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任务型阅读-补全句子(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。

In 1988, Wang Chengbang retired (退休) from the army. Instead of enjoying a relaxing life, he volunteered to save the soil from desertification (沙漠化) by planting trees in Korla, Xinjiang.

It is not an easy job. The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone to work day after day in the sunshine. Besides, water is a big problem. In fact, Wang Chengbang’s work in the first few years failed as very few trees survived (存活). But Wang Chengbang would not give up.

He worked out new ways to save water. With his hard work, more and more trees have survived. So far, he has planted more than 1.5 million trees. Now, Korla is a model city in environmental protection.

Wang Chengbang is also successful in fighting against cancer (癌症). In 2005, he had cancer and was told that he had only six months to live. However, he continued taking care of his trees rather than lying on the hospital bed. Now, at the age of 85, Wang Chengbang is still working.

1. After retiring, Wang Chengbang volunteered to save the soil from desertification by __________ in Korla, Xinjiang.
2. It’s __________ for Wang Chengbang to plant trees because of high temperature and water problem.
3. Wang Chengbang has planted ____________________ trees so far.
4. Wang Chengbang is also ____________________ in fighting against cancer.
5. Though he was ill in 2005, he continued __________ rather than lying on the hospital bed.
2022-06-08更新 | 158次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年天津市红桥区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
短文填空-首字母填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文主要介绍了“Mercy Ships”的组织为许多不同地方的患者提供现代医疗服务。
2 . 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。

As a 3-year-old in West Africa, Aliou was sitting by a fire when his quilt (被子) caught fire. One of his arms was b    1     burned. He needed surgery (手术), but his family couldn’t a    2     it. Then one day, Aliou’s grandmother heard about a ship that was travelling around Africa and p    3     free medical care. She took Aliou to the ship, and doctors straightened (把……弄直) his arm with surgery. The medical treatment changed Aliou’s life.

The ship that helped Aliou belongs to an organisation (组织) called Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships sends ships with medical equipment (设备) around the world, mainly in Africa now. Trained doctors volunteer to travel on these ships and perform free surgeries on people who n    4     them.

Medical c    5     are very poor, and it can cause more problems than just pain, although pain is bad enough. People with health problems are sometimes ostracized (排挤) by their community. That can also prevent (阻止) children from going to school and adults from working.

Mercy Ships wants to make a change in the communities its ships visit. It has medical equipment and e    6     better hospitals. Its medical volunteers o    7     training to local doctors. They also teach local farmers how to farm their l    8     better. This helps save many people from hunger.

Treating patients on a ship has several a    9     compared with land-based hospitals. About half of the world’s population lives near the c    10    . Ships can bring modern health care to patients in many different places. Also, ships have their own electricity and running water. So they can give a safe environment to patients.

By treating people and training communities, Mercy Ships is making life better for people in poor areas around the world.

2022-06-08更新 | 244次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年天津市河北区中考二模英语试题
3 . 根据对话内容,从文后选择恰当的选项将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。
A: Peter, it looks like you’ve been busy these days.     1    
B: I’m volunteering to teach children football.
A: Oh, sounds interesting.     2    
B: After school.
A: I know you are good at playing football, so you can teach them.
B: Yes, I am interested in teaching them football.
A: Why do you enjoy doing so?
B: Because I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.
A: Sounds great!     3    
B: No, I won’t. It usually takes me no more than an hour to teach them and I can do my homework after dinner. It makes me happy to be able to help others.     4    
A: I’d love to, but I don’t have time this week.
B: What a pity!
A:     5     He likes football, too.
B: That’s a good idea. I’ll talk to him about that.
A.Who likes football?
B.What are you up to?
C.You can invite Jimmy.
D.When do you teach them?
E.Would you like to join me?
F.But don’t forget your homework.
G.They could volunteer at weekends.
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . My name’s Ella, and I’m 22. Last year I went to Thailand for two weeks with my sister Josie. We went to help as part of a group of volunteers at an elephant sanctuary (大象保护区)—a place where people look after sick and saved elephants.

