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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:247 题号:12949427

Our suits have four layers: thermal underwear on the inside, followed by an electrically heated bodysuit, a thick wool coat, and a half-inch-thick layer of rubber outerwear. There're two layers of hoods, waterproof gloves and 35 pounds of weights. There are two batteries for the heated bodysuit, a backup gas container, and finally, my photography equipment. We look like astronauts minus the helmets.

When we finally dive into the freezing water, we're wearing 200 pounds each. The cold quickly numbs the few square inches of exposed skin on our cheeks, and as the dive goes on, it spreads into our suits and gloves, biting even harder. It’ s almost unbearable. Toward the end, as we're pausing on our way up to let the pressure drop, we search for anything to distract us from the pain. When we finally drag ourselves out of the freezing ocean, I lie face down on the ice, my brain dulled, my skin hard and wrinkled, my lips, hands, and feet swollen and unconscious—then, as my body warms and the blood starts to flow (again), the intense pain is at its worst.

What could possibly make this worthwhile? The sight! Only a few species of seals, penguins, and other birds live in East Antarctica, and no land mammals at all. Below, it’s a rich garden. Antarctic marine life has been largely isolated from the rest of the planet for millions of years, ever since the continent separated from the other continents and froze over. Since then the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current has surrounded Antarctica from west to east, creating a sharp change in temperature that prevents the spread of marine animals. The long isolation has allowed a surprising diversity of species, unique to the region, to evolve on the seafloor.

The waters under Antarctic ice are like Mount Qomolangma: magical, but extremely unfriendly. Nothing short of full commitment gets you anywhere. The demand is too great. But that's what makes the images you see here so breathtaking, and the experience of having photographed them and of having seen this place so unforgettable.

1. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?
A.How fully prepared the divers are.B.How entertaining a diver appears to be.
C.How advanced modern technologies are.D.How heavy the astronauts' equipment is.
2. The divers suffer the greatest pain when they ______.
A.dive into the waterB.begin to resurface
C.reach the deepest spotD.regain consciousness
3. What do we know about marine species in Antarctica?
A.They can be found elsewhere on the planet.B.They have unimpressive biological diversity.
C.They experience sharp changes in temperature.D.They live relatively independently geographically.
4. What makes the diving experience in Antarctica so worthwhile?
A.The amazing scenery and pictures taken.B.The divers' devotion to the tough task.
C.The long-standing reputation of Antarctica.D.The challenging circumstances of the diving.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When I woke up on Aug.4, 2016, there was only one thing on my mind: what to wear. A billion thoughts raced through my brain in the closet. I didn't want to come off as trying too hard, but I also didn't want to be seen as a lazy and untidy person. Not only was it my first day of high school, but it was my first day of school in a new state. First impressions are everything, and it was important for me to impress the people who I would spend the next four years with.

This was my third time being a new kid. But this time was different because my dad promised that I would start and finish high school in the same place. This time mattered, and that made me nervous.

After meticulously searching my closet, I proudly came out in a dress from Target. The soft cotton was comfortable, and the ruffled shoulders added a bit of fun. Yes, this outfit was the one. An hour later, I felt powerful as I headed toward Room 1136. But as I entered, my jaw dropped to the floor.

Sitting at her desk was Mrs. Hutfilz, my English teacher, wearing exactly the same dress as me. I kept my head down and tiptoed to my seat. I made it through my minute introduction speech until she stood up, jokingly adding that she liked my style. Although this was the moment I had been afraid of from the moment I walked in, all my anxiety surprisingly melted away, and the students paid attention as I shared my story. My smile grew as I laughed with the students. After class, I stayed behind and talked to Mrs. Hutfilz, relieved to make a humorous and real connection.

Looking back four years later, the ten minutes I spent afraid of giving my speech were really not worth it. My first period of high school certainly made the day unforgettable in the best way and taught me that Mrs. Hutfilz had an awesome sense of style!

1. Why did the author care about her clothes on her first high school day?
A.She was picky about clothes
B.She followed her father's advice.
C.She wanted to leave a good impression.
D.She cared too much about her appearance.
2. The underlined word "meticulously" in Paragraph 3 probably means "
3. How did the author feel after noticing her teacher's dress?
4. Why did the author write the article?
A.To explore the tips on dressing.
B.To show her good taste in clothes.
C.To share a memorable experience.
D.To introduce her stylish English teacher
2021-01-29更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过叙述Peterson与无家可归者Matt Faris的相遇以及后续创立Faces of Santa Ana组织的故事,展示了Peterson如何通过绘画帮助那些生活困难的人,并改变了人们对待无家可归者的态度。

【推荐2】It all started with a simple question: “Can I paint your portrait?”

