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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:3627553
The owner of a large company,who was about to take a trip overseas,dropped into his office early in the morning to make some arrangements.He was telephoning for a ticket for his trip when the night watchman came in,who was back from work,and said“Good             morning”to the owner.Then he told him that he had dreamed that very night of the owner’s plane crashing after take-off.The owner was surprised to hear this.He decided,however,there was something in what the night watchman sad. He put off his trip.
As things turned out,the night watchman's dream was correct.That day the plane crashed shortly after leaving the ground. The owner sent for the night watchman and gave him 5,000 dollars and a letter.He said,“I'm very sorry to do so.But I have to do             so.Read the letter when you get home.”
The puzzled man hurried home and tore the letter in a hurry.After taking a look,he turned pale.There was only one sentence in it.And he knew that he had been fired(解雇).
1. Early in the morning the owner was ________.
A.preparing for his trip
B.waiting for the night watchman
C.thinking if he should believe the night watchman
D.writing a letter
2. The owner gave the night watchman 5,000 dollars______________
A.as extra pay.
B.as his warning
C.as a prize for his hard work.
D.to show his thanks for having saved him
3. T he sentence in the letter would probably be______________
A.“I don't want to use a man who has saved me.”
B.“I don't like a man who dreams strange dreams.”
C.“The night watchman's duty is to stay awake the whole night.”
D.“Thanks a lot for your dream.”


阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】During the winter months, it’s tempting (诱人的) to stay in a warm house to read a book or watch TV with a cup of hot tea. However, winter is one of the best times of a year to go for a walk outdoors and experience the joys of nature. Liz Nelson at the National Trust tells The Week Junior, “Going outside in the winter months is just as exhilarating as it is during the other seasons, and it has great benefits for both body and mind.

Several studies have shown that spending time in nature can be good for people’s health. One study from 2019 showed that spending at least two hours a week in nature could have a positive (良好的) effect. It doesn’t matter whether you divide the two hours into shorter walks in a local park or spend an afternoon in a forest. Walking in the fresh air and spending time in nature can be relaxing and make people feel calmer and less worried. It is also a time to put away computers and phones and forget about homework. It is a great way to spend time with family and friends.

“Winter is a perfect time for exploring,” Nelson says. “The roads are often quiet and the lack of leaves on the trees are more impressive (令人赞叹的) than usual. “Walking in colder weather is often weather, just bad clothes”, which means that as long as you have suitable clothes, you can face the colder weather. However, if it is really cold, raining hard or there are strong winds, wait for better weather before heading out for a walk.

1. What does the underlined word “exhilarating” mean?
2. The writer might agree that people should ______.
A.walk in a park for two hours every monthB.walk in a forest for over 2 hours every week
C.spend at least two hours at home every dayD.spend less than two hours in nature every week
3. According to the passage, going for walks in nature makes people ______.
a. feel good and relaxed              b. have less stress
c. fail to hand in homework on time       d. have a fun time with family and friends
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.People should walk outside no matter how cold the weather is.
B.People shouldn’t go for a walk if there is a little rain outside.
C.People can walk outside in cold weather if they have suitable clothes.
D.People can’t walk outside if their clothes are not beautiful enough.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Why to go for walks in winter?B.How to prepare for winter walking?
C.Who to walk with in winter?D.Where to go for walks in winter?
2023-04-26更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Several years ago, I experienced a headache that made me want to hit my head against the wall. I tried many ways, but nothing worked. In my hopelessness, my father suggested acupuncture (针灸).

With a little hope, I went into a Chinese medicine hospital. After hearing my problem, the doctor placed three fingers to feel my heartbeat. I was then guided to a room and told to lie down. Soon, the doctor took out the needles (针), and that made me feel a little afraid.

I was surprised that the treatment (治疗) didn’t begin on my head but on the back of my hand. As the doctor gently acted the needles, I got the feeling that something was moving throughout my whole body.

The doctor then continued to act more needles across my body. The electricity (电源) was turned on, and the doctor left the room. While lying still, I could sense the electricity moving throughout me. Around five minutes later, the doctor returned and changed the electricity level. Later, the doctor turned off the electricity and lifted the needles. The treatment lasted for about 20 minutes. The doctor then gave me some Chinese medicine to drink for 7 days.

I went to the doctor for a total of 10 times, and each time the same thing was repeated and the same medicine was given.

I got out of my headache for two years. I now prefer acupuncture. If you’ve experienced similar problems, I highly suggest trying it.

1. How did the writer feel about the needles at the beginning?
2. How many times did the writer go to the doctor?
3. Which of the following is the right order of the treatment?
①Give Chinese medicine.             ②Turn on the electricity.
③Change the electricity level.             ④Act the needles on the hand.
2024-06-04更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When McGregor went surfing (冲浪), he left his pet goat Goatee at home. But Goatee cried all the time, so McGregor took her to the beach and taught her to surf. To his surprise, Goatee surfed well. Then he always takes Goatee to his surf camps.

McGregor, 42, works as a coach (教练). He now teaches children how to surf. Goatee helps children not to be afraid of water. When Goatee goes surfing with kids, many people watch on the beach, taking photos and videos. 10-year-old Mileah is one of McGregor’s students. He said, “I was scared at first, but I think it’s really fun after I keep on doing it.”

“We are just trying to bring hope to people’s hearts through surfing. You can feel free,” said McGregor. “So I want everyone to have a try.”

1. How did McGregor feel when he found Goatee surfed well?
2. What do people do when they watch Goatee surf?
A.Take photos and videos.B.Sing and dance.C.Surf with kids.
3. What did Mileah think of surfing at first?
4. Which is NOT true about Goatee?
A.Goatee is ten years old.
B.Goatee is helpful to McGregor’s students.
C.Goatee often goes to McGregor’s surf camps.
2022-01-22更新 | 41次组卷
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