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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.64 引用次数:105 题号:3214020
In the past hundred years, the world’s attitude toward whales has changed a lot. The animals are no longer seen as frightening creatures and worldwide protection efforts have reduced whale hunting. Through careful observation, scientists have shown that whales are generally peaceful, playful creatures, and that they have a high level of intelligence.
But even now, some behaviour of whales is still a mystery. A lot of information gathered by whale researchers has raised new puzzles about the animals. Whales’ communication is particularly difficult to understand. Male humpbacks (also known as bulls) give off a sequence (一连串) of low moans(呻吟), high screams and clicking noises. These noises are sometimes combined in songs that last as long as 30 minutes. And in a particular region, every male will sing the same song, making small changes every once in a while so that it evolves (逐渐形成) into a completely different song over time.
This behavior seems to be related to reproduction. During the mating (交配) season, a male humpback starts the long song sequence, stopping only to join a passing female whale (also known as a cow). Eventually, the bull and the cow may dive deep into the ocean, probably to mate. Male humpbacks’ songs are similar to what birds display to attract mates (配偶), except that the sound carries over many miles, attracting some other male humpbacks in the area. It’s very odd that a male would call his own competition to him, unless he actually wanted to test his strength against others. Some whale researchers believe that the songs are actually acoustic (听觉的) contests of strength.
1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.We used to have wrong ideas about whales.
B.Whales are in danger of dying out today.
C.Whales have always been considered as fierce creatures.
D.Whales are only protected in some parts of the world.
2. We can learn from the second paragraph that       .
A.male whales and female whales both sing songs
B.people can’t fully understand whales’ communication
C.people only understand the songs of male whales
D.the songs of male whales never change
3. The last paragraph suggests that male humpbacks sing songs most probably to       .
A.find their own family members
B.work together with others to hunt
C.compete against other male humpbacks
D.frighten away other male humpbacks
【知识点】 科普与现代技术


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Among the more practical advice that can be offered to international travelers is wisdom of the toilet. I do not mean those squats (下蹲) you see at the gym. No, strong glutes (臀肌) will not save you here. I mean the deep squat. This position is so stable that people in China can hold it for minutes and perhaps even hours…

Of course, squat toilet is not unique to Asia, nor is the deep-squatting position. But so common is the position in Asia and so rare it is in the West that it’s been nicknamed the “Asian squat”. Bryan Ausinheiler, a physician in California said, “The squat is a great model for a multi-segmental movement pattern. You have to fold everything up underneath you.” There’s a lot going on.

But the key factor seems to be ankle flexibility. This is also in part. Ausinheiler says, why kids have no problem squatting. “I measured my daughter’s ankle flexibility when she was one day old,” says Ausinheiler. “She has 70 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion (背屈)! Normal in the West is like 30.” So humans are born squatters; some of us lose it when we stop trying. Body shape also seems to play a role. People with the longest legs have the worst squat.

Believe it or not, no one appears to have actually studied born ability in deep squatting across ethnic groups. “You would have to take kids from the time they’re born in China and never let them do any squats to be a control group, and it’ll never happen,” says Matt Hundson, a physiologist at the University of Delaware, humorously. And finally, it may not matter. Practice and training make the bigger difference.

Some believe America’s squat problems can be blamed on toilet seats. Yet this ability that comes so naturally has been lost ----- and it’s not so easy to get it back. But the position, while doable, is not very comfortable for me.

1. Why has the deep-squatting position been named “Asian squat” ?
A.It came from AsiaB.It is widely adopted by Asians
C.It can be performed only by AsiansD.It is completely invisible in the West
2. What is the most important factor for performing “Asian squat” ?
A.Flexible ankles.B.Strong glutes.
C.Body shape.D.Ethnic groups.
3. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Studying deep squatting is not practical.
B.Asians have born ability in deep squatting.
C.It’s necessary to study newborn babies in China.
D.Everyone can do deep squatting through practice.
4. Why have Americans lost the ability of deep squatting?
A.Because it comes so naturally.
B.Because it is never got back once lost.
C.Because they rely on toilet seats too much.
D.Because they feel it impossible and uncomfortable.
2020-12-19更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You have to praise the smoothness(顺畅) of ants on the move. No matter how many of them are going toward a place, there's never a hold-up. A new research paper shows how ants keep traffic flowing by changing their behavior to meet changing conditions.