One of our main jobs at the sanctuary was to collect the elephants’ food. Elephants eat huge amounts of grass and banana plants, so collecting this took most of the day. After that, we also helped wash the elephants in the river using big brushes and soap. I found that so much fun, even if I got wetter than the elephants did! The part of the day I most looked forward to was the evening. By the light of the moon, we led the elephants on foot into the forest area where they spent the night.

All the volunteers stayed in the same house. The meals were delicious and included meat and fish, which both of us liked best. After dinner, all the volunteers spent the evenings talking, singing and dancing.

Now we’re back in the UK. Josie doesn’t often talk about Thailand. I think her heart is full of sorrow that she didn’t make good use of her time there because she was missing her friends too much. But when she looks back, she can see how lucky she was to go there. Maybe she’ll go back one day—I certainly will!

1. How long did Ella and her sister stay in Thailand?
A.About a week.B.About half a month.C.About a month.D.About two months.
2. What is the right order of the following activities?
①Cleaning the elephants.
②Collecting the elephants’ food.
③Walking with the elephants.
3. When Ella and Josie stayed at the sanctuary, they were happy with ________.
A.the food they ateB.the bed they slept on
C.the house they lived inD.the games they played
4. The word “sorrow” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”.
5. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.My special love for games.B.A great volunteer experience.
C.How to raise animals.D.How to volunteer in UK.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文主要讲述著名小说家Franz Kafka在柏林的一个公园散步时,遇到一个丢了娃娃而哭泣的女孩,于是一直写信安慰小女孩的事情。

5 . One day, Franz Kafka, the famous novelist, was taking a walk in Steglitz Park in Berlin. He saw a young girl crying ________ she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka ________ the doll but they didn’t find it. Kafka told her to meet him there the next day.

The next day, they looked again, but ________ didn’t find the doll. Kafka gave the girl a (n) ________ “written” by the doll that said, “Please don’t cry. I have gone on a trip to see the world. I’m going to write to you about ________ adventures.”

Then began a story that continued to the end of Kafka’s life.

When they ________, Kafka read aloud his carefully written letters of the doll’s adventures. The girl found them quite ________ and laughed a lot. Finally, Kafka read her a letter that brought the doll back to Berlin and he ________ her a new doll. “This doesn’t look like my doll,” she said. Kafka handed her another letter that explained, “My trips have ________ me.” The girl hugged the new doll and took it home with her.

A year later, Kafka died.

Many years later, the grown-up girl ________ a letter in the body of the doll by accident. It said, “Everything you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.”

A.looked forB.looked atC.looked throughD.looked after
2022-06-08更新 | 140次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年天津市河北区中考二模英语试题
书面表达-材料作文 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . 每段人生都有永不褪色的回忆。回首初中三年时光,你学习,运动,旅游,交友,有快乐,有悲伤,有感动,有惊喜,有骄傲。请你根据以下要点提示,以“A meaningful thing”为题,给你校英文校刊投稿。


A meaningful thing

One day last summer vacation, my friends and I ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2022-06-07更新 | 236次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年天津市和平区中考三模英语试题
短文填空-首字母填空(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文主要介绍了小女孩Genesis Bulter为保护动物和环境所做的努力。
7 . 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。

Genesis Bulter has been a vegan (素食主义者) since she was 6. Now 15, her goal is to protect animals and the e    1    , and she has been calling on other kids to join this effort.

“When I first b    2     a vegan, I knew animals were being killed to produce food. Then I found out how eating too many animals was d    3     harm to our planet as well. I wanted more people to know that w    4     they’re eating animal products, they’re making a c    5     that affects (影响) how the future will be for everyone,” she said to Time for Kids.

To spread her idea, Genesis made a speech for the TEDx program at the age of 10, becoming one of the youngest TEDx speakers ever. B    6    , she supports projects like providing plant-based meals to hospitals and putting a stop to animal testing.

