts.D.It allows new body parts to grow in the body.
2. According to the passage, which of the following matters most in the experiment process of Gou’s team?
A.The hydrogel particles.B.The cartilage cells.
C.The near-infrared light.D.The pre-made plastic structure.
3. What does Rosenzweig think of the technique?
A.It's life-saving.B.It needs improving.
C.It’s still impossible.D.It’s getting common.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.New Method of Constructing Body Parts.B.A Breakthrough in Treating Body Defects.
C.A New Technique Requiring No Surgery.D.Body Parts Can Be 3D-Printed Inside the Body.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A nosebleed(鼻出血) can be frightening to get or see,but try to stay calm.Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are.Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home.

If you get a nosebleed,sit down and lean slightly forward.Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less.Lean forwards so that the blood will flow out of your nose instead of down the back of your throat.If you lean back,you may swallow the blood.This can make you uncomfortable.

Use your thumb and index fingers to press together the soft part of your nose.Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops.Don’t let go for at least 5 minutes.If it’s still bleeding after that,hold it again for 10 minutes straight.You can also place an ice pack across the toe of your nose.Once the bleeding stops,don’t do anything that may make it start again,such as bending over or blowing your nose.

The most common causes of nosebleeds are dryness(often caused by indoor heat in the winter)and nose picking.These two things work together—nose picking occurs more often when the liquid in the nose is dry.Other,less common causes include injuries,colds or cocaine use.Children may stick small objects up their nose.Old people may have infections or high blood pressure.The cause of nosebleeds is often unknown.

Most nosebleeds aren’t serious.They occur in the front part of the nose and stop in a few minutes.

A few nosebleeds start in large vessels(血管)in the back of the nose,which can be dangerous.They may occur after an injury.This type of nosebleed is more common in the elderly and is often due to high blood pressure,daily aspirin use or bleeding disorders.

1. According to the text,nosebleeds ________.
A.are not frightening to get or see
B.are usually not serious and can be cured with the right method at home
C.must be treated by doctors in the hospital
D.aren’t dangerous at all
2. Which of the following is NOT the right way to treat nosebleeds?
A.Cool your nose with ice or other cold things.
B.Press your nose slightly with your fingers.
C.Lean backwards to slow down the flow of flood.
D.Lean your head forwards,just above your chest.
3. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?
A.Nosebleeds are caused by some diseases.
B.Nosebleeds are caused by the dry weather.
C.Your nose may be infected.
D.The causes of nosebleed.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It may be more dangerous if the back part of your nose bleeds.
B.Nosebleeds can cause the disease related to blood pressure in older people.
C.Nosebleeds occur to kids because of infections.
D.Many nosebleeds are not as serious as they look.
2021-11-10更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】An international team led by scientists at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has recently developed the world's first 3D artificial eye with capabilities that even outperform those of the human eyes, bringing vision to humanoid robots and new hope to patients with visual damage.

Scientists have spent decades trying to produce the exact copies of the structure and clarity of a biological eye, but vision provided by existing artificial eyes with external wires are still in poor resolution (分辨率) with 2D flat image sensors. The Electrochemical Eye (EC-Eye) developed at HKUST, however, may actually offer sharper vision than a human eye, with extra functions such as the ability to see things in darkness.

The key feature allowing such breakthroughs is a 3D artificial retina (视网膜), made of nanowire light sensors which are like the photoreceptor in human retinas. The scientists connected the nanowire light sensors to some liquid-metal wires serving as nerves behind the human-made retina during the experiment, and successfully carried out the visual signal transmission to reflect what the eye sees onto the computer screen. In the future, those nanowire light sensors could be directly connected to the nerves of the visually damaged patients. Apart from that, the artificial retina can receive more light signals and potentially attain a higher image resolution than human retina.

With further adjustment, the EC-Eye can be a self-powered image sensor, so there is no need for external power source, which will be much more user-friendly as compared with the current technology. “The current artificial eyes are still of no match to the human eyes. A new technology is in urgent need, and it gives me a strong motivation to start this unconventional project. In the next step, we plan to further improve the performance of our device. Animal and clinical trials are now being planned. I think if everything is on track, perhaps in five years, the technology will become practical,” said Prof. Fan, whose team has spent nine years to complete the current study.

1. What's the feature of the EC Eye?
A.It uses 2D flat image sensors.B.It performs better at night than in the day.
C.It is attached with external wires.D.It provides a clearer vision than human eyes.
2. What's the function of nanowire light sensors?
A.To send computer signals.B.To serve as nerves behind the retina.
C.To receive visual signals.D.To connect nerves of patients to the wires.
3. What can we infer about the EC-Eye from Dr. Fan's words?
A.It is of no match to human eyes.B.It has been improved by the team.
C.It will be in clinical trials in five years.D.It is different from the previous devices.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.EC-Eye will become popular in the near future.
B.Nanowire light sensors help people see in darkness.
C.3D technology helps to cure people of their eye diseases.
D.Scientists have developed first artificial eye with 3D retina.
2021-05-20更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Losing a baby tooth can be fun for a kid. You can put it under your pillow and look forward to finding some money there in the morning. And then you can watch your new permanent(永恒的)tooth grow in its place.

But if a permanent tooth falls out, that's a problem. There isn't another one under the gum(齿龈)that can replace it. Unfortunately, this happens to some older people. And if permanent teeth fall out or need to be pulled, an older person might need dentures.

Dentures,known as false teeth, are a set of replacement teeth for any teeth that are missing.

There are partial dentures, which take the place of only a few teeth and prevent the others from changing position. If all the teeth are gone, the person would need complete dentures,which replace every tooth in the mouth.

Dentures can cause pains at first but take little time to get used to.They also need special care. They should be brushed daily with a special denture brush and cleanser and soaked(浸泡) in denture solution when not in the mouth.

Dentures are important for the old because, without teeth, it's hard to smile, talk, and eat properly. But it can be a little weird if you see someone take out his or her dentures. It can also be strange to see someone, like a grandparent, without dentures in because he or she won't have any teeth. Try not to make fun of the person because this could cause hurt feelings.

People usually lose their permanent teeth due to periodontal disease (牙周炎), or gum disease, which is caused by bacteria that attack the gums. Diseased gums aren't strong and healthy, so teeth can get loose and fall out. Older people often have many cavities (洞) that have been filled over the years, and these fillings can weaken over time, leading to more tooth problems.

1. If one of your baby teeth falls out, you_______
A.should have a false tooth fixed in its place
B.will gain a permanent tooth in future.
C.have to put it under your pillow at once
D.can exchange it for some money
2. A person wearing dentures_________
A.will experience unpleasant feelings at the beginning
B.will spend a very long time adjusting himself or herself to them
C.should brush them with a special denture brush every few days
D.should use denture solution to soak them in his or her mouth
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Partial dentures can prevent the remaining teeth from changing position.
B.Old people will find it hard to smile, talk, and eat properly without teeth.
C.A person's teeth will possibly get loose if diseases strike his gums.
D.It is hard for a person to wear dentures if all his teeth have fallen out.
4. What does the underlined word "weird" mean in the fifth paragraph?
2020-11-16更新 | 202次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般