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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:9981881

Five years ago, as a new nurse working at night-time at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut, Kelly Depanfills stopped to chat with one of her favorite patients, a middle-aged man with leukemia, a type of blood disease. He was in the hospital for treatment, but what he really hoped for was a bone marrow (骨髓) transplant. He talked about “Be The Match”, a foundation that connects patients with donors. “It made me want to see if I matched with anyone,” Depanfills says. “He said, ‘Well, get on there!’”

Depanfills was shocked at how simple “getting on there” turned out to be: all she had to do was sign up and swab (拭抹) her cheek. She just didn’t imagine she’d get the chance so quickly. Not long after being swabbed, Depanfills got a call about a possible recipient (接受者): a 6-month-old boy born without an immune system — meaning one cold could become life-threatening. Within six months, she was checked in to the hospital as his no-named transplant donor.

After the operation, she was told the recovery time was 20 days and could include pain and tiredness, but she had only some soreness. “Honestly, the next day, I went out shopping,” she says. The boy who received her bone marrow cells is now recovering well and able to run around the playground like other kids.

Depanfills was so energized by the experience that she started volunteering at registry events, and last year she started her own at Norwalk Hospital. “One couple drove 45 minutes just to get swabbed,” she says. In a single day, about 50 hoping to be donors signed up. Every year there are 20,000 people who might benefit from a bone marrow transplant. “When you say such things, people get nervous,” Depanfills says. “But I want everyone to know how easy giving this gift can be.”

1. The function of “Be the match” is to_____.
A.link donors with recipients.B.perform transplant operations
C.improve patients’ immune systemD.raise money for Norwalk Hospital
2. Which of the following statements about Depanfills is true?
A.She cured a middle-aged man.
B.She was saved by “Be the match”.
C.Her signing up for the donation was hard.
D.Her name was unknown to the recipient.
3. According to the text, we can know that_____.
A.the usual recovery time is less than 20 days
B.many people are inspired by Depanfills’ action
C.the recipient is normally free of pain and tiredness
D.there are 20,000 people every year waiting for donations
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Non-profit ProjectB.A Cure for a Blood Disease
C.A Marrow Transplant OperationD.A Caring and Can-do Donor


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Robert and Henry were going home for lunch from school when, on turning a corner, Robert cried out, “A fight! Let’s go and see!”

“No.” said Henry, “let’s go home quietly and not meddle with(参与) this fight. We have nothing to do with it, and may get into trouble. ”

“You are a coward, and afraid to go,” said Robert, and off he ran. Henry went straight home, and in the afternoon went back to school, as usual. But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him a great deal.

However, Henry knew that true courage was far more than that. He knew that he should be afraid of nothing but doing wrong.

A few days later, Robert was swimming with some schoolmates and got out of his depth. He struggled and cried for help, but nobody answered. The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of the water as fast as they could and did not even try to help him.

Robert was going down fast when Henry threw off his clothes and jumped into the water. He reached Robert just in time. With great effort, and with much danger to himself, he brought Robert to the riverbank and saved his life.

Robert and his schoolmates were ashamed of having called Henry a coward. They realized that he had more courage than all of them.

Never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do bad.

1. What did Robert want to do when he and Henry saw a fight?
A.To go away quietly.
B.To tell his friends about the fight.
C.To watch a fight that was happening.
D.To meddle with some troublemakers.
2. If someone calls you a coward, it means that ________ .
A.you can face danger by yourself.
B.you are not brave and easily scared.
C.you aren't afraid of doing anything.
D.you follow others in the face of danger.
3. What did Henry do when Robert was in danger while swimming?
A.He jumped into the water to save him as soon as possible.
B.He got out of the water and ran away.
C.He called the police to help Robert.
D.He cried for help to other boys.
4. What is the best title for the story?
A.The Meaning of True Courage
B.The Troubles of Being a Coward
C.The Common Fears of Doing Wrong
D.The Importance of Listening to Others’ Advice
2024-05-14更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】An unusual thing happened to me a few years ago. I spoke casually with a woman who served tables at a restaurant. We knew each other by first name only, but usually chatted for a few minutes each time I ate there.