For their experiments, researchers from the University of Toulouse focused on Argentine ants, animals that often move from colony(群落) to colony depending on where the food is. Making use of Argentine ants' talent for fast travel, the researchers built bridges connecting their colonies. The bridges were different in width from a fifth to three-quarters of an inch. The colonies, too, were of different sizes, ranging from 400 to more than 25,000 ants.

Then the researchers sat back and monitored the traffic. To their surprise, even when those narrower bridges were full of ants, there were no "traffic accidents". "When the number of ants on the bridge increased, ants seemed to be able to understand the situation and adjusted(调整) their speed accordingly to avoid making the traffic flow stop. "the authors note. "Moreover, ants avoided entering a busy road and made sure that the bridge was never too packed to cross.”

The lesson for humans? The traffic problem may lie in our inability to adjust our driving habits for the good of the whole. Driving is fun when there are few cars on the road. Then the traffic moves very slowly. And yet, some impatient driver still acts like he's alone on the road.

The research suggests that projects, like the ever-widening of highways, may never free us from traffic jams. As long as we drive along with our own habits, no matter how many other people are on the road, we'll always end up in a traffic jam. Indeed, less space may actually be a good thing. It leaves less room for individual choice and forces us to take a page from the driving book of ants.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The results of the experiments.B.The purpose of the experiments
C.The preparation of the experiments.D.The requirements of the experiments
2. What does the underlined word "monitor" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.watch and check.B.seek and improve
C.design and planD.discuss and practise
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.Is widening highways a solution?
B.Why don't ants need traffic lights?
C.Can we learn safe driving from ants?
D.What can ants teach us about traffic jams?
2020-11-13更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We’re all familiar with the phrase “healthy body, healthy mind”. But for a healthy mind, we need healthy senses, too. However, if we want to make the most of our senses to enhance our wellbeing, we have to consider: more than sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. We have many other senses that add to our extraordinary human capacity for sensing.

Vestibular senses — Our vestibular system allows us to sense the direction of gravity, as well as horizontal (水平的) and vertical movement(as in a car or a lift). Research shows that a healthy vestibular system is important not only for balance but for our sense of being grounded inside a physical body; in fact, people with vestibular problems are more likely to report out-of-body experiences. They’re also more likely to get lost, because a healthy vestibular system is important for a good sense of direction.

For all of us, though, the older we get, the duller all our vestibular responses become. But we can benefit from dynamic movements that require moving the head, like those involved in climbing a tree or practising tai chi, as well as anything that challenges our balance.

Proprioception — the sensing of the location of our body parts in space-has been relatively ignored, but it’s critical for confidence in using our bodies. If you now shut your eyes, and extend a leg, it’s thanks to this sense that you know exactly where your legis. To go for a run, then, or workout in the gym, and not fall or injure yourself, you need a good sense of proprioception. Our sedentary (久坐的) lifestyles are a threat to this sense. But climbing trees, walking along balance beams, crossing stepping stones are all proprioceptively demanding, and so train this sense. You may develop such a sense by practising complex moves with your eyes shut.

Inner sensing — About 10%’of us are really good at sensing our own heartbeat without feeling for a pulse, 5-10% of us are terrible at it, and the rest fall in between. Research shows that people who are better at sensing their own heartbeat experience emotions more intensely, enjoy more nuanced (细微的) emotions, and are better at recognizing other people’s emotions, which is a critical first step in sharing another person’s emotions. Training inner sensing helps to improve our emotional wellbeing. If you can’t sense your heart beating try exercising first, because this makes it easier.

1. Why does the author suggest practising tai chi?
A.To be able to climb a tree.B.To keep healthy in one’s old age.
C.To deal with vestibular problems.D.To develop one’s vestibular sense.
2. Which of the following needs a good sense of proprioception most?
A.Shutting your eyes.B.Playing table tennis.
C.Sensing the direction.D.Recognising emotions.
3. How does the author think you can gain inner sensing?
A.By training.B.By sharing emotions.
C.By sensing our heartbeat.D.By improving emotional wellbeing.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Making the Most of Our Healthy Senses
B.Exercising Regularly to Enhance Our Senses
C.Increasing Our Human Capacity for Sensing
D.Using New Senses Instead of the Five Senses
2023-06-10更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般