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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:5368146

Have you been told you have penicillin allergy? Did your parents tell you that you had a reaction as an infant or child, so you should never take it again? Has it been so long since you had a reaction to penicillin that you don’t remember what happened? If you fit any of these descriptions or are just not sure if you have penicillin allergy, there’s good news for you: Chances are, you probably don’t have it.

Between 10 to 20 percent of Americans believe they have a penicillin allergy, but a recent study at Mayo Clinic found that only 10 percent of those people are truly penicillin allergic. In other words, 9 out of 10 people who think they have penicillin allergy are avoiding it for no reason. Even in people with documented allergy to penicillin, only about 20 percent are still allergic 10 years after their initial allergic reaction. It’s not necessarily a permanent condition.

Why is this important? Aren’t there many other antibiotics you can use if you have penicillin allergy? Penicillin has been around since 1928. Penicillin and its related medicines include amoxicillin, methicillin and amoxicillin-clavulnate. These medicines are highly effective treatments for many bacterial infections, such as strep throat and ear infections. Of course, there are alternative antibiotics, but these are often much more expensive and carry a higher risk of side effects. Typically, these alternative antibiotics are broad-spectrum, meaning they fight many types of bacteria, both good and bad. That can lead to development of drug-resistant bacteria, or deadly “superbugs”. This increases the risk for all of us in the future of not having an effective antibiotic to treat our infection.

How do you find out if you have penicillin allergy? Board-certified allergists can test you. First, the allergist will get a history from you about your possible allergy. Typical questions include: How long ago did you have the reaction? What type of reaction occurred, and how soon after you took the penicillin did the reaction appear? The testing is done on the forearm by pricking the skin with a needle. If the results are negative and there is no reaction, penicillin will be injected in the skin. These tests are not painful, and results are available in 15 minutes. A positive reaction may lead to some swelling and itching where the test was placed, which usually goes away within an hour.

In very rare cases, an allergic reaction occurs. This can include hives, swelling, wheezing and/or difficulty breathing. The allergist is trained to treat this rare condition quickly if it happens. If all skin testing is negative, you may be given an oral dose of penicillin in the office. The oral drug challenge is used to verify that you don’t have penicillin allergy. Usually, you’ll be observed in the office for 30 minutes to make sure you have no problems.

If you find out you don’t have a penicillin allergy, notify your physicians that it’s now safe for you to take penicillin. They can take “penicillin allergy” off your chart for good!

1. What can we know about penicillin allergy according to the passage?
A.Most people believe that they are penicillin allergic.
B.People with documented allergy will have it forever.
C.About 90 percent of people are truly penicillin allergic.
D.Many people with initial allergy can avoid it later.
2. Which is NOT the drawback of the alternative antibiotics?
A.They cost much more than penicillin.
B.They can treat many bacterial infections.
C.They can result in drug-resistant bacteria.
D.They also fight good bacteria when used.
3. If you have a positive reaction in skin tests, _______.
A.you can’t leave the office within an hour
B.your skin is supposed to swell and itch
C.it is not safe for you to take penicillin
D.you’ll be given an oral dose of penicillin
4. Which can replace the underlined word “verify”?
【知识点】 医疗 科普知识


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Transplant (移植) recipient John Bell knows exactly where to find his first heart-the damaged one he lived with for 72 years. It’s floating in a container of formaldehyde (福尔马林) at a large storage facility at Baylor University Medical Center, along with hundreds of other human hearts. When he returns to the hospital for a checkup with his cardiologist (心脏病专家), Bell expects to stop by to pay his old heart a visit. Why? Because at Baylor, he can do something almost no one else in the world has ever done. He can hold his heart in his hands.

“It was fairly emotional, that first encounter,” says Bell. “I can’t actually explain why.”

Bell is one of more than 70 heart-transplant patients who have participated in Baylor’s Heart-to-Heart program. It was launched in 2014 by William C. Roberts, MD. Baylor is unique in allowing transplant patients to “meet” their old hearts. “Probably 99.5 percent of hospitals throw the hearts away after they send out a report,” Dr. Roberts says. “We keep them all.” They are used for further research.

The Heart-to-Heart program happened almost by accident. With all those organs stored on the hospital’s shelves, Dr. Roberts would sometimes take a curious patient to visit his or her old ticker. But the doctor discovered that the visits could provide a kind of teachable moment. “Many of the patients are overweight, and I show them the fat on the heart,” says Dr. Roberts. “Some people have so much fat on their hearts that they float in a container of water.”

There’s a larger lesson too. “I try to stress to these people that they are very lucky. They are one of the few that get a heart,” he says. There are an estimated six million Americans living with heart failure, but only 2,000 to 3,000 receive hearts each year in the United States.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “ticker”?
2018-02-09更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Now, the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has approved two drugs that may slow the cognitive decline destroying the lives of millions of Alzheimer’s patients.

