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选词填空-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

sad   much       at   though   idea     feel   raise start   what   one

Jane is a warm-hearted girl. She is only ten years old, but she has great     1     of helping other kids.

Jane took part in a winter camp     2     the age of eight. During her stay in the camp, she went to visit some kids in poor areas and was     3     to notice that the kids there didn’t have new clothes to wear and toys to play with. After she came back home, she kept thinking about     4     to do to help those kids.

One morning, Jane saw some elder kids selling lemon juice by the street. They wanted to     5     money to help their friends. Then she had a good idea.

Jane’s mom understood her and helped her to set up her     6     lemonade stand (柠檬水摊位). In a week, it made $52 in all.     7     it was only a little money, she helped 12 kids with it! She     8     very happy when she saw smiles on their faces.

After that, her mother helped her start a program (计划) called Jane’s Lemonade for Love. Up to now, she has already raised     9     than $17,000 to the poor kids! She will spend the money on clothes, toys and books.

A big thing always     10     with many small things. When we are starting doing something small, we are making a big difference to this world.

2024-05-20更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市宜阳县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
2 .
start, ride, name, fast, go, excite, come, write, raise, cycle

Many Chinese like cycling and they often go to work or school by bike. A British man     1     Mark Beaumont also loves cycling. But different from others, he would like to go farther. Recently, he has finished his journey (行程) and become the     2     person to cycle around the world.

This 25-year-old British man     3     his journey in Paris last August. From then on, he spent 195 days and 6 hours     4     18000 meters through 20 countries.

It’s not an easy     5     for Mark. During the journey, he met floods (洪水), robbers (强盗), traffic accidents and so on. But all these difficulties didn’t stop Mark from     6     on. He made it at last. The journey not only made Mark a new Guinness World Record (吉尼斯世界纪录) holder, but helped him     7     thousands of pounds for charity (慈善).

Mark was     8       about his success and he planned to     9     a book about his journey. “I hope to encourage (鼓励) other young people to try their best to make their dreams     10     true.”

2024-05-18更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市西峡县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Volunteers Wanted

SOS Children’s Village

Five English teachers are needed
Outgoing with a loving heart
Spend one week a month
Tel: 636-2788

Home Love

Help old people repair things
Have skills in repairing
Spend thirty hours a month
Tel: 593-6655

Blue Water Beach

Ten people are needed
Be interested in protecting the environment
Collect and carry rubbish
Clean up the beach every Saturday morning
Tel: 720-8956

Sunny Children’s Hospital

Two people are needed
Be good with kids
Play fun games with kids
Spend four days a month
Tel: 593-6607
1. SOS Children’s Village needs ________ volunteers.
2. Home Love needs volunteers to ________.
A.teach kids EnglishB.collect and carry rubbish
C.play games with kidsD.help old people repair things
3. If you want to volunteer for Blue Water Beach, you must work there every
A.Saturday morningB.Sunday morningC.Saturday afternoonD.Sunday afternoon
4. If Helen is interested in Sunny Children’s Hospital, she can call _______.
5. The passage is probably from a ________.
2024-05-18更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省商丘市柘城县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)

4 . 生活中处处充满阳光的温暖,有付出也有回报,有帮助也有感恩。请以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英语短文,讲一讲你曾经帮助别人或别人帮助过你的一件事情以及你的感受。


Helping others is happy

2024-05-18更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省漯河市召陵区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Helping others in need is an important part for children’s growing up, so many high schools ask their students to spend a certain number of hours volunteering in order to graduate.     1    

Help kids learn and grow.     2     You can also take part in an after-school sports program. These are great ways to get to know kids who have special needs.

Do something over the holidays. Volunteer at your local food bank, or give toys to kids who need them.

    3     Most centers often need many volunteers to look after the cats and dogs. And to become a volunteer there, you must love animals very much.

Protect the environment.     4     There are many things you can do, such as cleaning the river, planting trees and using less paper.

If you have more than one thing you love, find a way to put them together.     5     You can play some art games with them. After volunteering for some time, you will be surprised to find that great changes are coming to your life.

A.Work at a local animal center.
B.So what can you volunteer to do?
C.Become a Big Brother or Big Sister for them.
D.Join a group and help protect the environment.
E.If you love kids and are good at art, visit your local children’s hospital.
2024-05-18更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市泌阳县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-材料作文 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . 假如你校英语社团本月的主题活动是讲述自己一次难忘的帮助别人的经历,请你根据以下提示,以“An experience of helping others”为题写一篇英语短文,为此活动做准备。

1. 这次经历发生的时间、具体内容及原因;
2. 你如何帮助别人(每天和他们练习说英语⋯⋯),结果如何;
3. 你的感想。
1. 内容积极向上,包含题目所有要点信息,可适当发挥以使行文流畅;
2. 文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
3. 词数100左右(短文首句已给出,不计入总词数)。

An experience of helping others

I have ever had some experiences of helping others.

2024-05-15更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市正阳县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
7 . 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

become       spirit     know     happy     until     proudly     with     her     work     be

Lyu Yun’e is 88 years old. Saving people’s lives is the     1     thing for her to do. She has done that for the past 70 years.

Lyu once     2     at a hospital as a doctor. After retirement (退休) in the 1990s, she kept on working in the neighborhood for free.

Though an old person     3     , Lyu works at the old people’s care service center every week. She is in good     4     and she can remember things well. “I keep health records of all old people here in my mind,” she said.

