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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:246 题号:5533250

Ninety percent of Americans drive to work every day although working from home is on the rise. If you’re lacking for topics of conversation at a party, chatting about your commute is a pretty safe bet.

According to a recent study, driving for more than two hours each day can steadily decrease the IQ of middle aged drivers. The Sunday Times of London detailed the study, which looked into the lifestyle choices of over 500,000 Britons between the ages of 37 and 73.

When looking at the data of the 93,000 participants who drove more than two to three hours per day, the study found a noticeable dropoff in brainpower, measured by intelligence and memory tests. The study found similar results with participants who took part in several hours similarly sedentary (久坐的) activity, like television watching.

As it turns out, stimulating activity stimulates your brain, while non-stimulating activity, well, doesn’t stimulate your brain.

“Cognitive (认知的) decline is measurable over five years because it can happen fast in middle-aged and older people. This is associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking and bad diet — and now with time spent driving,” Kishran Bakrania, a medical epidemiologist at the University of Leicester told the Times.

Fortunately for most Americans, the average commute time was recorded at approximately 26.5 minutes according to the 2015 United States Census.

And if you think that the way to pump up your IQ is through brain games, think again. Just try and avoid those long hours on the road if possible, and if you happen to have free time on your commute, be sure to use it wisely.

1. According to the passage, which of the following may be of help to our brainpower?
A.Watching TV.B.Having sports.
C.Driving long time.D.Sleeping.
2. Why does the writer mention “results with people participating in similarly sedentary activities” in para 3?
A.To make a contrast.B.To give an example.
C.To make a description.D.To give more evidence.
3. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.long time drive may decrease the driver’s IQ
B.smoking and bad diet can cause cognitive decline
C.people should participate in more stimulating activities
D.an increasing number of Americans drive to work every day
【知识点】 体育健身 个人保健


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Working out for 30 minutes every day “might not be enough” to counter the health issues created by long time sitting, according to a sweeping new study.

The new study, unlike the past ones that examined sitting and formal exercise separately, ignoring light activities, involved 3702 people to find out how those all affected people’s health indices(指数).

With the data collected, researchers characterized people by how they moved. The first group dutifully exercised for a half-hour and then sat, almost nonstop, for more than 10 hours a day. Another group similarly worked out for 30 minutes and sat for long hours. But, in between, they rose often and took walks around, spending time in light activities like fetching another cup of coffee. The third group sat, uninterrupted, for up to 10 hours, but also collected an hour of exercise most days. The final group, which the researchers named “the movers,” exercised about an hour most days, while also moving lightly for about two hours more.

When the researchers cross-checked these groups against people’s current health data, the first group had the worst indices. On the contrary, the other groups were all better off and to about the same extent, with relatively improved blood sugar control and cholesterol(胆固醇) levels and about 8 percent less body fat than the first group.

“A single 30-minute, daily workout ‘might not be enough’ to reduce the downsides of long time sitting,” said Vahid Farrahi, the lead author of the new study.“In addition to a brisk(轻快的) workout, we need to move lightly and often, cleaning, taking the stairs, taking a walk in the halls or just not remaining still.”

1. How is the new study different from the previous ones?
A.It examined sitting and exercise separately.
B.It proved that light activities were ignored.
C.It took light activities into consideration.
D.It suggested working out for a half-hour.
2. What do we know from the data in the new study?
A.The first group spent a half-hour on light activities after long sitting.
B.The second group got similar improved health indices as the movers.
C.The third group collected an hour’s exercise during 10 hours’ sitting.
D.The movers got up every 30 minutes for formal exercise for an hour.
3. What light activity is suggested to go with formal exercise?
A.Reading while sitting.B.Swimming in the pool.
C.Working out in the gym.D.Walking in the gym hall.
4. What can we infer from Vahid’s words?
A.It’s better to exercise more often than half an hour every day.
B.Moving lightly and often is more useful than we have thought.
C.Working out harder and longer is better than just moving lightly.
D.A 30-minute workout has little help for long time sitting problems.
2023-07-02更新 | 464次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Skiing is one of the most rewarding sports when done right. Before giving it a go, here are a few things worth considering before enjoying it.