But both approvals are highly controversial. They were only based on the drugs’ ability to remove plaques (斑块), which were thought to be the underlying cause of the disease. Also, the drugs are expensive, can cause adverse side effects, and may have modest benefits. Some experts argue that the treatment benefits don’t clearly outweigh the risks.

For years, getting rid of plaques has been the primary focus of researches and drug development. But the approvals have aroused a debate over whether this is the best way to attack the disease. Many scientists note that the result so far is just two drugs with limited efficiency, and they have called for far more funding to look for other theories.

The drug the FDA approved last week, known as Lecanemab, is the first to show evidence of slowing cognitive decline in clinical trials. The other drug, known as Aducanumab, was shown to remove plaques, but was not proven to arrest the loss of cognitive ability. But Lecanemab’s promise has been clouded by the death of three patients in an extension of the study.

Matthew Schrag, a neurologist, thinks that the benefits are modest at best. The researchers used an 18-point clinical dementia rating scale to assess a patient’s memory and problem solving skills among other aspects of cognitive and functional performance; the higher the score, the worse the dementia. Those on Lecanemab scored 1.21 whereas those taking the placebo(安慰剂) averaged 1.66, which shows that those taking the drug experienced 27 percent less cognitive decline.

“The question is whether the average patient in a clinic would notice that benefit,” Schrag says. “I don’t think they would.” More importantly, it’s the drug’s safety that concerns him. “I think we’re just beginning to see the tip of the iceberg with the risks.” Schrag and others are not convinced they are central to delaying or arresting disease progression.

1. What can make the approvals controversial?
A.The drugs’ low price.
B.The drugs’ benefits of improving cognition.
C.The drugs’ effects.
D.The drugs’ ability to cause plaques.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4?
A.Lecanemab’s future is promising.
B.The two drugs are beneficial to Alzheimer.
C.Few money are needed to seek alternative theories.
D.Aducanumab can arrest the loss of cognitive ability.
3. Which of the following statements may Matthew Schrag agree with?
A.A large quantity of risks is waiting for us to explore.
B.Average patients can notice the benefits unquestionably.
C.Scientists are central to delaying the disease progression.
D.Patients receiving Lecanemab lost 27 percent of their cognitive ability.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The limited efficiency of two new drugs.
B.Researches conducted to test two new drugs.
C.The potential dangers Alzheimer’s patients face.
D.Matthew Schrag’s distinctive insight of the Alzheimer.
2023-03-20更新 | 110次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most of us trust our doctors even when they hand us a prescription for a drug we can’t pronounce. But natural, holistic (整体的) products are fully in vogue nowadays, and the Internet has created a way for non-experts to become as or more informed as their general practitioner when it comes to obscure treatment methods. “People are now more willing to take their health and wellness into their own hands,” says Danielle Hardee, a wellness advocate for Do TERRA International.

Oddly enough, until fairly recently, Hardee was not one of those people. Her first experience with essential oils came in treating her pet bulldog. After seeking suggestions for the sickly pet on Facebook, a fellow fosterer told Hardee about certain oils she could try applying to the animal’s skin. Pairing her curiosity with healthy skepticism, Hardee dove deep into researching the safety of the oils. “I was very happy with everything I found,” she says. “I started not just using them on the foster dog, but also our son, who needed the benefits of the respiratory support.” While the dog’s recovery was soon apparent, the benefits for her son were almost immediate.

The oils in question are considered “essential” not due to any proven vitality, but because they contain the essence of the plants from which they are extracted. Peppermint, lavender and citruses are among the most common on the market today, but numerous essential oils have been in use for several centuries.

After seeing how beneficial the concentrated liquids were to both the two-legged and four-legged members of her family, Hardee soon found herself teaching essential oil classes. “It became something I felt so strongly about, I had to share it,” she says. The classes quickly grew in size and geographical span and Hardee soon became an advocate for doTERRA International, a natural nutrition and wellness company.

As growing popularity pushes essential oils into the broader market, Hardee recommends curious customers proceed with caution concerning quality and purity. Hardee believes the effects of quality oils will be the evidence that helps them prevail. “I’m not a holistic health guru (专家),” she emphasizes. “I’m just seeing it with my own eyes.”

1. Why did Hardee begin to support do TERRA International?
A.Her essential oil classes quickly grew.B.She learned treatment methods on Facebook.
C.Her family benefited from the essential oil.D.She felt strongly about the essential oil.
2. Why are those oils considered ”essential“?
A.Because they are used to save people’s lives.B.Because they are taken from the essence of plants.
C.Because they are essential to patients’ recovery.D.Because they are proven to be useful and energetic.
3. What makes natural, holistic products popular according to Hardee?
A.The internet which has created a way for them to be known.
B.The effects of the products people can see with their own eyes.
C.The curiosity people have about quality products.
D.The determination of people to control their own health.
4. What is Hardee’s suggestion for curious customers?
A.They should buy those good and pure oils.B.They should choose any popular oil product.
C.They should start their own essential oil class.D.They should question the effects of the oils at times.
2023-11-28更新 | 244次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般