In 2020, Genesis started her o    7     nonprofit organization (非营利性组织), Genesis for Animals, which raises money to support animal sanctuaries (收容所) a    8     the world. What’s more, she led Youth Climate Save, a campaign (运动) that asks people to r    9     buying animal products. “It’s i    10     that kids speak up, because it shows that a young hero can also work to make a difference in the world.”

书面表达-材料作文 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . 当今社会,绿色环保已成为我们关注的重要话题。假如你是光明中学的学生林涛,去年夏天参加了“爱无限,绿无边”环境保护活动。请根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文,描述该经历,并表达自己的想法。







参考词汇:传单 leaflets       分类 separate       感谢信 a thank-you letter


(1)词数: 80~100个。



People are caring about environment around us. It’s our duty to protect environment.

Last summer, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2022-06-07更新 | 189次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年天津市滨海新区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 .

Two men were staying in the same room in a hospital. One man was so sick that he could not even move his body or look around the room. The other man could move, but was also very ill.

Over time, the two men became good friends. They shared lots of things together and even talked about what they hoped to do after they got better. But there was one thing about the room that was special for both of them. The man who could move would look out of the room’s only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend. He told him about the people walking by, the weather—anything that might interest a man who had not seen the world beyond his bed for some time.

One day, when a nurse came to check on the two men, she found that the man who often looked out of the window had died in his sleep. Sadly, she informed the other man that his friend had died and called for nurses to take the dead man away. The other man asked to be moved to the dead man’s bed so that he could look out of the window himself. The nurses moved him to the other bed. However, the man found that there was no window at all—just a blank wall.

The nurses explained that the dead man had been blind. He had never actually seen anything outside the window at all – but he described beautiful scenes to encourage his friend. Sometimes all we need in life is a little encouragement—even if it comes from an unlikely place.

1. How did the man who could move encourage his roommate?
A.He shared his life experience with his roommate.
B.He described what he saw from a “window”.
C.He took his roommate outside.
D.He told jokes to his roommate.
2. What do we know about the man who died first?
A.He died of cancer.B.He gave the other man hope.
C.He was deaf.D.He was moved elsewhere before he died.
3. Clark wanted to move to the bed next to the window because ________.
A.he missed his friend very muchB.the bed there was tidier than his
C.he wanted to look at the world outsideD.he felt worse and worse
4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dale was blind.
B.Dale died in his sleep.
C.Dale tried to help his friend feel better.
D.The nurse didn’t know that Dale was blind.
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The man who is blind.B.Find encouragement in unlikely places.
C.Good friends.D.Never tell lies.
2022-05-27更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年中考英语考前信息必刷卷(天津卷)-03(含听力)
短文填空-首字母填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A small restaurant in Beijing has warmed people’s hearts for a special set meal(套餐) offered for free to those in need.

The “Set Meal A” offered by the food shop includes a bowl of beef noodles, which costs 22 yuan. The meal is o    1     for free to people in need, like homeless people, cleaners or fresh graduates with little money. “Set Meal A” is like a magic phrase, which is designed to secretly help the people in need without harming t    2     dignity(尊严).

Yu Chenghao, the o    3     of the restaurant, said he came up with the idea of offering free food because of his own e    4    . In 2012, Yu was still a college student in Kunming. One day, he lost his wallet and felt helpless w    5     no money at hand. He walked along the street with an empty stomach unhappily. L    6    , an owner of a nearby rice noodle shop saw Yu and offered him a bowl of rice noodles for f    7    . A    8     the meal, the owner gave Yu five yuan to help him go back to school.

Yu said he was deeply moved by the shop owner’s kindness. He s    9     running the restaurant two months ago, and he decided to help people in t    10     by offering them free meals in the same way. After the poster was hung outside the restaurant, many people came to order Set Meal A, and still paid for the food to show their support for Yu’s charity work.

2022-05-22更新 | 222次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年天津市西青区中考二模英语试题
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