“Do you have a son about eight years old?” One day, she asked me.

“What has he done?” As a mother, I thought it for a while out of my child’s safety. Then I nodded yes.

“Does he play soccer?” She went on asking.

When I said that he did, she asked if he played in a game the previous week at a particular field. Again, I answered yes.

“I thought so,” she smiled, “I saw him and thought he must be your son.”

“I didn’t know he looked that much like me!” I was amazed and said since there were tens of thousands of young boys in the city.

“Oh, I didn’t see his face,” she said, smiling as if she were keeping a secret.

“Then how did you know he was my son?” Now I was puzzled.

“I was just siting in the car, and I saw a little boy in a baseball cap walking across the field to join his team. He walks like you.”

Walks like me? Now I was curious. How do I walk? Perhaps I can’t help how I walk down a street, but I want to know how I walk through life.

Through life, I want to walk gently. I want to treat all of life: the earth and its people with admiration. I want to walk lightly, even joyfully, through whatever days I am given. I want to laugh easily. And throughout life, I think I would like to walk with more modesty and less anger, more love and less fear. If life is a journey, then how I make that journey is important, but still I wonder how I look when I walk down a street.

1. How did the author feel when she heard the woman’s first question?
2. How did the woman know that the boy was the author’s son?
A.By his age.B.By his face.
C.By his way of walking.D.By his way of playing soccer.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.The woman is the author’s close friend.
B.The woman worked in a restaurant.
C.The author’s son didn’t like the woman.
D.The author didn’t believe in the woman.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Walking through life
B.Living a peaceful life
C.An amazing woman
D.Discussing about my well-known son
2018-07-24更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Allan Guei, 18, was a star basketball player at Compton High School in the Los Angeles area before he graduated last month. His good grades made him eligible for an unusual competition: A free-throw contest in the Compton High gymnasium. The top prize: $40,000 in scholarship money.

Guei, whose parents immigrated to the United States from the Ivory Coast, knew how much that financial aid could mean for his family. He was also feeling a fair share of pressure as students and teachers crushed into the gym to watch Guei and seven other randomly compete against each other.

Guei won the free-throw contest by one basket and netted the $40,000. But it’s what he did next that’s truly astonishing.

In the weeks following the March free-throw competition, Guei learned that he’d scored a full-ride basketball scholarship to California State University---Northridge. NCAA(全国大学生体育协会)rules allowed Guei to accept the athletic scholarship and also keep most of the $40,000 he had won.

But Guei couldn’t stop thinking about the seven talented runners-up from the free-throw contest. They, too, had dreams and very real needs. So, he asked Principal Jesse Jones to make a surprise announcement at Compton High’s graduation ceremony: Geui wanted to donate the $40,000 to the other seven students.

“I’ve already been blessed so much and I know we’re living with a bad economy, so I know this money can really help my classmates,” Guei said in a statement. “It was the right decision.”

Guei elaborated on his decision to give the money away in an interview with ESPN(体育电视网): “I was already well taken care of to go to school, to go to university for free...I felt like they needed it more than I did.”

1. While studying at Compton High School in the Los Angeles area, Allan Guei ______.
A.was famous in the United States
B.made grown-ups feel very worried
C.took part in a free-throw contest
D.showed his skills in playing basketball
2. During the free-throw contest in the Compton High gymnasium, Allan Guei felt ______.
3. What made the other people astonished?
A.Guei contributed his prize to others.
B.Guei was thought highly of by Jesse.
C.Guei kept most of his scholarship.
D.Guei gained a basketball scholarship.
4. What Guei said in an interview with ESPN infers that______.
A.his family was very wealthy
B.it was very hard for him to make money
C.he was luckier than other students
D.he was always ready to help others.
5. Where can we most probably read this passage?
A.In a storybook.
B.In a newspaper.
C.In a science magazine.
D.In an advertisement.
2019-03-19更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般