Once, a neighbor Mr. Liao was sick. Lyu visited him from time to time     5     he got well. “I must thank her for her good care and excellent health advice,” Mr. Liao said. In fact, Lyu is more helpful than people know. Some families in the neighborhood are poor and they don’t have money to buy medicine. When Lyu     6     about it , she bought medicine for them. Lyu’s husband was a teacher. Now he helps children from poor families     7     English learning. It’s free, too.

“It’s great to     8     able to work after retirement. I am ready for     9     a health guardian (保卫者) of the neighborhood, ” Lyu said     10    .

2024-05-15更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市正阳县2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Six-year-old Mia Rabii is from California. She didn’t expect to become a ________ when she went for a walk with her mum recently. But when some strangers called out for ________, Mia and her mum ran to their side.

It turned out that some ducklings had gotten stuck and the people who found them were unable to ________ them. But luckily for the ducklings, Mia had just what it took to bring them to safety. Now the six-year-old’s ________ act is being talked about around the world.

It all ________ when a family found a mother duck walking with only one duckling. The father duck was nearby, but ________, there were no other ducklings following them. ________ the family knew that ducks often travel in flocks (群), they realized that something was probably ________.

Then suddenly, there were strange ________ coming from a drainage pipe (排水管). They were the cries of ducklings. It turned out that the other ducklings had ________ into the pipe and gotten stuck. Unluckily, no one in the family had enough slim ________ to reach down and pull out the ducklings—but luckily, there was a hero nearby.

The family ________ Mia and her mum, who rushed to them at once. The family filled Mia and her mum in on what had happened, and Mia decided to take a ________ action and try to bring the ducklings to safety.

Mia put her arm down into the darkness and carefully ________ the first duckling. Mia then rushed back to save the ________ duckling. And the next…until she had brought all eight ducklings to safety.

After Mia saved the little creatures from danger, the overjoyed mother duck went off with her beloved ducklings.

A.shouted toB.laughed atC.listened toD.nodded at
2024-05-15更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省周口市郸城县五校联考中考一模英语试题
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

Sarah, a Grade 9 student, had always wanted to make a difference in her community. When she heard about a local volunteering activity at a ______ bank, she actively signed up. The food bank was in need of ______ to help sort (分类) and pack food donations (捐赠) for families in need.

On her first day of volunteering, Sarah was ______ with another volunteer named Alex. Together, they worked well and quickly, sorting cans and boxes of food into different kinds. However, as they were working, they overheard a conversation between two members. They said the food bank was ______ of supplies (供给) because of the increasing need.

Sarah and Alex ______ at once. They brainstormed ideas on how to raise awareness and gather more donations for the food bank. They decided to ______ a food drive at their school, reaching out to classmates and ______ to donate the food that doesn’t go bad easily.

The school community really ______ the activity. Boxes and bags of donations poured in every day, filling up the donation bins at the school gate. Sarah and Alex worked ______ to collect and organize the donations, feeling thankful for the support they were receiving.

After a week of collecting donations, Sarah and Alex ______ the supplies to the food bank. The members were ______ by the food they had gathered. And then they expressed their ______ for their hard work.

Although their work was not easy at all, Sarah and Alex felt happy ______ they not only helped provide much-needed supplies to families in need but also raised awareness about hunger in their community. They learned that ______ actions can make a big difference and felt proud of their contribution.

As Sarah thought about their volunteering experience, she realized that even as a Grade 9 student, she had the power to create a ______ change in her community. She knew that she would continue to volunteer and give a hand to those in need.

A.gave wayB.made senseC.took actionD.lost heart
2024-05-15更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省平顶山市中考二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文主要讲述了一位真实的小英雄Ewan Drum乐于助人的事迹。

10 . A boy called Ewan Drum has always liked superheroes. He admires how they help people. At the age of seven, he told his parents, “I want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless.” A few months later, Ewan’s family planned a day of giving. Wearing his red superhero costume (服装), Ewan happily helped pass out 70 bags of free lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit, Michigan. That’s how Super Ewan was born.

Words spread about Ewan’s good deeds (事迹). People gave away money and something else, and Ewan handed them out to those in need. When someone gave away bottles of water, Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more. They took the water to Flint, Michigan, a city that had unsafe drinking water. Another time, a business gave away six turkeys for Thanksgiving. With his parents’ help, Ewan used social media (媒体) to ask for more turkeys, and side dishes. “In the end,” he says, “we handed out 64 turkey dinners to families all around Detroit.”

Ewan has a belief in his heart: Everyone can be a superhero to someone. At an event called the Hero Round Table, Ewan told the listeners, “It’s not difficult to help people in need. Every little thing helps and can make someone feel happy.”

1. How did Ewan get the name of Super Ewan?
A.Ewan was helped by a superhero.
B.Ewan wore the superhero costume to school.
C.Ewan gave out free lunches to hungry people.
D.Ewan helped build houses for homeless people.
2. What did people think of Ewan’s deeds?
3. Why do Ewan and his family take the water to Flint?
A.It’s a place that is short of water.
B.People there are the poorest around America.
C.People there don’t have safe and clean water.
D.There are many hungry people in that city.
4. Who helped Ewan use social media to ask for more turkeys and side dishes?
A.His friends.B.His parents.
C.His classmates.D.His neighbors.
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.The real superheroB.A special day of giving
C.Turkey dinners in DetroitD.A dream in Ewan’s heart
2024-05-15更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省商丘市夏邑县多校联考中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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