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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:94 题号:8829110

Every day, people come into contact with thousands of chemicals. These chemicals are said to be harmless to human health. In fact, the chemicals are considered so safe that we wash with them. We put them on our bodies and even our faces. Other chemical products are used throughout our homes.

By the time you walk out of your front door, you have already been exposed to thousands of chemicals. On its own, each chemical seems harmless. But in combination with other chemicals, they may become deadly. That is the finding of a two - year study by a high - profile task force of scientists. The task force was told to investigate the cancer - causing possibility of chemical mixtures.

Linda Gulliver was one of the 174 scientists on the task force. Their job was to study the cancer - causing potential of 85 chemicals. All 85 are said to be common in the environment.

Ms. Gulliver explains that chemicals have the potential or ability to form dangerous mixtures. Even simple minerals can become dangerous when mixed with chemicals found in plastics or beauty products.

Working in groups, the scientists explored how different chemical mixtures could lead to cancer. Ms. Gulliver’s team looked at the ability of different combinations to support the increase of malignant human cells.

She says the current way to identify whether chemicals cause cancer is to test them one at a time. This method leads, she adds, to a long list of supposedly “safe” chemicals. She and her team say that approach needs to change.

“We definitely need certain research to find out what mixtures of chemicals would be more harmful than others; what groups of chemicals, when together, would produce more harmful effects. And at the moment, that is not known.”

An estimated one in five cancers has been linked to chemical exposure. It may turn out that the cancer -causing villain is not a single chemical at all.

1. What effect may one single chemical have on us according to the text?
A.It may destroy our body.B.It may not cause danger to us.
C.It may let us suffer from cancer.D.It may let our body make a change.
2. What does the underlined word “malignant” mean?
3. According to the text, we can infer that the study
A.is just wasting time and moneyB.is still in need of great efforts
C.will cause panic in publicD.will be resisted by the public
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Mixtures of Safe Chemicals May Cause Cancer
B.Being Exposed to One Chemical Is Safe
C.How Mixtures of Safe Chemicals become dangerous
D.The Real Cause For Cancer


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Cells in our brain usually send “stop eating” signal when we’ve had enough. But after mice ate fatty foods for just two weeks, their brains’ brake on overeating quieted down. That finding may help explain the complex link between food and appetite that can become disordered when people overeat.

Food is essential to life. Our brains have, therefore, evolved a series of systems to make sure we eat enough. Garret Stuber, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington, together with his team took aim at one brain area known to be involved in eating behaviors.

This lateral hypothalamus (下丘脑外侧区) contains many diverse cells Stuber’s group looked at the behaviors of genes in the cells here. And in one type—glutamatergic nerve (谷氨酸能神经) cells—big differences appear between fat mice and lean ones.

Earlier work by Stuber’s group had suggested that these cells act like a brake on eating. When the researchers prevented these cells from firing, mice suddenly overate. They also fattened up. But it wasn’t clear how the cells’ activity changed as the mice transitioned from slim to fat.

“Obesity doesn’t just happen overnight,” notes Stuber. To find out the secret, his group undertook a new study. They fed mice high-fat food. Now and again, they’d use a fancy microscope to look at how well the animals’ glutamatergic cells could fire off signals.

Two weeks into the high-fat food—even before the mice became round – the activity of these nerve cells had slowed. It continued as the animals grew larger over a 12-week period. “The cells’ activity was going down as a function of high-fat diet. The results suggest that the high-fat diet is removing the brake on eating and obesity,” explains Stuber.

It’s hard to say whether similar cells normally control people’s appetite. Brain-imaging tests have shown that the same brain region —the hypothalamus—plays a role when people shift between hunger and feeling full.

1. What happened after the mice ate fatty foods for two weeks?
A.Their appetite was getting worse.B.Their brains became disordered.
C.They refused to eat zero fat food.D.They lacked a feeling of fullness.
2. It can be learned from the text that glutamatergic nerve cells ________.
A.are easily found in lean miceB.can prevent mice from overeating
C.function well under any conditionD.are a main part of lateral hypothalamus
3. Why did Stuber’s group undertake the new study?
A.To study the role of glutamatergic cells in mice’s fattening up.
B.To find out the link between high-fat diets and obesity.
C.To find out deciding factors in mice’s appetite.
D.To study the eating habit of fat mice.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Obesity influences glutamatergic nerves’ function.
B.Glutamatergic nerves decide people’s appetite.
C.High-fat diets lead to overeating.
D.Our brains control our food choices.
2020-07-17更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sure, chocolate is a delicious treat, and it’s a staple of some of our favorite desserts. But it’s not a health food, so it should be enjoyed in moderation-right?

Well, it turns out that eating chocolate might actually have a pretty significant health benefit. According to research conducted by five scientists in Italy, compounds found in chocolate, called flavanols, can help boost cognitive (认知的) performance. Yup, chocolate’s good for your brain.

The scientists, studying at the Universities of Rome and L’Aquila, summarized research from ten different studies. The studies assessed people’s performance on cognitive tests before and after eating cocoa or chocolate. The results were pretty telling: in nine out of the ten studies, there was a noticeable improvement after the subjects had eaten the chocolate. The scientists found improvements in “general cognition, attention, processing speed and working memory.” Sounds pretty good to us!

And that’s not all. In subjects, especially women, who performed the tests while sleep-deprived, the flavanols helped relieve the negative effects of the sleep deprivation. And there’s even more good news. The researchers also found that eating chocolate daily (over periods ranging from five days to three months) produced noticeable long-term improvements in cognition. Older adults, whose memories were already declining, saw an especially significant improvement.

All chocolate has flavanols, since they occur naturally in cocoa. However, dark chocolate lovers feel happy, because it has more flavanols than any other type of chocolate. In fact, the scientists themselves have claimed that, after doing this research, they’ve started eating dark chocolate every day!

Now, we’re not saying you should start eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner - it’s still high in sugar and low in nutrients. But next time you find yourself yawning after a sleepless night, snack on some chocolate and let the flavanols work their magic.

What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Chocolate is a beneficial but unhealthy food.
B.Eating chocolate benefits our learning.
C.Eating chocolate works on your sleep.
D.Chocolate contains low nutrients.
2018-02-09更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you have a health problem, such as high blood pressure or obesity? Did your doctor tell you that you can improve your condition with better nutrition? Do cancer, heart disease, or diabetes run in your family?    1    Meanwhile, you also need to improve your eating habits for better nutrition.

It can be hard to change your eating habits. However, you are sure to benefit from making changes to your diet if you have diseases that can be made worse by things you are eating or drinking.     2    

◆ Find the strengths and weaknesses in your present diet. Do you eat 4-5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day? Do you get enough calcium(钙)? Do you eat whole grain, high-fiber foods? If so, you’re on the right track. Keep it up!    3    

    4    If you eat a lot of fat at present, cut back and change your habits. For example, reduce any extra fat. This includes butter on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings.

◆ Keep track of your food intake(摄入量).    5    This record will help you assess(评价)your diet. You’ll see if you need to eat more or less from certain food groups.

◆ Think about asking for help from a nutritionist. They can help you follow a special diet, especially if you have a health issue.

A.Cut back on unhealthy fat.
B.Write down what you eat and drink every day.
C.Below are suggestions to improve your health
D.If not, add more of these foods to your daily diet..
E.You should eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals.
F.If your answer is yes, talk to your doctor about your health.
G.Balanced nutrition and regular exercise are good for your health.
2018-07-24更新 | 160次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般