You’re not alone. Nobody picks it up immediately first time around. You will fall a lot and you may even think about giving up.     1     Plus, there will always be someone around to pick you up and encourage you to try again.

    2     With the help from qualified ski instructors, beginners will feel comfortable, confident and ready to learn for they know that they are in safe hands. Taking your time is key to success in learning how to ski. As long as you are clear about your capabilities and needs you will be absolutely fine.

Prepare to ski for the first time.     3     Comfort and protection are essential for successful skiing so make sure that you are wearing the right clothing. Choosing the right pair of ski boots is very important to ensure that you pick up skiing techniques quickly and practice comfortably. Always have water with you when skiing as you should be hydrated(补水) at all times to keep your energy up.     4    

Many beginners are unsure if they are required to purchase skis themselves or if they can gain access to them on-site.     5     If you would rather purchase your own skis, we would recommend asking for advice from an expert on what type of ski suits you.

A.It is not difficult to learn how to ski.
B.Most ski resorts will have skis available to hire.
C.It is always best to be over-prepared than under.
D.It may be handy to have a small backpack with you.
E.But your persistence and patience will pay off, we assure you.
F.Your feet shouldn’t have any extra room that could let the boots slip off.
G.Most experienced skiers recommend drinking as much as 1 litre of water every 2 hours.
2022-05-20更新 | 472次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】There is virtue in working standing up. It sounds like a fashion. But it does have a basis in science.

That, by itself, may not be surprising. Health ministries ask people for decades to do more exercise. What is surprising is that long periods of inactivity are bad regardless of how much time you also spend on officially approved high-impact stuff like pounding treadmills(跑步机) in the gym. What you need instead, the latest research suggests, is constant low-level activity. This can be so low-level that you might not think of it as activity at all. Even just standing up counts, for it invokes muscles that sitting does not.

Researchers in this field trace the history of the idea that standing up is good for you back to 1953, when a study published in The Lancet found that bus conductors, who spent their days standing, had a risk of heart attack half that of bus drivers, who spent their shifts on their backsides. But as the health benefits of exercise and vigorous(强度大的) physical activity began to become clear in the 1970s, says David Dunstan, a researcher at the Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, interest in low-intensity activity --- like walking and standing --- became weaker.

Over the past few years, however, interest has been excited again. A series of studies, none big enough to provide convincing evidence, but all pointing in the same direction, persuaded Emma Wilmot of the University of Leicester, in Britain, to carry out a meta-analysis. This is a technique that combines diverse studies in a statistically meaningful way. Dr Wilmot combined 18 of them, covering almost 800,000 people and concluded that those individuals who are the least active in their normal daily lives are twice as likely to develop diabetes(糖尿病) as those who are the most active. She also found that the immobile are twice as likely to die from a heart attack and two-and-a-half times as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease as the most mobile. Crucially, all this seemed to be independent of the amount of vigorous, gym-style exercise that volunteers did.

1. The surprising thing mentioned in Paragraph 2 is that ______.
A.Low-level activities are better than high-level ones.
B.Long periods of inactivity are bad to people’s health
C.The benefits of high-impact exercise are not highly approved by people
D.Strong physical activities cannot make up for the bad effects of inactivity.
2. Why did people lose interest in low-intensity activity in the 1970s?
A.Researchers didn’t devote much to studying their health benefits.
B.The health benefits of high-impact exercise were widely recognized.
C.It was believed to be unable to invoke all the muscles of the body.
D.It was proved not so effective in reducing the risk of heart attacks.
3. The findings made by Dr Wilmot ______.
A.disagreed with her assumption
B.consisted with the results of the 1953 study
C.changed her original research objectives
D.confirmed David Dunstan’s research results
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The history of the theory.
B.The benefits of standing up.
C.Low-level activity and health.
D.A series of epidemiological studies.
2019-05-22更新 | 198次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般