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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:20707417

Your brain isn’t necessarily the same age as the rest of you. Now, it may be possible to predict how quickly a person’s brain will age throughout life based on tests taken when they are 3 years old. A person’s biological age may be a better indicator of their health than their chronological age (实际年龄). Brain age can be measured using brain scans and machine learning to determine if a person’s brain looks older or younger than the average healthy brain for people of the same age.

To find out if brain age might reveal anything about a person’s health in midlife. Maxwell Elliott at Duke University in North Carolina and his colleagues assessed the brains of 869 adults in New Zealand who have undergone regular medical and cognitive testing since they were 3 years old. When the volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46, underwent MRI brain scans, the team found that their brain ages ranged from 23 to 71. Those with older brain ages performed worse on tests of cognition. memory and IQ. The researchers also measured things like cholesterol and blood sugar levels to estimate the biological age of the volunteers'bodies.

James Cole at King’s College London cautions that it will be difficult to make predictions based on a 3-year-old’s test results. “Acceleration or delay could be positive or negative.” says Cole. “If a 60-year-old has a brain that looks 70, that’s bad, but if a 3-year-old has a brain that looks 5, that might be a good thing.” The team also asked other researchers to guess how old the volunteers were based on photos of their faces. Again, the responses varied hugely with estimates coming in 20 years above and below their actual age. Those who looked older also had older brain ages. “It suggests that the outward signs of ageing are reflected by the internal signs of ageing,” says Cole.

“That doesn’t mean that all older-looking individuals will be on their way to dementia (痴呆).” says Elliott. We don’t yet have a way to treat brain ageing, but given the known benefits to the brain of healthy eating and exercise, these aren’t a bad place to start.

1. Why did Max Elliott conduct the experiment?
A.To test whether brain age might indicate a person’s health in midlife.
B.To find out if chronological age shows a person’s health in midlife.
C.To test whether a person’s brain age is younger than his chronological age.
D.To find out whether a person’s chronological age influences his brain age.
2. What can we learn about Maxwell Elliott’s experiment?
A.The 869 volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46. are all from North Carolina.
B.The volunteers have never experienced any regular medical or cognitive testing.
C.Those with older brain ages performed worse than those with younger ones.
D.The volunteer’s brain ages ranged from 43 and 46 by MRI scans.
3. Which of the following would James Cole probably agree with?
A.It has been possible to make precise predictions based on 3-year-old’s test results.
B.People’s acceleration or delay of brain ageing must be one hundred percent negative.
C.The internal signs of ageing can reflect the outward signs of ageing.
D.It is not a good thing for a 3-year-old with a brain that looks 5.
4. What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.It makes no sense to worry about such prediction too much.
B.It is urgent to treat brain ageing at once for it is a fatal disease.
C.Researchers are at a loss what to do with brain ageing.
D.Researchers have found an effective way to treat brain ageing.


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Ways to have a warm autumn

Though people have been connecting autumn with misery and loneliness since ancient times, I believe the season is better than spring," Liu Yuxi, a renowned poet from the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem.     1     Here are some ways.

Have a bowl of pear soup

With a sweet scent and honey color, pear soup is the most suitable soup for autumn, which could nourish your body and reduce the dryness in the season. Cut some pears and apples, and boil them with dates, wolfberries and hawthorns in water for about an hour. Add some honey if you want it sweeter. Enjoy!


As two flowers that blossom in autumn, rather than spring, the chrysanthemum and Osmanthus are popular not only for their colors and shapes, but also for the food and beverage made from them. Just a sip, and you can taste the beauty of autumn from the tea.

Eat "white-colored" food

Traditional Chinese culture always believes that human beings should respect nature and act according to natural changes. Food, beverage and even color of clothes should vary with the change of seasons.     3     Such series include pears, white turnip, white fungus, Chinese yam and oats.

Wear qiuku

Qiuku has become a humorous topic among Chinese young people.     4    In many youngsters' mind, qiuku is a synonym of "weak", “old” and “ugly". Yet, your bare legs, shaking on a cold autumn morning, could become a reason to get an illness. Have mercy on them and have a pair of qiuku to be strong before being stylish.

Be healthy from the bottom of your feet

In the traditional Chinese medical theory, feet are connected with the health of each organ.     5     Through massaging the acupoints on feet, many illnesses could be cured.

Another convenient way is to use Chinese medical foot patches(足贴).

A.Drink some scented tea.
B.Smell some beneficial flowers.
C.White colours usually keep you from getting dry.
D.If our human body was the tree trunk, then they would be the root.
E.It might be outdated when most young people try to show off their figures.
F.But do you know how to change the cold season into a warm enjoyment?
G.As autumn is often connected with dryness, food with white color is recommended.
2021-10-26更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】 We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit by keeping active and maintaining a regular exercise routine.     1     Yogic exercises, which have existed for centuries, are introduced here to help keep eye muscles sharp as well as relax the eyes.

Massage (按摩) your eyes. Easy to do, massage is a common treatment to relieve tension or stress.    2    . You can begin by gently massaging your upper eyelids for 10 seconds and then gently massage your lower eyelids. The soft pressure on the lacrimal glands (泪腺), which produce most of your tears, helps to stimulate tear production and wetness in the eyes. This, in turn, provides relief to tired eyes.

    3     It offers much-needed breaks and moments of relaxation for our eyes. However, it is often something most people ignored since it is such a natural activity that generally requires little thought. Not only does blinking push out dirt with tears, it also works to spread tear film evenly over your eyes.

Work out the eyes.     4     It is a good eye focusing exercise, as you have to constantly adjust how well you can focus on an object from certain distances. You can also make a figure eight with your eyes, which practices controlling the physical movement of your eyes.

Palm (手掌) your eyes.     5     Rub your palms together beforehand to produce some heat before you begin palming. Then, close your eyes and you can cover your eyes for a few minutes with cupped hands. Normally, rest in this position for 5—10 minutes.

Anyway, take a break and perform these exercises will refresh your eyes.

A.Look outside.
B.Blink more.
C.But our eyes need exercise as well.
D.It can be done very simply.
E.Practicing zooming with your eyes is highly suggested.
F.You can draw circles with your eyes.
G.It helps to improve blood circulation (循环) around your eyes.
2023-12-27更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Things You Can Do to Benefit your Brain

       A mind is a valuable thing to waste. You’ve heard the saying many times, but it truly does ring true. Your mind is your most valuable thing.    1     So here’s a list of things you can do every day to benefit your brain:
       Take a nap.
        Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, and improve your mood.     2    So take a nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one. Naps improve your brain performance, so why are you still awake?
       Do something creative just before going to bed.

    3    Take advantage! Whether you’re writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush and canvas, finding your creativity just before going to bed can yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something beautiful. Just don’t fall asleep with the brush in your hand.


Did you know that it’s actually impossible for your brain to multitask? By focusing on one task at a time, you can keep your brain working at maximum capability and accomplish more than you imagined. Find a task you need to finish and focus solely on it. Leave the phone in the other room, turn the TV off, and focus. Your brain will thank you.

       Write. Like on a real piece of paper.

Computers, iPads, tablets, smartphones and the connection to the internet everywhere means it’s becoming less and less likely that you will pull out a piece of paper and write. But research suggests handwriting makes you smarter.       5    

A.Focus on one task at a time.
B.You need to take care of it.
C.It is wise of you to make full use of it.
D.Find a task and then another before you start working.
E.When you’re tired, your brain can be more creative.
F.Even just a 15-minute nap can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life.
G.So leave the computer on your desk during your next meeting and write your notes.
2023-09-07更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般