One day in the summer of 2015, Peterson was relaxing in his living room, reading the book Love Does, about the power of love in action, when his quiet was disturbed by a homeless man outside his apartment. Inspired by the book’s compassionate message, Peterson made a decision; He was going to go outside and introduce himself.

In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man’s name was Matt Faris. He’d moved to Southern California from Kentucky to pursue a career in music, but he soon fell on hard times and ended up living on the street for more than a decade. “I saw beauty on the face of a man who hadn’t shaved in probably a year, because his story, the life inside of him, inspired me,” Peterson recalled. Therefore, Peterson asked if he could paint Faris’s portrait. Faris agreed.

Peterson’s connection with Faris led him to form Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit organization focused on befriending and painting portraits of members of the community who are unhoused. Peterson sells the paintings for money, splitting the proceeds and putting half into a “love account” for his model. He then helps people use the money to get back on their feet.

Many of Peterson’s new friends use the donations to secure immediate necessities — medical care, hotel rooms, food. Faris used the funds from his portrait to record an album, fulfilling his musical dreams. Another subject, Kimberly Sondoval, had never been able to financially support her daughter. She asked, “Can I use the money to pay my daughter’s rent?” When the check was delivered, “They both wept in my arms,” Peterson recalls.

Peterson has painted 41 of these portraits himself. But there’s more to the finished products than the money they bring to someone who’s down and out. He’s discovered that the buyers tend to connect to the story of the person in the painting, finding similarities and often friendship with someone they might have otherwise overlooked or stereotyped.

“People often tell me, ‘I was the one that would cross the street, but I see homeless people differently now,’” Peterson says. “I didn’t know that would happen.”

1. What made Peterson start a conversation?
A.The curiosity about strangers.B.The touching story of Matt Faris.
C.The disturbance by a homeless man.D.The sympathetic message in Love Does.
2. What do we know about Faces of Santa Ana?
A.It pays the homeless salaries.
B.It is an official nonprofit organization.
C.It tries to restore the lives of Peterson’s models.
D.It spends all the money on helping the unhoused.
3. After buying a portrait, a buyer might view the homeless as ________.
A.lazy and poorB.odd but inspiring
C.disturbing and untidyD.pitiful but respectable
4. Which of the following is the best title of this text?
A.Art with Purpose: Love Account Matters
B.Hope in Paintings: Help Knows No Race
C.Faces of Compassion: Painting a New Perspective
D.Encounter with Strangers: Embracing New Friends
2024-03-12更新 | 115次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了厨师Rudolf Brand致力于通过剩余的或有瑕疵的食材来制作高品质的食物,以转变人们对食物浪费的认识和态度的故事。

【推荐3】While for many a chef, serving up the fanciest and most delicious meals is the final aim, Rudolf Brand has an extra mission: fighting food waste. He believes that with his dishes, he can have a big impact: not just on people’s taste buds (味蕾), but also on their way of thinking about food and food waste.

With 22 years of experience, including Michelinstarred restaurants in London and Amsterdam,he has seen a lot of food wasted in his career.So what is the best way to prevent this? For him,it really comes down to one essential thing: “Rather than thinking about what new meals you want to cook,look at the remnants—what’s available,and then make a menu.This is what every chef should do.”

He’s clear on his solution: “Lose that fanciness, and look at the quality of the product and the flavor,” Rudolf explains.“There are too many chefs who are trying to be too fancy.They want to have only the biggest sea fish no matter what.Or they make a dish with only the heart of the cabbage,only using the most delicate leaves and then they throw away the rest.” He shakes his head at the idea of such waste.

He knows that one of his suppliers—a local farm—is left with a growing food mountain when top Michelinstarred chefs only buy the prized cuts of meat instead of ordering the entire leg.In just three or four weeks,the farm is left with 1,000 legs of lamb in the freezer.“And that’s just one supplier,” he says.

While other chefs will only accept the best from their suppliers,if something is smaller or damaged or has a few black bits,Rudolf is still going to use it.“Just because I’ll accept produce of slightly lower quality it doesn’t mean I’m going to serve less quality.It’s my job to turn that into goodquality food on the plate,” he says.

1. What is special about Rudolf Brand’s dishes?
A.They educate the public on food waste.
B.They offer different choices to taste buds.
C.They enjoy great popularity among customers.
D.They are served in Michelinstarred restaurants.
2. What does the underlined word “remnants” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What problems do some suppliers face?
A.They fail to win big orders.B.They are loaded with leftovers.
C.They are fined for wasting food.D.They sell produce at a low price.
4. What message does Rudolf seem to convey in the text?
A.Two heads are better than one.
B.Small gains bring great wealth.
C.Constant dropping wears stones.
D.Make the best use of everything.
2023-07-09更新 | 111次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般